SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2396: Participates to receive Teacher Song Ping

Song Ping in the training organization, has taken the performance class to Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate, it can be said that their teachers. 宋平曾经在培训机构,给小白和榴榴上过表演课,可以说是她们的老师。 Afterward was dug in cast and crew by Zhang Tan, worked as the performance instruction, then was oneself acts in a play again, entered cast and crew. 后来被张叹挖到了剧组里,当了表演指导,再然后便是自己演戏,进入了剧组 «Fatal ID» finalize, he came Little Red Horse Academy, looks for Zhang Tan to chat, the expression thanked, made the friendly contacts. 《致命ID》一杀青,他就来了小红马学园,找张叹聊聊天,表达感谢,联络感情。 Flees the fleeing gate, the sentiment will be deep. 多窜窜门,感情才会深。 Zhang Tan and he is chatting in the study room, the door is opening wide, Robin ran a fruitless errand to call Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate, without a while, outside the room heard the sound of footsteps and speaking voice, then three children appeared. 张叹和他在书房聊着天,房门敞开着,Robin白跑去叫小白和榴榴了,没一会儿,房间外传来脚步声和说话声,接着三个小朋友出现了。 Zhang Tan said to them: Your Teacher Song came, comes quickly.” 张叹对她们说道:“你们宋老师来了,快过来。” Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate looked immediately to Song Ping who they are smiling, walked to go forward obediently, called one: 小白和榴榴立即看向了对着她们笑的宋平,乖乖地走上前,叫了一声: Teacher Song hello/you good.” “宋老师你好。” Teacher Song your spirit duck.” “宋老师你精神了鸭。” Latter was the pomegranate pomegranate said that her words are always unusual. 后一句是榴榴说的,她的话总是与众不同。 Song Ping responded with a smile: Your good Xiaobai, you to grow many. The pomegranate pomegranate, you were also long the stature.” 宋平笑着回应道:“你好小白,你长高了好多。还有榴榴,你也长个子了。” Xiaobai said proudly: I now am the elder sister in little red Mali.” 小白骄傲地说:“我现在是小红马里的姐姐。” The pomegranate pomegranate nods saying: I am the school elder sister.” 榴榴点点头说:“我还是学校里的姐姐。” Song Ping praised their several with a smile, two people also sat down, stares at Song Ping to look, looks at some of Song Ping non- natures. 宋平笑着夸了她们几句,两人也坐下了,直直地盯着宋平看,看得宋平有些不自然。 Song Ping also looks toward them, smiles to them, two people grin to respond to a brighter smile immediately. 宋平也朝她们看去,对她们笑,两人立即龇牙回应一个更灿烂的笑容。 Three people smile in this embarrassed. 三人在这尬笑。 Song Ping asked: You for sometime have not made a movie, has is always practicing?” 宋平问道:“你们有一段时间没拍戏了吧,有经常在练习吗?” Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate shakes the head. 小白和榴榴都摇头。 Xiaobai said: Is busy studying.” 小白说:“忙着学习呢。” The pomegranate pomegranate nod said: Just spoke, is becoming the school teachers and schoolmates' surface developing said that but also singing duck.” 榴榴点头道:“刚演讲呢,当着全校老师和同学们的面演的讲,还唱了歌鸭。” Song Ping said with a smile: Sang, I also listened, song that the real stick that your small red horse concert, you displayed, you distributed, «Tomorrow Will be better», pomegranate pomegranate «Descending the mountain», was really of pleasant to hear.” 宋平笑道:“唱歌啊,我也听了,你们的小红马音乐会,你们表现的真棒啊,还有你们发行的歌曲,《明天会更好》,榴榴的《下山》,真好听。” Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate great happiness, was praised also to praise on the idea, Song Ping praised in the point. 小白和榴榴大喜,被人夸也要夸在点子上,宋平就夸在了点上。 The pomegranate pomegranate asked: You said that you like listening, how do you prove the duck?” 榴榴问道:“你说你喜欢听,你怎么证明鸭?” Song Ping: „......” 宋平:“……” How can he show? 他要怎么证明? The pomegranate pomegranate saw him to be stumped, with me knows you in deceiving people the look is staring at him, said: Haha was said by me.” 榴榴见他被问住了,用“我就知道你在骗人”的眼神盯着他,说道:“哈哈被我说中了叭。” Song Ping hollow laugh, chatted with the little friend also is really special, without Sirs among empty to meander. 宋平干笑了一声,和小朋友聊天还真是特别啊,没有大人之间的虚以逶迤。 He did not speak, but put out the cell phone, then invited the Zhang Tan group of his telephone number, in the room resounded the cell phone ring tone immediately. 他也不说话,只是拿出了手机,然后请张叹拨他的电话号码,房间里立即响起了手机铃声。 Knocks the awaking deep sleep gently the mind ~ ~ slowly opens your eye ~ “轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵~~慢慢张开你的眼睛~” Xiaobai well, said: Is «Tomorrow that we sing Will be better».” 小白咦了一声,说道:“是我们唱的《明天会更好》。” Right, this trades a song to be very of pleasant to hear, I like very much, established my cell phone ring tone.” “对啊,这换首歌很好听,我很喜欢,就设置成了我的手机铃声。” Song Ping hung the cell phone, the ting also stopped. 宋平挂掉了手机,铃声也停止了。 The pomegranate pomegranate asked impatiently: My «Descending the mountain».” 榴榴迫不及待地问:“我的《下山》呢。” Also often listens.” Song Ping said. “也经常听。”宋平说。 The pomegranate pomegranate curls the lip, deceives three -year-old child. 榴榴撇撇嘴,骗三岁小孩子呢。 That really three -year-old child on the scene cannot bear ask: Elder Brother, have you listened to my «Together Recycling waste»?” 在场的那个真的三岁小孩也忍不住问道:“哥哥,你听过我的《一起捡破烂》吗?” Song Ping is astonished, a face ignorant circle, can this also be a song? 宋平讶异,一脸懵圈,这还能是一首歌? Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate said with one voice: Has not listened not to listen.” 小白和榴榴异口同声说:“没听过没听过。” Robin sank white/in vain immediately the small face, how? Looks down upon three -year-old child? Other listened, doesn't listen to her «Together Recycling waste»? Robin白立即沉下了小脸,怎么呢?看不起三岁小孩?别的都听了,就不听她的《一起捡破烂》? Xiaobai said: Your «Together Recycling waste» has not recorded the song, without the release, others lang listens.” 小白解释说:“你的《一起捡破烂》没有录歌,没有发行呢,人家啷个听嘛。” Robin was still not in vain happy, is mad oneself secretly, said angrily: A little excessive ~ Robin白依然不高兴,暗自生自己的气,气鼓鼓地说:“有点过分了哈~” Xiaobai called her side, whispered several in her ear, Robin white Cai lit up with pleasure, ran with joy. 小白把她叫到身边,在她耳边嘀嘀咕咕几句,Robin白才喜笑颜开,喜滋滋地跑出去了。 Saw her to walk, Song Ping asked Xiaobai, small Xiaobai a moment ago what said was anything. 见她走了,宋平才问小白,刚才小小白说的是什么。 Xiaobai gives him to explain, «Together Recycling waste» that is a song, small Xiaobai exclusive BGM, she may care, must ask that whoever listens not to have, without listening to have invited others to listen on the great kindness. 小白给他解释,《一起捡破烂》那是一首歌,小小白的专属BGM,她可在意啦,逢人就要问听过没,没听过就盛情邀请人家听一听。 Song Ping said with a smile: This atmosphere is good, everyone likes singing, everyone can sing, can have the song, drives two, two drive important goods, in the future perhaps our Little Red Horse Academy not only actor, but also has the singer, the half of the country of entertainment world starts to overcome from here.” 宋平笑道:“这氛围好,人人都爱唱歌,人人都可以唱歌,可以出歌,一个带动两个,两个带动一大帮,将来说不定我们小红马学园不仅出演员,而且也出歌手,娱乐圈的半壁江山就是从这里开始打下的。” Xiaobai listened to be very happy, the pomegranate pomegranate is putting on a serious face saying: Teacher Song said was reasonable, but did not want happily too early, the food must eat one after another, the road took one step to follow, first trained me, since I started.” 小白听了很高兴,榴榴则板着脸说:“宋老师说的有道理,不过不要高兴太早了,饭要一口一口吃,路要一步一路走,先培养我吧,从我开始。” Front said good, when behind that two everyone has not heard. 前面说的挺好的,后面那两句大家就当没听到吧。 Originally everyone also thought how the pomegranate pomegranate speaks now one after another, makes sense to have the appearance of culture very much very much, but looking back now, she has the culture again, made packing for her goal. 本来大家还觉得榴榴怎么现在说话一套一套的,很有道理很有文化的样子,但现在看来,她再有文化,也只是为她的目的做了一层包装而已。 Robin white ran quickly, in the hand were many three bottles of little bear drink, put on the tea table grinningly, one bottle gave Song Ping, another two bottles gave Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate, in oneself air-to-air, the uncle did not have. Robin白很快跑回来了,手里多了三瓶小熊饮料,笑嘻嘻地放到茶几上,一瓶递给了宋平,另外两瓶递给了小白和榴榴,自己手里空空的,姑爹也没有。 Xiaobai looks at her silly appearance, gave her the oneself little bear drink, quite does not make the little friend work actually does not give the point to drink, she is not this little paternal aunt. 小白看她傻乎乎的样子,就把自己的小熊饮料给了她,不好让小朋友干了活却不给点喝的,她不是这样的小姑姑。 Song Ping sat Zhang Tan here some little time, chatted a day with Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate, chats the life of cast and crew with Zhang Tan, expressed thanks words, then leaves. 宋平在张叹这里坐了好一会儿,和小白、榴榴聊了一阵天,又和张叹聊了聊剧组的生活,表达了感谢的话,然后才离开。 Zhang Tan delivered to go downstairs him, had/left the courtyard. 张叹把他送下了楼,出了院子。 When the entrance distinguishes, Song Ping quite said sigh with emotion: Boss, makes a movie I to know, when the teacher and is the actor to be completely different, when teacher theory one after another, but the apply theory to reality, displays in practice, that was a different matter, to me, this was the challenge, was the opportunity, was very laborious, but substantially was very very happy, I enjoyed such life very much, I can feel that oneself is progressing every day, is growing, like oneself was a balloon, oneself is enriching every time......, but all these, was the boss you takes to me , although said many, how many but said. It is not enough to express feels grateful and thanks my. Actually said that many are is also incapable again, I only said one, the boss you could rest assured that from now on I will certainly not lose face to you.” 在大门口分别时,宋平颇为感慨地说道:“老板,拍了戏我才知道,当老师和当演员完全不同,当老师时理论一套一套的,但是理论联系实际,在实践中表现出来,那就是另外一回事了,对我来说,这是挑战,更是机遇,很辛苦,但是很充实很幸福,我很享受这样的生活,我能感觉到自己每天都在进步,都在成长,就像自己是一个气球,每时每刻自己都在充实起来……而这一切,都是老板你带给我的,真的,尽管说了很多遍,但是说多少遍都不足以表达我内心的感恩和感谢。其实说再多也是无力的,我只说一句,老板你放心,今后我一定不会给你丢脸的。” Zhang Tan felt sincerity in his words, this should be his sound. 张叹感受到了他话语中的真诚,这应该是他内心的声音。 He patted Song Ping's shoulder, said: I, although does not go to cast and crew frequently, but the matter in cast and crew I know, Liu Dao is very high to your appraisal, your play road can be very broad, so long as sets one's mind at ease, should not be impetuous, in the future in the film and television circle must have your space.” 他拍了拍宋平的肩膀,说道:“我虽然不经常去剧组,但是剧组里的事情我都知道,刘导对你的评价很高,你的戏路可以很广,只要沉下心来,不要浮躁,将来影视圈里必有你的一席之地。” Thanks!” Song Ping gives him deeply to bow, this turned around. “谢谢!”宋平给他深深鞠了一躬,这才转身走了。 In Zhang Tan goes home, actually sees the Xiaobai three people also to sit there, sees him to come back, looks eagerly, did not speak. 张叹回到家里,却见小白三人还坐在那里,见他回来,一个个眼巴巴地看着,也不说话。 Does? Doesn't go out to play? Oh, is to do the homework is right?” “干嘛?不出去玩吗?噢,是要写作业对吧?” „, We did not finish the tonight's homework, writes in paternal grandmother there.” Xiaobai beckons with the hand hastily, she and pomegranate pomegranate the midterm examination result are not good, by Teacher Jiang education through criticism, and stipulated that from now on after finishing eating the dinner, cannot play, must finish the homework allowed to go out. “不是不是,我们写完了今晚的作业,在奶奶那里写的。”小白连忙摆手,她和榴榴的期中考试成绩不好,被姜老师批评教育了一顿,并且规定,今后吃完晚饭后,不能去玩,必须把作业写完了才允许出门。 Before Zhang Tan sat the desk, asked: „Is your?” 张叹坐回了书桌前,问道:“那你们这是?” Xiaobai humph humph smiles, did not speak. 小白嚯嚯笑,不说话。 The look of Robin white Heliu pomegranate is staring at one neatly, did not speak. Robin白和榴榴的眼神齐刷刷地盯着某一处,也不说话。 Zhang Tan looked at the past following their vision, discovered that there put the gift that Song Ping brings, including a large part is between -meal snack that the children liked. 张叹顺着她们的目光看过去,发现那里放着宋平拿来的礼物,其中有很大一部分是小孩子们喜欢的零食。 Really not cannot benefit early, these three little fellows stared at this. 果然是无利不起早,这三个小家伙原来是盯上了这个。
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