SDT2BMS :: Volume #6

#503: Eternal return

Stands top the skeleton head, grasps the dead spirit disaster law stick, Ling Xue the vision has been searching for that familiar form, what surprises her somewhat is, she has not seen her son, had not seen that eternal prints the brilliance of throne with the god of creation. 站在骷髅头顶部,手持亡灵天灾法杖,凌雪的目光一直在搜寻那熟悉的身影,但让她有些意外的是,她并没有看到自己的那个儿子,没有看到永恒与创造之神印王座的光辉。 Which did he go? In Ling Xuexin secret doubts, why this is also she lets the reason that the dead spirit army starts fiercely attacks immediately. Opposite party, only then that eldest son's eternal territory can resist own disaster domain, but now, he actually not in? There child the character by oneself, should not! That side the disaster city, because of the change that he does have? 他去哪了?凌雪心中暗暗疑惑,这也是她为什么在第一时间就让亡灵大军发动猛攻的原因。对方,也只有自己那大儿子的永恒之域能够抵挡得住自己的天灾领域,但现在,他却不在了?以自己那儿子的性格,不应该啊!难道说,天灾城那边,是因为他而产生的变化? Among the intention phonographs, the ice snow soon had the resolution. Regardless of that side disaster city core dead spirit altar situation how, so long as this war wins at present, these are unimportant. So long as the human army destruction, they transform as the dead spirit at present, then, this potential surface completely within own control. 心念电转之间,凌雪很快就有了决断。无论天灾城那边的核心亡灵祭坛情况如何,只要眼前这一战赢了,那些就都不重要了。只要将眼前人类大军覆灭,他们转化为亡灵,那么,这个位面就将完全在自己的掌控之内。 Thinks of here, dead spirit disaster law stick in Ling Xuejiang the hand holds up high, the disaster domain spreads to go toward the front instantaneously, in the mouth puts out an ice-cold character: Kills!” 想到这里,凌雪将自己手中的亡灵天灾法杖高高举起,天灾领域瞬间朝着前方蔓延而去,口中吐出一个冰冷的字:“杀!” In an instant, the dead spirit army just like the flood that bursts a dike to howl generally, directly soars the temple federation army to throw. The terrifying dead spirit energy general spreads to the front like the plague rapidly. 刹那间,亡灵大军犹如决堤的洪水一般呼啸而出,直奔圣殿联邦大军扑去。恐怖的亡灵能量更是如同瘟疫一般飞速向前方蔓延。 The human powerhouses are ready in full battle array, they have prepared life and death, the brilliance of sacrifice skill had started, in five big gods print on the knight the rhythm, in order to resists powerful enemy, even if dies in the battlefield also refuses to balk, possibility that they have not retroceded, because the rear area is all compatriots! 人类强者们严阵以待,他们都已经做好了决死的准备,牺牲技能的光焰已经开始在五大神印骑士身上律动,为了能够抵挡住强敌,哪怕是死在战场上也在所不惜,他们没有后退的可能,因为后方就是所有的同胞啊! At this moment, suddenly, a sky of human side became bright several points, at this time when the night fell, but this side human, in the sky actually shone a light suddenly, making the entire sky as if return to daytime. This sudden bright , before letting the dead spirit army , the stone that to/clashes stagnates slightly. 就在这时,突然间,人类一方的上空变得明亮了几分,此时正是夜幕降临之时,但人类这一边,天空中却突然亮起了一道光,让整个天空仿佛又回到了白昼似的。这突然出现的明亮,也让亡灵大军前冲的石头微微一滞。 Everyone sees, in sky, unexpectedly many one round of big day, the bright golden color sprinkles the land brilliance, reversed the day and night to be the same unexpectedly forcefully, the bright aura arrived. 紧接着,所有人就看到,天空之中,竟然多了一轮大日,灿烂的金色光辉洒落大地,竟然强行扭转了日夜一般,光明气息降临。 Bright moonlight that appears near the big Ri radical, the livelihood vies, the world vitality of blotting out the sky drops from the clouds, just like the dead spirit energy of plague spread to prevent that forcefully outside. 紧接着,一轮明月就那么出现在大日旁边,日月争辉,铺天盖地的天地元气从天而降,强行将那犹如瘟疫般蔓延的亡灵能量阻挡在外。 Under the sunlight and moonlight enhance one another's beauty, round of nine colors emerge out of thin air, the form also appeared under the light silver brilliance encirclement above the upper air together. 日光、月光交相辉映之下,一轮九彩凭空出现,一道身影也在淡淡的银色光辉环绕之下出现在了高空之上。 In the sky, as if had the steps to be the same, his step by step walked downward, whenever he took a step time, colored will become the bright several points in nine of his side, that rounds of round of nine color halo unceasing expansions, those who took to human was the big piece contains the world vitality colored light rain, but took to the dead spirit army, was ordinary like corrosion casting a spell, unceasing dead spirit energy purification that will flush. 天空中,仿佛有了阶梯一般,他一级一级的向下走来,而每当他迈出一步的时候,在他身边的九彩色就会变得明亮几分,那一轮轮九彩光晕不断的扩张,带给人类这边的是大片蕴含着天地元气的彩色光雨,而带给亡灵大军的,却如同腐蚀禁咒一般,不断的将冲来的亡灵能量净化。 Sits cross-legged to sit in the midair, seemed like in rest Long Kongkong opened the eyes in this moment, purple gold color double pupil looked directly toward the upper air. 盘膝坐在半空之中,原本似乎是在休息的龙空空在这一刻睁开了双眼,紫金色的双眸直接朝着高空看去。 That is a form that wears the pure white mail-armor and helmet, at this moment, in his both hands, is grasping a heavy sword respectively. In the position of his forehead, eight purple gold colored light marks are partly visible. With his arrival, sky as if some are unable carrying/sustaining, continuously to appear buzz call with the space fissure, when one such as previously that dead spirit giant skeleton appearance. 那是一尊身穿洁白甲胄的身影,此时此刻,在他双手之中,各自握着一柄重剑。在他额头的位置,八道紫金色光纹若隐若现。伴随着他的到来,天空仿佛都有些无法承载似的,不断出现嗡鸣和空间裂痕,一如先前那亡灵巨型骷髅时的样子。 Ling Xue the vision one condensed above this form, at this time her in the eye pupil full was the color of shock, was only short four days of! Own this son's body actually had the tremendous changes, the great strength of its spirit strength, takes her cultivating as unexpectedly one the feelings of not being able to look at the end, what level was this to? 凌雪的目光一下就凝聚在了这道身影之上,此时她的眼眸之中满是震撼之色,只是短短四天的时间啊!自己这儿子的身上竟然发生了天翻地覆的变化,其灵力之强大,以她的修为竟然都有种一眼望不到尽头的感觉,这是到了什么层次? The eternal territory, intercepted the corrosion of disaster domain again forcefully, by a person of strength, stop forcefully dead spirit army. But sees his return, five big gods printed the knights are big relaxing, Long Dangdang can hurry back promptly, making them have one type to walk a time feeling from the Gate of Death. 永恒之域,再一次强行拦截住了天灾领域的侵蚀,以一人之力,硬生生的阻拦住了亡灵大军。而看到他的归来,五大神印骑士都是大大的松了口气,龙当当能够及时赶回来,让他们都有一种从鬼门关走了一遭的感觉。 Can like this?” Long Dangdang looks to mother on skeleton head. “非要这样吗?”龙当当看向骷髅头上的母亲。 Say/Way that the ice snow coldly: „Shouldn't these words I ask you? Why, can you stand in our family's opposite?” 凌雪冷冷的道:“这句话不应该我来问你吗?为什么,你就非要站在我们全家的对立面?” In the Long Dangdang eye flashes through sad intent time, he knows, at this kind of time, said anything is useless. 龙当当眼中闪过一次悲意,他知道,在这种时候,说什么都已经没用了。 The sword of left hand life inspiration, the right hand is eternal prints with the god of creation, by eternal angel that the throne supplements eternal sword. This moment he, has controlled truly eternal printed the prestige energy of throne with the god of creation. 左手生命启迪之剑,右手是永恒与创造之神印王座所附带的,由永恒天使所化的永恒之剑。这一刻的他,已经真正掌控了永恒与创造之神印王座的威能。 Giant dragon recited to resound through the world in this time, eight giant heads as if pushed from the air forcefully came out to resemble, has awakened last clone like Long Dangdang, in process that he promoted, just soon grew seventh small eight, eighth also appeared, but its present height, has exceeded 300 meters, the body was majestic incomparable. Strong dragon prestige shakes heavenshaking. 巨大的龙吟声在此时响彻天地,八个巨大的头颅仿佛是从空气中硬生生的挤了出来似的,如同龙当当已经觉醒了最后一道分身一样,在他提升的过程中,刚刚长出第七个头不久的小八,第八个头也出现了,而它现在的身长,也已经超过了三百米,身躯更是雄壮无比。强大的龙威震天撼地。 Sacred!” Long Dangdang held up the eternal sword. “神圣!”龙当当举起了永恒之剑。 Next flickers, seven color dragon shadow separate together from him, drilled into small eight within the body directly. In an instant, the small eight that very huge bodies start to inflate immediately again, the whole body is sending out eight color rays, intermittent dragon cry roared erupts unceasingly, unexpectedly was the rapid growth a height kilometer degree. 下一瞬,一道七彩龙影就从他身上分离出来,直接钻入了小八体内。刹那间,小八那原本就十分巨大的身躯立刻开始再次膨胀,全身散发着八彩光芒,阵阵龙吟咆哮不断爆发,竟是飞速的增长到了身长千米的程度。 Long Dangdang had seen dragon sovereign, the figure was also mediocre, moreover was far less than to have eight heads at this time small eight so majestic. 曾经龙当当所见过的龙皇,身形也就不过如此,而且远不如此时拥有八个头颅的小八如此雄壮。 Although compared with three kilometers high giant skeleton, as before seems somewhat tiny, but in this moment, is not weak in the imposing manner in the dead souls Saint law god. 尽管和三千米高的巨大骷髅相比,依旧显得有些渺小,但在这一刻,在气势上却丝毫不弱于死灵圣法神。 Such being the case, then on war!” Saying that the dead souls Saint law god coldly, the holding skeleton under body lifted the both arms suddenly, simultaneously grasps to in the air small eight. “既然如此,那就战!”死灵圣法神冷冷的说道,身下的举行骷髅骤然抬起了双臂,同时抓向空中的小八。 The dark blue huge claw shadow, as if must scratch and tear the entire sky, covered the small eight body surrounding spaces instantaneously. 暗蓝色的巨大爪影,仿佛要将整个天空都抓破似的,瞬间就覆盖了小八身体周围的空间。 In small eight sends out a giant dragon to recite roars, swings the body in a flash, Dragon's Tail sweeps away the snap. 小八口中发出一声巨大的龙吟咆哮,摇身一晃,龙尾横扫抽击。 Rumble!” The giant bellow resounds through the world, the entire sky starts to shiver, huge space fissures appear in in the air, just like to extinguish the world to be the same. “轰隆隆!”巨大的轰鸣声响彻天地,整个天空都开始颤抖起来,一道道巨大的空间裂痕出现在空中,犹如灭世一般。 The owner complexion changes, immediately orders, all personnel withdraw hundred li (0.5 km).” 堂主脸色一变,立刻下令,“所有人员后撤百里。” This is not ordinary occupation, even was not the fight that they can participate. Although he does not know that the return Long Dangdang cultivates to now be what degree, what can affirm, this fight is close to the potential surface withstanding the collision of limit. 这已经不是普通职业者,甚至不是他们这些人能够参与的战斗了。虽然他也不知道回归的龙当当现在修为达到了什么程度,但能够肯定的是,这场战斗都是接近位面承受极限的碰撞。 Long Dangdang grasps the double sword, unites before the body, back, huge eternal prints the throne light shadow to reappear with the god of creation, nine color rays just like lean a day of strength generally from top to bottom, the suppression goes. 龙当当手持双剑,在身前合一,背后,巨大的永恒与创造之神印王座光影浮现而出,九彩光芒犹如倾天之力一般从上而下,镇压而去。 That nine color halo places visited, the split space crack closes, small on eight was sending out eight color rays also turned into nine colors. In the Long Dangdang hand the double sword wields, changes into giant nine rainbow light, directly soars the chest of that dark blue skeleton to sentence to beheading. 那九彩光晕所过之处,裂开的空间裂缝纷纷弥合,小八身上原本散发着的八彩光芒也随之变成了九彩。龙当当手中双剑挥出,化为一道巨大的九彩虹光,直奔那深蓝骷髅的胸口处斩去。 Arrived cultivating of present this level is, the absolute strength and domain strength adds on the attribute that oneself excel at again, be more effective than any skill. 到了现在这个层次的修为,绝对的力量和领域的力量再加上自身所擅长的属性,要比任何技巧都更加有效。 A giant long blade appears in the dark blue skeleton hand, on selects outrageously, shells with that nine rainbow light once again together. 一柄巨大的长刀出现在深蓝骷髅手中,悍然上挑,与那九彩虹光又一次轰击在一起。 both sides in the instance of collision, stood in skeleton head top Ling Xue changed the complexion, this struck, both sides were almost the same in spirit strength, but, at collision instantly, she heard in oneself hand calling out in grief of dead spirit disaster law stick. 双方在碰撞的瞬间,站在骷髅头顶部的凌雪就变了脸色,这一击,双方在灵力方面相差无几,但是,在碰撞的刹那,她就听到了自己手中亡灵天灾法杖的悲鸣。 Even if similarly is the ultra divine tool, has the disparity as before. Her dead spirit disaster law stick in attribute perfect was restrained by the eternal sword. Like the previous domain restraint. 哪怕同样是超神器,也依旧是有差距的。她这亡灵天灾法杖在属性上完美的被永恒之剑所克制。就像先前的领域克制一样。 Can clear seeing, nine color halos remain above the sword, and spreads to the dark blue skeleton rapidly, what is more terrifying, in entire world sharp shake, invisible, in the air world vitality unceasing splash, does not supplement Long Dangdang, but is integrates to that dark blue skeleton directly, lets remain the eternal energy on it strengthens continually. 能够清晰的看到,九彩光晕残留在战刀之上,并且迅速向深蓝骷髅身上蔓延,更加恐怖的是,整个天地之间都剧烈的震荡起来,无形之中,空中的天地元气不断的泼洒而下,不是补充龙当当的,而是直接向那深蓝骷髅融入,让残留在它身上的永恒能量持续增强。 Long Dangdang in wields a sword one time, is huge nine color rays drops from the clouds, the dark blue skeleton also raises the blade to welcome, suddenly, world shock, but in the air richer world vitality is obviously collecting rapidly. 龙当当在一次挥剑而出,又是一道巨大的九彩光芒从天而降,深蓝骷髅也提刀相迎,一时间,天地剧震,但空气中明显更加浓郁的天地元气在飞速汇集。 Through the promotion of livelihood two big spirit furnaces, Long Dangdang has a more profound understanding regarding outside, he has understood any potential surface, a star, in fact has own will. 通过日月两大灵炉的提升,龙当当对于外面已经有了更加深刻的理解,他已经明白了任何一个位面,一颗星球,实际上都有属于自己的意志。 Why in this potential surface, can control regarding the limit of spirit strength in 1 million this numbers , because that is the upper limit that the potential surface can withstand, once exceeds the upper limit, may cause the irreversible destruction to the potential surface. 为什么在这个位面上,对于灵力的限制会控制在百万这个数字,就是因为那是位面所能承受的上限,一旦超过上限,就有可能对位面造成不可逆的破坏。 Similarly, the potential surface that has the consciousness, naturally hopes that in the potential surface fills with the life aura, full of vitality, the life that trains can through grow stronger unceasingly is making the potential surface also evolve continually. But these, are actually the dead spirit lifeform cannot achieve. Therefore, in that moment that the dead spirit lifeform presents, in fact has stood in the potential surface opposite. 同样的,一个有意识的位面,当然希望位面上充满生命气息,生机勃勃,培养出的生命能够通过不断变强连带着让位面也持续进化。而这些,却都是亡灵生物做不到的。因此,在亡灵生物出现的那一刻,实际上就已经站在了位面的对立面。 The potential surface will cannot make anything directly, but can actually sleek/moist thin silent change something generally, for example, making somebody's luck better. Let the thing that certain should not present present wait/etc. 位面的意志不能直接做什么,但却能够润物细无声一般改变一些东西,譬如,让某人的运气更好。让某些本不应该出现的东西出现等等。 Took the child of destiny to find so many towerman spirit furnaces like Long Dangdang, how can these not relate with the potential surface will? 就像龙当当作为命运之子能够找到那么多的守望者灵炉,这其中又怎能和位面的意志没关系呢? At this moment, his cultivating for has promoted to the degrees of over 800,000 spirit strength, controlled eternal is printing the throne with the god of creation, the world vitality naturally never stinted comes by the in the air moon/month bright sea spirit furnace and Lantian day that warm spirit furnace hauling, became a part of his strength. This time Long Dangdang, quite therefore and potential surface thought unites, the potential surface strength attaches in the eternal territory, making this create the powerful ultra divine tool of this potential surface life to erupt oneself true prestige energy. 此时此刻,当他的修为已经提升到超过八十万灵力的程度,驾驭着永恒与创造之神印王座,天地元气自然毫不吝惜的被空中的月明沧海灵炉和蓝田日暖灵炉牵引而来,成为他力量的一部分。此时的龙当当,就相当于是和位面的意念合一,位面的力量附加在永恒之域上,让这创造了这个位面生命的强大超神器爆发出了自身真正的威能。 Bang!” The dark blue skeleton when nine color rays spread to the arm on finally retroceded one step, but this step, set the main key for this fight. “砰!”深蓝骷髅在九彩光芒蔓延到手臂上的时候终于后退了一步,而这一步,也为这场战斗奠定了基调。 The human powerhouses who the distant place observes got hold of the fist all excitedly, became, Long Dangdang that promotes, really controlled unexpectedly eternal is printing the throne to suppress with the god of creation also had the dead souls Saint law god of ultra divine tool, what ratio this but also there is able to let their exciting things? 远方观战的人类强者们无不激动的握紧了拳头,成了,提升回来的龙当当,竟然真的驾驭着永恒与创造之神印王座压制了同样拥有超神器的死灵圣法神,还有什么比这更能让他们兴奋的事情呢? Moreover, this is also only a start, the Long Dangdang unceasing attack, time and time again oppresses to retrocede the opposite party. On that dark blue giant skeleton, nine color rays start to be getting more and more intense, its body also starts unexpectedly changes is also small. 而且,这还只是个开始,龙当当不断的攻击,一次又一次的将对方压迫后退。那深蓝色的巨型骷髅身上,九彩光芒开始越来越强烈,它的身躯竟然也开始随之变小。 This is from the purification of strength of creation, under this purification, it has started unable to maintain the so huge volume. 这是来自于创造之力的净化,在这份净化下,它已经开始无法维持如此庞大的体积了。 Ling Xue has been transferring the dead spirit energy to pour into to the dark blue skeleton in full power, an eternal sword sword that but Long Dangdang cuts is stronger a sword, a sword is more terrifying than the eternal energy that a sword belt comes. 凌雪已经在全力调动亡灵能量注入到深蓝骷髅之中,但龙当当斩出的永恒之剑却一剑更强过一剑,一剑比一剑带来的永恒能量更加恐怖。 The consecutively 18 swords have cut, Long Dangdang imposing manner also more and more becomes Xuan to get up, his cultivating to even also follow the unceasing attack to promote continually. This is the strength of the world holds to his in addition. 连续十八剑斩过,龙当当身上的气势也随之变得越来越煊赫起来,他的修为甚至还伴随着不断的攻击在持续提升。这是天地之力对他的加持。 Reviews that giant dark blue skeleton, has actually reduced in the unceasing retreat process was close to 1/3, seeming like, even if is still very huge, but, has obviously appeared the declining tendency. 反观那巨大的深蓝色骷髅,却在不断的后退过程中已经缩小了接近三分之一,看上去哪怕依旧无比巨大,可是,明显已经显现出了颓势。 both sides know, the victory and defeat of this fight, will decide the entire war the trend! 双方都知道,这场战斗的胜负,将决定整个战局的走势啊! Long Dangdang, you may really below going hand! That is our biological mother, your unfilial fellow. The mother make way, making me come!” 龙当当,你可真下的去手啊!那可是我们的亲妈,你这个不孝的家伙。老妈闪开,让我来!” At this moment, drinks to suddenly resound greatly , purple gold color form is similar to the shell common electricity to shoot together suddenly, directly soars the in the air whole body to cover Long Dangdang in nine color rays flushes away. Follows, one group like the dark golden plump form of mountain size. 就在这时,一声大喝突然响起,紧接着,一道紫金色的身影突然如同炮弹一般电射而出,直奔空中全身笼罩在九彩光芒之中的龙当当冲去。紧随其后的,还有一团如同山岳般大小的暗金色肥硕身影。 The Long Dangdang nature has seen float in in the air Long Kongkong, is clear awareness, previous knot was broken by this fellow. Also only then his filled the strength of powerful bloodlines destroys the aura, has the possibility of breaking open eternal knot. 龙当当自然早就看到悬浮在空中的龙空空了,更是清楚的知道,先前的结界就是被这家伙打破的。也只有他那充满了毁灭气息的强悍血脉之力,才有破开永恒结界的可能。 Bang-” “轰-” Two brothers, body collision ruthlessly in one. 兄弟二人,身体狠狠的碰撞在了一起。 Long Dangdang as before with sword, but Long Kongkong uses is the fist. 龙当当依旧是用剑,而龙空空用的则是拳头。 The Long Dangdang whole body covers in the eternal armor, on Long Kongkong does not have any against has. 龙当当全身覆盖在永恒之铠中,龙空空身上却没有任何防具。 Long Dangdang just repelled dead souls Saint law god who has the ultra divine tool. 龙当当更是刚刚才击退了拥有超神器的死灵圣法神。 But, believes in all human powerhouses, trading the opponent aspect is impossible has to change the time, the change appeared. 可是,就在所有人类强者们都认为,换个对手局面也不可能发生变化的时候,变化就出现了。 With fierce thundering, the form just like shell generally shelled flying together immediately shoots. 伴随着一声剧烈的轰鸣,一道身影顿时犹如炮弹一般被轰击的飞射而出。 But this departs, is not the purple gold color form of initiative attack, retreating in defeat again and again that but previously also attacked the dead souls Saint law god magnificent prints the knight with the god of leader! 而这飞出的,并不是主动攻击的紫金色身影,而是先前还将死灵圣法神攻击的节节败退的辉煌与领袖之神印骑士啊! This, caused temple federation one piece to call out in alarm instantaneously. 这一幕,瞬间引起了圣殿联邦这边的一片惊呼。 Yes, Long Dangdang was struck to fly. 是的,龙当当被击飞了。 Long Kongkong flies shoots to come the time, takes cultivating of Long Dangdang as, eternal sword in hand naturally resisted, but, Long Kongkong actually as if the flash in the midair became illusory, the eternal territory fell on him cannot have any influence, next one flickered, Long Dangdang his ruthlessly fought with the fists on the left face, is flown going out that he shelled directly, suddenly, the brain fell into the dizziness completely. 龙空空飞射而来的时候,以龙当当的修为,手中的永恒之剑自然而然的就抵挡了上去,可是,龙空空却在半空之中仿佛一瞬间就变得虚幻了似的,永恒之域落在他身上也没能产生任何影响,下一瞬,龙当当就被他狠狠的一拳打在左脸上,被他直接轰击的飞了出去,一时间,大脑完全陷入了眩晕之中。
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