TGITR :: Volume #11

#1069 Part 1: Public Beta shocks the attack!

Chapter 1069 Public Beta shocks the attack! 第1069章公测震撼来袭! Perhaps was given to have a scare by that grand large building common spaceship, but also in ignited are successfully cheering excitedly people to recall finally for the controllable nuclear fusion once «On X Fortress» by the fear that controlled, has gotten back one's composure in abundance from the original exciting strength. 也许是被那宏伟巨构一般的宇宙飞船给吓了一跳,还在为可控核聚变点火成功而兴奋欢呼着的人们终于回忆起了曾经被《上X堡垒》支配的恐惧,纷纷从原先的兴奋劲头上回过了神来。 The reason does not have him. 原因无他。 The disparity was too big! 差距太大了! Even the power supply and power that way on Earth the peak physicist, is unable to use to that spaceship gives a reasonable explanation, even can only through game traces judge that used some antigravity technology probably. 即使是地球上最顶尖的物理学家,也无法对那艘飞船使用的动力源以及动力方式给出一个合理的解释,甚至于只能通过“游戏”中的蛛丝马迹判断那大概是采用了某种反重力技术。 Actually how to achieve as for this, no one can give a reasonable explanation. 至于这究竟是怎么做到的,没有人能给出一个合理的解释。 But this also means, the science and technology of human civilization started then to miss the opposite party incessantly tiny bit from the part of lowest level logic...... 而这也意味着,人类文明的科学技术从最底层逻辑的部分开始便差了对方不止一点半点…… The academic circle has quarrelled the conservation of energy from four big fundamental forces, argued the extra strings in ten string and M theory of ultra string theory from Minkowski space and time theory. 学术界从四大基本力一直吵到了能量守恒,又从闵可夫斯基时空理论争论到了超弦理论的十维弦以及M理论中的额外的弦。 Although does not have the physicist actually, because physics did not exist committed suicide, but the argument about new physics truly made many people fall out or off entirely originally not many hair. 虽然倒是没有物理学家因为“物理学不存在”了而自杀,但关于新的物理的争论确实让不少人掉光了本就不多的头发。 Some physicists proposed, perhaps has a special granule in the dimension that human cannot see. 一些物理学家提出,或许在人类看不见的维度上存在一种特殊的粒子。 This granule observes the three-dimensional space incessantly the physical law, observes the laws that in other dimensions human does not understand, therefore human can interfere with the gravitational field on higher dimension with the aid of it indirectly. 该粒子不止遵守三维空间的物理定律,同时也遵守人类所不了解的其他维度上的定律,因此人类可以借助它间接干涉位于更高维度上的引力场。 Also some people proposed, perhaps the gravitational field is a granule of higher dimension. 还有人提出,也许引力场本身就是一种更高维度的粒子。 Myriad things that human and even human can see, is projection of this/should granule on three-dimensional surface. 以至于人类乃至人类所能看见的万物,全都是该粒子在三维面上的投影。 Although these suspicions are imperfect, moreover exists by conceiving that baseless the human existing technological means are unable to prove, are unable to attest to falsity , but also was in some sense progresses. 这些猜想虽然都不完善,而且存在着许多以人类现有技术手段既无法证明、也无法证伪的凭空设想,但也算是某种意义上的进步了。 Even this draw conclusion from incomplete data -type exploration, from existing above 11 universe membrane is very remote...... 即便这种盲人摸象式的探索,距离存在于11维之上的“宇宙膜”还很遥远…… The argument has not halted in the academic circle, caused the huge echo in the public opinion similarly. 争论并没有止步于学术界,在公共舆论中同样产生了巨大的反响。 Facing the higher civilized overwhelming technical superiority and already the limited goodwill of displaying, arrives at faction gradually to become the mainstream of public opinion. 面对高等文明压倒性的技术优势和已经展现出的有限善意,“降临派”逐渐成为了公共舆论的主流。 After all, counted on that human get rid of the poor root in human nature, thus reached the parity in extensive significance is really difficult. 毕竟,指望人类自己摆脱人性中的劣根,从而实现广泛意义上的平等实在是太难了。 If from higher civilized input human civilization merely is only the advanced productive forces, but not with the type of distribution that the advanced productive forces match, that advanced technology final result is also used to construct the cage of old order. 如果从高等文明输入人类文明的仅仅只是先进的生产力,而没有与先进的生产力相配套的分配方式,那再先进的技术最终的结果也不过是用来构筑旧秩序的牢笼。 Since must help, that please help selected thoroughly, was inferior that everyone realized the prosperity of Milky Way range together. But compared with liberating others, was liberated is also a redemption. 既然要帮忙,那就请帮的彻底点好了,不如大家一起实现银河系范围的繁荣。而比起解放别人,被解放也不失为一种救赎。 Supports arrival of this/should argument to send the representative is too numerous to cite individually, is mainly the industrial field and academic circle activist. 支持该论点的降临派代表人物不胜枚举,主要是产业界以及学术界激进人士。 Naturally, there are considerable amount of Darwin people still to describe vividly is hiding in threat, thinks the peace of having externals without substance was also the sugar-coated bullet of sword, aggression from higher civilization soon. 当然,也有相当数量的达尔文主义者仍旧绘声绘色的描绘着潜藏在其中的威胁,认为徒有其表的和平不过是也是刀剑的糖衣炮弹,来自高等文明的侵略就在不久之后。 They say as the decisive battle faction. 他们自称为决战派。 His representative is in the pro-Beijing camp the conservative, before the CIA detectives, presently some folk temporary worker group head Fike is a lord. 其代表人物为建制派中保守势力,以前中情局探员、现某民间临时工团体负责人菲克为主。 No matter which sound, representative is not the absolute correctness, but disperses one viewpoint in consciousness spectrum. 不管是哪种声音,代表的都不是绝对的正确,只是分散在意识光谱上的一种观点。 Two entirely different sounds while keeping in balance each other, is promoting each other to forward. 两种截然不同的声音在制衡着彼此的同时,也在推动着彼此向前。 But except these two mainstream voices beyond , the viewpoints of some non- mainstreams emerge. 而除去这两种主流声音之外,也有一些非主流的观点涌现。 For example virtual game is one of them. 比如“虚拟游戏”论就是其中之一。 Facing spaceship that far superman kind of science and technology can imagine, piecemeal opinion leader proposed that we the virtual play-ground of universe in fact even higher civilization, everyone's destiny was established from that moment of birth. 面对那远超人类科学技术所能想象的宇宙飞船,一部分意见领袖提出“我们”所处的宇宙实际上只是更高等文明的虚拟游戏场,所有人的命运从出生的那一刻就被设定好了。 Regarding as the GM higher civilization, they can revise the rule of game at will, even disregards the rule...... no matter, therefore cooperates or resists with them is the meaningless futile effort. 对于身为GM的高等文明来说,他们能够随意修改游戏的规则,甚至无视规则……因此不管是与他们合作还是对抗都是毫无意义的徒劳。 Like matrix. 就像黑客帝国。 The person who supports this theory is not infrequent, even becomes an emerging match abundant religion faintly. 支持这种理论的人不在少数,甚至于隐隐成为了一种新兴的赛博宗教。 In addition, higher civilization will be regarded as the Spiritual God faction of creator, thinking 《Wasteland Online》 is a some future of human civilization the creator foresees. 除此之外,还有将“高等文明”视作是造物主的神灵派,认为《废土OL》是造物主预见的人类文明的某一种未来。 However any viewpoint, the matter is —— without a doubt 不过无论是哪种观点,有一件事情都是毫无疑问的—— That is the nerve of the world, by that spaceship that flies to sparks/Mars is affecting...... 那便是全球的神经,都被那艘飞往火星的飞船牵动着…… ...... …… Some China eastern research base. 华国东部某研究基地。 The spacious direction indoor cold air/Qi starts is very full, cannot blow off that to sway the dryness and heat as in people top of the head. 空旷的指挥室内冷气开的很足,依旧吹不散那攒动在人们头顶上的燥热。 Puts on the operators of work uniform/subdue to sit before the terminals meticulously, busily to deploying compiles in the data of astronomical observation site feedback across the country. 穿着工作制服的操作人员一丝不苟地坐在终端机前,忙碌地对部署在全国各地的天文观测站点回传的数据进行汇总。 Then and compiles the later information after the analysis processing, presents on the command post large screen actually only then a flickering green luminous spot, with displaying in nearby several slurred picture. 而那经过分析处理并汇总之后的信息,呈现在指挥室大屏幕上的却只有一颗忽明忽暗的绿色光点,和罗列在旁边的几张模糊不清的照片。 Stands in front of the large screen, a roughly 50-year-old senior professor deeply frowned, in a low voice talking over. 站在大屏幕前,一位约莫50岁的老教授眉头紧锁,低声念叨着。 „...... Was too strange, our radars cannot catch it, even the radio telescope cannot see it. Can catch its trail only, only then optical telescope...... but its speed was too fast, our focal variation speeds cannot follow completely, it wants a switch over track, we must recomputate its position.” “……太诡异了,我们的雷达根本捕捉不到它,甚至就连射电望远镜都看不见它。唯一能捕捉到它踪迹的只有光学望远镜……但它的速度太快了,我们的变焦速度完全跟不上,它只要一切换轨道,我们就得重新计算它的位置。” Stands in side of senior professor, a man of country character face also deeply frowned. 站在老教授的旁边,一名国字脸的男人同样眉头紧锁。 The launching phase could not find that they have not deployed the radar in the middle of Pacific Ocean after all, the satellite is impossible to lock an unpopulated area of no strategic value frequently. 起飞阶段发现不了倒也罢了,毕竟他们在太平洋的中间也没有部署雷达,卫星也不可能时时刻刻锁定着一片毫无战略价值的无人区。 However this spaceship flew outside the synchronous orbit, their radars could not lock...... this somewhat to be unthinkable as before. 然而这飞船都飞到同步轨道外面了,他们的雷达依旧锁定不到……这就有些匪夷所思了。 As a result of the radical expiration of radio location technology, the optical telescope instead becomes the most effective observation method. 由于无线电探测技术的彻底失效,光学望远镜反而成为了最有效的观测手段。 This is the technical generation gap......” “这就是技术代差吗……” Hears sound that nearby country character face makes, the senior professor smiles bitterly to shake the head. 听到一旁国字脸发出的声音,老教授苦笑一声摇了摇头。 Perhaps is not the technology that the issue of technical generation gap...... that cannot do well is we do not understand.” “恐怕不是技术代差的问题……那搞不好根本就是我们不了解的技术。” For example deflector shield?” “比如偏导护盾?” Hears this not to hear the name, the senior professor gawked, knits the brows to ask. 听到这个从没听说过的名字,老教授愣了一下,皱眉问道。 What...... is that?” “……那是什么?” The country character face man smiles to say embarrassed. 国字脸男人不好意思笑了笑说道。 It‘s nothing...... is the setting in game.” “没什么……就是游戏里的设定。” Senior professor: „......” 老教授:“……” Although in this situation mentioned that the game appears is not quite truly proper, but very that is doubtful most is close to the truth that they grasp at present the clue. 虽然在这种场合提到游戏确实显得不太正经,但很无奈那已经是他们目前掌握的疑似最接近真相的线索。 According to the view of Professor Yanfeng, the counter- stealth technology that spaceship uses, likely and in the game has presented some counter- stealthy coating has the relations, should have nothing to do with deflector shield. 根据岩风教授的说法,那艘宇宙飞船采用的反隐形技术,很可能和游戏里出现过的某种反隐形涂层有关系,应该与偏导护盾无关。 Naturally. 当然了。 Considering that on that spaceship the antigravity installment equipped continually, installs deflector shield also to have nothing again probably at the worst. 考虑到那艘飞船上连反重力装置都装备了,再装个偏导护盾好像也没什么大不了的。 When the people are thinking, sits the operator before terminal makes the pleasantly surprised sound suddenly. 就在众人思索着的时候,一名坐在终端机前的操作员忽然发出惊喜的声音。 Has the recent news! That spaceship broadcast a radio news to Earth!” “有新的消息!那艘飞船向地球广播了一段无线电讯息!” Hears these words, hugs survey head fierce raising the head of the both arms had not been speaking, before arriving at that terminal quickly, the face approaches the screen to ask. 听到这句话,抱着双臂一直没有说话的调查机构负责人猛的抬起头,快步走到那台终端机前,脸凑近屏幕问道。 What did it say?” “它说什么?” The staff's flip-flop operation on the keyboard of terminal, quick look anxious saying. 工作人员在终端机的键盘上噼噼啪啪一阵操作,很快神色紧张的说道。 „After that information decodes, probably only then does a symbol...... translate seems like?” “那段信息解码之后好像只有一个符号……翻译过来好像是?” Alpha......” the heads of survey gawked, the look changes said that „, only then this symbol? Didn't have other information?” “阿尔法……”调查机构的负责人愣了一下,神色微变说道,“只有这个符号?就没有其他信息了吗?” „...... Does not have.” Operator expression difficult shaking the head, it has not replied our contacts similarly...... continually in three seconds of information of broadcast, only then this symbol.” “……没有。”操作员表情艰难的摇了摇头,“它同样没有回答我们的联络……持续广播的三秒钟信息里只有这一个符号。” What this time he uses is the affirmative tone. 这次他用的是肯定的语气。 Because in a moment ago, other observation stations also reported the discovery one after another, and observed is the similar information. 因为就在刚才,其他观测站也陆续报告了发现,并且观测到的都是同样的信息。 Including their partners internationally. 包括他们在国际上的合作伙伴们。 Alpha......” the head index finger is rubbing the chin, on the face the look is serious, is chewing this word repeatedly. “阿尔法……”负责人食指摩擦着下巴,脸上神色沉重,反复嘴嚼着这个词。 Stands ponders in nearby aerospace mouth senior professor long time, raised the head suddenly, said with the indefinite tone. 站在一旁的航天口老教授沉思良久,忽然抬起头,用不确定的口吻说道。 „Can this be their names? Or the symbol that uses us to understand to the name that oneself do give?” “这会不会是他们的名字?或者说,他们用我们所理解的符号给自己取的名字?” Does not rule out this possibility.” The head sinking sound said, what comparison makes me care, why is this symbol...... behind this can have other what profound meaning.” “不排除这种可能性。”负责人沉声说道,“比较让我在意的是,为什么是这个符号……这背后会不会有什么别的深意。” Stood is directing indoor people to look at each other in blank dismay, exchanged each other expression on face. 站在指挥室内的众人面面相觑了一眼,交换了彼此脸上的表情。 The information that they have were too few. 他们掌握的信息太少了。 Only by a symbol, analyzes any useful thing very much difficultly. 仅靠一个符号,很难从中分析出什么有用的东西。 However at this time, seriously thought deeply about for a long time country character face man to say suddenly. 不过就在这时候,认真思索许久的国字脸男人忽然开口说道。 I think suddenly the 《Wasteland Online》 early edition serial number was alpha...... turned into the beta probably afterward.” “我忽然想起来《废土OL》的早期版本编号好像就是阿尔法……后来才变成了贝塔。” Alpha, beta......” “阿尔法,贝塔……” I am thinking, the meaning that the opposite party wants to express can be...... they are alpha, but are we beta?” “我在想,对方想要表达的意思会不会是……他们是阿尔法,而我们是贝塔?” Although such understanding is a little probably forced, but he said oneself suspicion. 虽然这么理解好像有点牵强,但他还是说出了自己的猜想。 The surroundings spread the sound that talked in whispers. 周围传开窃窃私语的声音。 Several officials from going to the capital looks at the vision to him. 几名来自上京的官员纷纷将目光看向他。 What meaning......” “什么意思……” Can say in detail?” “能说的更详细一点吗?” Facing that both looks to own line of sight, the country character face man ponders continues to say a moment later. 面对那一双双看向自己的视线,国字脸男人沉思片刻之后继续说道。 Is only my guess.” “只是我的猜测。” What perhaps they want to say that they will be our future, will be our pioneers. We are their passing, but also is their extensions?” “或许他们想说的是,他们是我们的未来,也是我们的先驱。我们是他们的过往,但同时也是他们的延续?” Is passing is also continues......” is pondering over these words repeatedly, the head knits the brows saying that how this is accomplishes?” “是过往也是延续……”反复琢磨着这句话,负责人皱眉道,“这是怎么办到的?” This sounded like saying, the civilization that said alpha was not only their past, is their future? 这听起来像是在说,那个自称阿尔法的文明既是他们的过去,也是他们的未来? Does not know, country character face honest shaking the head, perhaps is Multiverse? Also or is the multi-dimensional universe? Also or both have...... but some universe births are earlier than us.” “不知道,”国字脸坦诚的摇了摇头,“也许是平行宇宙?也或者是多元宇宙?又或者两者都有……而有的宇宙诞生比我们更早。” As for concrete is, I is not how clear...... other, I do not study that the expert in aspect after all, my set of theory also is only for reference.” “至于具体是如何,那我就不清楚了……另外,我毕竟不是研究那方面的专家,我这套理论也仅供参考。” This sounded truly pulls......” the aerospace mouth senior professor to smile bitterly was saying, we of Multiverse, I want to ask why they do want to contact with us? What wants to obtain from here?” “这听起来确实太扯了……”航天口的老教授苦笑着说道,“平行宇宙的我们,我想问他们为什么要联系我们?是想从我们这儿得到什么吗?” After the organization heads ponder long time, has not approved of the view of senior professor, is only saying looking pensive. 机构负责人沉思良久之后,并没有赞同老教授的说法,只是若有所思的说道。 Although this sounds truly a little pulls, but can explain them as the matter stands actually to our good intentions with no reason at all.” “虽然这听起来确实有点扯,但这样一来倒是能解释他们对我们无缘无故的善意了。” The country character face man shakes the head. 国字脸男人摇了摇头。 I thought but actually not necessarily is with no reason at all.” “我倒觉得未必是无缘无故的。” The heads looked to him. 负责人向他看了过去。 How to say?” “怎么说?” Sees a both line of sight to look neatly to oneself, the country character face thought deeply about a while to say. 见一双双视线齐刷刷地看向自己,国字脸思索了一会儿说道。 They contact with us, perhaps to solve their certain problems, but this goal they have likely been achieved......, therefore we saw that spaceship.” “他们之所以联系我们,或许是为了解决他们自身的某些问题,而这个目的他们很可能已经达到了……所以我们才看到了那艘飞船。” The expression of head is gradually dignified. 负责人的表情渐渐凝重起来。 Lays cards on the table......” “摊牌么……” Yes,” country character face man nodded, will look at the front screen gently, they have no longer needed help from us, therefore no longer covers up own whereabouts...... I to think that opened wide the skylight to say the frank and straightforward remark not necessarily was a bad matter.” “是的,”国字脸男人轻轻点了下头,将目光投向了前方的屏幕,“他们已经不再有求于我们,所以不再遮掩自己的行踪……不过我倒认为敞开天窗说亮话未必是一件坏事儿。” At least from now henceforth, we do not need to suspect again mutually, but can with each other exchange with a more equal stance.” “至少从今以后,我们无需再互相猜忌,而是可以用更平等的姿态与彼此交流了。” Probably.” “大概。” ...... …… Although his probably and does not have any energy, such that but the development actually accidental/surprised such as this country character face man expects, had the unprecedented change in situation. 虽然他的那句“大概”并没有什么底气,但事情的发展却意外如这位国字脸男人所料的那样,出现了前所未有的变局。 In that unidentified spaceship arrives in shortly after the Mars orbit, named vault science and technology the organization appeared in the public eyes center suddenly. 就在那艘身份不明的飞船抵达火星轨道之后不久,一家名为“避难所科技”的机构忽然出现在了公众视野的中央。 This person named the principle, said that is vault science and technology CEO , 404- Manager vault, as well as alliance in universe ambassador. 此人名叫原理,自称是避难所科技CEO,404-号避难所所长,以及联盟驻宇宙大使。 In the top video of 《Wasteland Online》 official site forum, he uses the enunciation clear sound to announce. 《废土OL》官网论坛的置顶视频中,他用口齿清晰的声音宣布道。 We are not aliens.” “我们并不是外星人。” We are another you.” “我们是另一个你们。” You can call us the pioneer, alpha civilization...... also or alpha universe compatriot.” “你们可以称我们为先驱,阿尔法文明……亦或者阿尔法宇宙的同胞。” In the video, Dr. Principle described ten one-dimensional universe membranes theories simply, and theory of soap bubble. 在视频中,原理博士简单的描述了十一维宇宙膜的理论,以及肥皂泡泡的理论。 These theories are professor masterpiece, but professor, cannot only replace the professor to explain that by him now both sides can lay the rationale of contact. 这些理论原本是“教授”的杰作,不过如今教授已经不在了,只能由他代替教授来解释双方能够建立联络的理论基础。 Naturally. 当然。 About morphogenetic field as well as more technical details, he has not disclosed in the video. 关于形态形成场以及更多的技术细节,他并未在视频中透露出来。 Stands in the angle of seasoned person, the compatriots who they will still give the universe as before direct and inspire appropriately, but not latter this no knowledge stopper altogether in the past. 站在过来人的角度,他们仍然会像以前一样给予宇宙的同胞们适当的指引和启发,但并不会把后者本没有的知识一股脑的塞过去。 Spoiling things by excessive enthusiasm to both sides is not a good deed. 揠苗助长对双方而言都不是一件好事。 Universe people miss perhaps is only sociology + 3” opportunity, but universe people will be destroyed the potential as well as in exploration unknown possibly birth the tool and method of oneself grow. 宇宙的人们错过的也许只是“社会学”的机会,但宇宙的人们将被剥夺自身成长的潜力以及在探索未知中可能诞生的工具和方法。 People who if facing the same difficult position , the experience of universe can help the universe but actually relaxed fast pass. 如果是面对相同的困境倒也罢了,宇宙的经验可以帮助宇宙的人们轻松速通。 But if the universe encounters the universe had not experienced the difficult position in the future time line, this difficult position then may become the ridge that the former cannot step. 但如果宇宙在未来的时间线上遇到了宇宙没有经历过的困境,这个困境便极有可能成为前者迈不过去的坎。 After all according to the view of viewer, the situations between different universes is possibly different. 毕竟根据观察者的说法,不同宇宙之间的情况可能是不同的。 Taking universe and universe for instance, the human civilizations of two universes possibly experience similarly are as for the same history, but still probably encountered the completely different situations in the place beyond field of vision. 以宇宙和宇宙为例,两个宇宙的人类文明可能经历过相似乃至于相同的历史,但在视界之外的地方仍然可能遇到完全不同的情况。 For example, universe human in South Gate two have met the pioneer civilization, the universe human big probability will also meet. 比如,宇宙的人类在南门二遇到过的先驱文明,宇宙的人类大概率也会遇到。 Including the day warehouse five. 包括天仓五。 Two left leeway a pioneer civilization of remnant soul to state in South Gate about the day warehouse five vestige information, therefore regarding the human civilizations of two universes, there strict sense was also field of vision within. 南门二留有一丝残魂的先驱文明曾经声明过关于天仓五的遗迹信息,因此对于两个宇宙的人类文明而言,那里严格意义上来说也属于“视界”之内。 But if five also wanted far universe that compared with the day warehouse not necessarily. 但如果是比天仓五还要远的宇宙那就未必了。 That is the brand-new arrangement. 那将是全新的排列组合。 Perhaps universe some human galaxy anything 100 light years away had not discovered, but universe human actually lucky found the vestige of another pioneer civilization there, since then paved another way...... these is absolutely possible. 也许宇宙的人类在100光年外的某个星系什么也没发现,但宇宙的人类却幸运的在那儿找到了另一个先驱文明的遗迹,从此开辟了另一条道路……这些都是完全有可能的。 We are entirely different each other...... our faces, the name, is our maps.” “我们是截然不同的彼此……无论是我们的面孔,名字,还是我们脚下的地图。” We are the same......, because you have come across matter, we also once met. But we have experienced the past, you are also happening.” “不过我们又是相同的……因为你们遇到过的事情,我们也曾遇到。而我们经历过的过去,伱们也正在发生着。” We had greeted the inalienable destiny, since then we will jointly advance together in void. We thanked you once...... also to hope that to our help our history can give your certain inspirations, avoids possibly being have the tragedy that in the future.” “我们已经迎接了不可分割的命运,从此我们将在虚空中携手共进。我们感谢你们曾经对我们的帮助……也希望我们的历史能给予你们一定的启发,避免未来可能会发生的悲剧。” If the tragedy is avoidless, does not need to be disheartened.” “如果悲剧无法避免,也不必灰心丧气。” By that time, we can save you!” “到了那时候,我们会来拯救你们!” Once saved us like you.” “就像你们曾经拯救我们。” No matter universe people whether to digest this huge information content, Dr. Principle confessed these he to think with Chu Guang routinely had necessity announcement truth. 不管宇宙的人们能否消化这庞大的信息量,原理博士都按部就班地坦白了那些“他与楚光一致认为有必要公布”的真相。 Incessantly so. 不止如此。 Dr. Principle also by „the vault science and technology name, to various district agents of global public bid 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta clothing/taking, as well as really the equipment supplier of total information helmet. 原理博士还以“避难所科技”的名义,面向全球公开招标《废土OL》公测服的各大区代理,以及真・全息头盔的设备供应商。 Although that full immersion type the human civilization of virtual reality technology universe is also epoch-making, but does not have morphogenetic field technology is so exaggerating for the time being, same has the means to accomplish even without the carbon nano circuit wafer. 虽然那种完全沉浸式的虚拟现实技术宇宙的人类文明而言同样是划时代的,但姑且没有“形态形成场”技术那么夸张,哪怕不用碳纳米电路板一样有办法办到。 The cost possibly slightly will be little expensive. 只是成本可能会稍微贵一点点而已。 As the mirror of closed beta server ancient early edition, the Public Beta clothing/taking MMORPG will operate as the full immersion type in the true sense. The complete data preservation of game in universe various Earth area local data centers, and takes wasteland era 211 years to participate in universe that mammoth epic as the breakthrough point. 作为封测服古早版本的镜像,公测服将作为真正意义上的完全沉浸式“MMORPG”进行运营。游戏的全部数据保存在宇宙的地球各地区本地的数据中心,并以“废土纪元211年”为切入点参与到宇宙那段波澜壮阔的史诗里。 The Public Beta player before chaotic of Bonechewing starting from the cold winter, cloud passed/lived the road will walk them, by the property panel and skill tree of empty boasting, slaughters with more powerful mutants, raider as well as mutant. 公测玩家将从“嚼骨之乱”前的凛冬开始,将他们曾经云过的路重新走一遍,以更浮夸的属性面板和技能树,与更强大的异种掠夺者以及变种人进行厮杀。
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