SAHDA :: Volume #25

#2403: The floor curls( asked monthly ticket)

Well? Did the pomegranate pomegranate, on the lang your busy book row? What your stroke is what?” “咦?榴榴,啷个你作业本上划了呢?你这划的是啥子?” When is doing one's assignment, Xiaobai sees on the busy book of pomegranate pomegranate accidentally, crossed out, spread one piece, dirty. 正在做作业时,小白无意中看到榴榴的作业本上,有一处划掉了,涂成了一片,脏兮兮的。 The pomegranate pomegranate was writing with vigor, suddenly hears Xiaobai such a to ask, looks at the oneself busy book again, at heart in great surprise, what that crosses out was she wrote the bearing a grudge collected sayings that last night, because went to school by Teacher Wu Mei during the daytime is discovered, for safety's sake, she crossed out these words. 榴榴本来正在奋笔疾书,突然听到小白这么一问,再一看自己的作业本,心里大惊,那划掉的是她昨晚写下的记仇语录,因为白天上学被吴梅老师发现了,为了保险起见,她就把这几句话划掉了。 Has not thought that was seen by Xiaobai this melon baby. 没想到被小白这个瓜娃子看到了。 She closes the busy book rapidly, is pressing with the palm again, stared at Xiaobai to say vigilantly: „Do you want to copy my homework?” 她飞速地合上作业本,再用手掌压着,警惕地盯着小白说:“你想抄我的作业?” Xiaobai despises saying: Your melon baby! Your work makes the mistake frequently, do I copy your? I ask the happy baby to write will not copy your!” 小白鄙视道:“你个瓜娃子!你作业经常做错,我抄你的?我找喜娃娃写也不会抄你的!” She does not think clearly, self-confidence where pomegranate pomegranate such study dregs comes, but also feared that she copies the homework! 她想不明白,榴榴这么一个学渣是哪里来的自信,还怕她抄作业呢! The pomegranate pomegranate refuted: 666 duck Xiaobai, your melon baby your work of makes the mistake frequently, today Teacher Wu asks you to change the wrong topic to the platform on to you, I hear, thinks that I do not know ha ~ 榴榴反驳道:“666鸭小白,你个瓜娃子你的作业才经常做错呢,今天吴老师叫你到讲台上给你改错题,我都听到啦,以为我不晓得吗哈哈哈~” Xiaobai is angry: Teacher Wu is asks me to take the busy book, does not change the wrong topic! My work scored one percentage, does not believe you to look.” 小白大怒:“吴老师是叫我去拿作业本,不是改错题!我作业得了一百分,不信你看。” The pomegranate pomegranate closed the eye saying: I did not look that I did not look, who looks who is a bastard.” 榴榴闭上眼睛说:“我不看我不看,谁看谁是王八蛋。” Xiaobai: „......” 小白:“……” Two people quarrelled, annoyed everyone who is doing one's assignment looked. 两人吵了起来,惹的正在做作业的大家都看了过来。 The millet mediates a quarrel: Do not quarrel, do not quarrel, Xiaobai, the pomegranate pomegranate, you little said one.” 小米劝架:“别吵啦,别吵啦,小白,榴榴,你们都少说一句。” The pomegranate pomegranate said: I little said that I did not suffer a loss!” 榴榴说:“我少说一句我不就吃亏了吗!” Xiaobai satirized: You eat anything not to suffer a loss.” 小白讽刺道:“你吃啥也不会吃亏吖。” Pomegranate pomegranate: Ha haha 666 ducks ~ ~ 榴榴:“哈哈哈666鸭~~” Xier did not utter a word, runs to call Grandma Jiang, instantaneously soon got in suppresses Xiaobai and pomegranate that pomegranate. 喜儿一声不吭,跑去叫来了姜奶奶,瞬间就把快要打起来的小白和榴榴镇压住了。 What to quarrel?” Teacher Jiang asked seriously. “吵什么?”姜老师严肃地问道。 Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate lowers the head does not speak, hurries to do the homework with single-hearted devotion. 小白和榴榴低头不语,赶紧专心写作业。 However Teacher Jiang does not let off them, asked: Pomegranate pomegranate, you first said that what to quarrel?” 但是姜老师不放过她们,问道:“榴榴,你先说说吵什么?” The pomegranate pomegranate opens the mouth said: Xiaobai wants to copy my homework.” 榴榴张口就说:“小白想抄我的作业。” Spitting blood of Xiaobai almost air/Qi, I do not have!” 小白差点气的吐血,“我没有!” Teacher Jiang said: Xiaobai first do not say, first made the pomegranate pomegranate say. The pomegranate pomegranate, you continued.” 姜老师说:“小白你先不要说,先让榴榴说完。榴榴,你继续说。” The pomegranate pomegranate said: Xiaobai wants to copy my homework, was discovered by me, she was angry, she said that I am a study dregs, but actually Xiaobai studies the dregs, she today by Teacher Wu......” 榴榴说:“小白想抄我的作业,然后被我发现了,她就生气了,她就说我是个学渣,但其实小白才是学渣,她今天被吴老师……” Xiaobai more listens more air/Qi, could not have controlled oneself, exploded directly, sets out fiercely, must clutch the ear of pomegranate pomegranate. 小白越听越气,已经控制不住自己了,直接爆炸了,猛地起身,就要揪榴榴的耳朵。 Is good is agile because of toot toot the skill, cared that the little sisters' life, looks at Xiaobai to explode, hurries to keep off in the middle, shouts greatly: Do not fight do not fight, everyone is the good basin friend, gives me a face, gives me the face duck ~ ~ 好在嘟嘟身手敏捷,关心小姐妹的死活,一看小白炸起,赶紧挡在中间,大喊道:“不要打架不要打架,大家都是好盆友,给我个面子,给我个面子鸭~~” The pomegranate pomegranate did not need others saying that has rushed to slide, hid from Grandma Jiang near the foot, patted the chest saying: Yeah the duck yeah the duck scares to death the baby, the babies must frighten the urine.” 榴榴不用别人说,已经赶忙溜了,躲到了姜奶奶脚边,拍着胸膛说:“哎鸭哎鸭吓死宝宝啦,宝宝都要吓尿了呢。” At once, she to toot toot gives the thumbs-up, praises her: Few hero fine athlete duck ~ ~ has practiced?” 旋即,她对嘟嘟竖起大拇指,夸赞她:“少侠好身手鸭~~是练过吗?” Millet ill-humored said/tunnel: Pomegranate pomegranate you little said two quickly, you or want to bear a grudge by Xiaobai on, can you hide is not discovered? If by some chance you were discovered how you do think you to be able?” 小米没好气地道:“榴榴你快少说两句,你要不想被小白记恨上吧,难道你能一直躲起来不被发现?万一你被发现了你想想你会怎么样?” The pomegranate pomegranate asked: How can I?” 榴榴问:“我会怎么样?” Has seen a play journey journey who did not speak to open the mouth finally: You will take off your pants by Xiaobai, extracts the rubber band, makes the crossbow to hit your head.” 一直看戏不说话的程程终于开口了:“你会被小白脱下你的裤子,抽出皮筋,做成弹弓打你的脑袋。” The pomegranate pomegranate was instantaneously silent. 榴榴瞬间就沉默了。 Another side, can be worked loose unexpectedly by Xiaobai that toot toot grasps, this also gave her entire is silent. 另一边,被嘟嘟抱住的小白竟然挣脱不开,这把她也给整沉默了。 Calmed down Xiaobai to look at a paternal grandmother gradually fast, discovered that the paternal grandmother to her was the disappointment of whole face, this made her with a heavy heart instantaneously, lowered the head does not speak. 渐渐冷静下来的小白飞快地瞄了一眼奶奶,发现奶奶对她是满脸的失望,这瞬间让她心情沉重,低头不语。 The final result is, two people were punished by forcing to stand to think of faults, moreover this chapter does not face the wall to think of faults, but back to back, no one want to be loaf. 最终的结果是,两人又被罚站思过了,而且这回不是面壁思过,而是背靠背,谁也别想偷懒。 But Xier they, after finishing the homework, but can also sit down to watch the television to eat the fruit, the day is delicious, where looks like them, the work had not finished, the television could not see that can only hear, this makes their hearts such as the cat grasp. 而喜儿她们,写完了作业后,还能坐下来看电视吃水果,日子美滋滋,哪像她们啊,作业还没写完,电视看不到只能听到,这让她们心如猫抓。 When Zhang Tan searches the class, discovered that they are punishing by forcing to stand. 张叹过来探班时,才发现她们俩在罚站。 „Is this is punishing by forcing to stand?” “这是在罚站?” Xiaobai looked at his one eyes, has not spoken, those images and scenes, her old man could not help her. 小白瞄了他一眼,没吭声,此情此景,她老汉也帮不了她。 The pomegranate pomegranate did not speak, she has faded now, fought tired, the speech did not have the strength. 榴榴也不说话,她现在已经蔫了,战累了,说话都没力气了。 Xier Balla Balla, how to the Zhang Tan lecture is a matter. 喜儿巴拉巴拉,给张叹讲是怎么一回事。 Zhang Tan oh, saw the fruit that they eat, took peach to nip one, walked without consulting anybody. 张叹噢了一声,看到她们吃的水果,拿了一个桃子咬了一口,径自走了。 Xiaobai: „......” 小白:“……” The pomegranate pomegranate is backing on her, said low voice: Your father no matter also you ~ 榴榴背靠着她,小声说:“你爸爸也不管你哦~” Xiaobai first looked at the paternal grandmother, discovered that the paternal grandmother sits in the quite far place, should unable to hear them to speak, therefore also taunted: Your father mother watched the movie to go, did not lead you, because you were the electric lamp bulb and bothersome worldly person.” 小白先是瞄了瞄奶奶,发现奶奶在比较远的地方坐着,应该听不到她们说话,于是也嘲讽道:“你爸爸妈妈看电影去了,不带你,因为你是电灯泡、烦人精。” The pomegranate pomegranate counter-attack said: Your father noticed that you do not help you, because you are the bothersome worldly person and melon baby.” 榴榴反击道:“你爸爸看到你都不帮你,因为你是烦人精、瓜娃子。” Xiaobai continued low voice: Your father mother must regenerate a baby, because your large size has abandoned.” 小白继续小声说:“你爸爸妈妈要再生一个宝宝,因为你这个大号已经废了。” The pomegranate pomegranate is startled, doesn't she know??? 榴榴吃了一惊,她怎么不知道呢??? However, she cannot display to be attacked now by this, free and easy that very she must display, therefore haha smiled several intentionally, just about to continues to taunt, hears the Grandma Jiang voice to resound. 不过,她现在不能表现出被这个打击到了,她必须表现的十分洒脱,于是故意哈哈笑了几声,刚要继续嘲讽,就听姜奶奶的声音响起。 What is pomegranate pomegranate you smiling?” “榴榴你在笑什么?” „......” “……” Xiaobai did not talk, said low voice: You, if named me to come, I later did not eat between -meal snack to you.” 小白不动嘴皮子,小声说:“你要是供出我来,我以后就再也不给你吃零食了。” Teacher Jiang walked, asked that the pomegranate pomegranate was smiling anything a moment ago, saying makes everyone also happy. 姜老师走了过来,问榴榴刚才在笑什么,说出来让大家也高兴高兴。 The pomegranate pomegranate the face was saying painstakingly: „It is not the happy matter, saying everyone will not be happy.” 榴榴苦着脸说:“不是什么高兴的事,说出来大家也不会高兴的。” Teacher Jiang said with a smile: Meeting, small Xiaobai wants to listen very much.” 姜老师笑道:“会的,小小白就很想要听。” Robin is eating grapes to watch the animated cartoon white/in vain, here has not paid attention completely, but heard the paternal grandmother to mention suddenly oneself name, in spite of being very busy looked. Robin白正在吃着葡萄看着动画片,完全没关注这边,但忽然听到奶奶提到了自己的名字,才百忙之中看了过去。 Xier reminded her saying: Paternal grandmother said that you and you want to listen to the happy matter, is right?” 喜儿提醒她说:“奶奶说你和你想听高兴的事,对不对?” The Robin white nod, she is a tool person, very easy-to-use tool person. Robin白点头,她就是一个工具人,很好用的工具人。 Teacher Jiang said to the pomegranate pomegranate with a smile: You looked, small Xiaobai wants to listen, you said that listens to everyone.” 姜老师笑着对榴榴说:“你看,小小白很想听,你就说给大家听听。” Pomegranate pomegranate eyeball chaotic revolutions, since must say that said. 榴榴眼珠子乱转,既然要说那就说吧。 She starts to run off at the mouth. 她开始信口胡诌。 Paternal grandmother, I thought through, right that you said that I cannot quarrel with Xiaobai, this is incorrect, we are the good friends, has anything well noisy, has what good struggle. Our studies are not good, we should diligently, rather than make her copy my homework together, this harmed her duck. I cannot do! Right, I cannot do absolutely, this is for her is irresponsible! To Boss stretch/open is irresponsible! To small Xiaobai is irresponsible!! I cannot do! I must urge Xiaobai, making her deeply love the learn/study, makes me deeply love the learn/study, we must deeply love the learn/study, must first from writing the homework starts! I thought that later I wanted the earnest effort, daily was upward, because I was not the oneself learn/study, I rise for China am studying, I must struggle with Xiaobai, who did not make us struggle I to be anxious with whom. Xiaobai also thinks.” “奶奶,我是想通了,你说的对,我不能和小白吵架,这是不对的,我们是好朋友,有什么好吵的呢,有什么好争的呢。我们的学习都不好,我们应该一起努力,而不是让她抄我的作业,这是害了她鸭。我不能这么干!对的,我绝对不能这么干,这是对她的不负责!是对张老板的不负责!是对小小白的不负责!!我不能这么干!我要督促小白,让她热爱学习,也让我热爱学习,我们都要热爱学习,首先就要从写好家庭作业开始!我想好了,以后我要认真努力,天天向上,因为我不是在为自己学习,我是在为中华之崛起而学习,我要和小白一起奋斗,谁不让我们奋斗我跟谁急。小白也是这么想的。” Voluminous big pile, not only comes as a surprise to Teacher Jiang, is eating and drinking to look the little friends who animated cartoon hearing to open the mouth. 洋洋洒洒一大堆,不仅出乎姜老师的预料,也把正在吃吃喝喝看动画片的小伙伴们给听得张大了嘴巴。 Everyone was silent, does not know that said anything, but here does not have the applause, because these words stem from the mouth of pomegranate pomegranate, then how must blame, the credibility also gave six 50% discount. 大家都沉默了,不知道说点什么,但此处是没有掌声的,因为这番话出自榴榴的嘴,怎么那么怪呢,可信度也打了六点五折。 Teacher Jiang looks to Xiaobai, asked: How Xiaobai do you think?” 姜老师看向小白,问:“小白你是怎么想的?” Just the words made the tooth that Xiaobai hated itchy, at this moment finally was one's turn oneself to speak, hurried but actually saying of bean: Paternal grandmother, I have just been thinking, I thought that I more want more to feel right that you said that is too right. I and pomegranate pomegranate must try hard to study, we are now big, was 8 or 9-year-old, we cannot again like the pomegranate pomegranate, when oneself is a child knows to play all day, how many do our childhoods have many? Few were many! We in ten years on Sir to become, at that time we must gain admission to the university. Paternal grandmother, I thought that I later must test central political institute, I must be an officer, served the people, making everyone feel the happiness, making the industrious person live, making the good person have the food to eat, making the little darlings have the parents to accompany, must being gluttonous and lazy to be punished. Paternal grandmother, I must make you happy, making you for me proud, today's I take you as the honor, tomorrow's you will certainly take me as the honor. On road that I struggle, when who my shield, I eradicates her!!!” 刚刚一席话让小白恨的牙痒痒,此刻终于轮到自己说话了,赶忙倒豆子似的说道:“奶奶,刚刚我一直在想,我想了很多,我越想越觉得你说的对,太对啦。我和榴榴要努力学习,我们现在已经不小了,都八九岁了,我们不能再像榴榴这样的,当自己还是一个小孩子整天就知道玩,我们的童年还有几多呢?没几多了吖!我们再过十年就成大人了,那时候我们就要考大学了。奶奶,我想好了,我以后要考中央政治学院,我要当一个官,为人民服务,让大家都感到幸福,让勤劳的人有家住,让善良的人有饭吃,让小宝宝们都有爸爸妈妈陪着,也要让好吃懒做的人受到惩罚。奶奶,我还要让你幸福,让你为我骄傲,今天的我以你为荣,明天的你一定会以我为荣的。在我奋斗的路上,谁当我的挡箭牌,我就铲除她!!!” The millet applauds unrestrainedly, and reminded low voice: Is the roadblock, is not shield.” 小米情不自禁地鼓掌,并小声提醒道:“是路障,不是挡箭牌。” Last ten days of the month, asked the monthly ticket, strives stably in first 100. 下旬了,求月票,争取稳定在前100名。
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