TGITR :: Volume #11

#1069 Part 2: Public Beta shocks the attack!

Meanwhile, in the Public Beta clothing/taking includes manager numerous NPC AI that is provided by Ideal City to act, and some plot NPC will have with player same resurrecting ability —— special role that only if was killed by the plot with alternation of edition. 与此同时,公测服中包括管理者在内的一众NPC将由理想城提供的AI扮演,并且部分剧情NPC将拥有和玩家一样的复活能力——除非是随着版本的更迭被剧情杀的特殊角色。 Simply speaking, the Public Beta clothing/taking is equivalent to the closed beta server entire age nostalgia version. 简单来说,公测服就相当于封测服的全年龄怀旧版。 The exaggerating skill and property panel can downplay some serious content, for example held by raider or mutant is thrown into the wok with cooking oil to cook, but at present black direct resurrecting. 夸张的技能和属性面板会淡化一些过于沉重的内容,比如被掠夺者或者变种人抓住也不会被丢进油锅里炖了,而是眼前一黑直接复活。 The closed beta server severe rule will not exist in the Public Beta clothing/taking, for example the malicious PK behavior will not be kicked offline directly, but same will get the red name mark with other MMORPG, strikes after by other players or safe area NPC kills, will trigger the penalty...... thus to become one point of method. 封测服严苛的规则在公测服中也将不复存在,比如恶意PK行为不会被直接踢下线,而是会和其他MMORPG一样打上红名标记,被其他玩家或者安全区NPC击杀之后才会触发惩罚……由此成为玩法的一环。 Theoretically, Public Beta player, even to act raider still yes, does not need to rigidly adhere to the order camp again. 理论上,公测玩家就算想扮演掠夺者也是可以的,不必再拘泥于秩序阵营。 Moreover, resurrecting CD of Public Beta clothing/taking will also cancel. 另外,公测服的复活CD也将取消。 Incessantly so, compared with closed beta server the desalinated sensation of pain, the sensation of pain of Public Beta clothing/taking will further also reduce, and promotes the indolence traceless to explode the clothes harmonious version without the battle loss, prevents some played unable to play great infant ying chirp. 不止如此,比起封测服已经被淡化的痛觉,公测服的痛觉还将进一步削减,并推出无痛无痕无战损爆衣和谐版,预防一些“玩了又玩不起”的巨婴嘤嘤嘤。 After all is virtual played, but also makes that real many a little not to need. 毕竟都已经是虚拟游戏了,还弄那么真实多少有点儿没必要。 The player of Public Beta clothing/taking can still with the NPC exchange sentiment by AI being acted, gives the gift to accumulate favorability, develops the brothers good sisters, will be will rub the love clearly the spark...... according to the local law laws by the business agent will partially delete independently. 公测服的玩家仍然可以和由AI扮演的NPC交流感情,赠送礼物积累好感度,发展成好兄弟好姐妹,甚至是摩擦出爱情的火花……不过逼真的部分会根据当地法律法规由代理商自主删减。 Although the vault science and technology is not the registration in the universe organization, but will still observe the local law. 避难所科技虽然不是注册在宇宙的机构,但仍然会遵守当地的法律。 As for closed beta server, is all as before. 至于封测服,则是一切和以前一样。 The players can still hold the mentality of game or experience dreamland continue to play, develops the future without conceived with NPC, is the Public Beta clothing/taking provides the expansion pack data, or becomes BOSS of Public Beta clothing/taking......, so long as obeys the game rule then. 玩家仍然可以抱着游戏或者体验梦境的心态继续玩下去,和“NPC们”一起开拓未曾设想的未来,为公测服提供资料片数据,或者成为公测服的BOSS……只要遵守游戏规则即可。 After all between the universe and universe will not have any material interchange in any case, can transmit consciousness merely, regards a dream it is also logical. 毕竟宇宙和宇宙之间反正也不会发生任何物质交换,能传递的仅仅是意识而已,就把它当成一场梦也是合乎逻辑的。 But was unable to regard the player who is the game regarding these game, they will not be necessary to have any psychological burden again, confessed own origin with the friends of epoch, will invite them to go to own world to have a look in the future. 而对于那些已经无法将游戏当成是游戏的玩家来说,他们将可以不必再带着任何心理负担,与新纪元的朋友们坦白自己的来历,甚至在未来邀请他们去自己的世界看看。 «Player Handbook» will obliterate about game the security provision of content, and increases about, in the universe related explanation as well as No. 404 plan partially already the lifting of embargo material. 《玩家手册》将删去关于“游戏”内容的保密条款,并新增关于、宇宙的相关解释以及404号计划中部分已解禁资料。 How to regard the universe all, will depend on player! 如何看待宇宙的一切,将取决于玩家自己! 《Wasteland Online》 had pledged will not delete the files, later will also continue to operate as always. 《废土OL》承诺过不会删档,以后也会一如既往地继续运营下去。 Even Testing Qualification, will maintain the original rhythm to continue to provide to the made an appointment player, or displays the prominent player in the Public Beta clothing/taking...... probably every day one to the appearances of 200 account numbers. 甚至就连封测资格,也会保持原先的节奏继续发放给已经预约的玩家,或者在公测服中表现突出的玩家……大概每天一到两百个账号的样子。 Even if that at all is not the online game, but is another real universe! 哪怕那根本不是网络游戏,而是另外一个真实的宇宙! Moreover, if there is a testing player to go to the Public Beta experience nostalgia clothing/taking is very easy, purchases the payment version game helmet that the area business agent sells directly then. 另外,如果有封测玩家想去公测体验怀旧服也很容易,直接购买所在地区代理商发售的付费版游戏头盔即可。 The data of Public Beta account number and testing account number does not exchange, various aspects in game will establish will have the big difference. 公测账号与封测账号的数据并不互通,游戏内的各方面设定也会存在较大的差异。 However as to the reward of testing player, testing player, when registers the Public Beta role, will obtain the special medal and skin reward that the system provides. 不过作为对封测玩家的奖励,封测玩家在注册公测角色的时候,将获得系统发放的特殊勋章以及皮肤奖励。 As for more specific details, after the Public Beta clothing/taking gets online is explored by the players. 至于更多具体细节,将在公测服上线之后由玩家们自行探索。 The Dr. Principle video once were announced that the 《Wasteland Online》 forum exploded the pot instantaneously. 原理博士的视频一经公布,《废土OL》的论坛瞬间炸了锅。 Incessantly so, the world is in an uproar! 不止如此,全球更是一片哗然! The 《Wasteland Online》 secret operator unexpectedly is not an alien, but will come from another crowd of human of future?! 《废土OL》的幕后运营商竟然不是外星人,而是来自未来的另一群人类?! At this moment, arrives to send the decisive battle faction, was lived to embarrassed by the previous conclusion. 这一刻,无论是降临派还是决战派,都被自己先前的结论给尬住了。 The higher civilization is I am unexpectedly good...... 高等文明竟是我自己还行…… Careless! 草率了! —— —— ( Thanks book friend clear damask silk cotton wool powder pledge enjoys principal!!!) (感谢书友“清绫絮散”的盟主打赏!!!) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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