SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2398: Xiaobai method

Pomegranate pomegranate: → _ →! 榴榴:→_→! Ren Bangbang the stutter, spoke with singing. 任棒棒结巴,说话跟唱歌似的。 The pomegranate pomegranate listened to smile not be good to laugh, feared the attack assuming the post stick. 榴榴听了想笑又不好大笑,怕打击到任棒棒。 When does one's assignment in the evening, Grandma Jiang told them, the stutter all was not because the issue in physiology, there is a large part is the psychological issue, the popular point said with the words that the children can understand, felt inferior, without the self-confidence caused. 在晚上做作业的时候,姜奶奶告诉她们,结巴不全是因为生理上的问题,也有很大一部分是心理上的问题,通俗点用小朋友们能听懂的话说,就是自卑,没自信心导致的。 Therefore Grandma Jiang urged them, certainly cannot ridicule Ren Bangbang, must encourage him. 所以姜奶奶叮嘱她们,一定不能嘲笑任棒棒,要多鼓励他。 Hehe, I also think that you are singing, the stick, did not say, the speech wanted slowly, do not worry, you can, you unable the stutter.” The pomegranate pomegranate said with a smile dry/does, actually she wants to smile, Ren Bangbang spoke is too funny. “呵呵,我还以为你在唱歌呢,棒棒,不是说了吗,说话要慢一点,不要着急,你可以的,你不会结巴的。”榴榴干笑道,其实她很想笑的,任棒棒说话太好笑了。 Ren Bangbang nods: Un un......” 任棒棒点点头:“嗯嗯呢呢呢呢呢……” The pomegranate pomegranate is happy: You looked that your words are better.” 榴榴喜道:“你看你这句话就好很多啦。” On Ren Bangbang the face is brightly smiling, is oneself was little progressive and happy. 任棒棒脸上笑容灿烂,为自己的一点点进步而高兴。 At this time, the Robin leucorrhea the millet was coming, pointed at the pomegranate pomegranate saying: Millet elder sister, is the pomegranate pomegranate joins a production team, he stood in front of the stick.” 这时候,Robin白带着小米过来了,指着榴榴说:“小米姐姐,就是榴榴插队的,他站到了棒棒前面。” The pomegranate pomegranate just about to explains, Ren Bangbang said: Without has not had, has not inserted my......” 榴榴刚要解释,任棒棒却说:“没没没没没没没有,没有插插插插我的……” The pomegranate pomegranate quickly said: Slow point duck slow point duck, does not want the anxious duck, you must the refueling duck.” 榴榴急忙说:“慢点鸭慢点鸭,不要急鸭,你要加油鸭。” Ren Bangbang is wholeheartedly anxious, the stutter was fiercer. 任棒棒一心急,结巴就更厉害了。 His complexion a little becomes flushed, this is anxious. 他脸色有点涨红,这是急的。 Nearby millet and small Xiaobai also encourage Ren Bangbang the slow speech, should not be anxious, slowly said. 一旁的小米和小小白也鼓励任棒棒慢一点说话,不要急,慢慢说。 Your slow spoke you to succeed half.” Small Xiaobai studies for the purpose of application, delivers the assuming the post stick good mouth the mind chicken soup that her little paternal aunt fills, hopes that he also tastes. “你慢一点说话你就成功了一半。”小小白学以致用,把她小姑姑灌的心灵鸡汤送到任棒棒嘴边,希望他也尝尝。 Ren Bangbang with their encouragements, the mood were finally steadier, the meaning that he wants to express is, the pomegranate pomegranate has not inserted his team, I agreed that makes the pomegranate pomegranate stand in his front. 任棒棒在她们的鼓励下,终于情绪平稳了一些,他想表达的意思是,榴榴没有插他的队,我同意让榴榴站在他的面前。 The pomegranate pomegranate was surprised, small Xiaobai was also surprised, the small brain thinks that does not understand why the stick is. 榴榴惊讶了,小小白也惊讶了,小小的脑子想不明白棒棒是为什么。 Small Xiaobai stamps one's foot surprisedly, shouts to shout: She joins a production team, she inserts your team, you joined a production team by her, you fell behind one, aren't you angry?” 小白惊讶地跳脚,嚷嚷道:“她插队,她插你的队,你被她插队了,你就落后了一个,你不生气吗?” Ren Bangbang wants to speak, however thinks, is shut up, shook the head on the line. 任棒棒想说话,但是想了想,还是闭嘴,摇头就行了。 Small Xiaobai thinks immediately is not clear, her small head is insufficient. When compared with her little paternal aunt is three years old, her obvious brain transfers then Xiaobai is not quick, most of the time is smart, but is sometimes easy to play dumb. 小白立即想不明白了,她的小脑瓜子不够用。比起她小姑姑三岁时,她明显脑子转的没有当时的小白快,大多数时候是机灵的,但有时候容易犯傻。 Small Xiaobai thinks clearly, not deciding to give the millet, looked how the millet elder sister said. 小白想不明白,就把决定交给小米,看小米姐姐怎么说。 The millet thinks, shook the head saying: But is not good, stick, although you agreed that the pomegranate pomegranate joins a production team, however also has little Du in you behind, this to little Du is unfair......” 小米只是想了想,还是摇头说:“但是不行,棒棒,虽然你同意榴榴插队,但是在你身后还有小杜呢,这对小杜是不公平的……” little Du:??? 小杜:??? Pomegranate pomegranate: → _ → 榴榴:→_→ She looked at a little Du. 她只是看了一眼小杜。 I want.” “我愿意。” The Xiaomi words have not said, listened to little Du to say I wanted. 小米话还没说完,就听小杜说了一声我愿意。 Emmmm ~ ~ ~ Emmmm~~~ Was worried that the millet has not heard clearly, little Du also said loudly: Millet, I am willing to make the pomegranate pomegranate join a production team to me in front, I want.” 担心小米没听清,小杜又大声说道:“小米,我愿意让榴榴插队到我前面,我愿意。” Wait! Before the speech, first lets pomegranate pomegranate fork waist flamboyant a while, after sinking the modeling, the pomegranate pomegranate said to little Du: Good child, my good child duck, the elder sister usually not to have been good to you white/in vain the duck, hahahaha 666 ducks I!!!!” 等等!在说话之前,先让榴榴叉腰牛逼一会儿,凹了造型后,榴榴才对小杜说:“好孩子,我的好孩子鸭,姐姐平时没白对你们好鸭,哈哈哈哈666鸭我!!!!” Small Xiaobai asked little Du: Why is this? Why is this duck?” 小白问小杜:“这是为什么?这是为什么鸭?” Another did not mind silly child who the pomegranate pomegranate joins a production team, small Xiaobai thorough noisy is not clear, she first two big, the head has inflated to the watermelon now is so big, compared with going beyond of pomegranate pomegranate. 又一个不介意榴榴插队的傻孩子,小小白彻底闹不明白了,她现在一个头两个大,脑瓜子已经膨胀到西瓜那么大,比榴榴的有过之无不及。 little Du said: Pomegranate pomegranate usually always helps us, we are also willing to help her be little, but joins a production team, is not anything, I am willing to make her stand before me. I want!” 小杜说:“榴榴平时总是帮助我们,我们也愿意帮她一点点,只是插队而已,不算什么,我愿意让她站在我面前。我愿意!” I, I also want.” Ren Bangbang said firmly, his extraordinary not extremely stutter. “我,我也愿意。”任棒棒坚定地说道,这次他出奇的没有太过结巴。 That congratulates you to become the couple.” “那祝贺你们结为夫妻。” A few words that suddenly braves, the person scene gave to do silent, one that everyone brushed looked, the one who saw only the speech was battlefield young reporter Weiwei. 忽然冒出来的一句话,把现场的人都给干沉默了,大家刷的一下看去,只见说话的是战地小记者小薇薇。 When Weiwei does not know runs over, where has to live it up where to have her, where has news where to have her, as well as her informer. 小薇薇不知道什么时候跑了过来,哪里有热闹哪里就有她,哪里有新闻哪里就有她,以及她的耳目。 Red that Ren Bangbang the complexion rises, little Du is also painstakingly the face, others laugh. 任棒棒脸色涨的通红,小杜也是苦着脸,其他人则是哈哈大笑。 little Teacher willow hears the laughter, walked, Weiwei told her excitedly, little Du and stick are willing to become the couple. 小柳老师听到笑声,走了过来,小薇薇兴奋地告诉她,小杜和棒棒愿意结为夫妻。 Makes us congratulate them, they are really good.” “让我们祝贺他们,他们真棒。” little Teacher willow: „......” 小柳老师:“……” Weiwei was shouted finally young Li Zihe who small long, Xiao thin bamboo and the others put up, she possibly was looked at TV Drama recently, the demon was startled. 小薇薇最终被喊来的小李子和小悠悠、筱筱等人架了走,她最近可能是看多了电视剧,魔怔了。 Since little Du and Ren Bangbang agreed, Xiaomi then said: That pomegranate pomegranate stands here.” 既然小杜和任棒棒都同意,小米便说道:“那榴榴就站在这里吧。” She walked, small Xiaobai remained, the pestle before the pomegranate pomegranate foot, raises the small head to visit her, whole face is not clear. 她走了,小小白却留了下来,杵在榴榴脚边,昂着小脑袋看着她,满脸的不明白。 The pomegranate pomegranate asked her with a laugh: Young basin friend, you currently have certainly many question marks, why do you want to know?” 榴榴笑呵呵地问她:“小盆友,你现在一定有很多问号,你是不是很想知道为什么?” Un un ~ ~ small Xiaobai nods. “嗯嗯嗯~~”小小白点头。 The pomegranate pomegranate said kindly: A while got between -meal snack, we go to grove, I told you, did not want others to know that this was our secrets.” 榴榴亲切地说:“等会儿领了零食,我们到小树林里去,我告诉你,不要别人知道哦,这是我们的秘密。” Un un good ~ “嗯嗯嗯呢好~” The pomegranate pomegranate urged especially: Particularly do not tell you little paternal aunt, otherwise your little paternal aunt studied.” 榴榴特地叮嘱:“尤其是不要告诉你小姑姑,不然你小姑姑就学了去啦。” Un un, did not tell the little paternal aunt.” “嗯嗯嗯,不告诉小姑姑。” Good child, to lead your between-meal snack.” “好孩子,去领你的零食叭。” Small Xiaobai ran cheerfully. 小白欢快地跑了。 After the pomegranate pomegranate also got between -meal snack, the little friend in entire garden also basically led. 当榴榴也领了零食后,全园的小朋友也就基本领完了。 The pomegranate pomegranate next quarter vanishes to disappear, small Xiaobai also disappears, but Xiaobai has not noticed, she is receiving goods at this moment. 榴榴下一刻就消失不见了,小小白也不见了,不过小白没有注意到,她此刻正在收货呢。 Side her, gathers round several children, in chirp is peddling anything to her. 在她身边,围着几个小朋友,正在叽叽喳喳向她兜售什么。 Xiaobai, I have one to call the chicken, I sold to you.” 小白,我有一只叫鸡子,我卖给你。” My also two, my calling chicken big.” “我也有两只,我的叫鸡子好大只。” Xiaobai also has my.” 小白还有我的。” ...... …… Everyone catching calling chicken sold to Xiaobai, Xiaobai and everyone exchanges with between -meal snack that just sent, for example a candy trades one to call the chicken. 大家都在把抓到的叫鸡子卖给小白,小白用刚刚发的零食和大家交换,比如一颗糖果换一只叫鸡子。 Used to exchange to call the chicken west Zidong different, some are the candies, some are the chocolate, some biscuits, but everyone did not mind. 用来交换叫鸡子东西不一样,有的是糖果,有的是巧克力,有的饼干,但是大家都不介意。 Xiaobai receives goods while said: Called the chicken unable injured, cannot die, otherwise cannot trade the thing, making me know, I must open the flower your fart fart.” 小白一边收货一边说道:“叫鸡子不能受伤,不能死了,不然不能换东西,让我晓得了,我还要把你们的屁屁儿打开花。” A little friend runs over the inquiry: Xiaobai, did I dig the earthworm to trade?” 一个小朋友跑过来询问:“小白,我挖到了蚯蚓能换吗?” Xiaobai looked at one, makes him bring the earthworm to get the hell out on waving a bit faster. 小白看了一眼,就挥手让他快点带着蚯蚓滚蛋。 That little friend got the hell out disappointedly, the quick distant place hears the squeal, had the young female student to be frightened by the earthworm. 那个小朋友失望地滚蛋了,很快远处就传来尖叫声,有小女生被蚯蚓吓到了。 Xiaobai shouted: Kingdom flies- kingdom flies!! Your melon baby you come.” 小白大喊:“王国飞-王国飞!!你个瓜娃子你过来。” Is using the earthworm to frighten the kingdom of young female student to fly, hopes for that asked: Xiaobai did you want my earthworm?” 正在用蚯蚓吓唬小女生的王国飞飞了过来,希冀地问:“小白你是不是又想要我的蚯蚓了?” The Xiaobai nod said: You and others in the , I do to probably to you a while the food eat, does with your earthworm.” 小白点头说:“你等在边上,我等会儿给你做须须儿饭吃,用你的蚯蚓做。” Clam? Can probably the food? Delicious?” “蛤?须须儿饭?好吃吗?” Delicious delicious, ate also wants to eat, you wait/etc my.” “好吃好吃,吃了还想吃,你等等我哈。” Good!” “好!” The kingdom flies to be filled with joy, after Xiaobai and children exchange called the chicken, Xiaobai runs to go to the sand pit, dug a sand of pail, making him put the earthworm, picks several leaves again, must the food be of great success. 王国飞满心欢喜,等小白和小朋友们交换完了叫鸡子后,小白跑去沙坑,挖了一桶子的沙子,让他把蚯蚓放进去,再捡几片树叶,须须儿饭就大功告成了。 Come, the melon baby, you eat one barrel.” “来,瓜娃子,你吃一桶。” Clam?” “蛤?” The kingdom flew dumbfounded, can this probably the food? Inside put the earthworm, can that thing eat? 王国飞傻眼了,这就是须须儿饭?里面放了蚯蚓吖,那东西能吃? Do not gawk sai, eats sai quickly, does to you specially, come, thinks that doesn't eat? The father jokes with you?” “不要愣着噻,快来吃噻,专门给你做的,来,想不吃?老子跟你开玩笑的吗?” Xiaobai shouted that toot toot and pomegranate pomegranate, the plastic sisters seize the kingdom to fly, Xiaobai ordered him to probably the food eat. 小白喊来嘟嘟和榴榴,塑料姐妹捉住王国飞,小白命令他把须须儿饭吃了。 The kingdom flew to be frightened to cry. 王国飞都要被吓哭了。 Xiaobai saw the goal to achieve, said: You if next time frightens the young basin friend with the earthworm again, I make one barrel to probably the food eat to you, doesn't know?” 小白见目的达到了,就说道:“你下次要是再用蚯蚓吓唬小盆友,我就做一桶须须儿饭给你吃,晓得不?” The kingdom flies to nod pitifully: Knows, I do not dare.” 王国飞可怜巴巴地点头:“知道知道,我再也不敢了。” Xiaobai waves, making him get the hell out. 小白挥手,让他滚蛋。 The kingdom flies to get the hell out immediately, but seizes his pomegranate pomegranate and toot toot has not dropped. 王国飞很想立即滚蛋,但是捉他的榴榴和嘟嘟还没放手吖。 You, you drop. Xiaobai said that put me.” “你们,你们放手吖。小白都说了,放了我。” The pomegranate pomegranate is unwilling, asks Xiaobai: Xiaobai, we plant him in the sand pit, who makes him bully the young female student.” 榴榴不甘心,问小白:“小白,我们把他种在沙坑里吧,谁让他欺负小女生的。” The kingdom flies in great surprise: Does not want ~ ~ ~ does not want, the pomegranate pomegranate I quite worships you, do not plant me ~ ~ ~ ~ 王国飞大惊:“不要啊~~~不要啊,榴榴我好崇拜你吖,你不要种我吖~~~~” Toot toot asked suddenly: Kingdom flies, do you worship me?” 嘟嘟忽然问:“王国飞,那你崇拜我吗?” The kingdom flew staring, the wailing sound stopped the moment to respond, hastily nod: Worship, the worship, toot toot I also worship you well.” 王国飞愣了愣,哀嚎声停顿了片刻才反应过来,连忙点头:“崇拜,崇拜,嘟嘟我也好崇拜你。” Then he does not wait for Xiaobai to ask, said on own initiative oneself also super worships Xiaobai. 然后他不等小白发问,主动说自己也超级崇拜小白 He thinks that like this everyone will let off him, actually hears the foot to transmit a small milk sound suddenly, asked him: „Do you worship me?” 他以为这样大家就会放过他,却忽然听到脚边传来一个小奶音,问他:“那你崇拜我吗?” The kingdom flies to lower the head looks, is small Xiaobai. 王国飞低头一看,是小小白 Worship, the worship, I worship.” “崇拜,崇拜,我都崇拜。” He noticed that more young female students are coming, does not need them to ask, oneself said loudly: Your I worship!! All young female students I like worshipping!!!” 他看到更多的小女生在过来,也不用她们一个个问,自己大声说道:“你们我都崇拜!!所有的小女生我都好崇拜!!!”
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