SAHDA :: Volume #25

#2402: Really has the manner

Weiwei smiles, the life and death is difficult to predict. 薇薇一笑,生死难料。 Robin white see has played each family, was interested very much, is willing to work as the child paper of Xiao thin bamboo and young long two tiny tot, stood hehe smiles in them behind. Robin白见是玩过家家,很感兴趣,心甘情愿就当了筱筱和小悠悠两个小不点的孩纸,站在她们俩身后嘿嘿笑。 Xiaobai and Xier Station eat the melon to see a play in not far away, see only in the management of Weiwei and under small plum, they Xiao thin bamboo and small leisurely becoming couple, but small Xiaobai became their child papers. 小白和喜儿站在不远处吃瓜看戏,只见在小薇薇和小李子的主持下,她们把筱筱和小悠悠给结为了夫妻,而小小白成了她们的孩纸。 Looked at the entire journey, Xiaobai understands relations, what Weiwei acted was mother, what the small plum acted was the father, this was a whole family. 看完了全程,小白才明白了其中的关系,小薇薇扮演的是妈妈,小李子扮演的是爸爸,这是一家人呢。 After the marriage ended, Xiao thin bamboo and small was arranged to enter the nuptial chamber leisurely, is the classroom, then Robin white/in vain was allowed to leave. 结婚结束后,筱筱和小悠悠被安排去入洞房,也就是教室,Robin白则被允许可以离开了。 Her work was completed, does not need. 她的工作完成了,不需要了。 As the performance fee, small Xiaobai received wedding candy. 作为演出费,小小白收到了一颗喜糖。 She runs to look for the little paternal aunt jubilantly, shows off the oneself candy, plays each family also to divide to a sugar. 她兴高采烈地跑去找小姑姑,炫耀自己的糖果,玩过家家还能分到一颗糖呢。 Xier eyes shine, are staring at the small Xiaobai palm candy, the sugarcoating is the red, eating is very certainly fragrant. 喜儿双眼放光,盯着小小白手心的糖果,糖衣是红色的,吃起来一定很香。 But this is small Xiaobai, she cannot ask the young basin friend to want the candy, but she little elder sister, is not the pomegranate pomegranate, cannot make this matter. 但这是小小白的,她不能找小盆友要糖果吖,她可是小姐姐,又不是榴榴,做不出这种事。 Therefore, can only drool with envy. 所以,只能垂涎欲滴。 Your silly child paper.” Xiaobai actually with looking at the look of young fool looks at her, your lang became others child papers, your three -year-old, Xiao thin bamboo also reaches four -year-old, you were younger than so many her, you suffered a loss.” “你个傻孩纸哟。”小白却用看小傻子的眼神看她,“你啷个成了人家的孩纸咧,你三岁,筱筱也才满四岁,你比她小了那么多,你吃大亏了。” Clam?” Robin was a little in vain scared, listens to a small paternal aunt such saying, probably she was suffers a loss. “蛤?”Robin白有点傻眼,听小姑姑这么一说,好像她是吃了大亏呢。 Xier also said: Is, how small Xiaobai you became others child papers!” 喜儿也说:“是的呀,小小白你怎么成了人家的孩纸呢!” Regarding age issue, Tan Xier cares, she tampers with the age since childhood, wants to be the elder sister, 3 or 4-year-old dares to pretend to be 8 or 9-year-old, has wanted to give the oneself long rank, where looks like small Xiaobai, not long rank also even, but also super reduces time, this is not silly. 对于年龄这个问题,谭喜儿小朋友十分在意,她从小就篡改年龄,想做姐姐,三四岁就敢冒充八九岁,一直想要给自己长辈分,哪像小小白,不长辈分也就算了,还超级减倍,这不是傻吗。 Small Xiaobai hear of two people said, finally determined oneself suffers a loss, the key is she does not know. 小白听两人都这么说,终于确定自己是吃了大亏,关键是她都不知道呢。 This makes her very not happy, a happy small face sank instantaneously, whispered: Excessive, this was excessive ~ bullies child paper duck ~ 这让她很不高兴,一张开开心心的小脸瞬间就沉了下去,嘀嘀咕咕说:“过分了哈,这就过分了哈~欺负好孩纸鸭~” Xiaobai disregards the small niece's low and deep mood, aggravates the situation, taunts: Young fool ~ cute young fool.” 小白无视小侄女低沉的心情,火上浇油,嘲讽道:“小傻瓜~可爱的小傻瓜。” The small Xiaobai tiger a small face, with steamed stuffed bun, making one unable to bear want to pinch. 小白虎着一张小脸,跟个包子似的,让人忍不住想要捏一捏。 A hand extended, if really pinched her young cheek baby to be fat. 一只手伸了过去,果真捏了捏她的小脸蛋婴儿肥。 Small Xiaobai the tiger circle stares immediately, making oneself look more savage, excessive, excessive Elder Sister Xier, excessive ~ do not pinch my.” 小白立即虎目圆瞪,让自己看起来更加凶残,“过分了哈,过分了哈喜儿姐姐,过分了哈~不要捏我哈。” Hiahia ~ ~ ~ Xier laughs, small Xiaobai did not say that these words are good, a saying she wanted to pinch. “hiahia~~~”喜儿大笑,小小白不说这些话还好,一说她就更想要捏一捏了。 Small Xiaobai as if also knew this point, what kind of oneself again pretends savage, that is also pretends, rather than really savage. 小白似乎也知道了这一点,自己再如何的装作凶残,那也是装作而已,而不是真的凶残。 Therefore she stared in a big way the eye, blustered, while will draw back in the future, after falling back on certain distance, she whiz, hurried to run, pursued in the classroom, it is estimated that was asks Weiwei to do accounts. 所以她一边瞪大了眼睛,虚张声势,一边往后退,当退到一定距离后,她嗖的一下,赶紧跑了,追进了教室里,估计是去找小薇薇算账。 Xiaobai and Xier entered grove, said that must seize to call the chicken. 小白和喜儿进了小树林,说是要捉叫鸡子。 Now the weather fades out, the dusk falls, grove did not have the ray early, installs has not been the time to shine in inside street light, therefore grove appeared sinks secretly. 现在天色渐暗,暮霭沉沉,小树林里早没有了光线,装在里头的路灯还没有到时间亮起来,所以小树林里就显得更加暗沉了。 Xier depended toward Xiaobai side subconsciously, she is a little afraid the darkness. 喜儿下意识地往小白身边靠了靠,她有点害怕黑暗。 This time grove obviously lonesome and quiet, as if isolated all noises, was only left over called the chicken toot toot the sound, as well as some not well-known small insect eyah eyah sound. 这个时候的小树林更显幽静,仿佛隔绝了外界的一切喧嚣,只剩下叫鸡子的嘟嘟声,以及一些不知名的小虫子咿咿呀呀声。 There has to call the chicken to call.” “那里有叫鸡子在叫。” Xiaobai is pointing under a fence root, she listened to call the chicken from many small insect cries, is trying to find out with Xier by the past. 小白指着一处围墙根下,她从众多的小虫子叫声中听出了叫鸡子,和喜儿摸索着靠过去。 They approach, calling the chicken not to call, various peripheral small insects did not call, this piece was rapidly peaceful, but they know, in the hidden place, there are many small insects to peep they, is staring at their every action and every movement. 她们一靠近,叫鸡子就不叫了,周边的各种小虫子也不叫了,这一片迅速安静下来,但是她们知道,在暗处,有许许多多的小虫子在偷窥她们,盯着她们的一举一动。 Xier could not hear the insect whining noise, low voice what to do inquired Xiaobai. 喜儿听不到虫鸣声了,小声询问小白怎么办。 Xiaobai said loudly: We walk, does not seize you.” 小白大声说:“我们走啦,不来捉你们啦。” Then led Xier to have grove, finally in must have grove, Xier footsteps staggered, was stumbled, fell a dog to gnaw the excrement. 便带着喜儿出了小树林,结果就在要出小树林时,喜儿脚步踉跄,被绊了一下,摔了个狗啃屎。 Xiaobai holds her hastily, aiyu, happy baby your soul of must be fallen.” 小白连忙去扶她,“哎呦,喜娃娃你的魂儿都要被摔出去了吧。” Xier crawls, on the hands and feet and pants moistened the dust, she patted the racket, hiahia smiled, made oneself look not sore diligently. 喜儿爬起来,手脚和裤子上沾了灰尘,她拍了拍,hiahia笑,努力让自己看起来一点也不疼。 Shows your hand me.” “给我看看你的手手。” The Xiaobai domineering request inspects her palm, is good truly not to have the broken skin, the knee is also normal, but fell hurt, smeared the clothes, whipped several well. 小白强势要求检查她的手掌心,好在确实没有破皮,膝盖也正常,只是摔疼了一下,把衣服弄脏了,拍打几下就好。 At this time, small Xiaobai ran suddenly hurriedly, ran while shouted cheerfully: Little paternal aunt! The little paternal aunt looked quickly- I catch the bride!!!” 这时候,小小白忽然风风火火跑了出来,一边跑一边欢快地大喊:“小姑姑!小姑姑快看-我抓到新娘子啦!!!” Her hand is pulling slightly long, this is to retaliate, turned to run the bride?? 她手牵着小悠悠,这是为了报复,把新娘子拐跑了吗?? Robin!! Do not run-” “Robin!!你不要跑-” In the classroom to/clashes Weiwei, the small Li Zihe Xiao thin bamboo, what to forefront is Xiao thin bamboo. 教室里冲出来小薇薇、小李子和筱筱,但冲在最前面的是筱筱。 After all, small but leisurely her bride. 毕竟,小悠悠可是她的新娘子吖。 Xiao thin bamboo pursued, scurrying about that everywhere small Xiaobai expels, finally was seized, the bride was captured, she was also frightened said that next time will not lead her to play. 筱筱追了出来,把小小白撵的到处乱窜,最终还是被捉到了,新娘子被收缴,她还被吓唬说下次不带她玩了。 The small Xiaobai tiger the small face, is whispering excessive, but actually can only incompetent wild with rage, the bride who snatches shortly was taken away, is incapable of revolting, can only incarnation Xianglinsao, talk incessantly to chant scripture. 小白虎着小脸,嘀嘀咕咕过分了哈,但是却只能无能狂怒,眼看着抢来的新娘子又被收走了,无力反抗,只能化身祥林嫂,唠叨念经。 Suddenly, she noticed that young virtuous young woman little king stands on one side, eye one bright, asked little king: little king little king, you want, when my bride?” 忽然,她看到小淑女似的小王就站在一边,眼睛一亮,问小王:“小王小王,你要当我的新娘子吗?” little king stared in a big way the eye, limpid free of evil intention, as if down, head one group of starch. 小王瞪大了眼睛,清澈无邪,似乎宕机了,脑瓜子一团浆糊。 Her mother little Teacher willow passes through from side, funny is actually repressing laughter to leave, has not disturbed little friend life critical moment. 她妈妈小柳老师从旁边经过,好笑却又忍着笑离开,没有打扰小朋友这一人生关键时刻。 Small Xiaobai also asked that little king seriously pondered, replied again earnestly: But I am the child seed ~ ~ 小白又问了一句,小王认真地思考,再认真地回答:“可我还是个小孩籽~~” Marries her, marries her, marries her to have the meat to eat, has the soup to drink, suffers not to hit ~ “嫁给她,嫁给她,嫁给她有肉吃,有汤喝,还有挨不尽的打~” The pomegranate pomegranate came, she is creating a disturbance, annoyed small Xiaobai glowers to her. 榴榴来了,她在起哄,惹的小小白对她怒目而视。 The pomegranate pomegranate simply had not been frightened said, instead said: You stare me again, I eat you.” 榴榴根本没被吓唬道,反而说:“你再瞪我,我就把你吃掉。” Small Xiaobai seeks help immediately looks to her little paternal aunt, her little paternal aunt has the blade to be rapid, came one to the pomegranate pomegranate directly: Wife, we do the homework.” 小白立即求助似的看向她小姑姑,她小姑姑出刀迅速,直接对榴榴来了一句:“娘子,我们去写作业叭。” The pomegranate pomegranate, in the sound was full of the pain, is the dual pain, the wife + does the homework. 榴榴嗷的一声,声音中充满了痛苦,是双重痛苦,娘子+写作业。 Who makes their midterm examination result unsatisfactory, was paid attention by Teacher Jiang with emphasis, every night had the dinner unable to play, must first do the homework. 谁让她们期中考试成绩不佳呢,被姜老师重点关注,每晚吃了晚饭不能玩,必须先写作业。 Pomegranate pomegranate both hands meet, is very painful, is dragging the book bag and Xiaobai goes upstairs, Xier saw them to walk away, pursued quickly. 榴榴双手碰头,痛苦不堪,拖着书包和小白上楼去,喜儿见她们走远了,才快步追上去。 In after little Du, Xiaobai said to him: little Du little Du, waited to say to the melon babies, seized to call the chicken to trade between -meal snack with me, didn't know?” 在经过小杜时,小白对他说:“小杜小杜,等下对瓜娃子们说,捉到叫鸡子可以和我换零食,晓得不?” Knew that ~ little Du voice is powerful, sees his idol, sent regards, pomegranate pomegranate, heard you became famous in the school, you were too fierce.” “晓得~”小杜声音有力,看到他的偶像,问候道,“榴榴,听说你在学校出名了,你太厉害啦。” Pomegranate pomegranate hears word, nods toward him, performs obviously the dignity of big Senior Sister. 榴榴闻言,朝他点了点头,尽显大师姐的威严。 little Du not, because pomegranate pomegranate slights to suffer setbacks, instead is excited, is flying to say to kingdom: Pomegranate pomegranate really has manner ~ 小杜并没有因为榴榴的冷淡而受挫,反而情绪高昂,对着身边的王国飞说:“榴榴真有派头~” The kingdom flying spot nods, but after and other Xiaobai they walk away, he said: But I thought that Xiaobai has the manner, Xiaobai eats the pomegranate pomegranate, the pomegranate pomegranate eats Weiwei, Weiwei eats slightly long......” 王国飞点点头,但是等小白她们走远后,他才说:“但是我觉得小白才更有派头,小白吃榴榴,榴榴吃小薇薇,小薇薇吃小悠悠……”
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