SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3832: Preparation

Naturally, even if not set out Immortal Venerable, falls the feather sect, so long as mobilizes, similarly sends out a cultivator army, can still beat the army who Purple Yang Heaven Immortal leads. 当然,就算不出动仙尊,落羽宗只要进行动员,同样派出一支修真者大军,仍然可以击败紫阳天仙率领的大军。 May fall the feather sect still unable to do that. 可落羽宗仍然不能这么做。 Falling the feather sect wants to invest Taiyi World is not false, but from the beginning, the scale of investment is limited. 落羽宗想要投资太乙界不假,可一开始,投资的规模是有限的。 Only then Taiyi World and Meng Zhang demonstrate a bigger value unceasingly, they step by step slowly increases the investment. 只有太乙界孟章不断展现出更大的价值,他们才会一步一步的慢慢加大投资。 Falling the feather sect is not the Taiyi World nanny, is impossible to help Taiyi World solve all problems. 落羽宗不是太乙界的保姆,不可能帮助太乙界解决所有问题。 Taiyi World must be independent and self-reliant, can win to fall the respect of feather sect. 太乙界必须自立自强,才能赢得落羽宗的尊重。 Moreover, the cultivator army who if falls the feather sect enters the war on a large scale, army who direct attack Purple Yang Heaven Immortal leads, that is naked interferes with the Spirit Space Immortal Realm internal affairs. 另外,如果落羽宗的修真者大军大举参战,直接攻击紫阳天仙率领的大军,那就是赤果果的干涉灵空仙界的内部事务。 This time beats the cultivator army who Purple Yang Heaven Immortal led, that side Spirit Space Immortal Realm even pure considered stemming from the face, will not give up mostly. 这次击败了紫阳天仙率领的修真者大军,灵空仙界那边就算单纯的出于脸面考虑,多半也不会善罢甘休。 Cannot do well, war of both sides will continue, and war scale gets stronger and stronger. 一个搞不好,双方的大战会持续下去,并且战事规模越演越烈。 Falls the feather sect not to erupt the preparation of large-scale war with Spirit Space Immortal Realm. 落羽宗并没有和灵空仙界爆发大规模战事的准备。 Only Taiyi World, is not worth falling the feather sect to do that. 区区一个太乙界,也并不值得落羽宗这么做。 This time issue, mainly depends on Taiyi World to be solved, falls the feather sect to provide some limited help most. 这次的问题,主要还是靠太乙界这边自己解决,落羽宗最多提供一些有限的帮助。 In order to avoid Meng Zhang regarding falling the feather sect has some impractical fantasies, Mingde Heaven Immortal exhausts possibly the genial tone, explained a standpoint of whereabouts feather sect. 为了避免孟章对于落羽宗有一些不切实际的幻想,明德天仙用尽可能和善的语气,解释了一下落羽宗的立场。 Falls the cultivator army of feather sect not possible upfront resistance from Spirit Space Immortal Realm, most side is Taiyi World provides some help. 落羽宗不可能正面对抗来自灵空仙界修真者大军,最多侧面为太乙界提供一些帮助。 Meng Zhang has not thought that depends upon the falling feather sect who becomes friends with solve own enemy. 孟章从来就没有想过,依靠才结交的落羽宗解决自己的仇家。 Purple Yang Heaven Immortal and other enemies, naturally must solve by oneself skill. 紫阳天仙等仇家,当然要靠自己的本事解决。 Mingde Heaven Immortal is willing to provide some help, is not as he expected. 明德天仙愿意提供一些帮助,已经非常出乎他的预料了。 Had fell some feather ancestor's providing help, in addition danced the sea of flowers special environment, the enemy seemed like the potential to be big, but he also had the strength of resistance. 有了落羽宗提供的一些帮助,加上婆娑花海特殊的环境,敌人看似势大,可他也并非没有抵抗之力。 If the war breaks out, so many Daoism cultivator are dancing sea of flowers to wage a war and attack brutally, south moonlight Buddha has soon been enduring, has sat by and done nothing? 如果大战爆发,这么多道门修真者在婆娑花海大动干戈、大打出手,南无日月光佛难道就这么一直忍着,一直坐视不理? If can use some south soon the influence of moonlight Buddha, can counter-balance the strength superiority of enemy greatly. 如果能够利用一些南无日月光佛的影响力,就可以大大抵消敌人的兵力优势。 Meng Zhang after the calm ponder, pressed the impulsion that in the heart escaped forcefully. 孟章经过冷静的思考,将心中逃跑的冲动强行压了下来。 With its escapes distressedly, conducts the chase war all alone in void, utilizes all methods would rather, particularly uses to dance the peculiar circumstance in sea of flowers, resists to capture own army here. 与其狼狈而逃,在虚空之中进行无依无靠的追逐战,倒不如运用所有手段,尤其是利用婆娑花海的特殊情况,就在这里对抗追捕自己的大军。 Falls the feather sect as the big influence that having Immortal Venerable assumes, in all influence regarding void, various information, has compared with a Taiyi World more thorough understanding. 落羽宗作为拥有仙尊坐镇的大势力,对于虚空之中各方势力,各种情报,有着比太乙界更为深入的了解。 Meng Zhang asked about some Mingde Heaven Immortal things, mainly about dancing sea of flowers and south soon moonlight Buddha. 孟章询问了明德天仙一些事情,主要是关于婆娑花海和南无日月光佛的。 These things do not fall the secret of feather sect, during is void many influences on know, Mingde Heaven Immortal answered the Meng Zhang issue very happily, but also made the detailed explanation. 这些事情并非落羽宗的机密,虚空之中不少势力都知道,明德天仙十分痛快的回答了孟章的问题,还做出了详细的说明。 Meng Zhang thinking after a while, there is a general plan. 孟章思索一阵子之后,有了一个大概的计划。 He raised a request to Mingde Heaven Immortal, hopes that falls the feather sect help to block to hunt for the star to rob the army of group crazily. 他向明德天仙提了一个请求,希望落羽宗帮忙拦下狂猎星盗团的大军。 Regarding this, Mingde Heaven Immortal thinks slightly, readily agrees. 对此,明德天仙稍加思索,就一口答应下来。 This matter does not need to inform that side a gate, he himself can take responsibility. 这种事情不需要通知宗门那边,他自己就可以做主。 Hunts for the star to rob the group for the calamity void many years crazily, doing all kinds of evil, falling the feather sect as correct path sect gate, carries out the attack to it and pursues and exterminates is the perfectly justified matter, even if that side Spirit Space Immortal Realm could not say what words. 狂猎星盗团为祸虚空多年,作恶多端,落羽宗身为正道宗门,对其进行打击和追剿是天经地义的事情,就算是灵空仙界那边都说不出什么话来。 Hunts for the star to rob the group so scale the star to rob the group crazily, can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered many years in void, the generation of its head not stratagem. 狂猎星盗团如此规模的星盗团,能够在虚空之中纵横多年,其首脑并非无谋之辈。 Hunts for the star to rob the group crazily again is extremely arrogant savage, will not easily provoke these to have the influence that Golden Immortal or many Immortal Venerable assume. 狂猎星盗团再是狂妄凶残,都不会轻易去招惹那些有着金仙或者多位仙尊坐镇的势力。 Before falling feather sect Hekuang to hunt for the star robs the group, not the connection. 落羽宗和狂猎星盗团以前并无瓜葛。 Void in robbed the group more hateful , a harm bigger strength star is too more, again was the just practicing influence, could not attend to completely. 虚空之中比星盗团更为可恶、危害更大的力量太多了,再是正义的修行势力,都完全顾不过来。 Mingde Heaven Immortal from the heart deep place, hopes Purple Yang Heaven Immortal organization the time captures the complete failure. 明德天仙从内心深处,希望紫阳天仙组织的这次追捕彻底失败。 First, he is very good to the Meng Zhang impression, hoping Meng Zhang becomes the victor. 一来,他对孟章印象很好,希望孟章成为胜利者。 Secondly, seeing the cultivator army from Spirit Space Immortal Realm to be defeated, is a pleasant matter. 二来,看见来自灵空仙界修真者大军失败,是一件赏心悦目的事情。 Not only does not use with Spirit Space Immortal Realm facing on, and can add on Meng Zhang, that naturally is a big good deed. 既不用和灵空仙界正面对上,又能帮上孟章,那自然是一件大好事。 As for annoys to hunt for the star to rob the group for this reason crazily, he does not care. 至于为此惹上狂猎星盗团,他并不怎么在乎。 Even does not have Meng Zhang this matter, to scenery time, perhaps will fall the feather sect to enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, looks for a star to rob the group operation. 就算没有孟章这档子事,对景的时候,说不定落羽宗都会替天行道,找一家星盗团开刀。 Except that requested that falls the feather sect help to cope hunts for the star to rob beside the group crazily, Meng Zhang also asked Mingde Heaven Immortal another matter. 除了请求落羽宗帮忙对付狂猎星盗团之外,孟章还拜托了明德天仙另外一件事情。 Regarding human relations deep Mingde Heaven Immortal, this is an insignificant minor matter. 对于人脉关系深厚的明德天仙而已,这不过是一件微不足道的小事。 Naturally, regarding Meng Zhang, this is actually the key of win. 当然,对于孟章而言,这却是取胜的关键。 After Mingde Heaven Immortal and Meng Zhang discussed was appropriate, left Taiyi World. 明德天仙孟章商量妥当之后,就离开了太乙界 But Taiyi World, under the order of Meng Zhang, started to prepare comprehensively. 太乙界这边,则在孟章的命令之下,开始全面备战了。 Taiyi World since has stepped into is void, experiences fought repeatedly, the time of true peace are not much. 太乙界自从踏入虚空以来,经历了多次大战,真正和平的时间并不多。 After arriving dances sea of flowers, had not had on several Tianan birthday, must greet the war, the Taiyi World high level does not have any is discontented. 来到婆娑花海之后,还没有过上几天安生日子,又要迎接大战,太乙界高层却没有任何不满。 They have been used to such life. 他们已经习惯了这样的生活。 For these years, the Taiyi World foreign combat, did not say is ever-victorious, at least has not eaten anything to owe. 这么多年来,太乙界对外作战,不说百战百胜,起码没有吃过什么亏。 Innumerable cultivator have been exercised in the war, later generation from generation to generation rises in the war...... 无数修士在大战之中得到锻炼,一代又一代的后辈在大战之中崛起…… As for spoils of war that therefore obtains, is incalculable. 至于因此获得的战利品,更是无法计数。 Taiyi World can develop this time situation, can provide for such many cultivator, the spoils of war that these seize, play very essential role. 太乙界能够发展到今时今日的地步,能够供养如此之多的修士,这些缴获的战利品,起到了非常关键的作用。 Taiyi World highest levels, are heard that fights happily. 太乙界大部分高层,都是闻战则喜。 Every so often, even if no foreign enemy to attack them, they will start on own initiative outward go on a punitive expedition against. 很多时候,就算没有外敌来攻打他们,他们都会主动对外发动征伐。 The Taiyi World preparation work is very smooth, Mingde Heaven Immortal complies with the Meng Zhang matter, quick started. 太乙界这边的备战工作十分顺利,明德天仙答应孟章的事情,也很快就开始了。 south soon moonlight Buddha always comes and goes freely, has not opened sect Lipai, does not have the official disciple. 南无日月光佛一向独来独往,既没有开宗立派,也没有正式的弟子。 Naturally, looking for book park w.zhaoshuya.m as Buddha, he will not lack the follower absolutely. 当然,找书苑w.zhaoshuya.m身为佛陀,他绝对不会缺乏追随者。 These follower or subdue by its Buddhist doctrine and cultivation base , to gain the advantage from his body, both have both. 这些追随者或是被其佛法和修为折服,或是要想从其身上获得好处,或是两者兼得。 south soon moonlight Buddha regarding these followers, does not integrate the hanger-on officially, will not repel them. 南无日月光佛对于这些追随者,既不正式纳入门下,也不会排斥他们。 After south soon moonlight Buddha enters dances sea of flowers closes up, these followers also follow to enter here, and rapid settles down here. 当南无日月光佛进入婆娑花海闭关之后,这些追随者也跟着进入这里,并且迅速在这里定居下来。 south moonlight Buddha was soon concerned with them, they actually south soon the hanger- on moonlight Buddha pose as. 南无日月光佛对他们不闻不问,他们却以南无日月光佛的门下自居。 Place that south soon moonlight Buddha assumes, even if not the Buddhism pure land in legend, still natural is its territory. 南无日月光佛坐镇的地方,就算不是传说中的佛门净土,也天然是其领地。 They confessed that has the responsibility to maintain to dance the order of sea of flowers, does not make soon moonlight Buddha be disturbed. 他们自认有责任维护婆娑花海的秩序,不让南无日月光佛受到打扰。 south soon moonlight Buddha has the open attitude, does not refuse the visitorses from all corners to enter dances sea of flowers, makes them quite have the veiled criticism in secret. 南无日月光佛采取开放的态度,并不拒绝各方来客进入婆娑花海,也让他们私底下颇有微词。 Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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