SAHDA :: Volume #23

#2264: Do not disclose

Chapter 2266 do not disclose 第2266章不要声张 Teacher stretch/open!” “张老师!” Transmits a summon, Zhang Tan turn head looks, is woman who selects high, king Zhuo. 身后传来一声呼唤,张叹回头看去,是一个高挑的女人,王濯。 Teacher stretch/open you come! brocade/bright, Xiaobai, Xier, hello.” king Zhuo with a smile and everyone greeted. “张老师你来啦!锦儿,小白,还有喜儿,你们好。”王濯笑着和大家打招呼。 king Zhuo you good ~ the Zhang Tan response said. “王濯你好~”张叹回应道。 king Zhuo and Zhang Tan has cooperated, «Seek a dream Visits Recording» theme song «Thinks that Your 365 Days of» is she sings. 王濯曾经和张叹合作过,《寻梦环游记》的主题曲《想你的365天》就是她唱的。 This Jinqu Award she was naturally also invited to participate, moreover there is a song to enter the nomination, and she is also the singing honored guest of middle place. 这次金曲奖她自然也受邀参加,而且有歌曲进入了提名,并且她还将是中场的演唱嘉宾。 Tan Jiner remembers king Zhuo, before has come Little Red Horse Academy, at that time music work room also in academy. 谭锦儿记得王濯,以前来过小红马学园,当时音乐工作室还在学园里呢。 However afterward had has not said goodbye a long time, therefore Xiaobai and Xier did not remember king Zhuo this person. Two people are ignorant, looks that she is in a daze, laughs foolishly, the happy baby just wants saying that I do not know you, was covered the small mouth by Xiaobai, drew one side. 不过后来有很长一段时间没有再见过,所以小白和喜儿不记得王濯这个人了。两个人懵懵的,看着好她发呆,嗬嗬傻笑,喜娃娃刚想说我不认识你,就被小白捂住了小嘴,拉到了一边去。 Had the education of Xiaobai by drawing to Xier at the same time, told her unable saying that did not know. 被拉到一边的喜儿接受了小白的教育,告诉她不能说不认识。 But I really do not know.” Xier said. “但是我真的不认识吖。”喜儿说。 Xiaobai said: You did not know that cannot say did not know.” 小白道:“你不认识也不能说不认识。” Xier ignorant circle: What did I say?” 喜儿懵圈:“那我说什么?” Xiaobai said: You said, is you, the little elder sister you are quite attractive.” 小白说:“你就说,啊是你吖,小姐姐你好漂亮吖。” Xier is frowning, is not a little glad: You are deceive people.” 喜儿皱着眉头,有点不乐意:“你这是骗人吖。” Xiaobai said: You do not want silly sai.” 小白说:“你不要傻乎乎的噻。” Xier is discontented saying: You are silly ~ 喜儿不满道:“你才傻乎乎呢~” Xiaobai said: Your lang does also talk back?” 小白说:“你啷个还顶嘴咧?” Xier said: Do not say my silly sai.” 喜儿道:“那你不要说我傻乎乎噻。” Xiaobai said: Do not say that you do not know her.” 小白说:“那你不要说你不认识她。” Xier said: Did not ask me, I did not say.” 喜儿道:“不问我,我就不说。” Right that the Xiaobai short of breath, this baby vegetable/dish and gruff, her elder sister said that Tan who Xier is tenacious is three pomegranate pomegranates cannot pull back. 小白气急,这个小娃娃又菜又倔,她姐姐说的对,固执起来的谭喜儿小朋友是三个榴榴也拉不回来的。 How long was good has not waited then to walk because of king Zhuo, today the person of Huaxia music circle came the larger part, before the awards ceremony started, was the excellent human relations opportunity. 好在王濯没待多久便走了,今天华夏音乐圈的人来了一大半,在颁奖典礼开始之前,是极好的交际机会。 Many colleagues came long time ago, the full house finds the person to exchange the sentiment. 许多圈内人都早早就来了,满场找人交流感情。 Although Zhang Tan is famous, but as secret, many people does not know him, has not seen, but his Tan Jiner and the others are strange, therefore four people are very actually relaxed, arrives on the seat no one to say something to smooth things over. 张叹虽然有名气,但是作为幕后者,许多人并不认识他,没有见过,而他身边的谭锦儿等人更是陌生,所以四人倒是很轻松,一路走到座位上没有人搭讪。 Xiaobai and Xier are still exchanging intensely, no matter how Xiaobai said, Xier is to adhere to the principle, the person who does not know she did not say the understanding. 小白和喜儿还在激烈交流,不管小白怎么说,喜儿就是要坚持原则,不认识的人她坚决不说认识。 Snort! 哼! Zhang Tan ~ brocade ~ 张叹~锦儿~” Coming the person is Li Yuxiao, actually she is earlier, Zhang Tan that and the others Zhang Tan and the others came appear in the auditorium, she then noticed, but could not get out of the way, therefore until getting rid of others had free time. 来人是李雨潇,其实她比张叹等人来的更早,张叹等人一出现在大礼堂,她便注意到了,只是走不开,所以直到摆脱了别人才得空过来。 Deep and clear elder sister you really beautiful ~ “潇潇姐你真美~” Tan Jiner acclaimed heartfeltly. Usual Li Yuxiao the gorgeous photo person, she has worn a black evening dress tonight, the splendid attire attendance, is the colorful light is threatening, making one not dare to look straight ahead. 谭锦儿由衷地赞叹。平时的李雨潇已经光艳照人了,今晚她穿了一身黑色的晚礼服,盛装出席,更是艳光逼人,让人不敢直视。 She walks, where arriving is the people focuses. 她一路走来,走到哪里都是众人注意的焦点。 Li Yuxiao hears word, praised Tan Jiner with a smile, then looked at Zhang Tan fast, what a pity Zhang Tan has not as if cared. 李雨潇闻言,笑着也夸了一句谭锦儿,然后飞快地瞄了一眼张叹,可惜张叹似乎并没有太在意。 Package mother, hold/container hold/container ~ did he come?” Xiaobai asked. “包包妈妈,包包呢~他来了吗?”小白问道。 Li Yuxiao said: Wraps the package not to come, he in small red horse, but he said that will visit us in front of the television, refuels to us.” 李雨潇说:“包包没来,他在小红马吖,不过他说会在电视机前看我们,给我们加油。” Xier gathered the Xiaobai ear saying: Package mother I knew, I said knows ~ 喜儿凑到小白耳边说:“包包妈妈我认识,我说认识哈~” Xiaobai white her eyes. 小白白了她一眼。 I know you, mother hold/container hold/container ~ Xier greeted warmly, amused Li Yuxiao. “我认识你吖,包包妈妈~”喜儿热情地打招呼,把李雨潇逗乐了。 Xiaobai really wants saying that does not know the happy baby, too silly. 小白真想说不认识喜娃娃吖,太傻乎乎的了。 Li Yuxiao chose to sit in their, did not seem to walk. Sees the vision of Zhang Tan doubts, she said with a smile: Public relations were too tired, I hide here, won't the boss you mind?” 李雨潇选择在他们边上坐了下来,似乎不打算走了。见张叹疑惑的目光,她笑道:“社交太累了,我在这里躲躲,老板你不会介意吧?” Zhang Tan will certainly not mind. 张叹当然不会介意。 Chen Yubin they came.” Li Yuxiao looked that arrives to reach one group of orchestra to walk toward here, the guess is looks for Zhang Tan . “陈宇斌他们来了。”李雨潇看到达达乐队的一行人往这边走来,猜测是来找张叹的,果然。 Hi ~ ~ ~ this chapter of Xiaobai greeted on own initiative, and stretched out the palm of the hand, struck the palm with Chen Yubin and the others. “嗨~~~”这回小白主动打招呼,并且伸出巴掌,和陈宇斌等人击了掌。 Tonight Xiaobai and Orchestra cooperation song «MyStupidHeart» obtained the nomination, they are team! 今晚小白和达达乐队合作的歌曲《MyStupidHeart》得到了提名,她们是一个team! Xiaobai happily said to Xier: This is my orchestra.” 小白得意地对喜儿说:“这是我的乐队。” Xier envies: Your orchestra person are really many. I have the orchestra.” 喜儿羡慕道:“你的乐队人真多。我也有乐队。” Then, she puts out a hand, the strong request and elder sister strike a palm. She and elder sister are the chorus teams. 说完,她伸出手,强烈要求和姐姐击个掌。她和姐姐是合唱团队吖。 Li Yuxiao and people of Orchestra appear side Zhang Tan simultaneously, thinks that is unremarkable difficultly. 李雨潇和达达乐队的人同时出现在张叹身边,想不引人注意都难。 When without many, then some people walked, with a smile greeted with Li Yuxiao as well as Orchestra, some knew, some were takes the opportunity to know. 没多时,便有人走了过来,笑着和李雨潇以及达达乐队打招呼,有的原本就认识,有的是借机认识。 This is?” “这位是?” Some people seized the chance to look to Zhang Tan, made noise the inquiry. 有人趁机看向了张叹,出声询问。 Does not blame them not to know Zhang Tan, is Zhang Tan is extremely really mystical in the music circle and low-key, never appears in public, is never interviewed. 不怪他们不认识张叹,实在是张叹在音乐圈里太过神秘和低调,从不抛头露面,从不接受采访。 Orchestra Chen Yubin and Li of Yuxiao hears word, looked at Zhang Tan, without replying this person of question. 达达乐队的陈宇斌和李雨潇闻言,看了眼张叹,没有回答这人的问话。 If Zhang Tan does not have the meaning of that understanding, he then cannot talk too much. 张叹如果没那认识的意思,他便不能多嘴。 They know that Zhang Tan as if to appears in public in the music circle is not interested very much, this time Xiaobai and Xier entered the nomination, he will not definitely attend the awards ceremony. 他们都知道张叹似乎对在音乐圈子里抛头露面很不感兴趣,这次要不是小白和喜儿进入了提名,他肯定是不会参加颁奖典礼的。 Remembers that last year Zhang Tan also had the work to be accepted to the nomination, but has not come to participate. 记得去年张叹也有作品入围了提名,但没来参加。 Zhang Tan said actually the sound hello/you good, said oneself called Zhang Tan. 倒是张叹笑着说了声你好,介绍说自己张叹 This person is a charming youth, becomes famous to have several years of singer, is the frontline, tonight he also has the nomination. 这人是个帅气青年,成名有几年的歌手,算是一线,今晚他也有提名。 Zhang Tan? 张叹 He thinks, has probably listened to this name, but, then thinks that should be 23 singers, has not cared, on the mouth said the fortunate meeting fortunate meeting. 他想了想,好像听过这个名字,但是记不起来了,便认为应该是个二三线歌手吧,没有在意,嘴上却说幸会幸会。 Because others come to say something to smooth things over unceasingly, therefore this youth treated did not have a while then to walk, at this time must deeply chat is not possible, but mixed a face to be ripe, later had the opportunity to meet again then can originally ripe likely the exchange of acquaintance. 因为还有其他人不断过来搭讪,所以这位青年待了没一会儿便走了,这个时候要深聊是不可能的,只是混个脸熟,以后有机会再见面便可以自来熟像个熟人似的交流。 This young singer continues to walk randomly the understanding person in the conference site everywhere, some people noticed his just behavior, then asked him: Who with Li Yuxiao together that a man and a woman is? Looks to look unfamiliar.” 这位青年歌手继续在会场到处游走认识人,有人注意到他刚刚的行为,便问他:“和李雨潇一起的那一男一女是谁?看着脸生。” Female does not know, male calling Zhang Tan, is a singer.” The young singer does not care said. “女的不知道,男的叫张叹,也是个歌手。”青年歌手不在意地说道。 Zhang Tan?” 张叹?” Actually does not think the person who hears word is very surprised. 却不想闻言的人十分惊讶。 The young singer has doubts saying: Right, he said that he called Zhang Tan, how? Did you know?” 青年歌手疑惑道:“对,他说他叫张叹,怎么了?你认识?” This person said with amazement: „Didn't you know?” 这人惊讶道:“你不认识?” The young singer asked: I, have listened to this name probably, but cannot think, how?” 青年歌手问:“我,好像听过这个名字,但是想不起来,怎么了?” This person said surprisedly: You look at him and Orchestra as well as Li Yuxiao in the same place, therefore this Zhang Tan should be that Zhang Tan that writes the song, boss in little red Malaysia Music Company.” 这人惊奇道:“你看他和达达乐队以及李雨潇在一起,所以这个张叹应该是那个写歌的张叹,小红马音乐公司的老板。” „?!” The young singer was shocked, he thought finally, why said that Zhang Tan this name listened is also strange! Originally is not the singer, but is that Zhang Tan of song and poem author!!! “啊?!”青年歌手震惊了,他终于想起来了,为什么说张叹这个名字听过又陌生!原来不是歌手,而是词曲作者的那个张叹!!! He looked that to direction that Zhang Tan is , the vision is scalding hot, in the heart annoying, just spoke time, he has not even exchanged the name card, has not left behind the contact method!!! Many people want to know Zhang Tan! 他看向张叹所在的方向,眼光灼热,心中懊恼不已,刚刚说话的时候,他甚至没有交换名片,没有留下联系方式!!!多少人想要认识张叹啊! I must pass under the understanding, mixing a face is ripe.” “我要过去认识下,混个脸熟。” The young singer gazed after this person of without hesitation half step in the past, the vision was scalding hot, thought that I do want to go again? 青年歌手目送这人毫不犹豫地快步过去,眼光灼热,心想我要不要再去一趟? He just wants to act, actually saw that person to stop the footsteps a moment ago, looked periphery to say to him low voice: Do not disclose ~ 他刚想动作,却见刚才那人停下了脚步,看了看周围对他小声说道:“不要声张~”
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