SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3830: completion

Did not have to fall feather ancestor's that side urging, did not need sharply in the practicing influence on Buddhism to start, Taiyi World did not have the attack goal temporarily, did not need sharply to go on an expedition everywhere. 没有了落羽宗那边的催促,不需要急着对佛门内的修行势力下手,太乙界暂时没有了进攻目标,不用急着四处征战了。 The Taiyi World high level obtained rare tranquil days. 太乙界高层算是得到了一段难得的平静日子。 In fact, Meng Zhang and many Taiyi World high levels, did not have in the blind retaliation Buddhism the meaning of practicing influence. 实际上,孟章和许多太乙界高层,本来就没有盲目报复佛门内修行势力的意思。 They do not want Daoism and Buddhism make war comprehensively. 他们更不愿意道门和佛门全面开战。 If Daoism and Buddhism make war comprehensively, entire void will fall into the chaos caused by war, that is the true worldwide chaos. 如果道门和佛门全面开战,整个虚空都会陷入战乱之中,那才是真正的天下大乱。 Taiyi World is not very at present powerful, in chaotic disorderly aspect, the danger of ten points. 太乙界目前还不够强大,在混乱无序的局面之中,会十分的危险。 Regarding Buddhism, Meng Zhang not special hatred. 对于佛门,孟章没有特别的仇恨。 Buddhism internal practicing influence, so long as does not annoy his head on own initiative, he not to the thoughts that it slaughters wantonly. 佛门内部的修行势力,只要不主动惹到他的头上,他也没有对其大肆屠戮的心思。 In Taiyi World, actually some minority Buddhism practicing influences exist. 太乙界内部,其实就有少数佛门修行势力存在。 These wander about destitute to Taiyi World Buddhism cultivator accidentally/surprisingly establish. 这些都是意外流落到太乙界的佛门修士建立的。 If in the past west extremely some cultivator of temple, to avoid heavenly demon chases down, escaped Taiyi World, slowly, opened sect Lipai in Taiyi World An Family, established west extremely the branch of temple. 如当年西极寺的一些修士,为了躲避天魔追杀,逃到了太乙界,慢慢的在太乙界安家、开宗立派,算是建立了西极寺的分支。 Regarding these Buddhism practicing influences, so long as they observe the Taiyi World law, without the heart of rebelling, the Taiyi World high level basically can also tolerate their existences, and treats them impartially. 对于这些佛门修行势力,只要他们遵守太乙界的法度,没有反叛之心,太乙界高层基本也能容忍他们的存在,并且一视同仁的对待他们。 These Buddhism practicing influences also understood what has to be done very much, play the role of Taiyi Sect dependency. 这些佛门修行势力也很识时务,扮演好了太乙门附庸的角色。 Existences of these Buddhism practicing influences, can make the practicing system of Taiyi World more complete. 这些佛门修行势力的存在,可以让太乙界的修行体系更加完整。 In certain aspects, Buddhism cultivator excels compared with Taoism cultivator. 在某些方面,佛门修士比道家修真者更为擅长。 With the unceasing promotion of cultivation base boundary, Meng Zhang in void every large or small is also a character, in Daoism was not the obscure individual. 随着修为境界的不断提升,孟章在虚空之中大大小小也算是一个人物,在道门内部也不是无名之辈了。 Regarding the entire void situation, the development of Daoism, he had some of his ideas. 对于整个虚空的局势,道门的发展等,他都有了一些自己的想法。 In his opinion, strongest influence of Daoism in as void, should not erupt the comprehensive war with the Buddhism now absolutely. 在他看来,道门作为虚空之中最为强大的势力,现在绝对不应该和佛门爆发全面大战。 When the snipe and clam grapple , the fisherman profits, two launch the comprehensive war, only cheap others, even causes the drop of position. 鹬蚌相争渔翁得利,两家展开全面大战,只会便宜了别人,甚至导致自家地位的下降。 At present this two this dispute, fights unceasingly, but not broken aspect, is actually best. 目前这种两家这种纷争不断、斗而不破的局面,其实是最好的。 What a pity, Meng Zhang such second boundary Heaven Immortal, radically being able to stand in line number in Daoism decision-making strata eye. 可惜,孟章这样的第二境天仙,在道门决策层眼中根本排不上号。 His when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, simply the ability that does not affect Daoism to move toward. 他人微言轻,根本没有影响道门走向的能力。 He knows that oneself fell the feather sect high level unable to convince continually, therefore rarely exposed own true idea, has not tried to persuade to fall that side the feather sect. 他知道自己连落羽宗高层都说服不了,所以很少暴露自家的真实想法,也没有试图劝说落羽宗那边。 Moreover, he also has oneself trouble and worry, cannot attend to the Daoism general situation is nerve-racking. 而且,他还有自己的麻烦和烦恼,也顾不上在道门大局上面伤神。 When closes up practices, Meng Zhang continues to read heavens Golden Immortal to give own ancient book, the key point was to refer in the past his practice the experience. 在闭关修行的时候,孟章继续阅读乾元金仙送给自己的典籍,重点是参考他当年的一些修行经验。 The contrast read various ancient books that Golden Immortal Taiyi left behind, Meng Zhang harvests many, felt oneself were away from the Immortal Venerable boundary to be getting more and more near. 对比阅读太一金仙留下的各种典籍,孟章收获颇丰,感觉自己距离仙尊境界越来越近了。 Defeated after every day/sees the sky initially died, its hand-held day wolf sword, damaged, but also was suppressed in the primal chaos dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 向见天当初战败身亡之后,其手持的天狼剑,也损坏了,还被镇压在太极洞天之中。 This immortal sword was the Immortal Venerable rank sword immortal past saber, inside contained its residual strength and a wisp of thought. 这柄仙剑是仙尊级别剑仙当年的佩剑,里面蕴含了其残留的一丝力量和一缕意念。 In the primal chaos dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the strength of almost entire dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, is used to suppress and refining up this immortal sword. 在太极洞天之中,几乎整个洞天的力量,都用于镇压和炼化这柄仙剑。 Is good cuts off by the oak sword because of this immortal sword, the damage is serious, the essence is damaged, the strength of primal chaos dwelling place of Buddhist immortals can suppress firmly it, and unceasing refining up. 好在这柄仙剑被青冈剑斩断,损坏严重,本质受损,太极洞天的力量才能将其牢牢镇压住,并且不断的炼化。 In this process, Meng Zhang Divine Sense unceasing that wisp of thought that and day wolf sword original owner leaves behind encounters. 在这个过程之中,孟章神念不断的和天狼剑原主人留下的那一缕意念交锋。 If the opposite party is the heyday, possibly the thought can wound Meng Zhang together. 如果对方是全盛时期,可能一道意念就能击伤孟章 But it falls from the sky for many years, its remaining wisp of thoughts and weak. 可是其殒落多年,其所剩下的一缕意念及其虚弱。 In fact, if not in the day of wolf sword sect Jianxian ordinary day exhausts full power warm support, this wisp of thought has possibly dissipated. 实际上,如果不是天狼剑宗剑仙们平日里用尽全力温养,这一缕意念可能早就消散了。 Now, this wisp of thought is wounded heavily, moreover does not have a wood and water without a source. 现在,这一缕意念受创不轻,而且早就是无根之木、无源之水了。 But Meng Zhang is full of vitality, its Divine Sense cannot be stopped. 孟章生机勃勃,其神念锐不可当。 After an confrontation, Meng Zhang Divine Sense routs it thoroughly, but also absorbed many useful things. 一番交锋之后,孟章神念将其彻底击溃,还从中吸收了不少有用的东西。 This confrontation regarding Meng Zhang, is good quenching, its Divine Sense and even the entire body and mind, wheted well. 这次交锋对于孟章来说,算是一场不错的淬炼,将其神念乃至整个身心,都好好的磨砺了一遍。 After inside the last wisp of thought of implication dissipates, the day wolf sword aura becomes declines again, above the sword blade even presented the rust mark. 在里面蕴含的最后一缕意念都消散之后,天狼剑气息再次变得衰落,剑身之上甚至出现了锈痕。 Under the control of Meng Zhang, the strength of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals seizes the opportunity to sneak, day wolf sword of wearing down breakage. 孟章的操控之下,洞天之力乘虚而入,不停的消磨破损的天狼剑。 Finally, the day wolf sword changes to the little dust, was built up by the primal chaos dwelling place of Buddhist immortals thoroughly absorbs. 最终,天狼剑化作一点点尘埃,被太极洞天彻底炼化吸收了。 The primal chaos dwelling place of Buddhist immortals just like took a big tonic, the background became deeper, but also fed back on Meng Zhang. 太极洞天犹如吃了一记大补药,底蕴变得更为深厚,还反馈到了孟章身上。 Especially Meng Zhang swordsmanship cultivation base, obtains benefits a great deal. 尤其是孟章的剑道修为,从中获益良多。 If this time Meng Zhang again and makes war to every day/sees the sky, he probably does not need to use other method, but depends upon swordsmanship cultivation base, can defeat it. 如果此时的孟章再次和向见天开战,他可能不需要施展别的手段,只是依靠剑道修为,都能将其击败了。 When the Meng Zhang and other Taiyi World high levels close up practices, all kinds of resources unceasing escorting to Taiyi World. 孟章太乙界高层闭关修行的时候,各种各样的资源正在不断的送往太乙界 The day wolf macrocosm was operated many years by the day wolf sword sect, it delivers has been rich. 天狼大世界被天狼剑宗经营多年,其产出一直非常丰富。 Especially many high-end resources, have the vital function regarding True Immortal and even Heaven Immortal. Looks for book park www.zhaoshyan.c 尤其是不少高端资源,对于真仙乃至天仙都有着重要的作用。找书苑www.zhaoshyan.c The sensibility and experience of Meng Zhang are enough, from Heaven Immortal second boundary completely completion, the difference is only an accumulation. 孟章的感悟、体会都已经足够,距离天仙第二境完全圆满,差得只是一点积累而已。 Delivers to Taiyi World various resources, while providing for Taiyi World many cultivator, but also slowly packing Taiyi World big storehouse. 送到太乙界的各种资源,在供养太乙界诸多修士的同时,还正在慢慢填充太乙界的大库。 Has the sufficient resources supply, Meng Zhang cultivation base has made rapid progress, the accumulation that lacks made up quickly completely. 有着充足的资源供应,孟章修为进步很快,那点所缺的积累很快就完全补足了。 After some time closing up practices, practicing finally completely completion of Meng Zhang Heaven Immortal second boundary. 在一段时间的闭关修行之后,孟章天仙第二境的修行终于完全圆满了。 Now, he is away from breaks through to the Immortal Venerable boundary, really only had a step difference. 现在,他距离突破到仙尊境界,真的只有一步之差了。 In order to guarantee an impact can be successful, he does not have to tread anxiously this step, but is the preparation continues to polish cultivation base, waits for a better turning point. 为了保证一次冲击就能够成功,他没有急着踏出这一步,而是准备继续打磨修为,等待一个更好的契机。 Not only Meng Zhang, in having situation of sufficient resources supply, cultivator of Taiyi World each class, the progress is quick. 不只是孟章,在有着充足资源供应的情况下,太乙界各个阶层的修士,进步都很快。 When confronts the Cloud Gate sects and Jingang Temple Allied armies, only has True Immortal cultivation base Wen Qiansun management immortal, the upfront and enemy armies hard fierce. 在对阵云门宗和金刚寺联军的时候,只有真仙修为文千算主持仙阵,正面和敌方大军硬悍。 He leads under the Taiyi World cultivator arrange/cloth immortal, plays the role of mainstay. 他率领太乙界修士布下仙阵,起到了中流砥柱的作用。 Buddhism cultivator of arhat and following rank, once falls into great formation, is very difficult to move out. 罗汉及以下级别的佛门修士,一旦陷入大阵之中,就很难全身而退。 Even to on ordinary Bodhisattva, they can still depend on an immortal strength, socializes with it. 就算是对上普通的菩萨,他们也能靠着仙阵之力,与其周旋一番。 Management immortal he, bore the maximum pressure during the fight, gained many advantage. 主持仙阵的他,在战斗之中承受了最大的压力,也获得了许多好处。 In rare formation immortal master as cultivation world, not only a say/way is the method that he opposes the enemy, is the foundation that he practices. 身为修真界之中罕见的阵法仙师,阵道不但是他对敌的手段,也是他修行的根基。 The promotion of say/way cultivation base, can promote his cultivation base progress directly. 阵道修为的提升,能够直接促进他的修为进步。 He besides studying Daoism immortal, widely browses formation of other practicing systems. 他除了研究道门的仙阵之外,也广泛涉猎其他修行体系的阵法 Changes , but staying the same, the so-called say/way, is the one method of strength of use world. 万变不离其宗,所谓的阵道,本来就是利用天地之力的一种手段。 He understands by analogy, say/way cultivation base has the progress greatly.( This chapter ends) 他触类旁通,阵道修为大有长进。(本章完)
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