SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2397: Bearing a grudge itself/Ben

Zhang Tan gave Xiaobai them between -meal snack, making downstairs their taking away give the children minute/share. 张叹把零食给了小白她们,让她们拿去楼下给小朋友们分了。 Must give little Teacher willow to divide, you cannot oneself divide, knows? Also does not permit to take secretly.” The Zhang Tan urging said. “要交给小柳老师来分,你们不能自己分了,知道吗?也不准偷拿。”张叹叮嘱道。 Three children nod. 三个小朋友都点头。 Zhang Tan then gave them between -meal snack, three people go out with joy, the door closes, two people of drivehead had the tacit understanding of stop the footsteps extremely, looked at each other one mutually, the evil charm smiled. 张叹这才把零食给了她们,三人喜滋滋地出了门,房门一关上,打头的两人极有默契地停下了脚步,相互对视一眼,邪魅一笑。 „Does Xiaobai, what have a look at?” The pomegranate pomegranate thief asked. 小白,看看有什么?”榴榴贼兮兮地问。 Xiaobai turn head looked at a door, just wants to turn on between -meal snack bag to have a look, suddenly notices the cat eye on door, rushes to cover the tight opening, is leading the pomegranate pomegranate and small Xiaobai toward downstairs, to the staircase corner, the definite cat eye could not see, the dark stamp must turn on the bag, suddenly, she stopped the movement in hand. 小白回头看了一眼房门,刚想打开零食袋子看看,忽然注意到房门上的猫眼,赶忙重新捂紧口子,领着榴榴和小小白往楼下去,到了楼梯转角处,确定猫眼看不到了,才暗戳戳地要打开袋子,忽然,她又停下了手中的动作。 How?” The pomegranate pomegranate inquired irritablily. “又怎么了?”榴榴急躁地询问。 Xiaobai did not speak, but referred to not far away her main house gate camera, now their corner in the coverage scope of camera, will also be discovered. 小白不说话,只是指了指不远处她家门口的摄像头,现在她们所处的这个转角处也在摄像头的覆盖范围内,会被发现。 Therefore, Xiaobai continued to walk downward, makes a turn, sits on the stair, this determination cannot be discovered by Mr. stretch/open. 于是,小白继续往下走,转了个弯,坐在了台阶上,这才确定不会被张老汉发现。 She turns on the bag, immediately three small heads collected, sizes up toward in impatiently, chirp in the discussion some anything are delicious. 她打开袋子,立即三个小脑袋凑了过去,迫不及待地往里打量,叽叽喳喳讨论里面有些什么好吃的。 Really is too many. 真的是太多啦。 The pomegranate pomegranate is greedy, instigates saying: Xiaobai, we eat a chocolate, the chocolate is too delicious, my one year has not eaten the chocolate, my God the duck, I am a little friend, duck that which little friend one year cannot eat the chocolate.” 榴榴嘴馋,怂恿道:“小白,我们吃一个巧克力吧,巧克力太好吃啦,我都一年没吃巧克力了,我的天鸭,我还是一个小朋友,哪个小朋友一年吃不上巧克力的鸭。” Xiaobai said: Cannot eat the child of chocolate to be many, one year eats not cost-effective anything, many even/including Rourou cannot eat, even cannot eat the food.” 小白说:“吃不上巧克力的小孩子多啦,一年吃不上算什么,还有好多连肉肉都吃不上的,甚至连饭都吃不上的。” The small Xiaobai experience is short, hears word was quite shocked, stares in a big way the eye, unbelievable appearance. 小白见识短,闻言极为震惊,瞪大了眼睛,难以置信的样子。 Xiaobai said seriously: „, In this world many children could not have eaten meal, let alone eats the chocolate, we must understand that feels grateful.” 小白严肃地说:“是真的,这个世界上还有好多小朋友吃不上饭,更别说吃巧克力啦,我们要懂得感恩。” Small Xiaobai nods again and again, does not have the least bit to suspect to the little paternal aunt's words. 小白连连点头,对小姑姑的话没有半点怀疑。 The pomegranate pomegranate did not speak, only looks at her with the eye eagerly. 榴榴则是不说话,只拿眼睛眼巴巴地看着她。 Xiaobai also said: Therefore, we prayed, thank the God to give us the chocolate to eat.” 小白又说道:“所以,我们祈祷一下吧,感谢老天爷给我们巧克力吃。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” Small Xiaobai: „......” 小白:“……” The pomegranate pomegranate is the great happiness, she knows that Xiaobai is that Xiaobai. 榴榴是大喜,她就知道小白是那个小白 But small Xiaobai shocked, little paternal aunt this changes was too quick. 而小小白则是震惊了,小姑姑这变的太快了吧。 Little paternal aunt, the uncle said that we do not permit to steal food secretly, must take to little Teacher willow the minute/share, in this world many children could not have eaten meal.” Small Xiaobai urged, this child was a little lovable. “小姑姑,姑爹说啦,我们不准偷偷吃,要拿给小柳老师分,这个世界上还有好多小朋友吃不上饭呢。”小小白劝道,这个小孩子有点可爱。 The pomegranate pomegranate said: „Do small Xiaobai that you eat? Chocolate, fragrant, fragrant.” 榴榴说:“小小白那你吃不吃?巧克力哦,香喷喷,香。” She grasped a chocolate, making small Xiaobai smell. 她抓了一个巧克力,让小小白闻一闻。 Small Xiaobai deeply inspires, acclaims: Fragrance.” 小白深吸一口气,赞叹:“香。” The pomegranate pomegranate asked: „Do you eat?” 榴榴问:“那你吃不吃?” Small Xiaobai nods, she was soon mouth-watering. Eats, making little Teacher willow give us to divide.” 小白点头,她快要流口水了。“吃,让小柳老师给我们分。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” Sees the appearance that small Xiaobai I must complain, the pomegranate pomegranate threat said: lang? The young basin friend, you want little bear not to drink the big bear!” 见小小白一副我就要告状的样子,榴榴威胁道:“啷个咧?小盆友,你要小熊不喝喝大熊!” Small Xiaobai hides from her little paternal aunt immediately behind. 小白立即躲到她小姑姑身后。 The pomegranate pomegranate makes Xiaobai hand over small Xiaobai, punishes guilty family members. 榴榴让小白把小小白交出来,大义灭亲。 Side is the kinship, side is greedy. 一边是亲情,一边是嘴馋。 Finally, Xiaobai chose the kinship, has almost not formed a partnership to get in small Xiaobai the pomegranate pomegranate. 最终,小白选择了亲情,差点没和小小白合起伙来把榴榴打一顿。 The pomegranate pomegranate almost irritated, of same place explosion, explodes to the paternal aunt nephew this to the space while convenient goes. 榴榴差点气死了,原地爆炸的那种,顺便把这对姑侄也炸到天上去。 She is dejected, goes downstairs with Xiaobai, looks helplessly Xiaobai gave little Teacher willow between -meal snack completely, young Xiaobai that melon baby also turn head sticks out one's tongue to make faces toward her. 她垂头丧气,跟着小白下楼,眼睁睁地看着小白把零食全部交给了小柳老师,小小白那个瓜娃子还回头朝她吐舌头扮鬼脸。 Whisper of pomegranate pomegranate air/Qi: My goodness my goodness, I remembered, I remembered, I must revenge, I must retaliate you.” 榴榴气的嘀嘀咕咕:“好家伙好家伙,我记住了,我记住了,我要报仇,我要报复你们。” She feared that oneself slept forgot, ran to find the oneself book bag especially, wrote down today's matter on the busy book, quite makes oneself think tomorrow, waited for an opportunity to retaliate. 她怕自己睡一觉就忘了,特地跑去找到了自己的书包,在作业本上写下了今天的事,好让自己明天想起来,伺机报复。 When it was over she ran down building Lailing between -meal snack urgently, between -meal snack has started to divide, everyone is lining up, toot toot asked her not to find, lined up on oneself. 完了后她才火急火燎地跑下楼来领零食,零食已经开始分了,大家都在排队,嘟嘟找她没找到,就自己去排队了。 The pomegranate pomegranate looks, my goodness, the good long team, she to become last. 榴榴一看,好家伙,好长一支队伍,她又成了最后一个。 This chapter the thought that waited for her to expose must first join a production team, the children had not heightened the vigilance, looked at her to come, shouted that the teacher looked here quickly. 这回不等她暴露先要插队的念头,小朋友们就已经一个个提高了戒心,一看她过来,就喊老师快看这边。 Machine that the done pomegranate pomegranate has not really started, and successfully attracted the attention of millet, the millet sent small Xiaobai especially, the entire journey follows she, the eye does not leave her from beginning to end. 搞的榴榴真没下手的机,并且成功吸引了小米的注意,小米特地把小小白派了出来,全程跟着她,眼睛从头到尾不离开她。 Excessive, excessive, is insufficient this, I am also only the child duck, I am a good child.” The pomegranate pomegranate mumbled, very happy oneself was not trusted. “过分了哈,过分了哈,不至于这样吧,我也是只个孩子鸭,我是个好孩子。”榴榴嘟嘟囔囔,很高兴自己这么不被信任。 However what small Xiaobai end is impartial and just, no matter the pomegranate pomegranate were not happily happy, even seemed like must stutter she to resemble, she always held the post bravely, stood before the pomegranate pomegranate foot firmly, is staring at every action and every movement of pomegranate pomegranate, as if a blink, the pomegranate pomegranate will do misdemeanor. 但是小小白端的是铁面无私,不管榴榴高兴还是不高兴,甚至看起来要一口吃了她似的,她始终勇敢地坚守岗位,牢牢地站在榴榴脚边,盯着榴榴的一举一动,仿佛一眨眼,榴榴就会去干坏事似的。 The pomegranate pomegranate in gave small Xiaobai to record one at heart, turn head added in the busy book, from now on the retaliation to small Xiaobai must double. 榴榴在心里又给小小白记了一笔,回头在作业本上加上,今后对小小白的报复要加倍。 Where did pomegranate pomegranate you go to? I asked you not to find!” “榴榴你去哪里了?我找你没找到!” Toot toot received between -meal snack long time ago, slid side the pomegranate pomegranate, stood in her side eats, the greedy pomegranate pomegranate wished one could to give birth to a wing, flew in front of little Teacher willow to kneel down to cry to ask: The ball ball you, first give me to select eat. 嘟嘟又是早早就领到了零食,溜到了榴榴身边,就站在她身边吃,馋的榴榴恨不得生出一对翅膀,飞到小柳老师面前跪下哭求:球球你啦,先给我点吃的叭。 Eats your small cake to me.” The pomegranate pomegranate said. “给我吃一口你的小蛋糕。”榴榴说。 The good friends do not raise eat, raised eating possibly the good friends have not even resulted in do. 好朋友不提吃的,提了吃的可能连好朋友都没得做。 Toot toot listened to the words of pomegranate pomegranate, pouched the mouth the small cake in hand completely, after swallowing, said: Finished eating.” 嘟嘟听了榴榴的话,一口把手里的小蛋糕全部吞进了嘴里,咽下去之后才说:“吃完了。” Pomegranate pomegranate: „......” 榴榴:“……” At this time cannot with toot toot quarrel, quarrels has not really resulted in ate, at this time all grievance wanted the knocking down tooth and blood swallow. 这时候不能和嘟嘟吵架,吵了架就真的没得吃了,这个时候所有委屈都要打落牙齿和血吞。 Eats a chocolate to me.” The pomegranate pomegranate also said, also has many.” “给我吃一口巧克力。”榴榴又说,“还有好多。” Toot toot turns around, is turning away from the pomegranate pomegranate, does not have the face countenance to the good sisters, can only not face. 嘟嘟转过身去,背对着榴榴,无颜面对好姐妹,只能不面对了。 Toot toot-” pomegranate pomegranate was angry, and threatens saying that we swore brotherhood wanted same month and same day dead in the same year, if I the present irritated, you will also die.” “嘟嘟-”榴榴生气了,并威胁道,“我们结拜了要同年同月同日死,我要是现在气死了,你也会死的。” Toot toot the shoulder is vibrating, finally, she has turned round, fed the mouth of pomegranate pomegranate a chocolate. 嘟嘟的肩膀在抖动,终于,她回过身来,把一个巧克力喂到了榴榴的嘴边。 At this moment, pomegranate pomegranate almost affected crying. 这一刻,榴榴差点感动的哭了。 It is not easy, for stuttering is not easy, is the sworn sisters credibly, although is not so credible. 太不容易啦,为了一口吃的太不容易啦,还是结拜姐妹靠谱一点,虽然也不那么靠谱。 Ate a chocolate, the pomegranate pomegranate had not only satisfied desires, instead was greedier, she elongated the neck to proceed to look unceasingly where having a look at the team platoon to arrive, all around feeling pleased divided the little friend of between-meal snack, her voice is misleading oneself at this moment at heart, making her do not line up, looked for these children quickly, took by force 1-2 her to send. 吃了一个巧克力,榴榴不仅没有解馋,反而更加馋了,她不断伸长脖子往前看,看看队伍排到哪里了,四周都是喜滋滋的分到了零食的小朋友,她此刻心里有一个声音在蛊惑自己,让她不要排队了,快去找这些小朋友,打劫1-2她就发了。 However she noticed that Xiaobai and millet and small Xiaobai are going on patrol everywhere, stares at against goal with emphasis is she. 但是她看到小白和小米、小小白在四处巡逻,重点盯防的目标就是她。 She feared that just had the movement, must be grasped to be imprisoned. 她怕是刚有动作,就要被抓去坐牢。 Therefore considers as finished, first ate oneself that guarantees does not suffer a loss, then finds the opportunity to take by force 1-2, for example small Xiaobai, for example small plum, for example Xiao thin bamboo, for example little Du. 所以还是算了吧,先把自己的那一份吃了,保证不吃亏,然后再找机会打劫1-2,比如小小白,比如小李子,比如筱筱,比如小杜。 The Emmmmm ~ ~ ~ Xiao thin bamboo considers as finished, that melon baby will very be ominous, will grasp the painted face her. Emmmmm~~~筱筱算了,那个瓜娃子凶得很,会把她抓花脸的。 Well? 咦? Suddenly, the pomegranate pomegranate discovered that nearby that team row of rapidness, has just surpassed her 2-3 bodies with her parallel history Baobao probably now. 忽然,榴榴发现旁边的那支队伍好像排的更快,刚刚和她平行的史包包现在已经超过了她2-3个身位。 The pomegranate pomegranate is not at heart balanced, she over and over, decides to translate to the next door team hesitant. 榴榴心里不平衡了,她犹豫再三,决定平移到隔壁队伍。 „Does pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate, your your your you do?” “榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴榴,你你你你你你你干嘛?” What joined a production team by the pomegranate pomegranate is Ren Bangbang. 被榴榴插队的是任棒棒。
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