SAHDA :: Volume #24

#2395: Midterm examination ( 33 )

PS: Three chapters that the pomegranate pomegranate is a guarantor for completed. PS:榴榴作保的三章完成了哈。 The radish blade was all the rage some time in Little Red Horse Academy, later belongs to gradually tranquilly, the children found other fun. 萝卜刀在小红马学园风靡了一段时间,之后渐渐归于平静,小朋友们又找到了另外的好玩的。 However, in that is all the rage in the time, the radish blade is really the crest of wave is really unmatched, small muskmelon journey journey are playing, she also bought, but also participated in the academy the radish blade martial arts contest competition, what a pity was first round is eliminated, enjoyed an addiction of round of roaming. 不过,在那段风靡时间里,萝卜刀真真是风头一时无两,就连小香瓜程程都在玩,她也买了一把,还参加了学园里举办的萝卜刀比武大赛,可惜的是第一轮就被淘汰了,过了一把一轮游的瘾。 Unsurprisingly, the radish blade martial arts contest competition in Little Red Horse Academy by toot toot wins the championship to finish, king Xiaoyu finished second, the glory occupied the second place. 不出意外,小红马学园里的萝卜刀比武大赛以嘟嘟获得冠军结束,王小宇获得了第二名,荣居亚军。 king Xiaoyu is not Little Red Horse Academy, but he through going through the motions and putting together the way of relations, successfully crushed into the competition, and attained the second good achievements finally. 王小宇不是小红马学园的,但是他通过走后门、拼关系的方式,成功挤进了大赛,并最终拿到了第二名的好成绩。 Turns over to happily happily, but actually at that time king Xiaoyu by attack, although because he attained second, however in first toot toot in the process of competition, a game has not won. 高兴归高兴,但其实当时王小宇是备受打击的,因为虽然他拿到了第二名,但是在和第一名嘟嘟比试的过程中,一局没赢。 This lets king Xiaoyu by the attack, was almost despondent, will be good because of Xiaobai they in the following three days, will comfort him daily, and shouted that toot toot encouraged to him personally, king Xiaoyu then buoyed up. 这让王小宇备受打击,差点抑郁了,好在小白她们在接下来的三天时间里,天天安慰他,并且喊来了嘟嘟亲自给他鼓劲,王小宇这才重新振作了起来。 During this period, the elementary school midterm examination approached, Xiaobai and the others were critical situation, does not dare to play in the evening, had the dinner to do one's assignment and read diligently. 在这期间,小学期中考试来临了,小白等人如临大敌,一个个晚上不敢玩了,吃了晚饭就努力做作业、看书。 Even if really does not want to read, at least must set the example, has a look to the Sirs, even if like this midterm examination has not tested, the Sirs cannot blame them, after all they were diligently, but has not tested, did not have other reason, was the head is not easy-to-use, but was easy-to-use this issue about the head, cannot blame the child, along with the Sir, is completely the pot of Sir. 哪怕不是真的想看书,起码也要做做样子,给大人们看看,这样即便期中考试没考好,大人们也不能过于责怪她们吖,毕竟她们是努力了的,而之所以没考好,没别的原因,就是脑瓜子不好用吧,而关于脑瓜子好不好用这个问题,不能怪小孩子吖,随大人的,完全是大人的锅。 Un, these quibbles are the pomegranate pomegranate say, she gave the young best friends to instill into this idea secretly. 嗯,这些歪理都是榴榴讲的,她偷偷给小闺蜜们灌输了这个理念。 These days, on Robin of kindergarten followed to be diligent white/in vain, daily in the evening was all right is also holding a story picture book, sat with one group of little elder sisters in the family/home of Teacher Jiang seems like, with great interest, recognized several characters incautiously, was the unexpected benefit. 以至于这段时间,上幼儿园的Robin白都跟着好学了起来,天天晚上没事也抱着一本故事绘本,和一群小姐姐们坐在姜老师的家里看起来,津津有味,一不小心都多认了几个字呢,也算是意外收获。 The result of midterm examination came out a few days, and held the parents' meeting, Zhang Tan participated. 期中考试的成绩没几天就出来了,并且召开了家长会,张叹去参加了。 The Xiaobai academic record is above-average, comes as a surprise to Zhang Tan. 小白的学习成绩中等偏上,出乎张叹的预料。 Zhang Tan completed the Xiaobai result to fall to the plan of downstream, after all this melon baby inoculates to him the day before the test, the general idea/careless was she often catches up in the terminal examinations, the midterm examination played, lets his , when old man also left cares, tested was very pleasantly surprised, the tested difference should not be angry, the moderation treated it. 张叹都做好了小白的成绩掉到下游的打算,毕竟这瓜娃子在考试前一天给他打了预防针,大意是她每每都是在期末考试发力,期中考试就是玩,让他这个当老汉的也别太在意,考的好不要惊喜,考的差不要生气,平常心待之。 In the class, the millet tested second, first is odd/surplus Danni, an introverted the gentle girl, is also very good with the relations of Xiaobai and millet, frequently is playing together. 班上,小米考了第二名,第一名是余丹妮,一个内向又文静的女孩子,和小白、小米的关系很好,经常在一起玩。 Zhang Tan paid attention to thanks Xiaoxu the result specially, the academic record of this melon baby is from the bottom first ten, his language result is very good, almost took the perfect score. 张叹特别留意了谢小旭的成绩,这瓜娃子的学习成绩是倒数前十名,不过他的语文成绩很好,几乎拿了满分。 Thus it can be seen the result of his other divisions/disciplines rotten. 由此可见他其他学科的成绩有多烂。 Zhang Tan inquired the when result of pomegranate pomegranate, this Yanyan keeps one's mouth shut greatly, but also covers the examination paper not to make him look, mystical. 张叹去打听榴榴的成绩时,这大燕燕守口如瓶,还捂住卷子不让他看,神神秘秘。 Her mother vermilion Xiaojing told him afterward secretly, the academic record of pomegranate pomegranate tested all personnel's 21 st. 她妈妈朱小静后来偷偷告诉他,榴榴的学习成绩考了全班第21名。 To be honest, Zhang Tan is quite accidental/surprised, but also thinks that the pomegranate pomegranate must test all reciprocal, preserves the lower limit of all personnel with thanks Xiaoxu. 说实话,张叹是比较意外的,还以为榴榴要考全班倒数呢,和谢小旭保住全班的下限。 I, when the primary election class leader and assistant squad leader did elect wrong? Two people academic record can only maintain at the middle reaches.” “我当初选班长和副班长是不是选错了?两人学习成绩都只能保持在中游。” Teacher in charge Teacher Wu Mei also suspected that the oneself initial decision, elected two class cadres, finally does not have an academic record to compete for the superiority. 班主任吴梅老师也不禁怀疑自己当初的决定,选了两个班干部,结果没一个学习成绩争上游的。 However, is good because of these two class cadres also calculates that has the rallying point warm-heartedly, everyone is willing to listen to their words. 不过,好在这两个班干部还算热心有号召力,大家都愿意听她们的话。 Zhang Tan also looked at Xier's academic record, actually does not need him to look, earliest possible time that the result come out, Xier reported good news, tested all personnel's second, compared with journey Chengshao two points. 张叹还去看了喜儿的学习成绩,其实不用他去看,成绩出来的第一时间,喜儿就来报喜了,考了全班第二名,就比程程少了两分。 Un, journey journey perfect score. 嗯,程程满分。 Toot toot is third, was short of a point compared with Xier. 嘟嘟是第三名,比喜儿少了一分。 Then, some twists and turns. 说起来,这其中有一些波折。 Xier after testing, the score on the test had not come out. Xier may care that the oneself result, ran to ask the teacher, the teacher looked, had not found Xier's test examination paper, until discovering an examination paper that did not have the name, examined that small tadpole general handwriting again carefully, determined this was Xier's examination paper. 喜儿在考完后,考试成绩一直没有出来。喜儿可关心自己的成绩了,跑去问老师,老师找了一遍,也没找到喜儿的考试卷子,直到发现了一张没有名字的考卷,再仔细查看那小蝌蚪一般的字迹,确定了这是喜儿的考卷。 This young basin friend writes the speed of examination paper to be unsurpassed, wrote long time ago, is all personnel's first completes an assignment, finally actually forgot to write the name in the examination paper! 这小盆友写卷子的速度堪称一绝,早早就写好了,是全班第一个交卷的,结果却忘了在考卷上写名字! The teacher urged her for this reason, educating her is careful, should not be urgent. 老师为此叮嘱了她一番,教育她要细心,不要火急火燎。 The after result of midterm examination comes out, the result that the best friend rolls can also pass, was first group, was still journey journey, millet and Xier and toot toot, the second group is remaining that two, the name does not say. 期中考试的成绩出来后,闺蜜团的成绩都还过得去,稳居第一集团的,依然是程程、小米、喜儿和嘟嘟,第二集团的就是剩下的那两个,名字就不说了。 Robin was educated to learn/study the little elder sisters of first group white/in vain, do not study that two negative example of second group. Robin白被教育要学习第一集团的小姐姐们,不要学第二集团的那两个反面案例。 The one who is more miserable is king Xiaoyu. 更惨的是王小宇。 This child three divisions/disciplines do not pass an examination completely, was hit by her mother, the eye tearful made the phone call, complained to Xiaobai. 这孩子三门学科全部不及格,被她妈妈打了一顿,眼泪汪汪地打来电话,向小白诉苦。 Finally in the telephone one by Xiaobai was educated, and threatens if the next terminal examinations did not pass an examination, her disagreement/not with king Xiaoyu played, did not speak, because feared the oneself test that harmed did not pass an examination. 结果电话里又被小白一顿教育,并威胁说如果下次期末考试再不及格,她就不和王小宇玩了,也不说话了,因为怕害的自己也考试不及格。 king Xiaoyu guaranteed hastily oneself takes certainly a test diligently, will not pass an examination absolutely. 王小宇连忙保证自己一定努力考试,绝对不会再不及格。 The Xiaobai words are very effective, at least is more effective than king Xiaoyu parents' words. 小白的话挺管用的,起码比王小宇爸爸妈妈的话管用。 Does not know how king Xiaoyu must face his grandfather grandmother, but also dares to go to the municipal party committee yard? 只是不知道王小宇要如何面对他外公外婆,还敢去市委大院么? With king Xiaoyu the personality, it is estimated that until the terminal examinations, he will not go to the municipal party committee yard again. 以王小宇的性格,估计直到期末考试,他都不会再去市委大院了。 After elementary school midterm examination, the small red horse film and television company also spreads the good news, «Fatal ID» heated bamboo strips for writing material. 小学期中考试后,小红马影视公司也传来喜讯,《致命ID》杀青了。 Zhang Tan participated heated bamboo strips for writing material the feast, eats meal with the personnel, everyone worked laboriously for several months, the night and day, felt that every day is going to war, hurried, but everyone did not have the complaint, this was the life of cast and crew. 张叹去参加了杀青宴,和主创人员们一起吃了个饭,大家辛苦工作了几个月,连轴转,感觉每天都是在打仗,匆匆忙忙,但大家没有怨言,这就是剧组的生活。 Now finally finalize, everyone can relax temporarily thoroughly, at heating bamboo strips for writing material the feast many people got drunk. 如今终于杀青,大家可以暂时彻底放松,在杀青宴上不少人喝醉了。 Zhang Tan drank liquor, but has not been drunk. 张叹喝了一点酒,但是没有醉。 Director Liu Jinlu got drunk, making one deliver to the hotel to live in an evening. 导演刘金路喝醉了,让人送到酒店住了一晚。 Next day after Liu Jinlu becomes sober, visits Zhang Tan with producer hold Xiaoxiao, discussed " Fatal ID » screening plan. 第二天刘金路酒醒后,和制片人盛潇潇一起来拜访张叹,商量《致命ID》的上映计划。 Two choices ; first, after to detain, puts summer the files to screen ; second, to put the May First International Labor Day vacation screens. 有两个选择,一是押后,放到暑期档上映,二是放到五一劳动节假期上映。 Summer the files are the movie prosperous period, many big manufactures choose at this time point screen, this is the advantage is also the disadvantage. 暑期档是电影旺期,许多大制作都选择在这个时间点上映,这是优势也是劣势。 If puts Labor Day the vacation to screen, then the pressure of competition will be first smaller, arranges in the piece rate/lead to have very good advantage, because the vacation time is short, must explode the box office is quite difficult. 如果放到劳动节假期上映,那么首先竞争压力就会小很多,排片率上占据很好的优势,但是因为假期时间短,要爆票房就比较难了。 Zhang Tan and two people after prudent discussing, finally decides to put the May First International Labor Day vacation to screen. 张叹和两人经过慎重的商量后,最终决定还是放到五一劳动节假期上映。 «Fatal ID» this movie is the comparison burns the brain, does not have too many appealing burst points, depended is mainly the movie quality and reputation, after hand down, after the movie reputation gets up, can long time occupy tall Pai the piece rate/lead of theater, accumulates, the box office will not miss. 《致命ID》这部电影是比较烧脑的,没有太多吸引人的爆点,靠的主要是电影质量和口碑,口口相传后,电影口碑起来后,可以长时间占据影院的高排片率,累计下来,票房不会差的。 Zhang Tan has not seen the movie Large expanse, because has not started the editing, but Liu Jinlu is confident, the script is Zhang Tan writes, cast and crew Zhang Tan also often goes, therefore has certain confidence to the quality of movie. 张叹还没有看到电影成片,因为还没有开始剪辑,但是刘金路信心满满,剧本是张叹写的,剧组张叹也时常去,所以对影片的质量还是有一定的信心的。 After decides, the follow-up work is not relaxed, must grasp the time editing, sends for approval, the propaganda work must fully start. 就这么定下来后,后续工作并不轻松,要抓紧时间剪辑,送审,宣传工作也要全面启动。 In the evening, Song Ping came Little Red Horse Academy, visits Zhang Tan. 晚上,宋平来了小红马学园,拜访张叹 His time is one of the «Fatal ID» acting the leading role, from a teacher of training organization, changed acting the leading role of big manufacture, because his life path Zhang Tan had the tremendous changes. 他这次是《致命ID》的主演之一,从一个培训机构的老师,摇身一变成了大制作的主演,他的人生轨迹因为张叹发生了翻天覆地的变化。 When receiving Song Ping, Zhang Tan especially also shouted Xiaobai and pomegranate pomegranate, two people were Song Ping's students. 在接待宋平时,张叹特地把小白和榴榴也喊来了,两人是宋平的学生。
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