SAHDA :: Volume #23

#2265: The respect just like the torrential river water

Chapter 2267 respect just like the torrential river water 第2267章敬佩之情犹如滔滔江水 At night, Little Red Horse Academy. 夜晚,小红马学园 Pomegranate pomegranate, you catch me ~ “榴榴,你来抓我吖~” Catches me ~ “来抓我吖~” The pomegranate pomegranate pants, looked at present two tiny tots, without the interest caught them again, turned around the classroom. 榴榴气喘吁吁,看了看眼前两个小不点,没兴趣再去抓她们了,转身回了教室。 Originally she wants to frighten these two tiny tots, pursues their full courtyard to run, but, small Xiaobai then has fun gradually, thinks that her Yanyan is playing with them greatly, shouts and wrangles, laughs. 本来她是想吓唬这两个小不点的,追着她们满院子跑,但是渐渐的,小小白便乐在其中,以为她大燕燕是在和她们玩呢,大呼小叫,哈哈大笑。 The pomegranate pomegranate did not catch them, they not only did not feel grateful to let off a poor life, instead collected to request the pomegranate pomegranate to catch them recklessly. 榴榴不抓她们了,她们不仅不感恩放过一条小命,反而不知死活地凑过去要求榴榴去抓她们。 Lets off you ~ pomegranate pomegranate beckons with the hand, does not want to play with them, today's amount of exercise has exceeded the allowed figure, she cannot run again, will die of exhaustion. “放过你们啦~”榴榴摆摆手,不想和她们玩了,今天的运动量已经超标,她不能再这么跑了,会累死的。 Pomegranate pomegranate do not walk ~ “榴榴你不要走~” Small Xiaobai with coming up, entangled the pomegranate pomegranate. 小白跟上去,缠上了榴榴。 little king sees that also follows close on behind. 小王见状,也紧跟在身后。 Before the pomegranate pomegranate will also catch her, she may scare to death, but currently has small Xiaobai, strange, she is not afraid unexpectedly, instead found it fun. 以前榴榴也会抓她,她可吓死啦,但是现在有了小小白,奇怪,她竟然不害怕了,反而觉得好玩。 The pomegranate pomegranate sees these two tiny tots to follow she not to put, shuts out, waving makes them get the hell out a bit faster, do not follow. 榴榴见这两个小不点跟着她不放,嫌弃不已,挥手让她们快点滚蛋,不要跟着来。 She must rest now, has a look at the television. 她现在要休息休息,看看电视。 The television had opened, millet and the others have moved in a small chair row of platoon to sit, Jinqu Award awards ceremony had started the live broadcast. 电视机已经打开了,小米等人早就搬来了小椅子排排坐,金曲奖颁奖典礼已经开始了现场直播。 The pomegranate pomegranate looks right and left, has not seen the good position. She found toot toot, asked her position. 榴榴左看右看,没看到有好位置。她找到嘟嘟,问她的位置呢。 You are not, cannot wrest away the position, other children must look.” Toot toot said righteously. “你人不在,不能霸占位置,其他小朋友要看呢。”嘟嘟理直气壮地说。 That meaning, she pomegranate has not occupied the position to the pomegranate. 那意思就是说,她没有给榴榴占位置。 My goodness duck toot toot, are you my good younger sister you?! Really irritated me the duck!” “好家伙鸭嘟嘟,你还是我的好妹妹吗你?!真是气死我了鸭!” The pomegranate pomegranate can feel relieved that pursues the child in the courtyard , because she has urged toot toot helps her wrest away the position, good she to play enough to sit directly, has not actually thought that toot toot this sixth child puts her pigeon unexpectedly, but also is plausible! 榴榴之所以可以放心地在院子追小孩子,就是因为她早就叮嘱嘟嘟帮她霸占位置,好等她玩够了可以直接去坐,却没想到嘟嘟这个老六竟然放她鸽子,还振振有词! Before the pomegranate pomegranate stood directly the television, the live broadcast of awards ceremony has started, to give the warm field performance, what singing was a man, the Son of Heaven rank. 榴榴直接站到了电视机前,颁奖典礼的直播已经开始了,正在表演暖场节目,唱歌的是一个男人,天王级别的。 Sang I am not of pleasant to hear.” “唱的没有我好听。” The pomegranate pomegranate pointed at this Son of Heaven to say to the children. 榴榴指着这位天王对小朋友们说。 Toot toot said: Pomegranate pomegranate you comes back quickly, do not stand there, you block us.” 嘟嘟说:“榴榴你快回来,不要站在那里,你挡住我们啦。” The pomegranate pomegranate remains unmoved, who makes her not have the position, she must stand in front of the television. 榴榴不为所动,谁让她没有位置呢,那她就要站在电视机前。 Meanwhile, near her foot were many two tiny tots, is small Xiaobai and little king, they did not have the position, then studies her to stand in front of the television watches the live broadcast. 同时,她脚边还多了两个小不点,是小小白和小王,她们也没了位置,便学她站在电视机前看直播。 Sees the pomegranate pomegranate to look down them, small Xiaobai grins to say with a smile: Pomegranate pomegranate you catch our duck ~ 见榴榴低头看她们,小小白龇牙笑道:“榴榴你来抓我们鸭~” Pomegranate pomegranate her eyes, I catch the son of a bitch not to catch you white/in vain!” 榴榴白她一眼,“我抓狗子也不抓你们!” At this time, the children who under sit started the public sentiment to be roused to action, crusade against their sounds to be getting bigger and bigger, the children wanted the rebellion. 这时候,底下坐着的小朋友们开始群情激奋,讨伐她们的声音越来越大,小朋友们要暴动了。 However the pomegranate pomegranate the incarnation big fiendish person, turn head said toward the children of being able to sit still at this moment: Do not be noisy! Had not seen that I am watching the television, is really! Is careful my acting crazy duck-” 但是榴榴这一刻化身大魔王,回头朝坐不住的小朋友们说:“不要吵!没看到我在看电视嘛,真是的!小心我发飙鸭-” little king bought the small Xiaobai clothes quietly, wants to withdraw, but small Xiaobai ate the bear heart leopard guts, decided that the following pomegranate pomegranate is a bad child. 小王悄悄扯了扯小小白的衣服,想要撤走,但是小小白吃了熊心豹子胆,决定跟着榴榴做个坏孩子。 little king then could not follow. 小王便也跟着不走了。 She must be a bad child. 她也要做一个坏孩子。 Is the bad child to become addicted. 做坏孩子是会上瘾的。 However the next quarter, they picked up. 但是下一刻,她们俩就被抱走了。 Some small Xiaobai ignorant circles, stare are hugging her person to look, is toot toot! 小白有些懵圈,盯着抱她的人一看,是嘟嘟! little king picked up by the millet. 小王则是被小米抱走了。 Xiaomi said: Do not study the pomegranate pomegranate, she is a bastard, you cannot be the bastard.” 小米说:“不要学榴榴,她是坏蛋,你们不能做坏蛋。” little king accepts good advice readily, immediately nods saying: We are not the bastard.” 小王从善如流,立刻点头说:“我们不做坏蛋。” Small Xiaobai is asking toot toot, hugs her to do. 小白则在问嘟嘟,抱她干嘛呢。 Toot toot puts the crowd surrounding her, said: Do not keep off in front of the television, excessive.” 嘟嘟把她放到人群外围,说:“你不要挡在电视机前,过分了啊。” Small Xiaobai ignorant circle. 小白懵圈。 After the millet and toot toot puts down them, immediately catches the pomegranate pomegranate. 小米和嘟嘟放下她们后,立即去抓榴榴。 The quick pomegranate pomegranate called to be seized, put small Xiaobai and little king together. 很快榴榴就嗷嗷叫着被抓走了,放到了小小白和小王一起。 The millet and toot toot then leaves , to continue to watch the live broadcast. 小米和嘟嘟这才离开,继续看直播。 The pomegranate pomegranate and small Xiaobai and little king look at each other one, not indignation said: Is you asks me to grasp, harmed I have not occupied the position.” 榴榴和小小白、小王对视一眼,不忿地说:“都是你们叫我抓,害的我没有占到位置。” little king said immediately: Sorry, pomegranate pomegranate ~ 小王立即说:“对不起,榴榴~” Small Xiaobai may not have little king is so clever, what she said: How that pomegranate pomegranate you do not catch us earlier, you caught us earlier, can occupy the position.” 小白可没小王那么乖,她说的是:“那榴榴你怎么不早点抓到我们呢,你早点抓到我们了,就可以来占位置吖。” Pomegranate pomegranate: Why...... that you also want the running duck, do not run, stand make me not grasp there well, why can run?!! Do you think the strategic point I? Are you heart are not good? Let me have a look your heart to heart.” 榴榴:“……那你干嘛还要跑鸭,你不要跑,站在那里让我抓不好吗,为什么要跑?!!你是不是想要害我?你是不是心地不好?让我看看你的心心。” The abdomen of small Xiaobai and small was touched by the pomegranate pomegranate heart to heart, helplessly looks, is incapable of revolting, but small Xiaobai was angry. 小白的小肚子和小心心被榴榴摸了,眼睁睁的看着,无力反抗,可把小小白气坏了。 Small Xiaobai is panting in indignation, immediately shifts gets out of the way, cannot the following pomegranate pomegranate, this bastard pomegranate bully a child not psychological burden. 小白气呼呼的,立即转移走开,不能跟着榴榴了,这个坏蛋榴欺负小孩子没有一点心理负担。 Small Xiaobai and little king moved in the oneself small chair quickly, found the space in a crevice, sits, the elongated neck proceeds to look, anticipates to see the little paternal aunt. 小白和小王赶快去搬来了自己的小椅子,在一个夹缝中找到了一席之地,坐下来,伸长脖子往前看,期待看到小姑姑。 Cannot the following pomegranate pomegranate mix, mixes with the pomegranate pomegranate will not have a thing in the world finally. 不能跟着榴榴混,跟榴榴混最后会一无所有。 In the live broadcast had not seen the familiar person, in the academy some children do not shout attractively, could not sit still, must play, then moves the small chair to walk. 直播里一直没有看到熟悉的人,学园里有小朋友嚷嚷不好看,坐不住了,要去玩,便搬着小椅子要走。 The pomegranate pomegranate flies immediately, making one walk, the small chair stays behind, she sits this to watch the television, ended turn head happily to look at small Xiaobai and little king. 榴榴立即飞过去,让人走,小椅子留下,她坐这看电视,完了回头得意地看了看小小白和小王。 At this moment, the awards ceremony like a raging fire is conducting, issued several award items one after another, however the important award item has not appeared. 此刻,颁奖典礼正在如火如荼进行,陆续颁发了几个奖项,但是重要的奖项还没有出现。 The promulgation gap, has the singer to perform, what this chapter mounting the stage is Li Yuxiao. 颁奖间隙,有歌手表演,这回上台的是李雨潇。 Does not know that was who shouted a mother hold/container hold/container, the children before television burst with joy immediately, shouts, sits in underground history hold/container the pride of whole face, on the face shines. 不知道是谁喊了一声包包妈妈,电视机前的小朋友们顿时沸腾了,一个个嚷嚷,坐在地下的史包包满脸的自豪,脸上放光。 The pomegranate pomegranate set out, walks to pat history Baobao the shoulder saying: Congratulates you, hold/container hold/container, your mother is really fierce.” 榴榴起身,走过去拍了拍史包包的肩膀说:“祝贺你,包包,你妈妈真厉害。” history Baobao also thinks that the pomegranate pomegranate is hits his, the result is congratulates his, was a little affected, said: Thanks, the pomegranate pomegranate you also refuels, next time you can also participate.” 史包包还以为榴榴是来打他的呢,结果是来祝贺他的,有点感动,说:“谢谢,榴榴你也加油,下次你也能参加的。” The pomegranate pomegranate nod said: Ha ~ ~ ~ I also thought so, next time will make your mother lead me to be good?” 榴榴点头说:“哈哈哈~~~我也这么觉得,下次让你妈妈带我去好不好?” history Baobao is speechless immediately. 史包包顿时无语。 He was too pure, ease in greatly Yanyan's clasp. 他还是太单纯了,轻而易举就上了大燕燕的钩子。 Did not say a word I not to make little Zheng Zheng He you play.” The pomegranate pomegranate threat said. “不做声我就不让小郑郑和你玩了。”榴榴威胁道。 Sat the side little Zheng Zheng little face is red in history hold/container. 坐在史包包身边的小郑郑小脸都红了。 On the television, Li Yuxiao mounted the stage to sing a song, then was continues to promulgate, this chapter was the quite important award item. 电视上,李雨潇上台唱了一首歌,接着便是继续颁奖,这回是比较重要的奖项。 Performance class best composer award. 演奏类最佳作曲人奖。 This award item is considered as most does not have the suspense, «Forbidden City Memory» that last year appeared appeared then for startled is the Celestial. 这个奖项被认为是最没有悬念的,去年横空出世的《故宫的记忆》一出现便为惊为天人。 This promulgation, in addition, being almost impossible is the first music wins. 这次颁奖,除此之外,几乎不可能是第一首音乐获奖。 Fact also truly so, after the presenting guest of honor rips open the envelope, read «Forbidden City Memory», Zhang Tan name. 事实也确实如此,在颁奖嘉宾撕开信封后,念出了“《故宫的记忆》,张叹”的名字。 Amid the applause of audience people, Zhang Tan sets out. 在全场人的掌声中,张叹起身。 The surrounding person sets out to offer the congratulation for him in abundance, the expression respect. 周围的人纷纷起身为他送上祝贺,表达敬佩之情。 «Forbidden City Memory» wins, making one be sincerely convinced. 《故宫的记忆》获奖,让人心服口服。 But Little Red Horse Academy at this moment, similarly is extremely busy, Boss stretch/open won, has not known Boss stretch/open! 而此刻的小红马学园,同样是热闹非凡,张老板获奖了呀,没有不认识张老板的! , On the television was also presenting Xiaobai and Xier while convenient, as well as Tan Jiner. 顺带着,电视上还出现了小白和喜儿,以及谭锦儿。 Small Xiaobai jumps to stumble to get up from the chair, excited cannot oneself, in the eye glitter the light that worships, in the heart the respect to little paternal aunt just like the torrential river water, continuous. 小白从椅子上蹦跶起来,兴奋的不能自己,眼里闪烁中崇拜的光,心中对小姑姑的敬佩之情犹如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。
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