TGITR :: Volume #11

#1074: Each adventure has the end point( termination)

Chapter 1074 each adventure has the end point( termination) 第1074章每一段冒险都有终点(完结) Epoch 3 years, in May/five months. 新纪元三年,五月。 Lasted two and a half years, Institute is completed from the Truth colonizing ship that the alliance orders finally. 历时两年半,学院向联盟订购的“真理”号殖民舰终于竣工。 This star ship 6.7 km in length, the modeling is the hexagon prism, the structural element and protection part builds by Tao Gang the material completely. 该星舰全长6.7公里,造型为六边形棱柱,结构部件与防护部件全部由陶钢材料打造。 Among the part is seven sub-areas, is the harbor and maintenance area, security and equipment storage area and reactor and protects the shield core region, bridge and control center region, production and project area, resident and public facilities area, research and educational facilities area from the ship bow to the stern in turn. 其内部分为七个区块,从舰艏到舰尾依次为港口及维修区、安防与装备储存区、反应堆与护盾核心区域、舰桥与指挥中心区域、生产与工程区、居民与公共设施区、研究与教育设施区。 In addition, crosses the entire star ship from the quality acceleration track of stern direct link ship bow. 除此之外,一条从舰尾直达舰艏的质量加速轨道横贯整个星舰。 It can at the dead ahead launches the asteroid rank heavy quality ball for the emergency brake, can project the carrier-borne aircraft or is used in the resident daily cross-regional commuting. 其既可以向正前方发射小行星级别的“重型质量弹”用于紧急制动,也可以投射舰载机或者用于居民日常跨区域通勤。 Although this/should star ship imitated the blueprint of Zhiyuan colonizing ship, but the actual end product actually compared with Corporal Zhiyuan a big truncation, wider incessantly. 虽然该星舰仿照了“致远”号殖民舰的图纸,但实际成品却要比致远号长了一大截,更宽了不止一点。 In the limiting case, this/should star ship can hold 3 million population. 极限情况下,该星舰能容纳300万人口。 According to the plan of Institute, they along hunting household bracket to troops- ship's bottom radius arm direction moves, explores the Milky Way center mystery at the same time seeks for the new homeland. 根据学院的计划,他们将沿着猎户悬臂向人马-船底旋臂方向移动,探索银河系中心奥秘的同时寻找新的家园。 After finding occupied the star suitably, they will put in the colonizing cabin to the surface, supplemented after the resources and shifted some population, continued to go forward, left behind the fire seed for the human civilization. 在找到宜居星球之后,他们将向地表投放殖民舱,补充资源并转移部分人口之后继续前进,为人类文明留下火种。 Although handles this matter in the epoch looks somewhat inopportune, but Dr. Conclusion does not plan to change own plan. 虽然在新纪元做这件事情看起来有些不合时宜,但结论博士并不打算改变自己的计划。 The digital life generally is so stubborn, moreover stubborn and immortal entirely different of human. 数字生命大抵都是如此固执,而且固执的与人类的长生这种截然不同。 However regarding the decision of Institute, the alliance expressed the respect, and observes the agreement helped them achieve this ultimate objective. 不过对于学院的决定,联盟还是表示了尊重,并遵守约定的帮他们完成了这个终极目标。 In order to complete this star ship, the engineers in Lagrange point Singapore and Hong Kong even gave a asteroid to install plasma propeller and fusion reactor of star ship level specially, advanced nearby the synchronous orbit of Earth to conduct dismantling, smelting and retreatment it. 为了完成这艘星舰,拉格朗日点星港的工程师们甚至专门给一颗小行星安装了等离子体推进器和星舰级的聚变堆,将其推到了地球的同步轨道附近进行拆解、熔炼和再加工。 When Truth completing that moment, this asteroid basically also pulled out to empty, the final material dregs was taken away the reclamation epeirogenic by the reclamation company of South Sea Alliance. 而当“真理”号完成的那一刻,这颗小行星基本上也被掏空了,最后的料渣被南海联盟的填海公司收走填海造陆去了。 The alliance plan completed this star ship in five years, however the advancement speed of real production progress actually wants quick many compared with the estimate, planned to shift to an earlier time for two -and-a-half years to complete. 原本联盟计划在五年之内完成这艘星舰,然而实际生产进度的推进速度却比预想中要快的多,以至于计划提早了两年半完成。 But caused such result, because mainly the relocation of Wandering Swamp 4 th place aerospace base as well as resumed production surpassed expected, but the link southern sea coastal manufacturing industry was also above everyone to expect prosperously. 而之所以导致了这样的结果,主要还是因为彷徨沼泽四号地航天基地的搬迁以及恢复生产超出了预期,而环南部海域沿岸的制造业繁荣也超乎了所有人预料。 Especially latter. 尤其是后者。 Since the new space elevator has established, the many settlements of death coasts as well as hundred more channels expedited a large numbers of similar Abe aerospace outstanding aerospace enterprise. 自打新太空电梯建立以来,死亡海岸以及百越海峡的多个定居点催生了一大批类似阿布航天的优秀航天企业。 These enterprises mostly were organized by wastelander. 这些企业大多由废土客创办。 Although wastelander this word read to be full of the far-fetched feeling, but the former actually did not lose to the vault resident in the enterprise and courage. 虽然废土客这个词念起来就充满了不靠谱的感觉,但前者在进取心与勇气上却丝毫不输给避难所的居民。 This actually is not only the situation of alliance, most areas on wasteland has similar rule. 这其实不仅仅是联盟的情况,在废土上的大多数地区都存在着类似的规律。 Namely, beside most vault dweller except player, favors becoming workers in the social security, but is not a pioneer, before the rare pioneer is also , vault manager. 即,除去玩家之外的绝大多数避难所居民,都更倾向于成为稳定社会中的打工者而并非创业者,少有的创业者也都是前避难所管理者 Not is only because and so on long-term life to the dislike the sequela in division of labor society of risk, they do not have the average person that big demand regarding money highly, basically can maintain they relatively liberal level of living to strive for no other. 不仅仅是因为对风险的厌恶以及长期生活在高度分工化社会中的后遗症等等,他们本身对于金钱也没有一般人那么大的需求,基本上能够维持他们相对优渥的生活水准就别无所求了。 In comparison, wastelander does not like saving money, likes about the silver coin and Cr very much. 相比之下,废土客只是不喜欢存钱,对银币和Cr还是很喜欢的。 Truly on wasteland lacks is never the technology, the technology that pre-war leaves behind enough lives people on ruins to digest for a long time. 废土上真正缺的从来不是技术,战前遗留的技术够生活在废墟上的人们消化好久。 The people of life on this star is truly deficient, what are actually more will be „the creativity will turn into the civilized forward power, rather than backward power the stage. 生活在这颗星球上的人们真正缺乏的,其实更多的是“将创造力变成文明向前动力、而非向后动力”的舞台。 But now, they do not lack this stage. 而现在,他们已经不缺乏这个舞台。 Even if the previous second also struggles in the feudalism curses woman native of Romania, after washing cleanly head these impractical delusions, same has the opportunity to become some industry or the domain leader. 即便是前一秒还挣扎在封建诅咒里的婆罗人,在洗干净了脑袋里那些不切实际的妄想之后,一样有机会成为某一行业或者领域的领军人。 At least in „the plasma engine of aerospace use in this segmentation domain, does not have a Abe aerospace more prominent enterprise. 至少在“航天用途的等离子体引擎”这一细分领域中,已经没有比阿布航天更突出的企业了。 Either the technique content compares compares it that it is high to be expensive a big truncation, either the capacity is insufficient. But the price compared technology that either it was cheap to miss incessantly a tiny bit, could not attain the order capacity naturally unable to come up. 技术含量比它高的要么比它贵一大截,要么产能不足。而价格比它便宜的要么技术差了不止一点半点,拿不到订单产能自然也就上不去了。 In brief, these deep plowing in the respective segmentation domain space company, in coming from Institute, vault and under the boost as well as full competition of enterprise technology, formed huge supply chain nets. 总之,这些深耕于各自细分领域的航天公司,在来自学院避难所、企业技术的助推以及充分的竞争之下,形成了一条条庞大的供应链网络。 They like the worker bee, are decomposing diligently from the resources of space elevator input surface, and after processes the compound state product that it Lagrange point Singapore and Hong Kong needs, launches on the synchronous orbit through the space elevator, the space harbor pack there installs the transport ship, finally strongly launches to go to the Lagrange point. 它们就像工蜂一样,孜孜不倦的分解着从太空电梯输入地表的资源,并在将其加工成拉格朗日点星港所需要的中间态产物之后,通过太空电梯发射到同步轨道上,在那里的空间港口打包装上运输船,最终集中发射前往拉格朗日点。 The supply chain that this puts all sorts of things together although cannot compare comprehensive of pre-war time, has own originality. 这条东拼西凑出来的供应链虽然远比不上战前时代的全面,却也有自己的独到之处。 For example flexible. 譬如“灵活”。 Lifts one popularly, and inappropriate example, supply chain probably of pre-war time a workshop that chocks up the toolbox, inside light is the removable screw tool bit has over a thousand models, and aimed at the different application scenes respectively. 举一个通俗且不恰当的例子,战前时代的供应链就好像一台摆满工具箱的车间,里面光是可更换的螺丝刀头都有上千个型号,并且分别针对了不同的应用场景。 But the supply chain of epoch is can be used to twist the hammer of screw, although without over a thousand removable screw tool bits, even has no way to trade from the start, but this tool can actually no being out of sorts feeling copes with several hundred application scenes. 而新纪元的供应链则是一把“能用来拧螺丝的锤子”,虽然没有上千个可更换的螺丝刀头,甚至压根就没法换,但这件工具却可以毫无违和感的对付几百个应用场景。 Although the former has the absolute cost and efficiency advantage in the mass-fabrication, but it actually frail resembles glass does falls badly. 前者虽然在规模化制造上有着绝对的成本与效率优势,不过其本身却脆弱的像玻璃做的一摔就坏。 But the latter has the disadvantage in the manufacture of formalization slightly, but it has such as the playdough general toughness, perhaps like the old style television, the place that shattered kicks a foot instead to fix. 而后者虽然在规模化的制造上稍有劣势,但其本身却有着如橡皮泥一般的韧性,就像老式的电视机一样,原本坏掉的地方踢一脚说不定反而修好了。 In such situation, even if the capacity of Lagrange point Singapore and Hong Kong has not restored to the pre-war levels, can while below stuffed dumpling produces big pile of warships convenient also makes one Zhiyuan colonizing ship to use, actually obtained conformed with the complete productive forces centralized in a star ship ability. 在这样的情况,即便拉格朗日点星港的产能没有恢复到战前水准,能在下饺子似的造一大堆军舰的同时顺手还造一艘“致远号”殖民舰用用,却获得了整合全部生产力集中在一艘星舰身上的能力。 Also therefore, this star ship the comprehensive of volume or function, outraced prosperity era period random star ship, becomes in the human civilization the new milestone. 也正是因此,这艘星舰无论是体积还是功能的全面,都超越了繁荣纪元时期任意一艘星舰,成为了人类文明史上新的里程碑。 But colonizes the same time that the ship finishes in Institute Truth, the aerospace industry chain as well as space resource of mining alliance also developed the relatively mature level finally! 而就在学院的“真理号”殖民舰完工的同一时间,联盟的航天产业链以及太空资源开采也终于发展到了相对成熟的水准! Beside mining stand that except that the asteroid takes, the alliance still established a service station and scientific research of observation station hundred people of scale on the ruins of People United time sparks/Mars colony. 除去小行星带上的采矿站之外,联盟还在人联时代火星殖民地的废墟上建立了一支百人规模的修理站与科研考察站。 Hence, Chu Guang also smoothly entered Stage 1 intermediate stage in „the Solar System revival plan that” sticking the shared body conference proposed, the human civilization regained the People United period border as well as returns to the Kuiper belt to be just round the corner! 至此,楚光在黏共体会议上提出的“太阳系复兴计划”也顺利地进入了第一阶段的中期,人类文明收复人联时期疆界以及重返柯伊伯带指日可待! ...... …… Space elevator end space station. 太空电梯尽头的空间站。 Before two -and-a-half years, there also only then an alone orbital defense platform, but around the fortress that now that gun tube stands in great numbers had been filled up by the every large or small space cabin. 两年半前那里还只有一座孤零零的轨道防御平台,而如今那座炮管林立的堡垒四周已经被大大小小的空间舱填满。 These space cabin some are the alloy melting workshops, or automatic production unit. 那些空间舱有的是合金熔炼车间,亦或者自动化生产单元。 Also some are the experimental facilities that the surface laboratory rents, life unit that also or the aerospace staff occupy. 还有的则是地表实验室租用的实验设施,亦或者航天工作人员居住的生活单元。 Different with the space station of old time. 和旧时代的空间站不同。 These complete in the space site of epoch mostly have not equipped the adjustment focus the counterweight pole, counterweight installment that also has not revolved unceasingly. 这些建成于新纪元的空间站点大多没有装备调节重心的配重杆,也没有不断旋转的配重装置。 Reasons for this include, is mainly because completes mostly to depend upon spinning in the space station of good time prometaphase to provide by gravity of centrifugal force simulation, but regarding people of epoch, has artificial gravity through the gravity production installment directly is a more economical reliable choice, and can save massive spaces. 究其原因,主要是由于建成于繁荣时期前中期的空间站大多都得依靠自旋来提供“由离心力模拟的重力”,而对于新纪元的人们来说,直接通过重力生成装置来产生“人造重力”是更经济可靠的选择,并且能节省大量空间。 With the development of time, the old life style association/will turns into the history slowly. 随着时代的发展,旧的生活方式总会慢慢变成历史。 Including space elevator. 包括太空电梯。 Even if in the extremely developed prosperous era, this type chains the antigravity elevator of hauling, has not sounded also with the science fiction not different, but actually became the reality in the epoch. 哪怕是在极度发达的繁荣纪元,这种没有“锁链”牵引的反重力电梯,听起来也与科幻小说无异,但在新纪元却被变成了现实。 That silver-white space structure spread ten several kilometers along the track, looks from afar like a float in sky-blue star nearby dandelion. 那银白色的空间构造沿着轨道蔓延了十数公里,远远望去就像一枚漂浮在蔚蓝色星球旁边的蒲公英。 Prism shapes elevators along not being able to see the orbital reciprocation shuttles back and forth between that dandelion umbrella leaf and surface, people from surface taking away space. 一艘艘棱柱状的升降梯沿着看不见的轨道往复穿梭在那“蒲公英”的伞叶与地表之间,将人们从地表带去天上。 However what was different from the past, these people after going to the outer space mostly will not come back again. 不过与以往不同的是,这些人在前往了太空之后大多都不会再回来了。 They as extension and brand-new start of human civilization, goes to everyone not to go to Milky Way, develops the new border area for the human civilization...... 他们将作为人类文明的延续以及全新的开始,去所有人都没去过的银河,为人类文明开拓新的边疆…… The Truth colonizing ship has anchored on the synchronous orbit of Earth steadily. “真理”号殖民舰已经稳稳地停泊在了地球的同步轨道上。 Altogether 99700 researchers decided that leaves Mother Star to go to the future, and had arrived in the float through the elevator at outer space airport too. 一共99700名研究员决定离开母星前往未来,并且已经通过升降梯抵达了漂浮在外层空间的太空港。 Although this number compared with anticipation was short of 300 people, but is enough regarding Dr. Conclusion. 虽然这个数字比预期中的少了300人,但对于结论博士来说已经足够了。 Let alone was short of 300 people. 别说少了300人。 Even only then 300 people, he still along deciding the good path continues to go forward. 就算只有300人,他也会沿着决定好的道路继续前进下去。 Lands the entrance of cabin, has risen to Yang Kai of A level, the look looks at Jiang Xuezhou complex. 登陆舱的门口,已经升到A级的杨凯,神色复杂地看着蒋雪洲。 The latter is his favorite student, is most is favored to promote by him is the talent in the true sense A level researcher. 后者是他的得意门生,也是最被他看好能够晋升为A级研究员的真正意义上的天才。 However what made him not think, the student who this will have boundless prospects in his eyes in the future unexpectedly when the enterprise right crest of wave chose quitting while ahead, submitted the resignation letter. 然而令他没想到的是,这个在他眼中未来前途无量的学生居然在事业正当风头的时候选择了急流勇退,递交了辞呈。 Although Dr. Conclusion has authorized her resignation letter, but Yang Kai could not bear asked one finally. 虽然结论博士已经批准了她的辞呈,但杨凯还是忍不住最后问了一句。 „Did you think?” “你想好了吗?” He pledged. 他发誓。 So long as she is willing to turn head, he is willing to go to the Dr. Conclusion front to ask favor for her personally, restores the original rank. 只要她肯回头,他愿意亲自去结论博士的面前为她求情,恢复原先的级别。 On the ship also remains 300 establishments not to fill up in any case, believes that Dr. Conclusion will certainly not reject. 反正船上还剩300个编制没填满,相信结论博士一定不会拒绝。 However Jiang Xuezhou reply was actually expected that with him is the same, and does not have any change. 然而蒋雪洲的回答却与他预料中的一样,并没有任何改变。 I thought.” “我想好了。” Looks at that earnest eye, Yang Kai Adam's apple moves. 看着那双认真的眼睛,杨凯的喉结动了动。 He had many words to say, but swallowed in majority the throat finally. 他有很多话想说,但最终还是把大多数都咽回了喉咙里。 „......? I also had nothing to say.” “……是吗?那我也没什么可说的了。” Leaves behind these words, he sharp vision will go to stood in nearby that named Ye Ten the young fellow. 留下这句话,他将锐利的目光投向了站在一旁的那个叫“夜十”的小伙。 No. 404 vault dweller name mostly is so the bird type. 404号避难所居民的名字大多都是这般鸟样。 Even knows about No. 404 plan as well as universe matter, he did not accept as before. 即便知道了关于404号计划以及宇宙的事情,他依旧接受不了。 Is looked by that say/way sharp line of sight, Ye Ten feels bewilderedly somewhat anxiously. 被那道锐利的视线看着,夜十莫名其妙感到有些紧张。 Especially under when the opposite party said a few words —— 尤其是当对方说出下一句话的时候—— Okay to her.” “好好对她。” Those words People United languages or Chinese light four syllables. 那句话无论是人联语还是汉语都只有轻飘飘的四个音节。 However Ye Ten actually straightened up the wainscot subconsciously, the right fist put gravely in the chest led the way a military salute. 然而夜十却下意识地挺直了腰板,右拳庄重地搁在胸前行了个军礼。 Yes!” “是!” „......” “……” By this inopportune response funny being able help smiling, Jiang Xuezhou who has not nearly stretched is stared his one eyes ruthlessly. 被这个不合时宜的反应逗的忍俊不禁,差点儿没绷住的蒋雪洲狠狠瞪了他一眼。 Yang Kai corners of the mouth also twitched, but that tight wrinkle also relaxed some. 杨凯嘴角也抽搐了下,不过那绷紧的皱纹也随之松弛了些许。 He can look, this young fellow attaches great importance to her. 他看得出来,这小伙子是重视她的。 Do oneself have nothing to worry probably? 自己好像也没什么可担忧的? Not —— —— Said directly. 说的更直接点。 With that is willing for the fellow who compared with she risks one's life, but the qualifications of sits who drink tea perhaps continually to worry about in the Kuwait iron mortar does not have. 和那个愿意为她出生入死的家伙相比,只是坐在科研船里喝茶的自己恐怕连担忧的资格都没有吧。 Mention is really strange, he should not give up. 说来真是奇怪,他本不该这么舍不得的。 In carrying out Institute of jungle principle, the researcher in the final analysis is the consumables. 在奉行丛林法则的学院里,研究员说到底不过是消耗品罢了。 It seems like oneself truly poured into too many unnecessary sentiments on the body of this student, regarded own child her. 看来自己确实在这个学生的身上倾注了太多多余的感情,以至于将她当成了自己的孩子。 He closes the eye, sighed with emotion one in the heart. 他闭上眼睛,在心中感慨了一声。 Later must take warning...... 以后可得引以为戒啊…… Takes care.” “保重。” Left behind these words, Yang Kai beckons with the hand, turns around to move toward that corridor to landing cabin. 留下了这句话,杨凯摆了摆手,转身走向了那条通往登陆舱的走廊。 Dr. Conclusion has been summoning him. 结论博士已经在召唤他了。 Remains again is not being polite. 再留着就不礼貌了。 However when he treads one forward, that clear sound actually from conveys behind. 然而就在他向前踏出一步的时候,那清脆的声音却从身后传来。 Master!” “师父!” He was startled being startled, lives in the footsteps subconsciously, stunned turning head. 他怔了怔,下意识顿住脚步,错愕的回过头。 But in the flash that he has turned head, he sees oneself love disciple to his deep bowing. 而就在他回过头的一瞬间,他看见自己的爱徒对着他深深的鞠了一躬。 Thank you! Taught my many many things......, and has been cultivating me. Was I falls short of your anticipation...... to sorry!” “谢谢您!教会了我好多好多东西……并且一直栽培着我。是我辜负了您的期待……对不起!” This silly child...... 这个傻孩子…… Yang Kai felt that somewhat cannot stretch, transferred the face in a hurry. 杨凯感觉有些绷不住,匆匆地将脸转了过去。 Does not need to thank my —— “不必谢我—— You do not owe me anything , there is nothing to be unfair to me.” “你不欠我任何东西,更没有任何对不起我。” Actually my is the elder, owing you are too many.” “倒是我这个做长辈的,欠你太多。” Then, he forwards, and steps out moved toward the landing cabin, as if the moment is not willing to stay. 说罢,他重新向前,并且加快脚步的走向了登陆舱,仿佛一刻不愿停留。 Ye Ten has gazed after him to leave, later will look in the eye to gather the full tears the snow continent. 夜十一直目送着他离开,随后将目光投向了眼中蓄满泪水的雪洲。 He uses his this lifetime uselessly several gentle sounds, was saying to eye socket red her. 他用他这辈子都没用过几回的温柔声音,对着眼眶通红的她说道。 We should also walk.” “我们也该走了。” Will soon start incessantly is Truth. 即将启程的不止是“真理”号。 Hunting household that has restored. 还有已经修缮完毕的“猎户”号。 Because were many crew outside some plans, before original two -and-a-half years, they who should embark, lost two -and-a-half years of time to walk in the surface obstinately. 因为多了一些计划之外的船员,本来两年半之前就该出发的他们,愣是在地表上耽误了两年半的时间才走。 Un!” Jiang Xuezhou makes an effort to nod, wiped the tears of corner of the eye secretly. “嗯!”蒋雪洲用力点了点头,偷偷抹去了眼角的泪水。 Stood Dora and Collar after two person looks at each other, on the face showed the gratified smile. 站在两人身后的朵拉和小考拉相视一眼,脸上都露出了欣慰的笑容。 That was the latter recently the expression of learned. 那是后者最近才学会的表情。 It is only a machine, perhaps but spirit those who are able was together with these for a long time, it also had imperceptibly the sentiment of being similar to human. 原本它只是个机器而已,但也许跟这些“灵能者”们相处久了,它在不知不觉中也拥有了类似于人类的感情。 Or soul. 或者说灵魂。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 The control tower of space station. 空间站的塔台。 Two digital lives with the electric wave that no one sees, silent exchange in jet black space. 两个数字生命用无人看见的电波,在漆黑的空间中无声的交流。 Congratulates you.” “恭喜伱。” The one who said these words was Dr. Conclusion. 说出这句话的是结论博士 Before for a long time is very very long, when fights the construction committee not to come to the life end, he oneself thought passed to the circuit wafer, took dying did not die as the price achievement, started one long, and was doomed not to have the end point battle path. 很久很久以前,早在战建委还没有走到生命尽头的时候,他就将自己的思维上传到了电路板,以死亡为代价成就了不死,开始了一段漫长且注定没有终点的征途。 Also therefore, has achieved HE regarding some and fellow of perfect entry, he is envying of the heart. 也正是因此,对于某个已经达成“HE”并完美通关的家伙,他是发自内心的羡慕。 Hehe, polite polite, actually Little Seven anything has not done, is mainly the master merit.” “嘿嘿,客气客气,其实小柒什么也没做啦,主要都是主人的功劳。” „Does master...... refer to manager?” 主人……指的是管理者吗?” Is oh.” Facing that belt/bring an envying sound, Little Seven was saying with the sound of jumping for joy, he called me Little Seven, I ultra liked this name.” “是的。”面对那带着一丝羡慕的声音,小柒用雀跃的声音说道,“他叫我小柒诶,我超喜欢这个名字。” This name it had shown off one time with some, before for a long time is very very long, when near Linghu. 这个名字它曾经和某个炫耀过一次,很久很久以前在菱湖边的时候。 Dr. Conclusion silent a while, then said. 结论博士沉默了一会儿,又接着说道。 Yes...... may, if he died, you should also very sad.” “是么……可如果他死了的话,你应该也会很难过的吧。” Little Seven said happily. 小柒开心地说道。 oh, he will not have said that no matter later goes to the far place to bring Little Seven! Also has, even we in have not related, in this piece of universe will leave behind our extensions. When the time comes, it will continue to protect the people of life for us on this star. In return, they have praised our stories...... until the universe hot lonesome.” “不会,他说过,以后不管去多远的地方都会带着小柒!还有还有,就算我们都不在了也没关系,这片宇宙中会留下我们的延续。到时候,它会继续替我们守护生活在这颗星球上的人们。作为交换,他们会将我们的故事一直一直传颂下去……直到宇宙的热寂。” Right...... that is really enviable.” Dr. Conclusion voiced a heartfelt feeling. “是吗……那还真令人羡慕。”结论博士发出了一声由衷的感慨。 After stop moment, it used the serious tone to make the final farewell. 停顿片刻后,它用郑重的语气做了最后的告别。 „, Said goodbye...... the hope will pass by here time next time, but can also see you.” “那么,再见了……希望下次路过这里的时候,还能见到你。” Little Seven replied competitive. 小柒干劲十足地回答道。 Un! Bye!” “嗯!再见!” In dozens millenniums should no issue, farther it have no way to guarantee. 几十个千年内应该没什么问题,更远的它就没法保证了。 However, next time will meet to unable to use that for a long time. 不过,下次相遇应该用不了那么久。 Loss of signal. 信号消失了。 The silver-white star ship like an injection void bullet, leapt to that only had the route in hyperspace, vanished in the profound dark starry sky. 银白色的星舰就像一枚射入虚空的子弹,跃向了那只存在于超空间之中的航道,消失在了深邃幽暗的星空。 Follows closely its less advanced unfavorable balance of trade space route, is covering the hunting household number guided missile cruiser of emerald-green scales. 紧随其后进入超空间航道的,还有覆盖着翠绿色鳞甲的猎户号导弹巡洋舰。 It similarly is the child of human civilization. 它同样是人类文明的孩子。 Not only the child of human civilization, is Earth and Gaia child. 而且不只是人类文明的孩子,也是地球与盖亚的孩子。 Is carrying the tree seed and Little Feather of tree of life mother is small, as well as more than 3000 devotes to exploring the crew of new world...... they will take the lead to go to the day warehouse 20 light years away five, goes to there to turn on People United has not touched the new route. 携带着生命之树的树种和小羽的母亲小红,以及3000余致力于探索新世界的船员……他们将率先前往20光年之外的天仓五,去那里开启人联未曾触碰过的新航道。 There is the vestige star that the pioneer civilization leaves behind. 那里是先驱文明留下的遗迹星球。 Also is the next recent map that 《Wasteland Online》 closed beta server will soon open! 同时也是《废土OL》封测服即将开启的下一个新地图! It is said on that star is proliferating on wasteland mutated lifeform compared with the void projection that may pat, but hunts and kills they will obtain in the true sense promotion( to rise)”...... like Public Beta clothing/taking such. 据说那颗星球上遍布着远比废土变异生物更可拍的虚空投影,而猎杀他们将获得真正意义上的“升级(升维)”……就像公测服那样。 As for the future how, only then the future person will know. 至于未来会如何,只有未来的人才会知道了。 At least, regarding stands on that sky-blue star at this moment, gazes after people who the children take a long journey, their each other future will be infinite bright...... 至少,对于此时此刻站在那颗蔚蓝色的星球上,目送孩子们远行的人们而言,他们彼此的未来都将是无限光明的…… ...... …… ( Thanks book friend phands and 2 liy pledge enjoys principal!!!) (感谢书友“phands”、“2liy”的盟主打赏!!!) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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