SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2400: I get up early this matter to make the school know

8 : 00 am, elementary school entrance. 早上 8 点,小学门口。 When Principal Li Tao stands when children, in entrance welcome goes to school today, suddenly saw that the pomegranate pomegranate appeared at the back of the book bag by far, walks sluggishly toward the school, but also thinks that oneself was dazzled, rubbed rubbing, carefully looks again, right, that appearance, that stance, who is not the pomegranate pomegranate is. 当李涛校长站在门口欢迎今天上学的小朋友们时,忽然看到榴榴远远地背着书包出现了,慢吞吞地往学校里走来,还以为自己看花眼了,揉了揉,再仔细看,没错,那模样,那姿态,不是榴榴是谁。 Mysterious, today Yanyan went to the school greatly unexpectedly, but also thinks that can catch her to be late. 神奇,今天大燕燕竟然这么早就到校了,还以为又能抓到她迟到。 Hahahaha ~ ~ ~ Gourde touches you.” “哈哈哈哈~~~古德摸你。” The pomegranate pomegranate person also arrives, the friendly sound made a sound. The principal sees her to wave toward oneself, knows that these words were to oneself said that but has not understood. Previous ha haha understood, latter what Gourde touches you not to understand what is heard is what meaning. 榴榴人还走到,热情的声音就响起来了。校长见她朝自己挥了挥手,才知道这句话是对自己说的,但是没听懂。前一句哈哈哈是听懂了,后一句什么古德摸你没听明白是什么意思。 Congratulates your pomegranate pomegranate, today you very comes early, hopes that you will continue from now on maintain.” The principal said. “祝贺你榴榴,今天伱来得挺早,希望你今后继续保持。”校长说道。 The pomegranate pomegranate raised the head to throw out the chest, nods toward him dignifiedly, un, leader, however walked toward the school in likely leisurely. 榴榴抬头挺胸,威严地朝他点了点头,嗯了一声,像个领导人似的,施施然地往学校里走去。 While the principal thinks when she must leave, she stopped suddenly, turn head asked the principal: Principal Li Tao, you wear the red tie duck today, ha haha also looks good.” 正当校长以为她要就这么走掉时,她忽然停了下来,回头问校长:“李涛校长,你今天戴了红色的领带鸭,哈哈哈还蛮好看的嘛。” A sudden praise, making the principal somewhat handle to guard. However, the words of pomegranate pomegranate praise praised to the idea on, this tie was his wife buys for him, the gift of wedding anniversary, wears to the school today for the first time comes, his seven o'clock went to the school, now are eight points, in the past one hour, no one discovered that his red new tie, appeared until the pomegranate pomegranate. 突然的一句夸奖,让校长有些措不及防。不过,榴榴这句夸奖的话是夸到点子上了,这条领带是他老婆给他买的,结婚纪念日的礼物,今天第一次戴到学校来,他七点钟到校,现在已经是八点了,过去了一个小时,没有一个人发现他的红色新领带,直到榴榴出现。 Principal's feeling view to the pomegranate pomegranate raised eight degrees instantaneously, similarly nods with the dignified stance, un, quite made oneself seem like a point not to have the dai Chinese zither. 校长对榴榴的感观瞬间拔高了八度,同样以威严的姿态点了点头,嗯了一声,好让自己看起来一点也没有嘚瑟。 The pomegranate pomegranate actually does not walk, stopped before his foot, still said: Principal I helps you welcome the children together.” 榴榴却不走了,停在了他的脚边,兀自说道:“校长我来帮你一起欢迎小朋友们吧。” The principal makes her go to the classroom, here cannot use her, but the pomegranate pomegranate is not willing, to help him firmly, but also makes him should not be polite, not being stronger brace. 校长让她去教室里,这里用不上她,但是榴榴不肯,坚决要对他予以帮助,还让他不要客气,不要强撑。 The principal is speechless, catches up cannot expel, along with her. 校长无语,赶也赶不走,就随她了。 Quick, he discovered the intention of pomegranate pomegranate, this fellow warmly toward each student who goes to the school greeted, the content of greeting was much the same, is haha you today a little late duck, was soon late, rested the lie-in?” 很快,他就发现了榴榴的用意,这个家伙热情地朝每一个到校的学生打招呼,打招呼的内容基本相同,都是“哈哈你今天有点晚鸭,快要迟到了,是不是睡了懒觉?” Especially when Xiaobai also , the pomegranate pomegranate smiles is louder, criticizes Xiaobai to go to school to be late, is not positive, not like her. 尤其是当小白也到了时,榴榴笑的更加大声,批评小白上学迟到,一点也不积极,不像她。 The principal understood instantaneously, originally this fellow does not want to help him, but wants the dai Chinese zither, because her oneself today a little point(s) the morning, how can make the school teachers and students know this point? That is he stands certainly welcome the children suitably. 校长瞬间就明白了,原来这个家伙不是想要帮他,只是想要嘚瑟,因为她自己今天来的有点点早,怎么样才能让全校师生都知道这一点呢?那当然是和他站在一起欢迎小朋友们最适合。 A morning time, the school teachers and students as if know pomegranate pomegranate today is very early, but also be please caught the late student by the principal, it is said caught a third-grade class of Li Jun and fifth-grade two classes of Yang Pingping. 只是一个早上的功夫,全校师生似乎都知道榴榴今天来的很早,还被校长请去抓迟到的学生,据说抓到了三年级一班的李军和五年级二班的杨萍萍。 Li Jun lian has not cried thick-skinnedly, Yang Pingping cried. 李军脸皮厚没哭,杨萍萍都哭了。 When Teacher Wu Mei enters the classroom, the first few words are to ask the pomegranate pomegranate, how today to come early. 就连吴梅老师走进教室时,第一句话就是问榴榴,今天怎么来得这么早。 The pomegranate pomegranate returned to one, rise for China struggles. 榴榴回了一句,为中华之崛起而奋斗。 Did Teacher Wu Mei instantaneously silent, slightly crossed this topic directly, started to receive the work. 瞬间把吴梅老师干沉默了,直接略过了这个话题,开始收作业。 Commissary in charge of studies millet collecting in full the busy book gives Wu Mei, on the schoolmates studies by oneself early, she corrects students'papers on the spot. 学习委员小米把收齐的作业本交给吴梅,同学们上早自习,她则现场批改作业。 Looks, suddenly a brow wrinkle, looked up the direction of pomegranate pomegranate, the plan let off her, but the pomegranate pomegranate definitely is the reflection fox, noticed her vision, looked. 看着看着,忽然眉头一皱,抬头看了看榴榴的方向,本打算放过她的,但是榴榴肯定是属反射狐的,注意到了她的目光,也看了过来。 Teacher Wu Mei then beckons to shout her to pass, the pomegranate pomegranate mounts the platform, stands side Teacher Wu Mei. 吴梅老师便招手喊她过去,榴榴屁颠屁颠走上了讲台,站在吴梅老师身边。 Teacher Wu Mei opens her busy book, pointed at one saying: What your here writes is what?” 吴梅老师翻开她的作业本,指着一处说:“你这里写的是什么?” The pomegranate pomegranate approached to look, was startled, the eye started the chaotic revolutions. 榴榴凑近看了看,大吃一惊,眼睛开始乱转。 Teacher Wu Mei stares at her to look, but can also unable to look at the situation? 吴梅老师盯着她瞧,还能瞧不出情况? Doing the homework is earnest.” “写作业要认真。” Earnest earnest.” “认真认真。” little friend do not bear a grudge.” “小朋友不要记仇。” Doesn't bear a grudge.” “不记仇不记仇。” With, your today's work made the mistake a problem, thinks well.” “拿回去吧,你今天的作业做错了一道题,好好想想。” Thinks well.” “好好想想。” The pomegranate pomegranate receives the busy book, ran back on the oneself seat speedily, on her busy book has the bearing a grudge collected sayings that last night wrote, has not thought that was discovered by Teacher Wu. 榴榴收起作业本,一溜烟跑回了自己的座位上,她的作业本上有昨晚写的记仇语录,没想到被吴老师发现了。 Is good because of being discovered by Xiaobai. 好在没有被小白发现。 It seems like, cannot write on the busy book the duck, must prepare a small book to come specially. 看来以后不能写在作业本上鸭,要专门准备一本小本子来记。 Suddenly, a head extended, the pomegranate pomegranate response is rapid, immediately covered the busy book, guards saying: My goodness, Xiaobai do you want to copy my homework?” 忽然,一个脑袋伸了过来,榴榴反应迅速,立即捂住了作业本,提防道:“好家伙,小白你想抄我的作业?” Xiaobai curls the lip: „Do I copy your homework? I feared that does not pass an examination.” 小白撇撇嘴:“我抄你的作业?我怕不及格咧。” Oh divides high compared with you.” “啊哈哈哈比你分高。” Ha haha smiles excrement individual.” “哈哈哈笑屎个人咧。” Ha haha you also smile excrement individual.” “哈哈哈你也笑屎个人。” What do both of you smile? Doesn't study?” “你们俩笑什么?不读书吗?” The voice of Teacher Wu Mei conveys, and projected the serious vision, frightened Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate hurries to hold the language textbook to study loudly. 吴梅老师的声音传来,并把严肃的目光投射了过来,吓的小白和榴榴赶紧捧着语文课本大声读书。 The bell Lingling's ting resounds, studied by oneself to finish early, the first class was the language class, Teacher Wu Mei first was the review last night homework, this made the pomegranate pomegranate under with trepidation, was good to fear that Teacher Wu said her bearing a grudge collected sayings, she does't can fight one with Xiaobai? 铃铃铃的铃声响起,早自习结束了,第一节课是语文课,吴梅老师先是点评了昨晚的家庭作业,这让榴榴在底下提心吊胆,好怕吴老师把她的记仇语录说出去,那她不得和小白打一架? Too dangerous. 太危险了。 Is good because of Teacher Wu Mei is a good teacher, without exposing her small 99, let her very this pass/test. 好在吴梅老师是个好老师,没有暴露她心里的小九九,让她挺过了这一关。 After finishing class, the pomegranate pomegranate calls people friends readily, calling Xiaobai and millet to go out. 下课后,榴榴呼朋唤友,叫上小白、小米出门去。 Goes to bathroom together.” “一起去上厕所。” First does not go to bathroom, we go to the third grade.” “先不上厕所,我们去三年级。” Goes to the third grade to do?” “去三年级干嘛?” Also must go to the fifth grade.” “还要去五年级呢。” Does?” “去干嘛?” Receives the written self-criticism duck.” “收检讨书鸭。” Whose written self-criticism?” “谁的检讨书?” Is Li Jun and Yang Pingping.” “是李军和杨萍萍的。” Who are they?” “他们是谁?” Why?” “为啥子?” Their one is a man, one is a woman, was late must write the written self-criticism, I helped the principal receive the duck.” “他们一个是男人,一个是女人,迟到了要写检讨书,我帮校长收鸭。” Does not go.” “不去。” I do not want to go.” “我也不想去。” Good friend, the good friends duck, accompanies me to go.” “好朋友,好朋友们鸭,陪我去叭。” The pomegranate pomegranate request and plea, persuaded Xiaobai and Xiaomi. 榴榴请求、恳求,才把小白和小米说动了一起去。 It is estimated that this fellow also a little worried, going to the higher grades receives written self-criticism matter to be very easy to capsize, what to do if others hit one her. 估计这家伙心里也有点担心,去高年级收检讨书这种事很容易翻船的,万一人家把她打一顿怎么办。 Has Xiaobai and Xiaomi , the safety coefficient promoted a big truncation. 有个小白和小米在,安全系数提升了一大截。 Receives the written self-criticism the process to be smooth, although Li Jun of third grade is not glad, but facing three Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranates, does not dare to make anything, who lets them is the big celebrity, handed over the written self-criticism honestly, but also was complained this character to write by the pomegranate pomegranate was also too ugly/difficult to look at. 收检讨书的过程还算顺利,三年级的李军虽然不乐意,但是面对三个小白和榴榴,不敢做什么,谁让她们是大名人呢,老老实实交了检讨书,还被榴榴吐槽这字写的也太难看了。 Li Jun: „......” 李军:“……” When Yang Pingping who found the fifth grade, Yang Pingping cried, the eye tearful, gave the pomegranate the pomegranate the written self-criticism, her character wrote was very attractive, just like her person, was an attractive little miss. 找到五年级的杨萍萍时,杨萍萍又哭了,眼泪汪汪的,把检讨书交给了榴榴,她字写的很好看,和她的人一样,是个漂亮小姑娘。 The attractive person always receives everyone's sympathy easily, not like beforehand Li Jun. 漂亮的人总是容易得到大家的同情,不像之前的李军。 The pomegranate pomegranate they comforted Yang Pingping several, the pomegranate pomegranate almost said was late is anything the words to come, almost exposed. 榴榴她们安慰了杨萍萍几句,榴榴差点说出“迟到算什么”的话来,差点就暴露了。 However, when they leave, Yang Pingping schoolmate low voice in the back whispers: 但是,在她们离开时,杨萍萍的同学小声在背后嘀咕: „Isn't pomegranate pomegranate late frequently? Has she written the written self-criticism? Why to make Yang Pingping write.” “榴榴不是也经常迟到吗?她写过检讨书吗?凭什么就让杨萍萍写。” Yes, I noticed that frequently the pomegranate pomegranate is late, but also was called the office to go by the principal, she has not definitely written the written self-criticism.” “就是呀,我经常看到榴榴迟到,还被校长叫到办公室去,她肯定没写检讨书。” ...... …… Pomegranate pomegranate: → _ → 榴榴:→_→ Rational does not fear the sound to be high, no principle does not dare to say a word, the pomegranate pomegranate hurried to sneak off, slips away, runs far, to the drill ground on, she acted crazy, the resentment day resentment resentment fifth grade two classes, said that they were the defiant people. 有理不怕声高,没理就不敢做声,榴榴赶紧开溜,溜之大吉,跑远了,到了操场上,她才发飙,怼天怼地怼五年级二班,说他们都是刁民。 Xiaobai stands in the one side looks at her to vent, ended said: I felt right that they said.” 小白站在一旁看她发泄情绪,完了说:“我觉得他们说的对。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” The mood of just with great difficulty returning to normal, is not instantaneously beautiful. 刚刚好不容易平复的心情,瞬间又不美丽了。 Xiaomi also said: Pomegranate pomegranate, you receive everyone's written self-criticism today, then you cannot be late next time, otherwise everyone will have the opinion, only if will be late you also to write the written self-criticism next time, otherwise everyone will not take you, said that in the back said your malicious remarks, you want to receive the written self-criticism again, everyone will not give you.” 小米也说道:“榴榴,你今天收了大家的检讨书,那么下次你就不能迟到了,不然大家会有意见的,除非下次迟到你也写检讨书,否则大家不会服你,说在背后说你的坏话,你再想去收检讨书,大家就不会给你了。” The pomegranate pomegranate thinks, seriously pondered the moment, nods seriously, un, took an oath to say dignified: I later am not late, before dawn the schools of 8 o'clock are really lively.” 榴榴想了想,认真思考了片刻,严肃地点点头,嗯了一声,庄严宣誓道:“我以后再也不迟到了,凌晨八点钟的学校真热闹。” Xiaobai and millet look at each other one, how not to make one believe that 8 : 00 am? Can eight points call early morning? Oh is also, the pomegranate pomegranate has possibly only looked at the schools of eight o'clock, has not looked again. 小白和小米对视一眼,怎么这么不让人相信呢,凌晨 8 点?八点能叫凌晨?噢也是,榴榴可能只看过八点钟的学校,再早就没看过了。 Xiaobai added: „Being late again you are not a person.” 小白补充说:“再迟到你就不是人。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” Xiaobai said: Pomegranate pomegranate you must to oneself ruthlessly.” 小白说:“榴榴你要对自己狠一点。” The pomegranate pomegranate refuted: How you to oneself, you did not pledge the duck ruthlessly.” 榴榴反驳道:“你怎么不对自己狠一点,你也发誓鸭。” Xiaobai said: I had not said, is not late, was you were saying. You pledged.” 小白说:“我没说以后再也不迟到吖,是你在说。你发誓吖。” Pomegranate pomegranate: I send send.” 榴榴:“我发就发。” You send.” “那你发吖。” I send.” “我发。” Sends.” “发吖。” flatter tender flatter light green just sent ~ ~ “阿嫩阿嫩绿的刚发吖~~ Snail at the back of that numerous shell duck ~ ~ ~ 蜗牛背着那重重的壳鸭~~~” The pomegranate pomegranate sang suddenly, sang while walks, toward the principal office, was moe to mix to pass through flagrantly. 榴榴忽然唱起来了,一边唱一边走,往校长办公室去,就是这么明目张胆地萌混过关。 Xiaobai and millet look at each other in blank dismay, originally sends! 小白和小米面面相觑,原来是这么发的吖!
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