SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3831: Chance

The Jue Ying attitude is very serious, what slowly was Meng Zhang tells that Fifth Order Great Power some past events. 绝影的态度很是郑重,慢慢的为孟章讲述起了那位五阶大能的一些往事。 No one knows that Fifth Rank great power, when appears in Deadly Sea of Sand. 谁也不知道,那位五阶大能,是什么时候出现在死亡沙海的。 Naturally, at that time, Deadly Sea of Sand had not called now this name, is not the forbidden area of life, is not now this infertile scene. 当然,那个时候,死亡沙海还不叫现在这个名字,也不是生灵的禁区,更不是现在这种寸草不生的景象。 After that Fifth Order Great Power arrives, extracted peripheral region massive spirit vein, caused the destructive destruction to the environment. 那位五阶大能降临之后,抽取了周围区域大量的灵脉,对周围环境造成了毁灭性的破坏。 Still had the habitation, has the lifeform the region, turned into Deadly Sea of Sand. 原本尚有人烟,存在生物的区域,变成了死亡沙海 Neighbor Endless Sea of Sand becomes bleaker, the survival requirement is worse. 紧邻的无尽沙海变得更为荒凉,生存条件更为恶劣。 Initially ruled Endless Sea of Sand Purple Gold Sect, probably also because of this great power, fell from the sky Primordial Spirit True Monarch and many Gold Core Daoist Master in faction. 当初统治无尽沙海紫金派,好像也是因为这位大能,陨落了派中的元神真君和多位金丹真人 Afterward, Flying Swan Sect under the support of some Primordial Spirit True Monarch, replaced Purple Gold Sect, became the Endless Sea of Sand new ruler. 后来,飞鸿宗在某位元神真君的支持之下,取代紫金派,成为无尽沙海新的统治者。 Fire Cloud Sect and Yellow Lotus Sect East River Branch, invades Endless Sea of Sand, was pursued by Flying Swan Sect. 火云派黄莲教河东分坛,入侵无尽沙海,然后又被飞鸿宗驱逐出去。 The Middle-Earth Continent cultivation large clan, has several Primordial Spirit True Monarch Qi Family, because its branch makes the huge mistake, was sent to frontier service nearby Jiuqu League. 中土大陆修真大族,同样拥有数位元神真君齐家,其一支分支因为犯下大错,被发配到了九曲盟附近。 This Qi Family branch moved into Endless Sea of Sand afterward, becomes Endless Sea of Sand famous Northern Desert Qi Family. 这支齐家的分支后来迁入无尽沙海,成为了无尽沙海大名鼎鼎的漠北齐家 Hears here, Meng Zhang exclaims at heart. 听到这里,孟章心里惊叹不已。 unexpectedly, Northern Desert Qi Family with the foot , like Taiyi Sect, came from Middle-Earth Continent. 没有想到,漠北齐家的跟脚,和太乙门一样,都是源自中土大陆 But was sent to frontier service, flees from calamity. 只不过一个是被发配的,一个是逃难过来的。 After the Endless Sea of Sand cultivation world situation stabilizes, actually the disaster of often eruption sand monster. 无尽沙海修真界的局势稳定下来之后,却不时的爆发沙怪之灾。 According to the view of Jue Ying, the disaster of so-called sand monster, stems from that Fifth Order Great Power writing skill completely. 按照绝影的说法,所谓的沙怪之灾,完全就是出自那位五阶大能的手笔。 Why must make the disaster of sand monster as for him in Endless Sea of Sand, that reason was unknown. 至于他为什么要在无尽沙海制造沙怪之灾,那原因就不得而知了。 Regarding the origin of disaster of sand monster, before Meng Zhang, has also had the guess at heart. Especially he had experienced the sand monster lair with own eyes, the discovery the behavior trace will be very heavy the day after tomorrow. 对于沙怪之灾的成因,孟章以前心里也有过猜测。尤其是他曾经亲眼见识过沙怪的巢穴,发现后天所为的痕迹很重。 Now has been confirmed from the Jue Ying mouth, the disaster of sand monster indeed is great power makes, he somewhat is dismal. 现在从绝影口中得到确认,沙怪之灾的确是大能制造出来的,他心里有几分悲凉。 The disaster of sand monster, but twines a Endless Sea of Sand Human Clan several hundred years of nightmare. Innumerable cultivator were killed in the hand of sand monster, sand monster has destroyed the innumerable oases, has slaughtered the innumerable lives. 沙怪之灾,可是缠绕无尽沙海人族数百年的噩梦。无数修真者丧命于沙怪之手,沙怪毁灭过无数的绿洲,杀戮过无数生灵。 Taiyi Sect that reconstructed initially for the second time , exterminates an entire family because of the disaster of sand monster. 就连当初第二次重建的太乙门,也是因为沙怪之灾而灭门。 cultivation little family Meng of Meng Zhang this whole life family background, was also destroyed by sand monster initially. 孟章这辈子出身的修真小家族孟家,当初也是被沙怪毁灭。 Meng Zhang oneself, have personally experienced repeatedly with the sand monster war. 孟章本人,更是亲身经历过多次和沙怪的大战。 great power is great power, unexpectedly can make sand monster this species to come. 大能就是大能,居然能够制造出沙怪这种物种来。 Regarding this great power, in the Meng Zhang heart was full of the hatred. 对于这位大能,孟章心中充满了痛恨。 Only hates itself cultivation base to be mean at present, otherwise Meng Zhang also really wants to crash in Deadly Sea of Sand, with this great power well theory. 只恨自己目前修为低微,否则孟章还真想要冲进死亡沙海,和这位大能好好理论一番。 But Luo Ye said initially, will refer to the Meng Zhang form the core chance, falls on sand monster. 落叶当初说的,会指给孟章结丹机缘,就落在沙怪身上。 Luo Ye stayed not to calculate the short time in Endless Sea of Sand, regarding Endless Sea of Sand various situations, was familiar. 落叶无尽沙海呆了一段不算短的时间,对于无尽沙海的各种情况,也非常熟悉。 She also expected, waited for Meng Zhang to Foundation Building period completion, prepared form the core time, will face needs the Third Rank spirit vein issue. 她也预料到了,等孟章到了筑基圆满,准备结丹的时候,就会面临需要三阶灵脉的问题。 By the Taiyi Sect condition and Endless Sea of Sand situation, Meng Zhang not possible to have been used the Third Rank spirit vein opportunity. 太乙门的条件以及无尽沙海的局势,孟章不可能得到使用三阶灵脉的机会。 But beside Endless Sea of Sand, to borrow Third Rank spirit vein, similarly is very not easy matter. 而在无尽沙海之外,要想借用三阶灵脉,同样是很不容易的事情。 Without Third Rank spirit vein, needs to seek the effective prescription in addition, searches for other displacement means. 没有三阶灵脉,就需要另寻良方,寻找别的代替办法。 Displacement means that Luo Ye points out, is seeks for the spirit marrow. 落叶指出的代替办法,就是去寻找灵髓。 The spirit marrow is very rare Heaven and Earth spiritual object, the implication has the pure incomparable special spiritual energy. 灵髓是一种非常罕见的天地灵物,蕴含有精纯无比的特殊灵气。 Meng Zhang only needs scrap spirit marrow, does not need Third Rank spirit vein, but absorbs spirit marrow inside world spiritual energy directly, is used to assist form the core. 孟章只需要拥有一小块灵髓,就不需要三阶灵脉,而是直接吸纳灵髓里面的天地灵气,用来辅助自己结丹 Normally, spirit marrow Heaven and Earth spiritual object only happens by happy circumstance. Wants the difficulty of spirit marrow, even over borrows Third Rank spirit vein. 正常情况下,灵髓这种天地灵物是可遇不可求的。想要得到灵髓的难度,甚至超过借用三阶灵脉 However, Luo Ye was Meng Zhang showed a bright way. In Deadly Sea of Sand, has the spirit marrow. 不过,落叶孟章指了一条明路。在死亡沙海之中,存在灵髓。 That Fifth Order Great Power makes sand monster with what means that the concrete process no one knows. However in this process, obviously consumed the spirit marrow. 那位五阶大能是用什么办法制造沙怪的,具体过程没有人知道。但是在这个过程之中,非常明显的消耗了灵髓。 Certain special spots in Deadly Sea of Sand, the spirit marrow was used the special means stimulation, expedites the seed of sand monster lair. 死亡沙海之中的某些特殊地点,灵髓被用特殊的办法激发,催生出沙怪巢穴的种子。 After these seeds are mature, will cross Deadly Sea of Sand, enters in Endless Sea of Sand, seeks for the secret place to place. 这些种子成熟之后,就会越过死亡沙海,进入无尽沙海之中,寻找隐秘的地方安置下来。 After the growth of long time, these seeds will grow into the complete sand monster lair. Then in the sand monster lair, will expedite all kinds and ranked sand monster unceasingly. 经过漫长时间的成长,这些种子就会成长为完整的沙怪巢穴。然后沙怪巢穴之中,就会不断的催生各种各样、等级不同的沙怪 But Luo Ye does not know the information where obtains, grasped some special spots to be at unexpectedly. 落叶不知道从哪里获得的信息,居然掌握了一些特殊地点所在。 So long as Meng Zhang goes to these special spots, may obtain the spirit marrow. 只要孟章前往这些特殊地点,就有可能获得灵髓。 Heard that must go to Deadly Sea of Sand, under that Fifth Order Great Power eye hides, seize the food from tiger's mouth, captures to be the spirit marrow of opposite party, even always bold Meng Zhang, revealed several to smile bitterly. 听说要前往死亡沙海,在那位五阶大能眼皮子底下,虎口夺食,夺取属于对方的灵髓,就算是一向胆大包天的孟章,都露出了几丝苦笑来。 No wonder Endless Sea of Sand cultivator, regards as the forbidden area Deadly Sea of Sand, Gold Core Daoist Master does not dare to enter inside. 难怪无尽沙海修真者,将死亡沙海视为禁区,就连金丹真人都不敢进入里面。 Jue Ying sees the Meng Zhang expression, knew his worry. 绝影看见孟章的表情,就知道了他的顾虑。 Jue Ying hurries is Meng Zhang explains. By them and Meng Zhang relations, looking for book park are impossible to make Meng Zhang bring death. 绝影赶紧为孟章解释起来。以她们和孟章的关系,找书苑ww.zhoshuyun.om不可能让孟章去送死。 Deadly Sea of Sand seems like the danger to be incomparable, so long as mastered the knack, can pass in and out safely. 死亡沙海看似危险无比,但是只要掌握了诀窍,还是能够平安进出的。 First, that Fifth Order Great Power, not only the condition is unsatisfactory, but also was diverted by Primordial Spirit True Monarch year to year, acts very much difficultly personally. 首先,那位五阶大能,不但自身状态不佳,而且常年被元神真君牵制,很难亲自出手。 Endless Sea of Sand Gold Core Daoist Master does not dare to enter inside. Is because the goal was too big. 无尽沙海金丹真人不敢进入里面。是因为目标太大了。 That Fifth Order Great Power pays some prices even, will first solve Gold Core Daoist Master. 那位五阶大能就算付出一些代价,都会优先解决金丹真人 But if some Foundation Building period cultivator enter Deadly Sea of Sand, even if that Fifth Order Great Power detected, is still disinclined to pay attention mostly. 可要是一些筑基修士进入死亡沙海,那位五阶大能就算发觉,多半也懒得理会。 This was just like a mouse to enter the territory of tiger, the tiger will ignore generally. But if a wild wolf rushed in the territory of tiger, that tiger will not sit by and do nothing. 这就好比一只老鼠进入了老虎的领地,老虎一般都会置之不理。可要是一头野狼闯进了老虎的领地,那老虎就不会坐视不理了。 Naturally, this did not mean that Foundation Building period cultivator enters Deadly Sea of Sand not to have on a danger. 当然,这并不是说筑基修士进入死亡沙海就一点危险都没有。 In fact, Foundation Building period cultivator enters inside, will frequently face the huge danger. 事实上,筑基修士进入里面,时时刻刻都会面临巨大的危险。 The Deadly Sea of Sand environment is bad, cultivator is hard to survive in inside. Natural trap, even can bury alive Foundation Building period cultivator. 死亡沙海环境恶劣,就连修真者都难以在里面生存。许多天然的陷阱,甚至能够坑杀筑基修真者 The inside most fearful place, has innumerable sand monster to wander around. Once discovers human cultivator, they will come in swarms, irreconcilable until death. 里面最为可怕的地方,就是有无数的沙怪四处游荡。一旦发现人类修真者,它们就会蜂拥而至,不死不休 Moreover, in Deadly Sea of Sand, will have some Ghost Path cultivator and even demonic path cultivator occasionally appears and disappears. 另外,死亡沙海之中,也偶尔会有一些鬼道修士乃至魔道修士出没。 This group does not accommodate in the cultivation world demon outlet, for various reasons enters there. Once they discover such as Meng Zhang such correct path cultivator, cannot absolutely letting off easily. 这帮不容于修真界的邪魔外道,因为各种原因进入那里。他们一旦发现如孟章这样的正道修真者,绝对不会轻易的放过。 Ghost Path cultivator and demonic path cultivator conduct is mean, has the strange method that many secretive measure not. 鬼道修士和魔道修士行事阴狠毒辣,掌握诸多诡秘莫测的奇诡手段。 Except for these family background big talent cultivator of sect and respected family, ordinary correct path cultivator, often is not same level ghost cultivator and demonic cultivation opponent. 除了那些出身大宗派、大家族的天才修士,普通的正道修士,往往不是同级鬼修魔修的对手。
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