SAHDA :: Volume #23

#2263: Lending assistance

Chapter 2265 lends assistance 第2265章应援 Elder sister- must walk! Quick sends thickly-” “姐姐-要走啦!快粗发-” Wait, first should not be anxious, but also early.” “等等,先不要急,还早呢。” Adoptive fathers in we.” “干爹都在等我们啦。” A half hour.” “还有半个多小时呢。” „...... Is the elder sister you doing? You are putting on make-up, you want to change before the adoptive father attractively is right?” “……姐姐你在干嘛?你在化妆,你想要在干爹面前变的更好看对不对?” „...... I melt a makeup.” “……我只是化个妆而已。” Hiahiahia, before you, how, do not go out to play with the adoptive father, snort/hum ~ “hiahiahia,伱以前怎么不化呢,要和干爹出去玩就化,哼~” Many that you know!” “就你知道的多!” I know are many proudly I not ~ “我知道的多我也没有骄傲吖~” Does not want to speak with you.” “不想和你说话了。” However Tan Xier is sticks the worldly person, collected insensitively, sticking was side Tan Jiner said: „...... The elder sister, your mouth spreads quite red.” 但是谭喜儿小朋友是个粘人精,厚脸皮凑了过来,黏在是谭锦儿身边说:“……姐姐,你的嘴巴涂的好红诶。” „? Has?” Tan Jiner examines oneself in mirror intensely, thought that is not red. “啊?有吗?”谭锦儿紧张地查看镜子里的自己,觉得没有那么红呀。 Has ~ red, like bleeding.” Xier said seriously. “有~红红的,像在流血。”喜儿严肃地说。 How to seem like bleeding.” “怎么会像在流血呢。” Your this is unsafe!” “你这样不安全!” „......” “……” The youngest sister is a little possibly silly, Tan Jiner does not want to respond her. 小妹妹可能有点傻,谭锦儿不想搭理她。 Urged by Xier over and over, Tan Jiner melted Jane/simple Zhuang to go out in a hurry. 在喜儿的再三催促下,谭锦儿匆匆化了一个简妆出门。 Today Zhang Tan must ask them to buy the clothes, prepares for the forthcoming Jinqu Award awards ceremony. 今天张叹非要叫她们去买衣服,为即将举办的金曲奖颁奖典礼做准备。 Originally she does not want to go, thought that oneself has the clothes, although not necessarily on big. 本来她是不想去的,觉得自己有衣服,虽然不一定高大上。 However Zhang Tan said that must buys the formal clothes for Xier and Xiaobai, they are one of the leads. 但是张叹说那也要给喜儿和小白买礼服,她们俩是主角之一。 Tan Jiner then agreed. 谭锦儿这才同意了。 Zhang Tan has been waiting for them in the parking lot at this moment, Xiaobai also. 张叹此刻已经在停车场等着她们了,小白也在。 Well? How Xiaobai haven't you brought small Xiaobai?” Xier boards asked. “咦?小白你怎么没带小小白呢?”喜儿一上车就问。 The Xiaobai dark stamp smiles, said: Small Xiaobai must get the vaccine today, humph humph humph humph ~ ~ ~ 小白暗戳戳地笑,说:“小小白今天要去打疫苗,嚯嚯嚯嚯~~~” Hiahiahia ~ ~ ~ she will cry.” Xier said that „before me, gives an injection almost cries, but I have not cried, hiahia ~ ~ ~ “hiahiahia~~~她会哭叭。”喜儿说,“我以前打针就差点哭啦,但是我没哭,hiahia~~~” Tan Jiner looked at her one eyes saying: You do not use such proudly.” 谭锦儿瞄了她一眼说道:“那你也不用这么骄傲吧。” Xier hiahia smiles, the small nose soars to the heavens, did not say proudly, but actually a proud resembles cockerel. 喜儿hiahia笑,小鼻子冲天,说不骄傲,但其实骄傲的像一只小公鸡。 The automobile starts, the group buy the clothes in the market in the morning, finally everyone purchased one official formal clothes. 汽车开动,一行人上午就在商场里买衣服,最终每个人都购置了一套正式的礼服。 That evening, Jinqu Award awards ceremony then started in Pujiang. 当天傍晚,金曲奖颁奖典礼便在浦江开始了。 Has the private car to arrive at the Little Red Horse Academy entrance to send and pick up, Zhang Tan and Tan Jiner, Xier, Xiaobai go together. 有专车来到小红马学园门口接送,张叹和谭锦儿、喜儿、小白一同前往。 In them behind, several children are waving, after gazing after they leave, a little friend envies the envy to hate, said: I good to go to the duck, should also invite the duck that I go, I sang that well-” 在她们身后,有几个小朋友在挥手,目送她们离开后,其中一个小朋友羡慕嫉妒恨,说道:“我好想去鸭,应该也请我去的鸭,我唱歌那么好-” Is the pomegranate pomegranate is grumbling. 是榴榴在发牢骚。 She that deeply loves to sing, this grand meeting did not invite her to go, went too far simply! 她那么的热爱唱歌,这种盛会却不邀请她去,简直是欺人太甚! You said is right, small Xiaobai.” The pomegranate pomegranate asked that tiny tot, seeks the identity. “你说对不对,小小白。”榴榴问身边的小不点,寻求认同感。 Small Xiaobai nods, said earnestly: They went too far, did not invite you, were you sad the pomegranate pomegranate?” 小白点头,认真地说:“她们太过分了,不请你呢,你难过吗榴榴?” The pomegranate pomegranate said: I am a little sad, but we are strong, next time I must participate.” 榴榴说:“我有点难过,但是我们要坚强,下次我一定要参加。” Small Xiaobai asked: „Do you go secretly?” 小白问:“你偷偷去吗?” The pomegranate pomegranate said: No, I want them to invite me to go.” 榴榴说:“不,我要他们邀请我去。” The small Xiaobai hope said: „Do you also take me to be good?” 小白希冀道:“那你也带上我好不好?” Can the duck, you call my mother.” “可以鸭,你叫我妈妈吧。” „...... Did not call ~ “……不叫~” I do not lead you to go.” “那我不带你去。” „...... Excessive ~ “……过分了啊~” The pomegranate pomegranate always takes small Xiaobai to regard the ordinary child, will roar, intimidating to shout her mother obedient, but actually does not know that small Xiaobai will very be smart, the pomegranate pomegranate will cope with that set of child to combine threats with inducements to her is no matter will use. 榴榴老是拿小小白当成普通的小孩子,哄一哄,威逼一下就会听话喊她妈妈,但却不知道小小白机灵得很,榴榴对付小孩子的那一套威逼利诱对她是不管用的。 Instead is the pomegranate pomegranate suffers a loss on small Xiaobai repeatedly, was shouted by her the little paternal aunt teaches. 反而是榴榴多次在小小白身上吃了亏,被她喊来小姑姑教训。 However, the pomegranate pomegranate can let loose to play tonight, Xiaobai that melon baby had just walked. 不过呢,今晚榴榴可以放开来耍,小白那个瓜娃子刚刚已经走了。 „Did you call? You did not ask my mother me to kiss your cheek-” “你叫不叫?你不叫我妈妈我就亲你脸蛋啦-” The pomegranate pomegranate threat said. 榴榴威胁道。 Small Xiaobai shakes the head, while will draw back quietly in the future, prepares to sneak off, guarding. 小白一边摇头,一边悄悄往后退,准备开溜,提防着。 The pomegranate pomegranate exudes the big fiendish person common laughter, opens both hands to catch her. 榴榴发出大魔王一般的笑声,张开双手去抓她。 Small Xiaobai sees that turns around to hurry to sneak off. 小白见状,转身就赶紧开溜。 Ka ka ~ ~ ~ I catch you, small Xiaobai, ka ka ~ ~ ~ ~ “哇咔咔~~~我来抓你啦,小小白,哇咔咔~~~~” The pomegranate pomegranate possibly received the attack, at this moment needs to release, incarnation big devil. 榴榴可能是受了打击,此刻需要释放,化身大恶魔。 She not only pursues small Xiaobai, but also is pursuing little king, pursues two tiny tots called, scurried about everywhere. 她不仅追逐小小白,而且还在追逐小王,把两个小不点追的嗷嗷叫,到处乱窜。 The words saying that Zhang Tan one group of arrived at awards ceremony, because the child and Tan Jiner do not think being lucky rug, therefore he then makes the driver drive directly the VIP channel, they directly enter the conference site. 话说张叹一行人到了颁奖典礼现场,因为小孩子和谭锦儿不想走红地毯,所以他便让司机直接开车走VIP通道,他们直接进入会场。 The driver somewhat worries, because before embarking meets Zhang Tan, the higher authority especially urges him, Zhang Tan is the tonight's distinguished guest, is being lucky rug. 司机有些犯难,因为出发接张叹之前,上级特地叮嘱他,张叹是今晚的贵宾,是走红地毯。 But now Zhang Tan actually outline the link of red carpet. 但现在张叹却要略过红地毯的环节。 However, since Zhang Tan proposed, is not his driver can about, is not he should be responsible. 不过,张叹既然提出了,便不是他一个司机能左右的,也不是他应该负责的。 He reports the matter, immediately then the responsible staff run over, Zhang Tan lowers the glass and opposite party discussed. 他把事情汇报上去,立刻便有一个主管人员跑了过来,张叹降下车窗和对方商量。 The opposite party are hopes that Zhang Tan considered again, walks the red carpet, because really many media reporters want to interview him. 对方本是希望张叹再考虑考虑,走一下红地毯,因为真的有很多媒体记者希望采访他。 Naturally, the organizer also wants to interview him. 当然,主办方也很想采访他。 After all at present this rarely is interviewed, particularly interview about music. The activity in film and television he will attend actually, but music has not really had basically. 毕竟眼前这位很少接受采访,尤其是关于音乐方面的采访。影视方面的活动他倒是会出席,但是音乐方面真的基本没有过。 But he result in music makes people unable to neglect, this time also had many awards to be selected in the nomination, the outside world was extremely curious to him including the singer and fans. 但他在音乐上的成绩让人无法忽视,这次还有多个大奖入选了提名,外界包括歌手和歌迷都对他万分好奇。 Now, the Zhang Tan actually request is not interviewed, not being lucky rug, directly enters the conference site. 现在,张叹却要求不接受采访,不走红地毯,直接进入会场。 Could not make the decision in charge of oneself, reported step by step, finally respected the opinion of Zhang Tan. 主管自己也做不了决定,一级一级上报,最终还是尊重了张叹的意见。 If by some chance provoked this, hundred evils do not have an advantage. 万一惹恼了这位,百害无一利。 Hearing to be able not being lucky rug, Tan Jiner deeply to relax, a big stone in heart falls to the ground finally. 听到可以不走红地毯了,谭锦儿深深地松了一口气,心中的一块大石终于落地。 Xiaobai and Xier do not have too many caring actually, they lie before the glass continuously outside sizing up, outside came many fans, lifts various types to lend assistance the sign, saw that has the car(riage) to come, then the name of great shout oneself idol, what no matter also in the car(riage) sits is. 小白和喜儿倒是没有太多的在意,她们趴在车窗前一直在打量外面,外面来了许多歌迷,举着各种应援牌,见到有车过来,便大声呼喊自己偶像的名字,也不管车里坐的是谁。 Li ~ rain ~ deep and clear ~ “李~雨~潇~” Xiaobai recognized one to lend assistance the character on sign, read makes noise. 小白认出了一块应援牌上的字,念出了声。 Who Li Yuxiao is?” Xier asked. “李雨潇是谁?”喜儿问。 Xiaobai said: Is history Baobao mother, your lang doesn't know?” 小白说:“是史包包的妈妈,你啷个不晓得咧?” Hiahia, I know that mother hold/container hold/container, I do not know Li Yuxiao.” “hiahia,我知道包包妈妈,我不知道李雨潇。” „......” “……” Will really quibble. 真会狡辩。 Li Yuxiao lending assistance sign are many, can be seen everywhere, her popularity is very high. 李雨潇的应援牌还蛮多的,到处可见,她的人气很高啊。 In addition, Tan Jiner also discovered the lending assistance sign of Orchestra, referred to Xiaobai and Xier looks. 此外,谭锦儿也发现了达达乐队的应援牌,指给了小白和喜儿看。 Even, they saw brocade and Xier's lending assistance sign! 甚至,她们看到了锦儿、喜儿的应援牌! Grinning with ear to ear that Tan Xier smiles, refers to warmly to Xiaobai looks. 谭喜儿小朋友笑的合不拢嘴,热情地指给小白看。 Tan Jiner also feels is very novel, she really became young star probably. 谭锦儿也感觉很新奇,她好像真成了个小明星似的。 The automobile stopped finally, the driver spoke. 汽车终于停了下来,司机说到了。 They get out, here does not have the media reporter, without the red carpet, everyone directly entered the auditorium, inside and outside as if two world, resplendent in gold and jade green, a babel of voices. 她们下车,这里没有媒体记者,没有红地毯,大家直接进入了大礼堂,里面和外面仿佛两个世界,金碧辉煌,人声鼎沸。 Teacher stretch/open?” “张老师?” Zhang Tan just went, was recognized. 张叹刚一进去,就被人认出来了。
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