TGITR :: Volume #11

#1070: Deep concealed merit and name

Chapter 1070 deep conceals merit and name 第1070章深藏功与名 The 《Wasteland Online》 official site, to the post bomb the entire forum per second ten pages of speeds brushed the screen! 《废土OL》官网,以每秒十页的速度刷屏着的帖子轰炸了整个论坛! Except that a small part score a lucky hits guessed the truth talent, almost all people were given the shock by this astonishing fact. 除去一小部分歪打正着猜中了真相的“天才”,几乎所有人都被这惊人的事实给震惊了。 wasteland world unexpectedly real?! 废土世界竟然是真的?! This game is also too real...... not, accurate, isn't this game from the beginning the game?! 这游戏也太真实……不,准确的来说,这游戏从一开始就不是游戏吧?! Had the considerable amount of few people brain direct down. 有相当数量的一部分人大脑直接宕机了。 But person who the brain does not have the down, why also understands 《Wasteland Online》 npc finally only then a life, «Player Handbook» will have so many harsh even weird rules...... 而大脑没有宕机的人,也总算是明白为什么《废土OL》的npc只有一条命,《玩家手册》里会有那么多苛刻甚至于奇葩的规则了…… Quit Smoking: fuck! shit shit shit fuck!” 戒烟:“卧槽卧槽卧槽卧槽!” Ye Ten: ——???” 夜十:“啊啊——???” Fierce Wind: So that's how it is...... is the real world. Then, the counting error estimate of Planck's constant was in fundamental particle size on, really broadened the outlook. 😅 狂风:“原来如此……本来就是真实的世界。这么说来,普朗克常数的计算误差估计是出在了‘基本粒子尺寸’上,真是大开眼界了。(苦笑) Canyon Fleeing From Mole: Can speak the logical expression?( Perspiration)” 峡谷在逃鼹鼠:“能说人话吗?(流汗)” Fierce Wind: „The logical expression was...... this game also is too real.” 狂风:“说人话就是……这游戏也太真实了。” Thrashing By Water's Edge: —— 边缘划水:“噗—— Tail: Giao! In other words did Tail really save the world?!( Shock)” 尾巴:“giao!也就是说尾巴真的拯救了世界?!(震惊)” Is Long: Strict sense, all of us saved the world.” 方长:“严格意义上来讲,我们所有人都拯救了世界。” Ye Ten: Wait......, therefore my object actually isn't the slip of paper person?!( Afraid)” 夜十:“等等……所以我对象其实不是纸片人?!(心虚)” Old White: „It is not good?( Grins)” 老白:“不是挺好的吗?(龇牙)” Is Long: „Do you discover to the present?( Squint)” 方长:“你到现在才发现吗?(斜眼)” Ye Ten: Gan!!! I special intertwined is so long white/in vain!” 夜十:“淦!!!我特么白纠结那么久了!” Is Long: Not necessarily is the misdemeanor, at least in this process you grew.” 方长:“未必是坏事,至少在这个过程中你成长了。” Fierce Wind: Words said when you do discover?” 狂风:“话说你是什么时候发现的?” Is Long: A little time......, although I also once think that she is the artificial intelligence, but finally the proof is actually not.” 方长:“有点时间了吧……虽然我也一度以为她是人工智能,但最后证明其实并不是。” Battlefield Mood Group: „...... Has mixed feelings, is unable to express.” 战地气氛组:“……心情复杂,无法表达。” I Am The Darkest: Forget it, this sand Bi corners of the mouth have curled upwards the space to go, but have mixed feelings.( Supercilious look)” 我最黑:“得了吧,这沙币嘴角已经翘到天上去了,还心情复杂呢。(白眼)” Battlefield Mood Group: Gets the hell out, you does not understand!” 战地气氛组:“滚蛋,伱懂个屁!” Big Eye In Debt: Person who wait/etc, in that game kills......( afraid)” 负债大眼:“等等,那游戏里杀的人岂不是……(心虚)” Is Long: Obviously real, but probably is because cognition filters mirror, will surpass withstands the spiritual stimulation of limit to be shielded. Is rich except for some inner worlds or the excessively sensitive player, the death the fear and repel to obvious that will not display.” 方长:“显然是真的,不过大概是因为‘认知滤镜’,超出承受限度的精神刺激会被屏蔽。除了一些精神世界过于丰富或者过度敏感的玩家,对死亡的恐惧和排斥并不会表现的很明显。” Although most players have been used to the death in game, but not everyone can achieve being unafraid of death in complete significance as well as is not afraid. 虽然绝大多数玩家都已经习惯了游戏中的死亡,但并不是所有人都能做到完全意义上的视死如归以及毫不害怕。 In fact, any one group of rookies have lawless and guts specially young fellow. 事实上,无论是哪一批新人都存在无法无天和胆特别小的家伙。 But this and reality character as well as personality, story and other aspects in have the relations. 而这和现实中的性格以及人格、阅历等方方面面都有关系。 The cognition filters the mirror only to achieve to the deactivation of sense, cannot turn into the brave person a timid person. 认知滤镜只能做到对感官的钝化,并不能将一个胆小的人变成勇敢的人。 However, although the cognition filters the mirror unable to achieve this point, but many players obtained the growth in the adventure as before, got rid of gloomy, spiritless and improper debuff, becomes braver, sunlight, self-confident and universal love and strong. 不过,虽然认知滤镜做不到这一点,但依旧有不少玩家在冒险中获得了成长,摆脱了阴暗、懦弱与苟且的debuff,成为了更加勇敢、阳光、自信以及博爱和坚强的自己。 Kill The Chicken At Midnight: „Can emmm...... in other words, in my hand at least have the heads of three figures?” 午夜杀鸡:“emmm……也就是说,我手上至少得有三位数的人头?” Spring Water Commander: Regret?( Squint smiles)” 泉水指挥官:“后悔吗?(斜眼笑)” Kill The Chicken At Midnight: That does not have, after all mostly is raider and mutant.( Laughs foolishly)” 午夜杀鸡:“那倒没有,毕竟大多都是掠夺者变种人。(憨笑)” Thrashing By Water's Edge: Words then I probably am also.” 边缘划水:“这么说来的话我好像也是。” Sisi: Un...... thinks killed either is the unpardonably wicked fellows, either is in the battlefield, truly has nothing well artificial.” 斯斯:“嗯……想到被杀的要么都是十恶不赦的家伙,要么就是战场上,确实没什么好矫情的。” Toilet Really Has Mosquitoes: Thank the player handbook! Thank Brother Light! Or I am definitely frightened now cannot sleep.( Holds their palms together)” WC真有蚊子:“感谢玩家手册!感谢光哥!要不我现在肯定被吓得睡不着觉了。(双手合十)” Ye Ten: I believe your ghost!” 夜十:“我信你个鬼!” Meat mountain big steamed bun: Hey! Did not look that ID I almost letter/believed!” 肉山大馍馍:“噫!不看ID我差点信了!” Trash Picking Lv.99: Brother Light: Do not lick, without meaning.” 捡垃圾99级:“光哥:别舔了,没意思。” Makka Hillbilly: Brother Light: Mosquito does not have the meaning, must change into Yaya.” 玛卡巴子:“光哥:蚊子没意思,得换成鸦鸦。” Less Bullshit: Agility-Type cannot shoulder, Sensory-Type shouldered lived.()” 少扯犊子:“敏捷系扛不住,感知系就扛得住了是吧。()” Yaya: Wait, what thing are you saying???” 鸦鸦:“等等,你们在说什么东西???” Big Eye In Debt: You are persecuting Yaya. 😂 负债大眼:“你们又在迫害鸦鸦(滑稽) Vinevine: Although cannot understand, but sees ID of big eye, should not have the mistake.( *)” 藤藤:“虽然听不懂,但看到大眼的ID,应该不会有错。(*)” Big Eye In Debt: fuck, what did I make?!” 负债大眼:“卧槽,我做了什么?!” Irena: „( Trembles .jpg)” 伊蕾娜:“(瑟瑟发抖.jpg)” Toilet Really Has Mosquitoes: Words said that the Public Beta clothing/taking must start, you planned that plays?( Smiles badly)” WC真有蚊子:“话说公测服要开了,你们打算去耍吗?(坏笑)” Is Long: Look, I not necessarily often play, perhaps but will remember past times.” 方长:“看吧,我不一定常玩,但也许会去怀旧一下。” Battlefield Mood Group: I, the Public Beta clothing/taking left the rookies to open up wasteland even, is closed beta server is energetic!( Grins)” 战地气氛组:“我就算了,公测服就留给新人们开荒吧,还是封测服带劲!(龇牙)” Toilet Really Has Mosquitoes: Also not necessarily, the Public Beta clothing/taking also has the pleasure of Public Beta clothing/taking. 😂 WC真有蚊子:“也未必,公测服也有公测服的乐趣。(滑稽) Tail: Dolly!!! gu hehe hehe......( /)” 尾巴:“多莉!!!咕嘿嘿嘿嘿……(//////)” Is Long: „......?” 方长:“……?” Sisi: „???” 斯斯:“???” Ye Ten: Wait, that matter not!( Panic-stricken)” 夜十:“等等,那种事情不可以!(惊恐)” Toilet Really Has Mosquitoes: Quack!!! I must all explode your slip of paper person wife!( Smiles badly)” WC真有蚊子:“嘎嘎嘎嘎!!!我要把你们的纸片人老婆全炸了!(坏笑)” Battlefield Mood Group: „!” 战地气氛组:“!” „......” “……” ...... …… Wandering Swamp, the bone-chilling cold cold wind sways. 彷徨沼泽,凛冽的寒风吹拂。 Even if the Northern Hemisphere is in the summer, that burning hot monsoon still has no relations with this freezing lands. 即便北半球已是夏季,那炎热的季风也与这片冰冻的土地没有任何关系。 Looks at the official site announcement news on vm screen, stepped on variation wild wolf corpse I'm Arrogant, So What was shocked for several seconds, cursing that later then became angry out of shame said. 看着vm屏幕上的官网公告消息,一脚踩在变异野狼尸体的爷傲奈我何愣住了几秒,随后便恼羞成怒的大骂道。 What ghost! Isn't the Public Beta clothing/taking with closed beta server a server?! Do't that Sir can practice the level? Spicy chicken dog director, rolls to eat my saliva —— wū wū!” “什么鬼!公测服原来和封测服不是一个服务器吗?!那本大爷不得重新练级?辣鸡狗策划,滚出来吃我口水——呜呜!” Her words have not said, quickly grasped the meaning of something to put out a hand to cover the mouth by nearby Professor Yang. 她的话还没说完,就被旁边的杨教授一个激灵伸手捂住了嘴。 You special stop! Don't really by dog ——! Was planned greatly hearing ——!!! You special are born in the year of the dog! Relents to me!” “你特么消停一点!别真被狗——呸!被策划大大给听见了——啊啊啊!!!你特么是属狗的吗!给我松口!” Professor Yang that the hand was gnawed sent out killed the pig pitiful yell. 手被啃住的杨教授发出了杀猪般的惨叫。 Even if away from the leather glove, cannot block that Power-Type mad dog earnest bites. 即使是隔着皮革手套,也挡不住那力量系疯狗的认真一咬。 However, this game does not have the sensation of pain to shield? 不过话说回来,这游戏不是有痛觉屏蔽的吗? Is the sensation of pain patience of this fellow so low? 这家伙的痛觉耐性这么低吗? Pig is reading but actually Flexure the back of the head, looks at two funny guys who wrestle in the snowy area. 【猪是念着倒】挠了挠后脑勺,看着在雪地里扭打起来的两个活宝。 „The point that you complained was also strange, should not rejoice that can attain the testing helmet before Public Beta?” “你吐槽的点也是奇怪,难道不应该庆幸能在公测之前拿到封测头盔吗?” Received from his hand from the master proud elder sister and Professor Yang passes on fire mission to pass for a half year. 距离爷傲姐和杨教授从他手中领取“传火”任务已经过去了半年。 At present he is 27 levels of Agility-Type powerhouses, but two apprentices also promoted 12 levels of workhorse and 11 levels of wheelchairs respectively, went through the new period reluctantly. 目前他已经是27级敏捷系强者,而两位徒弟也分别晋升了12级牛马和11级轮椅,算是勉强度过了新手期。 This past six months, he has been paying attention to the Public Beta the subsequent arrangements of news as well as closed beta server. 这过去的半年里,他一直在关注公测的消息以及封测服的后续安排。 But according to situation that he knows, when the Public Beta news just emitted, the reserve channel has been closed. 而根据他了解到的情况,早在公测消息刚刚放出的时候,预约通道就已经关闭了。 Will want closed beta server again in the future, that really can only look at the moral behavior. 再往后再想要进封测服,那就真的只能看人品了。 However said. 不过说真的。 Before only felt this game real was too far, removing to filter the mirror with really to be the same, he has not thought this from the start was not the game, but added reality that filtered the mirror. 以前只觉得这游戏真实的有点过头,去掉滤镜就和真的一样,他倒没想过这压根儿就不是游戏,而是加了滤镜的现实。 The masters wanted my what Leng, loosened right hand in Professor Yang according to entering snow drift, bewildered looks at him to ask. 爷要奈我何愣了下,松开了把杨教授按进雪堆里的右手,一脸茫然的看着他问道。 Un? Why? What does this have to be good to rejoice?” “嗯?为什么?这有什么好庆幸的?” The pig brother has not spoken, in Professor Yang has coughed to argue the snow, will be frozen the body that trembles straight, the expression that a face expects too much cursed angrily. 猪兄还没说话,杨教授已经咳掉嘴里的雪,将被冻得哆嗦的身子直了起来,一脸恨铁不成钢的表情怒骂道。 Final word, closed beta server can gain the silver coin! What Public Beta gains is only the Y coin?!” “煞笔,封测服才能赚银币啊!公测赚到的只是Y币好吗?!” How do this gruff batch attain the helmet? 这憨批到底是怎么拿到头盔? Thinks extremely intelligent enter the game with her same batch unexpectedly, the fist of Professor Yang then cannot bear was hard. 一想到聪明绝顶的自己居然和她同一批进游戏,杨教授的拳头便忍不住的硬了。 Waste! 浪费! Really too waste! 真是太浪费了! Pig is reading but actually The expression looks at him subtly. 【猪是念着倒】表情微妙地看着他。 Emmm...... the point that although you rejoice is somewhat strange, but this truly was also one of the closed beta server advantages.” “emmm……虽然你庆幸的点有些奇怪,但这确实也算是封测服的优势之一了。” The line of sight of I'm Arrogant, So What moved on them back and forth, puts out a hand to dig out own head carelessly. 爷傲奈我何的视线在俩人身上来回移动,伸手胡乱的抠了抠自己的脑袋。 Does not understand, what is the Y coin? What has to distinguish?” “不懂,Y币是什么?有什么区别吗?” The silver coin she knows, at the auction has the fool to receive, what thing but is the Y coin? 银币她知道,拍卖会上有傻子在收,但Y币又是个什么东西? Spoke frankly. 直说好了。 She has not paid attention to Public Beta from the start. 她压根儿就没关注过公测 The pig brother shrugs the arm to say. 猪兄耸了耸肩膀说道。 Difference is in the Y coin reality no one receives......” “区别就是Y币现实中没人收吧……” Said that is actually inaccurate, receives some people to receive. 这么说其实也不准确,收还是有人收的。 After all currently in the market on this full immersion type virtual web, other potential competitor related development tools does not have continually. 毕竟目前市面上就这一款完全沉浸式虚拟网游,其他潜在的竞争对手连相关的开发工具都没有。 Would the big shot local tyrant player wanting to walk the shortcut, doubts economical brushes the gold/metal the time. 总会有大佬土豪玩家想走捷径,节省打怪刷金的时间。 But the Y coin purely is the game coin, has no way to use at the auction, only limits the entertainment. 只不过Y币纯粹就是游戏币,没法在拍卖会上使用,仅限娱乐罢了。 Right,......, therefore, understands the Testing Qualification gold content now?” “没错,咳咳……所以,现在明白封测资格的含金量了吧?” Looks on the Professor Yang face the delighted self-satisfaction, knocked chatting that I'm Arrogant, So What shuts out, will look at the pig brother. 看着杨教授脸上眉飞色舞的得意,爷傲奈我何嫌弃的磕了磕牙,将目光投向猪兄。 oh...... therefore, closed beta server NPC is actually an real person is right?” ……所以就是说,封测服的NPC其实都是真人对吧?” Right!” The pig brother set upright under the thumb, smilingly said that „, therefore left often killed oh.” “没错!”猪兄竖了下拇指,笑眯眯地说道,“所以别动不动就把人杀了。” You, when I am silly, my how possibly often person shark?” I'm Arrogant, So What shows the whites of the eyes, however, the psychological quality of your rookie is good, unexpectedly hadn't been frightened? This Sir was shocked ruthlessly.” “你当我傻吗,我怎么可能动不动就把人鲨了?”爷傲奈我何翻了个白眼,“不过话说回来,你这新人的心理素质还挺不错的,居然没被吓到?本大爷可是狠狠的震惊了一下。” Haha, has? My psychological quality was actually ordinary,” pig brother embarrassed smiles saying that I am a that person may be afraid probably, that but side has how is afraid the person who instead can stick out chest...... to describe? Is the old father that mentality of belt/bring kid? Does not know that you can get an idea.” “哈哈,有吗?我心理素质其实一般了,”猪兄不好意思的笑了笑说道,“不过我大概是那种一个人可能会害怕,但旁边有更害怕的人反而就会挺起胸膛的那种……怎么形容呢?就是带娃的老父亲那种心态?不知道你们能不能意会一下。” So that's how it is, so that's how it is, is that old father...... ! Hey! Your this fellow what meaning? Shark your oh!” I'm Arrogant, So What that was nodding responded suddenly were profited, looked fierce instantaneously shamefully and angrily. “原来如此,原来如此,就是那种老父亲的……噗!喂!你这家伙什么意思?鲨了你!”原本点着头的爷傲奈我何猛然间反应过来自己被占了便宜,瞬间又恼羞成怒的龇牙咧嘴了起来。 Looks at this fierce little rascal, sits Professor Yang in snow drift curls the lip. 看着这个龇牙咧嘴的小鬼,坐在雪堆里的杨教授撇了撇嘴。 Caring about this matter...... are you a child?” “在意这种事情……你是小孩子吗?” The masters turn head stared arrogantly fiercely to the defeated who sat on the ground, bared the fang. 爷傲猛地回头瞪向了坐在地上的手下败将,龇起了獠牙。 „Did you say again?!” “你再说一遍?!” „......” “……” Professor Yang has not obviously been convinced, but Intelligence-Type is not truly good at fighting hand-to-hand. 杨教授明显没有服气,但无奈智力系确实不擅长肉搏。 At least before accepting the prosthetic transformation. 至少在接受义体改造之前。 Good, you little said two, noisy it was again black.” “好了好了,你们都少说两句吧,再吵天都要黑了。” The pig brother has not cared about that actually yelling, first smilingly comforted master arrogant several, later put out a hand Professor Yang from the ground drawing. 猪兄倒是没有在意那叽里呱啦的叫喊,先是笑眯眯地安抚了爷傲几句,随后伸手将杨教授从地上拉了起来。 We must move back to nearby inhabit region the prey...... in brief, this/should starting off.” “我们得把猎物搬回附近的聚居地……总之,该上路了。” Integrated in the wind and snow on Wandering Swamp noisily, on the railroad in not far away passed rumble the sound. 叽里呱啦的吵闹融入了彷徨沼泽上的风雪里,不远处的铁路上晃过了轰隆隆的声音。 That was leaves for the train of southernmost death coast from the mainland most north 4 th place. 那是从大陆最北的四号地开往最南部死亡海岸的列车。 In heavy compartment packed the pack good heavy equipment and machine a successively. 一节节沉重的车厢上装满了打包好的重型设备和机器。 As Institute will soon leave Old World, keeps them on this star also to rush to the new mission one after another...... 随着学院即将离开旧世界,留在这颗星球上的它们也将陆续奔赴新的使命…… The 《Wasteland Online》 story had not ended because of the arrival of epoch, the stories or the NPC of players story is still continuing. 《废土OL》的故事并没有因为新纪元的到来而结束,无论是玩家们的故事还是NPC们的故事都还在继续。 ...... …… The time passes by day-by-day, in an instant is a half year. 时间一天天过去,转眼间又是半年。 In this past six months, the universe Solar System or the universe Solar System had many matter. 在这过去的半年里,无论是宇宙的太阳系还是宇宙的太阳系都发生了不少事情。 First is universe —— is also wasteland. 首先是宇宙——也就是废土这边。 After one-year perishes, Bugra in the help of alliances as well as under other survivor influences, completely came out of the shadow of civil war finally, by the brand- the new status of appearance as well as new order vanguard, joined the big family of epoch. 经过长达一年的沉沦,布格拉市在联盟以及其他幸存者势力的帮助下,终于彻底走出了内战的阴影,以全新的面貌以及新秩序捍卫者的身份,加入到了新纪元的大家庭。 Another side, President Li Minghui of South Sea Alliance also eventually ended the service condition fruitfully, threw the troublesome matter of presidential palace to the successor, on had had the level life that the matter fish and chips were all right to drink. 另一边,南海联盟的李明辉总统也终于如愿以偿地结束了战时状态,将总统府的麻烦事儿扔给了继任者,过上了有事儿炸鱼没事喝酒的躺平生活。 Meanwhile, leaves the historical arena together also has Chu Guang. 与此同时,一同退出历史舞台的还有楚光 However he left the stage of history, rather returned to him should in position. 不过与其说他是退出了历史的舞台,倒不如说是回到了他本来该在的位置上。 On such —— that such as he said more than once 就如他不止一次说的那样—— „...... Vault 404 is only the disaster relief organization, now the wasteland era had ended, we have fulfilled as the responsibility and duty of disaster relief organization.” “……404号避难所只是救灾机构,如今废土纪元已经结束,我们已经履行了身为救灾机构的职责与义务。” From now on, the alliance will select according to law true and specialized pretor, fulfills the alliance head organization in the limited time in the duty of epoch......” “从今往后,联盟将依法选拔真正且专业的‘执政官’,在有限的时间里履行联盟首脑机构在新纪元的义务……” That is one set of complex and strict selection flow, even the flow of Weyland Alliance is rigorous, as for detailed process then not in this 11 details. 那是一套复杂且严格的选拔流程,甚至比威兰特联盟的流程还要严谨,至于详细的过程便不在此一一赘述。 In brief, obtains the alliance most residents' acknowledgments, the one who replaces him to be on the historical arena was one calls Gu Ning the young people from the death coast and name. 总之,得到联盟大多数居民的承认,接替他登上历史舞台的是一位来自死亡海岸、名字叫顾宁的年轻人。 That is full of vigor and vitality young people. 那是个朝气蓬勃的年轻人。 In his eye has the light brightly, is the same in the young people of this time with many life. 他的眼中炯炯有光,与许多生活在这个时代的年轻人一样。 Not only light. 而且不只是光。 He also has from the place to the rich work experience of Dawn City accumulation, as well as a mature statesman should have the wrist/skill that and can duty that while giving dual attention to the alliance shoulders hears the sound that the alliance average people make. 他还有着从地方到曙光城一路积累的丰富工作经验,以及一名成熟政治家该有的手腕,并且能够在兼顾联盟所肩负的义务的同时听见联盟普通人发出的声响。 Although he has not risked one's life for the alliance in the battlefield, has not contributed to the illustrious military exploits, does not have the prominent bloodline or the life experience......, but also therefore, he does not have the tiny bit opportunity to usurp the fruits of victory of alliance citizens. 虽然他没有在战场上为联盟出生入死,也没有立过赫赫战功,更没有显赫的血统或者身世……但也正是因此,他同样没有一丝一毫的机会篡夺联盟公民们的胜利果实。 Naturally. 当然。 Safeguards this point truly to is not completely the family background of his negligible, but is these is guarding legal sanctity people. 真正保障这一点的到不完全是他微末的出身,而是那些捍卫着法律尊严的人们。 The guard army corps as well as each group army of alliance will be staring at his every action and every movement for the citizens of alliance. 联盟的近卫兵团以及各个集团军会替联盟的公民盯着他的一举一动。 Not only the guard army corps and each group army, Chu Guang and Vault 404 players can also so. 不只是近卫兵团和各个集团军,楚光404号避难所的玩家们也会如此。 He no longer meddles the government affairs of alliance, handed over the alliance building in people hand that builds this building, did not vanish from this universe. 他只是不再插手联盟的政务,把联盟大厦交到了盖起这栋大厦的人们手中,并不是从这个宇宙中消失了。 With his prestige as well as influence in alliance ordinary person heart, even if not hold the post of any concrete duty in the alliance, non- direct command any army, same can exert the influence on each link of alliance. 以他本人的威望以及在联盟普通人心中的影响力,就算不在联盟担任任何具体职务,不直接指挥任何军队,一样能对联盟的各个环节施加影响。 Like Dr. Conclusion Institute. 就像结论博士之于学院一样。 That is the will of the people strength. 那是人心的力量。 Its might not only outraced all currently known weapons, and has the energy of moving mountains to fill the seas. 它的威力不但超越了一切人类已知的武器,并且拥有着移山填海的能量。 However unless it is absolutely essential, Chu Guang does not plan easily to use this energy. 不过不到万不得已,楚光并不打算轻易使用这股能量。 After all, his life span perhaps will be if as expected longer than that old man of big rift valley. 毕竟不出意外的话,他的寿命恐怕会比大裂谷的那个老头更长。 200 years...... 200年…… The ghosts know that time people hold what idea, long what appearance. 鬼知道那时候的人们揣着什么想法,又长什么样子。 He cannot because merely once once the great-grandson child and he did not look like, clutched to beat savagely. 他总不能仅仅因为曾曾曾曾孙子和他长得不像,就把人揪出来暴打一顿。 Separated so many generations also to be able same that to call fishily! 隔这么多代还能一样那才叫有鬼了! He because of this bored trivial matters, a word will not pull out to hang in the back hammer smashes at earliest convenience all. 他可不会因为这种无聊的琐事,一言不合就掏出挂在背后的锤子把一切都砸烂掉。 Only if situation —— 除非一种情况—— Someday in the future, people who received the scepter since his hand has not shouldered with the power coordinated responsibility, but in willful inflated a threatening monster with the unseemly behavior in recklessly, granted the basket that the alliance the scepter of entire citizens wove to enslave with him. 在未来的某一天,从他手中接过权杖的人们并没有肩负起与权力对等的责任,而是在任性与肆意妄为中膨胀成了一头张牙舞爪的怪物,用他赐予联盟全体公民的权杖去编织奴役的笼子。 If future some day, the citizens of alliance are shouting my name, like shouting the Julius Weyland person...... I will return like the lightning, all pounds a pulp here all.” “如果未来的某一天,联盟的公民都在呼喊我的名字,就像呼喊尤里乌斯的威兰特人一样……我会像闪电一样归来,将这里的一切全都砸个稀烂。” Same day of connection government affairs work, in the manager office in alliance building. 交接政务工作的当天,联盟大厦的管理者办公室里。 Looks that stood in the front alliance's first pretor respectfully attended to peaceful, Chu Guang patted his shoulder with a smile, said these words with the tone that did not crack a joke. 看着恭敬站在自己面前的联盟第一任执政官顾宁,楚光笑着拍了拍他的肩膀,用不开玩笑的语气说出了这句话。 Gu Ning nods slightly, on that having a clear conscience face does not have any fearing, only meticulous replied. 顾宁微微颔首,那张问心无愧的脸上没有任何的惧怕,只一丝不苟的回答道。 I your instruction...... if that day truly arrives, I can shout your name with them sincerely.” “我谨记您的教诲……如果真有那天,我会和他们一起呼喊您的名字。” Ha!” Chu Guang frank smiling, took back placed the hand on his shoulder, „on the day of you were best to pray have, after all my hammer only feared that will first pound on you.” “哈哈哈!”楚光爽朗的笑了笑,收回了放在他肩膀上的手,“你最好祈祷别有这一天,毕竟我的锤子只怕会先砸你头上。” Gu Ning smiles slightly. 顾宁微微笑了笑。 If I really as incompetent as that situation, dying is one type is instead honored in your hand.” “如果我真无能到了那种地步,死在您手上反而是一种荣幸吧。” Although said these words with a smile, but Chu Guang can listen to him to be earnest. 虽然是笑着说出这句话,但楚光能听出来他是认真的。 Again without the thing that other must urge, Chu Guang received the chatting expression, left behind the last encouragement. 再没有其他要叮嘱的东西,楚光收起了说笑的表情,留下了最后一句勉励。 Okay dry/does, other light can say. Also, remembers that passed on to these words to your successor, and made him continue to pass around.” “好好干,别光会说。还有,记得把这句话转告给你的继任者,并且让他继续传下去。” Gu Ning earnest nodded, remembered these words. 顾宁认真的点了下头,记住了这句话。 I certainly exact conveying, moreover...... can I propose my presumptuous request?” “我一定会一字不差的转达,另外……我可以提出一个不情之请吗?” Said.” “说吧。” Gu Ning stopped a while, looks that Chu Guang said sincerely. 顾宁停顿了一会儿,看着楚光诚恳说道。 Although the alliance authority no longer sets up manager this duty, but I want still to retain this for you ‚the manager office,...... also takes as part of this building history to my urging on, as well as to the encouragements of others. As for me, I in other place work, here spatial room will have in any case.” “虽然联盟当局不再设立管理者这个职务,但我想仍然为您保留这间‘管理者办公室’,作为这栋大厦历史的一部分……同时也作为对我的鞭策,以及对其他人的勉励。至于我,我会在另外的地方办公,反正这儿的空房间还有很多。” This is not only his idea, is the ideas of many people. 这不仅仅是他的想法,也是许多人的想法。 For example the soldier regimental commander of guard army corps. 譬如近卫兵团的兵团长。 Also does not know that is his misconception, after knowing oneself could sit here the work, he always felt that young fellow stares at his look to murderous aura. 也不知道是不是他的错觉,当得知自己以后可能要坐在这里办公了之后,他总感觉那小伙子盯他的眼神带着点儿杀气。 Actually let alone Lu Bei, he also felt the chair too hot buttocks of this office. 其实别说吕北,他也觉得这办公室的椅子太烫屁股了。 When the cultural relic is putting. 还是当个文物放着好了。 Chu Guang too has not thought actually many, hears this interesting proposition to smile. 楚光倒是没太多想,听到这个有趣的提议只是笑了笑。 You should inquire that the opinions of others, but did not ask me. However no matter you whether keeps to me this office, I will not come back...... my work to finish again.” “你应该询问其他人的意见,而不是问我。不过不管你们是否把这个办公室给我留着,我都不会再回来了……我的工作已经结束了。” Later, gave you.” “以后,就交给你们了。” Looks at that to wave, the natural trend back, Gu Ning nods slightly, still discussed in a low voice. 看着那挥了挥手、潇洒走向门外的背影,顾宁微微颔首,兀自低声念道。 Yes, but as once received the survivor who you help...... we to record.” “是的,但作为曾受您帮助的幸存者……我们想一直记着。” At least in his mind, he forever is manager of alliance. 至少在他的心中,他永远都是联盟的管理者 Also only then that mister can be joined to this name...... 并且也只有那位先生能配得上这个称呼…… ...... …… Epoch first year last month, with manager this official detachment of post from the establishment of alliance building, a time dropped the curtain. 新纪元元年的最后一个月,随着管理者这一岗位从联盟大厦的编制中正式移除,一个时代就此落下了帷幕。 The universe that another side, the player main body is at also arrived at 2026 the end of the year. 另一边,玩家本体所在的宇宙同样走到了2026年的年末。 Seemed like completed the last work finally, hovering, in sparks/Mars surrounded the mysterious spaceship of track to vanish under glare of the public eye suddenly baseless, passed the hyperspace channel to go to South Gate beyond five light year doubtful two. 似乎是终于完成了最后一件工作,悬停在火星环绕轨道的神秘飞船忽然在众目睽睽之下凭空消失,疑似通过超空间通道去了五光年之外的南门二。 But two is hiding anything's discussion about South Gate, suddenly also started the upsurge on the Internet. 而关于南门二到底藏着什么的讨论,一时间也在互联网上掀起了热潮。 Meanwhile, after passing through a half year of arrangement as well as declares send/hair worked, the 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta clothing/taking got online finally officially! 与此同时,在经过了半年的筹备以及宣发工作之后,《废土OL》公测服终于正式上线! 30 million virtual reality hard helmets were sold out, under the line that various business agents operate the experience shop was pushed the explosion. 三千万只虚拟现实头盔被抢购一空,各代理商经营的线下体验店更是被挤到爆炸。 Operated the clothing/taking on the same day, the global about 30 million player flash exploded the major servers crowded. 开服当天,全球近三千万玩家一瞬间挤爆了各大服务器。 Similar to facing that experiences personally the general light shadow, as well as almost did not have the difference consciousness touch with the reality...... everyone by deep shock. 面对那如同身临其境一般的光影,以及和现实几乎没有差异的知觉触感……所有人都被深深的震撼到了。 This game —— 这游戏—— Hung to explode simply! 简直吊爆了! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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