SAHDA :: Volume #25

#2401: You want, when their child papers?

The pomegranate pomegranate just like became the young lackey of principal, caught the late student to be insufficient in the school entrance, but must ask others to write the written self-criticism, Yang Pingping of fifth grade was frightened to cry by her. 榴榴俨然成了校长的小狗腿子,在校门口抓了迟到的学生还不够,还要去找人家写检讨书,五年级的杨萍萍都被她吓哭了。 When the pomegranate pomegranate comes out from the principal office with joy, on the drill ground has disappeared Xiaobai and millet, she returns to the classroom, discovered that everyone is discussing her, unexpectedly has not discovered her. 当榴榴喜滋滋地从校长办公室出来时,操场上已经不见了小白和小米,她回到教室,发现大家都在讨论她,竟然都没发现她呢。 She collects to raise up the ear to listen, how hears everyone is frightened to cry by her in Yang Pingping of discussion fifth grade, the sigh pomegranate pomegranate is really a big fiendish person. 她凑过去竖起耳朵听,听到大家在讨论五年级的杨萍萍是怎么被她吓哭的,感叹榴榴真是个大魔王。 Naturally also some people worship the pomegranate pomegranate, thought that the pomegranate pomegranate is quite fierce, the second grade can frighten the crying fifth grade, Li Jun of third grade listens to her words obediently. 当然也有人崇拜榴榴,觉得榴榴好厉害,二年级就能吓哭五年级,就连三年级的李军都乖乖地听她的话。 The pomegranate pomegranate nods silently, suddenly said: Pomegranate pomegranate may be really fierce.” 榴榴默默地点点头,突然说道:“榴榴可真厉害。” Yes, pomegranate pomegranate really fierce.” “是呀是呀,榴榴真的厉害。” I also thought that the pomegranate pomegranate is fierce.” “我也觉得榴榴厉害。” Pomegranate pomegranate is an unprincipled person.” “榴榴是个坏人吧。” Why can pomegranate pomegranate bully the person?” “榴榴为什么要欺负人呢?” I do not like the pomegranate pomegranate.” “我不喜欢榴榴。” ...... …… Suddenly, some people discovered the pomegranate pomegranate stands near them, frightens does not immediately say a word. 忽然,有人发现了榴榴就站在她们边上,吓得立即不做声了。 Just also discussed that warm people all of a sudden awkward silence, everyone does not say a word, only looks at her with the eye. 刚刚还讨论热烈的众人一下子冷场了,大家都不做声了,只拿眼睛看着她。 The pomegranate pomegranate haha smiles, is joining hands behind the back to get out of the way: You chatted, you continued to chat.” 榴榴哈哈笑,背着手走开:“你们聊,你们继续聊。” Although she got out of the way, but everyone where dares to continue to chat. 她虽然走开了,但是大家哪里敢继续聊吖。 When class recess rest, Xier and toot toot looks around outside the classroom, the greeting pomegranate pomegranate they go out. 课间休息时,喜儿和嘟嘟在教室外探头探脑,招呼榴榴她们出去。 Pomegranate pomegranate, heard that you did frighten to cry Yang Pingping of Li Jun and fifth grade of third grade?” Xier asked. “榴榴,听说你把三年级的李军和五年级的杨萍萍吓哭了?”喜儿问。 Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” The first grade that Xier and toot toot is at also knows this matter, this should be in today's school the most explosive news, two small only asked this matter especially. 喜儿和嘟嘟所在的一年级也知道了这件事,这应该是今天学校里最劲爆的消息了吧,两小只特地来问这件事的。 The news is the biography is more exaggerating, Yang Pingping cried, but is not the pomegranate pomegranate frightens to cry, but Li Jun simply has not cried, he even wants to revolt. 消息是越传越夸张,杨萍萍是哭了,但不是榴榴吓哭的,而李军根本没有哭,他甚至想要反抗。 However the news turned into the rumor, the pomegranate pomegranate as if incarnation became the big fiendish person, on this day walks outside, some where people direct to her, talk in whispers, even there is a curious cat cat that does not fear death, peeps she outside her classroom. 但是消息变成了谣言,榴榴仿佛化身成了大魔王,这一天走在外面,哪里都有人对她指指点点,窃窃私语,甚至有不怕死的好奇猫猫,在她教室外偷看她。 This way, the pomegranate pomegranate must ask the principal to want the reputation/honorary cost of the loss. 再这样下去,榴榴要去找校长要名誉损失费啦。 At dusk, Xiaobai the younger sister was called in the family/home to have the dinner by Miss Tan Jia, Tan Jiner makes the dinner today long time ago, inviting Xiaobai to be a guest, small Xiaobai also followed to mix a meal. 傍晚时分,小白被谭家小姐妹叫去家里吃晚饭,谭锦儿今天早早就做好了晚餐,邀请小白做客,小小白也跟着混到了一餐。 Happy baby enthusiasm fire, very hospitable, pours tea to pour water and clamp the vegetable/dish to take another helping of rice to them, meticulous of attendance. 喜娃娃热情似火,十分的好客,给她们倒茶倒水、夹菜添饭,照顾的无微不至。 She also praises the meal that her elder sister makes, said Tan Jiner to be embarrassed, was good because of this is Xiaobai and small Xiaobai this to the paternal aunt nephew, if changed into stretch/open Boss and other Sirs, she is embarrassed. 她还大夸特夸她姐姐做的饭菜,说得谭锦儿都不好意思了,好在这是小白和小小白这对姑侄,要是换成张老板等大人,她已经不好意思了。 Tan Xier! you eats meal quickly, do not say, where some you said is so delicious.” Tan Jiner stops saying that must praise also to avoid her to praise again. “谭喜儿!伱快吃饭,不要说了,哪里有你说的那么好吃。”谭锦儿制止道,要夸也避开她再夸呀。 Xier hiahia smiles, clamped beef to small Xiaobai, clamped green vegetables to Xiaobai again, did not praise not to praise. 喜儿hiahia笑,又给小小白夹了一块牛肉,再给小白夹了一根青菜,不夸就不夸啦。 Many that small Xiaobai this eats, she raises up a thumb toward Tan Jiner: Really delicious, compared with delicious of my mother.” 小白这顿吃的很多,她朝谭锦儿竖起一个大拇指:“真好吃,比我妈妈的好吃。” The meal that her mother Yang Yi makes is the same, is similar to vermilion Xiaojing, shut out. 她妈妈杨怡做的饭菜一般般,和朱小静差不多,都是被嫌弃的。 Tan Jiner urged them to like eating eats. 谭锦儿劝她们喜欢吃就多吃一点。 After finishing eating the food, Xiaobai and Xier carried the rice bowl to go to the kitchen, wanted oneself scrubbing to brush. Robin is still eating to eat white/in vain diligently, slow of her person snack, cannot compare Xiaobai and Xier, can only try hard diligently again diligently. 吃完饭后,小白和喜儿端着饭碗去厨房,要自己洗刷刷。Robin白还在努力扒饭吃,她人小吃的慢,比不上小白和喜儿,只能努力努力再努力啦。 Slow point eats, do not worry, I had not finished eating.” Tan Jiner said, she had actually finished eating, is only for and other small Xiaobai, pretends that is still eating, has not to use the chopsticks suddenly, is accompanying the small Xiaobai speech. “慢点吃,不要着急,我也没吃完呢。”谭锦儿说,她其实早就吃完了,只是为了等小小白,才假装还在吃,有一下没一下动动筷子,陪着小小白说话。 Hee hee ~ ~ ~ “嘻嘻嘻~~~” Robin stupidly smiles white. Robin白傻乎乎地笑。 Tan Jiner is asking her: Small does Xiaobai, hear your English named Robin? Is who takes to you?” 谭锦儿笑着问她:“小小白,听说你的英文名叫Robin?是谁给你取的呀?” Robin white one hear of this, were enthusiastic immediately, wiped the mouth saying: Is my oneself gets up, I give a name to oneself.” Robin白一听这个,立即就来劲了,擦擦嘴说:“是我自己起的,我给自己起个名儿。” Tan Jiner said with a smile: You are really fierce, but also meets oneself to have English name to oneself.” 谭锦儿笑道:“你真厉害,还会自己自己起英文名呢。” Robin nods, is immodest. Robin点点头,一点也不谦虚。 Tan Jiner also asked: „Do you like English very much?” 谭锦儿又问:“你很喜欢英语吗?” The Robin white spot nods. Robin白点点头。 Tan Jiner said: Will say English letter?” 谭锦儿说:“会说英文字母了吗?” Will sing the ABCD song.” “会唱ABCD歌。” Saying, a word was not singing at earliest convenience, Xier washed the dish to come out, stands claps the palm of the hand in the one side with the musical rhythm. 说着,一言不合就唱了起来,喜儿洗了碗出来,站在一旁随着音乐节奏拍巴掌。 Sang one, everyone applauded to her, Robin asked white/in vain: „Do you want to listen to me to sing «Together Recycling waste»?” 唱完一首,大家都给她鼓掌,Robin白问:“你们要听我唱《一起捡破烂》吗?” Does not wait for Miss Tan Jia the younger sister to speak, Xiaobai first said: Small Xiaobai first do not sing, you first finished eating the food food said again.” 不等谭家小姐妹说话,小白抢先说道:“小小白你先不要唱,你先把饭饭吃完再说。” Small Xiaobai lowers the head looks at the oneself little flower bowl, had not truly finished eating, she finished eating the meal diligently, but...... 小白低头一看自己的小花碗,确实还没吃完,她还是努力把饭菜吃完吧,不过…… Little paternal aunt, must call me Robin.” “小姑姑,要叫我Robin。” Xiaobai: „......” 小白:“……” In this period, the Robin mother came, looked that she had soon finished eating the food to walk. 期间,Robin的妈妈过来了一趟,看她已经快要吃完饭了才走。 After finishing eating the meal in bowl laboriously, small Xiaobai with encouragement of her little paternal aunt, oneself went to the kitchen to wash, after thanking Tan Jiner, three talents left. 辛苦吃完了碗里的饭菜后,小小白在她小姑姑的鼓励下,自己去厨房洗了,感谢了谭锦儿后,三人才离开。 Has not gone to Little Red Horse Academy immediately, but is sees Bai Jianping. 没有立即去小红马学园,而是去看望白建平。 A Bai Jianping person sits on the rocking chair watches the television, asked that he ate meal, said that has not eaten, Xier ran to go to the kitchen to look, came back saying that in kitchen lonely, has not been preparing food. 白建平一个人坐在摇椅上看电视,问他吃饭了没,说还没吃,喜儿跑去厨房看了看,回来说厨房里冷冷清清的,没有在做饭。 Xiaobai feels sorry for him: Uncle, don't you have the food to eat? Here has a dollar, you buy delicious.” 小白可怜他:“舅舅,你没有饭吃吗?我这里有一块钱,你去买点好吃的吧。” Xier also said: I asked the elder sister first do not wash dishes, making white the uncle eat.” 喜儿也说:“我去叫姐姐先不要洗碗,让白舅舅去吃一顿。” Bai Jianping looks that nearby hands the dollar of coming, speechless, does he as for go down in the world?! 白建平看着递到跟前来的一块钱,无语,他至于这么落魄吗?! I go to the small Xiaobai home to have the dinner.” He said. “我去小小白家吃晚饭。”他说道。 ~ has my family's food, hiahia has my family's food!” “啊~吃我家的饭呢,hiahia吃我家的饭呢!” Robin yelled white/in vain, probably what very extraordinary important matter, does not know her excited anything. Robin白大叫,好像是什么很了不得的大事似的,不知道她激动个啥。 Bai Jianping goes out, although does not know that Bai Zhiqiang made the dinner not to have, but he is not willing to stay here, dull has been here pitiful by them, that tone, making him be sad, old being able to bear. 白建平出门,虽然不知道白志强做好了晚饭没,但是他不愿意呆在这里了,呆在这里会被她们一直可怜,那语气,让他心生悲凉,年纪大了受不了。 Three small only follow he to go out together, but has not actually gone to the small Xiaobai home, but plans the small red horse. 三小只跟着他一起出门,不过却没去小小白家,而是打算去小红马。 Bai Jianping urged on their road to pay attention to the security, do not want to play all the time, went to the academy directly. 白建平叮嘱她们路上注意安全,不要贪玩,直接去学园里。 Must look after good small Xiaobai, looks to tighten her, do not make her run all over the place.” “一定要照顾好小小白,看紧她,不要让她乱跑。” Xiaobai said to small Xiaobai immediately: Heard? Do not run all over the place.” 小白立即对小小白说:“听到了没?不要乱跑。” Small Xiaobai also said to Xier immediately: Heard? Do not run all over the place.” 小白立即又对喜儿说:“听到了没?不要乱跑。” Xier hiahia smiles, did not mind small Xiaobai said to her like this. 喜儿hiahia笑,一点不介意小小白这样对她说。 Three people go downstairs, walk in the lane in Huang Village, Xier said to Xiaobai suddenly: Xiaobai Xiaobai, I dreamed of my parents last night ~ hiahia ~ ~ ~ ~ 三人下了楼,走在黄家村的巷子里,喜儿忽然对小白说:“小白小白,我昨晚梦见了我爸爸妈妈诶~hiahia~~~~” Xiaobai and Robin looked white/in vain to her, the good omen baby was only feeling pleased, happy likely young fool. 小白和Robin白都看向了她,只见喜娃娃喜滋滋的,开心个像个小傻子。 Xiaobai asked: What did you dream of them to make?” 小白问:“你梦见她们做啥子了?” Xier hiahia smiles, so long as if remembers the content in that dream, is joyful. 喜儿hiahia笑,似乎只要一想起那梦里的内容,就全是喜悦。 After Aunt Xiaobai nephew she smiled, listened to her saying: Does not remember.” 小白姑侄俩等她笑完后,才听她说:“不记得了。” „......” “……” Probably is teasing them to play. 像是在逗她们玩似的。 Xiaobai Xiaobai, do we also seize to call the chicken tonight?” Xier asked. 小白小白,今晚我们还捉叫鸡子吗?”喜儿问。 Seizes, who seizes to ask me to trade between -meal snack to eat.” Xiaobai said. In the family/home has many between-meal snack, this period of time often brings to trade to call the chicken with the children. “捉吧,谁捉到就可以来找我换零食吃。”小白说。家里有不少的零食,这段时间经常拿来和小朋友们换叫鸡子。 Has not counted, but it is estimated that calling chicken in Little Red Horse Academy, each had been seized 56 chapters, only is several enters several, said that is the tears. 没有统计过,但是估计小红马学园里的叫鸡子,每一只都被捉过五六回吧,只只都是几进几出,说多了都是泪。 Xier hears word, said with joy: Xiaobai, you hold to me the glass jar again, I and called the chicken to speak, in the evening I can dream of the parents, hiahia ~ ~ ~ 喜儿闻言,喜滋滋地说:“小白,那你再把玻璃瓶给我抱一抱,我和叫鸡子们说说话,晚上我就又能梦见爸爸妈妈了,hiahia~~~” Small Xiaobai also follows stupidly hiahia to smile. 小白也跟着傻乎乎地hiahia笑。 Two people smiled two young fools. 两人笑成了两个小傻瓜。 Three people across the lane, had the boss in shop to see them to pass by, greeted with them warmly, if were the fine-food eatery, will also deliver what small between-meal snack to them. 三人穿过巷子,有小店的老板见到她们路过,热情地和她们打招呼,如果是美食店,还会送点什么小零食给她们呢。 However Xiaobai does not receive, does not let Xier and small Xiaobai receives. 不过小白坚决不收,也坚决不让喜儿和小小白收。 Robin was a little not in vain happy, she is greedy, she saw the candied haw, wants to eat. Robin白有点不高兴,她馋呢,她看到了冰糖葫芦,想吃。 Xier also wants to eat the candied haw, pleasantly sweet, is really delicious. 喜儿也想吃冰糖葫芦,甜丝丝的,真好吃。 Xiaobai urged that they walked quickly, walk away educated them, cannot eat the thing of others family/home casually. 小白催促她们快走,走远了教育她们,不能随便吃别人家的东西。 Is others eats to us.” “是人家给我们吃的。” Robin spoke in vain. Robin白说。 Xiaobai patted her small head saying: What to do if poisonous?” 小白拍了拍她的小脑瓜子说:“万一有毒怎么办?” Clam?” “蛤?” Not was only Robin is frightened white/in vain, Xier was also frightened, they have not thought will be virulent. 不仅是Robin白被吓到了,喜儿也被吓到了,她们都没想过会有毒呢。 Xiaobai continues to frighten them: If by some chance poisonous lang office? You because of stuttering, must be killed by poison, are you sad.” 小白继续吓唬她们:“万一有毒啷个办咧?你们因为一口吃的,都要被毒死了,你们难过不难过。” Robin nods white/in vain again and again, sad sad. Robin白连连点头,难过难过。 „Does Xier also want to eat?” Xiaobai asked. “喜儿还要吃吗?”小白问。 Xier asked weakly: Also has poisonously pleasantly sweet?” 喜儿弱弱地问:“毒也有甜丝丝的吗?” Xiaobai stares her: lang? If the poison is pleasantly sweet you also wants to eat is?” 小白瞪她:“啷个咧?如果毒是甜丝丝的你也想吃是不是?” Robin also educated Xier to say white/in vain in turn: You ate were poisonous you to turn the belly dead.” Robin白反过来也教育喜儿说:“你吃了毒你就会翻肚皮死掉。” Xier hollow laugh: I ask, I do not eat.” 喜儿干笑:“我就问问,我不吃的。” Xiaobai cold snort/hum: I thought that you will eat.” 小白冷哼一声:“我看你会吃。” Robin white/in vain also cold snort/hum: I thought that you will also eat.” Robin白也冷哼一声:“我看你也会吃。” Xiaobai: I thought that you will eat, your appearance cannot bear the appearance that can eat.” 小白:“我看你就是会吃,你这个样子就是忍不住会吃的样子。” Robin white hears the words, stares at Xier to size up carefully, perhaps oneself can also look. Robin白闻言,仔细盯着喜儿打量,或许自己也能看出来。 Xier hiahia smiles, I ate to spit again poisonously.” 喜儿hiahia笑,“我吃了再把毒吐出来。” Xiaobai stares her: You said again, my brain extravagant calls two package packages you!!” 小白瞪她:“你再说,我脑阔阔给你打两个包包!!” Xier saw Xiaobai really to be angry, vowed solemnly that guaranteed oneself will not eat absolutely, she was teases funny Xiaobai to play. 喜儿见小白真的要生气了,才信誓旦旦地保证自己绝对不会吃,她就是逗逗小白玩的呢。 Three people got to the Little Red Horse Academy entrance finally, Robin are sent to knock at the door white/in vain. 三人终于走到了小红马学园门口,Robin白被派去叫门。 The gate opened, three people enter in the academy, in the academy had come some good children, now the evening of darkness, the twilight has not covered completely. 门开了,三人走进学园里,学园里已经来了好一些小朋友,现在天黑的晚,暮色还没有完全笼罩呢。 „Are you willing to become the couple?” “你们愿意结为夫妻吗?” In the academy, the voice of Weiwei conveys, three people of hears sound looks, sees only Weiwei and young plum child stands shoulder to shoulder, before them, is the Xiao thin bamboo hand in hand and small long. 学园里,小薇薇的声音传来,三人闻声看去,只见小薇薇和小李子并肩子站在一起,在她们面前,是手牵手的筱筱和小悠悠。 The Robin white earliest possible time ran to watch the fun, although has not learned, but managed her, first looked said again, probably was very interesting. Robin白第一时间跑了过去看热闹,虽然还没看明白,但是管她呢,先看了再说,好像挺有意思的。 Managing Weiwei saw her to come, smiled toward her, asked: You want, when their child papers?” 正在主持的小薇薇见到她来了,朝她一笑,问:“你愿意当她们的孩纸吗?”
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