SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2399: Intention of Xiaobai

Kingdom melon baby who flew in Little Red Horse Academy to be warmly welcomed, the small female students noisy crowd welled up, expectations visit him. 王国飞成了小红马学园里备受欢迎的瓜娃子,小女生们一窝蜂涌过来,一个个期望地看着他。 The kingdom flew to say loudly: I worship you, I super worship you!! I do not dare to frighten you with the earthworm!!!” 王国飞大声说:“我崇拜你们,我超级崇拜你们!!我再也不敢用蚯蚓吓唬你们了!!!” This fellow likes frightening the young female students, what today uses is the earthworm, what yesterday used was the beetle, what the day before yesterday used was the caterpillar...... 这个家伙喜欢吓唬小女生们,今天用的是蚯蚓,昨天用的是甲壳虫,前天用的是毛毛虫…… Xiaobai seizes the opportunity, renovates him well, really made him honest. 小白抓住机会,好好整治一下他,果然就让他老实了。 The kingdom flew finally and toot toot put by the pomegranate pomegranate, the pomegranate pomegranate was still unwilling, how talks over is not flying to plant in the sand pit the kingdom, in the sand pit has not planted the melon baby for a long time, is not fertile. 王国飞最终被榴榴和嘟嘟放了,榴榴依然不甘心,念叨着怎么不把王国飞种沙坑里呢,沙坑里已经好久没有种瓜娃子了,都不肥沃了。 However pomegranate pomegranate extremely in not intertwining this matter, because she also has a more important matter to do. 不过榴榴并没有太过于纠结这件事,因为她还有更重要的事情去做呢。 The tonight's children are very rich, has between -meal snack, this vast world has bright prospects, the pomegranate pomegranate is busy rubbing eats to rub drinks, deceives to eat to deceive to drink. 今晚的小朋友们可是都很富有的,一个个都有零食,这广阔天地大有可为,榴榴忙着蹭吃蹭喝,骗吃骗喝呢。 She must grasp, not only can deceive to eat, cannot deceive too, lets the deceived little friend cries, once otherwise had the little friend therefore to cry, she met with a disaster, will definitely be held to hang, perhaps tonight is planted the melon baby in sand pit is she. 她要把握好度,既能骗到吃的,又不能骗太多,让被骗的小朋友哭,不然一旦有小朋友因此哭了,她就遭殃了,肯定会被抓住吊起来,说不定今晚被种在沙坑里的瓜娃子就是她。 The pomegranate pomegranate is busy scurrying about everywhere, Xiaobai had collected in full calling chicken that everyone seized, with fish maw glass bottled, sat on the stair looked with joy toward the glass jar in, saw only these to call the chicken to lie in the same place, some were motionless, some are jumping to stumble, but basically is vibrating the beard in honk toot toot calling. 榴榴忙着到处乱窜,小白已经把大家捉到的叫鸡子都收齐了,用鱼肚玻璃瓶装着,喜滋滋地坐在台阶上往玻璃瓶里看,只见这些叫鸡子趴在一起,有的一动不动,有的则是在蹦跶,但是基本都抖动着胡须在嘟嘟嘟的叫。 In the glass jar spreads one lively toot toot sound, Xier does not know when sat, by the left hand of Xiaobai near, side stares at the glass jar to look, sizes up inside calling chicken. 玻璃瓶里传出一阵热闹的嘟嘟声,喜儿不知道何时坐了过来,挨着小白的左手边,侧头盯着玻璃瓶看,打量里面的叫鸡子。 One, two, three and four...... altogether six were called the chicken.” Xier said. “一、二、三、四……一共有六只叫鸡子呢。”喜儿说。 Xiaobai treasure holds the glass jar, the bottle mouth has not been covering, because such calling chicken will feel stifled, will not need to be worried that will call the chicken child to jump out of the glass jar, the bottle was too deep, calling the chicken to jump to stumble is so high. 小白宝贝似的捧着玻璃瓶,瓶口没有盖住,因为那样会把叫鸡子憋死,而且也不用担心叫鸡子会跳出玻璃瓶,瓶子太深了,叫鸡子蹦跶不了那么高。 Hou humph humph, cute, fun.” Xiaobai looks that the glass jar bottom calling chicken jumps unceasingly to stumble, the ear listens to honk toot toot the sound to interweave a piece, does not feel noisy, only feels of pleasant to hear, the mood can especially tranquil. “嚯嚯嚯,可爱吧,好玩吧。”小白看着玻璃瓶底的叫鸡子不断蹦跶,耳边听着嘟嘟嘟声交织成一片,不觉得吵,只觉得好听,心情可以格外的宁静。 Xier both hands hold the cheek, nods, un, stared at being enthralled that calling chicken of bottle bottom are looking. 喜儿双手托着腮帮子,点点头,嗯了一声,盯着瓶底的叫鸡子们看的入神。 Xiaobai has not spoken, similarly is staring at the glass jar, is in a daze to inside calling chicken. 小白也没说话,同样盯着玻璃瓶,对着里面的叫鸡子们发呆。 The night breeze sways, sways two people hair. 晚风吹拂,拂动两人的头发。 Xiaobai ~ 小白~” Xier shouts suddenly in a soft voice. 喜儿忽然轻声呼喊。 Un?” “嗯?” you said that calls the chicken child to bless us is right?” “伱说叫鸡子会保佑我们对不对?” Is, before had protected me.” “是的咧,以前就保护过我呢。” That called the chicken also to bless the parents.” “那叫鸡子也能保佑爸爸妈妈叭。” Then, stupidly how Xier as if remembers oneself, therefore hiahia smiled several to conceal. 说完,喜儿似乎想起自己怎么傻乎乎的呢,于是hiahia笑了几声来掩饰。 Xiaobai side looked at her, takes back the vision, continued to stare at calling chicken in glass jar saying: Ok, calling the chicken to bless everyone.” 小白侧头看了一眼她,收回目光,继续盯着玻璃瓶里的叫鸡子说:“可以的,叫鸡子可以保佑所有人。” In Xier's big eyes flashes through joyfully, the brilliance twinkle, she nods layer on layer/heavily , to continue to hold the cheek to call the chicken to be in a daze to this. 喜儿的大眼睛里闪过欣喜,光彩闪烁,她重重地点点头,继续托着腮帮子对这叫鸡子发呆。 Xiaobai hands over in front of the fish maw glass jar her, gives you, taking.” 小白把鱼肚玻璃瓶交到她面前,“给你,拿着。” Well?” Xier is astonished. “咦?”喜儿讶异。 Is holding sai to you, you can calling the chicken child speech, to them said the words that you want to speak, they will hear, told your father again mother.” “给你抱着噻,你可以对叫鸡子说话,把你想说的话对它们说,它们就会听到,再告诉你的爸爸妈妈。” Ha?” “哈?” Xier pleasant surprise, but can also, how she not think like this. 喜儿惊喜,还能这样吖,她怎么从没想到过呢。 Although has attended the elementary school, but the happy baby is still maintaining simple-hearted, seem sillier than the physical age. 虽然已经读小学了,但是喜娃娃依然保持着天真无邪,看起来要比实际年龄更加傻乎乎一些。 The words that Xiaobai spoke she believes very much, is glad to believe. 小白说的话她很相信,也乐意相信。 Xier holds the fish maw glass jar to whisper joyfully, said big bunch of words , after stopping, gives back to Xiaobai the fish maw glass jar, somewhat said embarrassed: Xiaobai, I said were too many, calling the chicken to be able not to remember?” 喜儿欣喜地抱着鱼肚玻璃瓶嘀嘀咕咕,说了一大堆的话,停下来后,把鱼肚玻璃瓶还给小白,有些不好意思地说:“小白,我是不是说的太多了,叫鸡子们会不会不记得?” Xiaobai received the glass jar, definitely said: Do not despise called the chicken, they are fierce.” 小白接过玻璃瓶,肯定地说:“你可不要小看了叫鸡子们哦,它们厉害着咧。” Xier hee smiles: I will little say next time, too, calling the chicken child to be tired.” 喜儿嘻嘻笑:“我下次少说一点,记太多了,叫鸡子会累的。” Xiaobai asked that she did say? 小白问她说完了? Xier nodded to say. 喜儿点头说说完了。 Therefore Xiaobai leads her to set out, two people entered grove, put calling chicken of fish maw glass jar, calling the chicken to vanish in the shrubbery quickly, could not see instantaneously, but near the ear still resounded honk toot toot the sound, as if called was more cheerful. 于是小白带她起身,两人进了小树林,把鱼肚玻璃瓶的叫鸡子放了,叫鸡子很快消失在了灌木丛中,瞬间看不到了,但是耳边依然响起嘟嘟嘟声,仿佛叫的更加欢快了。 Xiaobai and Xier listened respectfully to a while toot toot the sound to leave, but when going out of grove, discovered is abducting the small Xiaobai pomegranate pomegranate. 小白和喜儿聆听了一会儿嘟嘟声才离开,只是在走出小树林时,发现了正在拐骗小小白的榴榴。 ...... …… The pomegranate pomegranate wailed to run grove, ran away crazily. 榴榴哀嚎着跑出了小树林,疯狂逃窜。 Xiaobai is pursuing her behind, ordering her to halt quickly. 小白在身后追她,命令她快站住。 Xier and cheek ruddy small Xiaobai stand in the distant place, Xier arms are holding the fish maw glass jar, in the bottle was spatial. 喜儿和脸蛋红扑扑的小小白站在远处,喜儿怀里抱着鱼肚玻璃瓶,瓶子里空了。 The pomegranate pomegranate escapes finally, because her mother came. 榴榴最终逃过了一劫,因为她妈妈来了。 In the past vermilion Xiaojing must bring home her to work hard, tonight actually extraordinary simple, the pomegranate pomegranate without delay, has no more to do with. 以往朱小静要带她回家可费工夫了,今晚却出奇的干脆,榴榴二话不说,拔腿就跟着走了。 Late was worried dismembered a body by Xiaobai. 晚了担心被小白大卸八块。 The pomegranate pomegranate walks, some young basin friends complained, said that the pomegranate pomegranate deceived their between-meal snack to eat, some were the candies, some were the biscuit...... 榴榴一走,一些小盆友就纷纷来告状,说榴榴骗了她们的零食吃,有的是糖果,有的是饼干…… The millet and toot toot was arranged to count, writes down the children of being deceived, name and deceived thing, tomorrow will look for the pomegranate pomegranate to do accounts. 小米和嘟嘟被安排去统计,把受骗的小朋友都记下来,名字和被骗的东西,明天找榴榴算账。 Do not leak the little friend.” The small circle teacher urged. “不要漏了小朋友。”小圆老师叮嘱道。 The millet nods firmly, toot toot also stern-faced: Cannot be few!” 小米坚定地点点头,嘟嘟也一脸的严肃:“一个不能少!” Evidently Miss Zhao to maintain the justice, plans to punish guilty family members. 看样子赵小姐为了维持正义,打算大义灭亲。 The pomegranate pomegranate does not know that the oneself little sisters puncture her in the back, she follows mother vermilion to go home, in self-satisfied, tonight was really successful, she ate to the full. 榴榴不知道自己的小姐妹又在背刺她,她跟着朱妈妈回家,正在得意呢,今晚真是太成功了,她都吃饱啦。 The abdomen of plump was discovered by vermilion Xiaojing, touched, is surprised the different way: What did pomegranate pomegranate you eat in the evening?” 圆滚滚的小肚子被朱小静发现,摸了摸,诧异道:“榴榴你晚上到底吃了什么?” The pomegranate pomegranate opens that innocent small eye diligently: What ate?” 榴榴努力睁大那双无辜的小眼睛:“吃了什么?” vermilion Xiaojing asked: Asked that what you did eat? Is the belly so how round?” 朱小静问:“问你吃了什么呀?怎么肚子这么圆?” What did I eat?” “我吃了什么?” Right, what did you eat? Do not ask me, I do not know, asked you.” “对啊,你吃了什么?你不要问我,我不知道,问你。” „Don't you know?” “你不知道?” What you ate me how to know, asked you, what did you eat?” “你吃了什么我怎么知道,问你,你吃了什么?” „Did I eat? Haven't I eaten? Did I eat had not eaten?” “我吃了?我没吃?我吃了没吃?” „...... Are you feigning with me? Words that I did not speak, I asked little Teacher willow.” “……你在跟我装傻充愣是吧?我不说的话,我就去问小柳老师。” „...... Wheezing wheezing ~ ~ ~ “……呼噜噜呼噜噜~~~” Hey ~ ~ the pomegranate pomegranate, do not pretend to be sleeping.” “喂~~榴榴,你别装睡。” The pomegranate pomegranate really does not pretend to be sleeping, she was really stranded, is satiated with food and wine, displayed their wisdom and bravery one in the evening, finally also feels alarmed and anxious is almost caught by Xiaobai, now goes home, the familiar warm environment, she lay down was stranded, the sleep suddenly comes, comes not to walk, rested could not open the eye. 榴榴真不是装睡,她是真的困了,吃饱喝足,又斗智斗勇了一晚上,最后还担惊受怕差点被小白抓到,现在回到家,熟悉温暖的环境,她一躺下就困了,睡眠说来就来,来了就不走了,一睡就睁不开了眼睛。 Originally is the small eye. 本来就是小眼睛。 vermilion Xiaojing asked several her not to respond, can only first let off her reluctantly temporarily. 朱小静叫了几声她没反应,只能无奈地暂时先放过她。 Meanwhile, in Little Red Horse Academy, Xiaobai went home, Zhang Tan looks at her to hold the completely empty fish maw glass jar, asked strangely: Xiaobai your calling chicken? Before didn't have many?” 与此同时,小红马学园里,小白回家了,张叹看她抱着空空如也的鱼肚玻璃瓶,奇怪地问道:“小白你的叫鸡子呢?之前不是有好多吗?” He noticed that Xiaobai is trading children's calling chicken with between -meal snack. 他看到小白在用零食换小朋友们的叫鸡子。 Downwashed the fish maw glass jar Xiaobai to the faucet, then puts in the balcony to air dry, replied: Put sai.” 小白到水龙头下洗了鱼肚玻璃瓶,然后放到阳台上晾干,回答道:“放了噻。” Put?” “放了?” Zhang Tan is surprised. 张叹惊讶。 You do not trade with between -meal snack? How to put, your between-meal snack was not goes in uselessly.” “你不是用零食换来的吗?怎么就放了,那你零食不是白搭进去了。” Xiaobai humph humph smiles: lang was goes in uselessly, didn't the children eat?! Also has not wasted.” 小白嚯嚯笑:“啷个是白搭进去了咧,小朋友们不是吃了吗?!又没有浪费。” She said this saying time, the tone is light, the expression nature, did not think that this has anything, the person but who listens to at heart is quite affected, although Xiaobai is a spicy younger sister, but the heart is very good. 她说这话的时候,语气平淡,表情自然,一点也不觉得这有什么,但听的人却心里颇为感动,小白虽然是个辣妹子,但是心底很善良。 She used between -meal snack to trade children's calling chicken, then put, such tomorrow's children can still seize, seize to ask her to trade between -meal snack. 她用零食换了小朋友们的叫鸡子,然后又放了,这样明天小朋友们依然可以去捉,捉来了又可以来找她换零食。 Tonight what and she exchanges to call the chicken to be most is Ren Bangbang, Ren Bangbang a person seized three, traded several candies. 今晚和她交换叫鸡子最多的是任棒棒,任棒棒一个人就捉了三只,换了几颗糖果。 In the evening in go home Ren Bangbang trading candy and a tonight's minute/share of arriving between-meal snack less-than container load in a small bag, said after mother, arrives at the next door, sounded the door of next-door neighbor family/home. 晚上回到家里的任棒棒把换来的糖果和今晚分到的零食一并装在了一个小袋子里,和妈妈说了一声后,来到隔壁,敲响了隔壁邻居家的房门。 After the gate, spreads the inquiry sound, Ren Bangbang the stutter said is he, depends on this stutter sound, inside person knows that was, therefore the door opened immediately, a little girl appears at present. 门后传出询问声,任棒棒结结巴巴地说是他,就凭这结巴声,里面的人就知道是谁了,所以房门立即就开了,一个小女孩出现在眼前。 Ren Bangbang rushes to hand over the bag in hand: Element element element element,......” 任棒棒赶忙把手中的袋子递过去:“素素素素素素素,给给给给给给给给给……” Is anxious, he is the stutter fiercely. 越是紧张,他越是结巴得厉害。 The little girls said: Gives me?” 小女孩说:“是给我的吗?” Ren Bangbang nods: „Is is.” 任棒棒点头:“是是是是的。” The little girls meet in the hand, opened to look, said joyfully: Has the chocolate that the love eats ~ ~ ~ 小女孩接在手里,打开看了看,欣喜地说:“有爱吃的巧克力诶~~~” Ren Bangbang sees the little girl is so happy, he also showed the smile, the nod said: „Is is ~ 任棒棒见小女孩这么开心,他也不禁露出了笑容,点头说:“是是是是的~” Stick good Elder Brother you also eats.” “棒棒哥哥你也吃。” The little girls peeled a chocolate, delivers the assuming the post stick good mouth. 小女孩剥了一个巧克力,送到任棒棒嘴边。 Ren Bangbang laughs foolishly: Eats to eat, I have eaten, your your you eat......” 任棒棒憨笑:“吃吃吃吃吃了,我吃过过过了,你你你你你吃……”
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