SDT2BMS :: Volume #6

#504: Sister-in-law, you not according to script!

Chapter 504 sister-in-law, you not according to script! 第504章嫂子,你不按剧本来啊! Long Kongkong looked at own fist, to praise sighed: Quite crisp. On this day I have waited to be very long, have wanted to punch you.” 龙空空看了看自己的拳头,赞叹道:“好爽。这一天我已经等了很久了,早就想揍你了。” He has not pursued, but looks to the direction of temple federation army, grinning saying: Perhaps pitiful human, you have not known. This is our family's civil war. You placed the great expectations, obtained eternal with the fellow who the god of creation prints the throne approval, is my blood elder brother. But your front dead souls Saint law god, is our biological mother. Aiya, thinks that also is really happy, the dead spirit state or the temple federation, the first person is our family/home. Although they do not have me, but the good and evil we are also the whole families.” 他没有追击,而是看向圣殿联邦大军的方向,笑嘻嘻的说道:“可怜的人类,你们恐怕还不知道吧。这不过是我们家庭的一场内战而已。你们所寄予了厚望,获得了永恒与创造之神印王座认可的这个家伙,可是我的亲哥哥哦。而你们面前的死灵圣法神,可是我们的亲妈。哎呀,想想还真是开心呢,无论是亡灵国度还是圣殿联邦,第一人都是我们家的。虽然他们都没我强,但好歹我们也都是一家人呢。” What?” Such remarks, except for has long known beside ice Monroe who real situation, human, had fallen into a confusion. “什么?”此言一出,除了早就已经知道真实情况的凌梦露之外,人类这边,已经陷入了一片混乱。 Is the dead souls Saint law god the Long Dangdang mother? 死灵圣法神是龙当当的母亲? Moreover, at this time Long Kongkong also took back covered up in own body surrounding purple gold colored light glow, making his appearance/portrait appear in everyone field of vision, was that not just one is longer with Long Dangdang much face? 而且,此时龙空空也收回了遮掩在自己身体周围的紫金色光芒,让他的真容出现在所有人视野之中,那可不正是一张与龙当当长得一模一样的面庞么? Just stabilized lives in the body, worked loose Long Dangdang that from the dizziness, heard the Long Kongkong words, the angry anger exclaimed: Bastard!” 刚刚稳定住自己身体,从晕眩之中挣脱出来的龙当当,就听到了龙空空的话,愤怒的怒吼道:“混蛋!” At this time, even if stands in the dark blue skeleton top of the head, is stimulating to movement Ling Xue who the ultra divine tool drives out eternal aura, the eye pupil concentrates. She the first time is not faced Long Dangdang in the battlefield, but she with not mentioning the way of Long Dangdang life experience attacks this son. 此时,哪怕是站在深蓝骷髅头顶,正在催动超神器去驱除身上永恒气息的凌雪,眼眸都不禁一凝。她已经不是第一次在战场上面对龙当当了,但是她却从来都没有用讲出龙当当身世的方式去打击这个儿子。 The bright silver from the sky glitters and twists brilliance. No one saw clearly to have anything radically, next one flickered, one group of nine color rays on hit ruthlessly above that purple gold color form. 灿烂的银色光辉在空中闪烁、扭曲。根本没有人看清楚发生了什么,下一瞬,一团九彩光芒就狠狠的撞击在了那紫金色的身影之上。 Bang!” This time, was Long Kongkong is rumbled to fly. “轰!”这一次,是龙空空被轰飞了出去。 He seemed to be a little hit stupidly, what? This is impossible, is impossible. I have awakened the strength of destruction, do you possibly hit to obtain me? What ghost thing is that? Can twist the time and space unexpectedly?” 他似乎有点被打傻了似的,“什么?这不可能,不可能。我已经觉醒了毁灭之力,你怎么可能打得到我?那是什么鬼东西?竟然能扭曲时间和空间?” Long Dangdang, your fellow, isn't you the psychology should be very uncomfortable? Own father and mother turned into the founder in dead spirit state, originally is you who rescue the parents, actually most powerful enemy person of discovery opposition unexpectedly is most own person. Aiyu, I was a little sad for you, the belief and kinship had the conflict, this you can insist, is really holds back one trick worthily! I am not good, I do not have your to insist, after I awakened once memory, steadfast standing father and mother. To me, the kinship is bigger than all. You have not surrendered quickly, surrendering we are a whole family.” 龙当当,你这个家伙,伱不是心理应该很难受吗?自己老爸、老妈变成了亡灵国度的创始人,本来是去救援父母的你,却发现对立的最强敌人竟然是自己最亲的人。哎呦,我都有点替你难过了,信仰和亲情发生了冲突,这你都能坚持下来,真不愧是留一手啊!我就不行,我没你那坚持,我觉醒了曾经的记忆之后,就坚定不移的站在了老爸、老妈这边。对我来说,亲情大于一切。你还不赶快投降,投降了我们还是一家人。” Small eight rock eight big ends with that figure actually acts plumply such as the wind to swallow day of mouse unceasing occurrence the collision. 小八晃动着八个大头与那身形肥硕却行动如风的吞天鼠不断的发生着碰撞。 On Long Kongkong obviously does not have any equipment, but is actually relying on pair of an arm that is covering the purple gold color scale, blocked his eternal sword and attack of sword of life inspiration forcefully. 龙空空身上明明没有任何装备,但却就凭借着一双覆盖着紫金色鳞片的手臂,硬生生的挡住了他永恒之剑和生命启迪之剑的攻击。 Ling Xue as dead souls Saint law god, looks at this also some delay, she has not thought that the aspect will evolve this appearance. But this is not she desired appearance. 身为死灵圣法神的凌雪,看着这一幕也不禁有些呆滞了,她也没想到局面会演变成这個样子。而这也绝不是她所希望看到的样子。 Moreover Long Dangdang also discovered, reason that oneself were suppressed by him, what are more is because suppression on bloodlines. After he and Long Kongkong start to fight, the strength of oneself that purple gold color bloodlines became does not have the sound, is unable to transfer the slightest, this also made his strength weaken significantly. 而且龙当当还发现,自己之所以被他压制,更多的是因为血脉上的压制。他和龙空空开始战斗以后,自身那紫金色的血脉之力就变得毫无动静了,根本无法调动分毫,这也让他自身的实力大幅度削弱了。 Did the victory and defeat that this fights, turn into the victories and defeats between oneself two sons unexpectedly? 这一战的胜负,竟然变成了自己两个儿子之间的胜负吗? Puts you......, fart!” Long Dangdang shouted angrily. In the hand the double sword brandishes, various skill unceasing releases. “放你……,的屁!”龙当当怒喝一声。手中双剑挥舞,各种技能不断的释放。 But relies on the eternal armor to add on the assistance of anchor of space and time again, he does not have the strength to hit back. Collision of both sides also becomes also getting more and more intense. 但凭借着永恒之铠再加上时空之锚的辅助,他也并不是没有还手之力。双方的碰撞也随之变得越来越激烈起来。 Two big forms, were almost collide instantaneously again in one, the purple gold color, nine colored, clashed over each other, at once, the entire sky had turned into the colorful time, thundered resounds unceasingly. At once, cannot distinguish clearly their forms, unexpectedly compared with previously Long Dangdang and dead souls Saint law god war more intense many. 两大身影,几乎是瞬间又再次碰撞在了一起,紫金色、九彩色,相互倾轧,一时之间,整个天空都已经变成了色彩缤纷的时间,一声声轰鸣不断响起。一时之间,根本分不清他们的身影,竟然要比先前龙当当与死灵圣法神一战更加激烈的多。 She moved began the dead spirit disaster law stick. But has not actually acted eventually. 她动了动手中的亡灵天灾法杖。但却终究没有出手。 Long Dangdang double pupil red looks to Long Kongkong, „your scoundrel, I beats to death you.” At the same time was saying he has moved sideways again, flushes away to Long Kongkong. 龙当当双眸通红的看向龙空空,“你这个混账,我揍死你。”一边说着他已经再次闪身,向龙空空冲去。 But at this moment, besides their here fights, two colossi from the sky has also collided in one. 而此时此刻,除了他们这边的战斗之外,两尊庞然大物也已经在空中碰撞在了一起。 Long Dangdang appears in the position that Long Kongkong was previously at this time, after the brain, float, is the anchor of space and time. Had eternal after the god of creation prints the throne, this divine tool he basically has also been able to control, moreover he also discovered that this is not an ordinary divine tool, compared with common divine tool powerful many. 龙当当此时就出现在先前龙空空所在的位置,脑后悬浮着的,正是时空之锚。拥有了永恒与创造之神印王座后,这件神器他也已经基本能够掌控了,而且他还发现这绝不是一件普通的神器,要比一般神器强大的多。 Among them the strength seemingly is almost the same, the mouse king small eight pulled out to fly occasionally, but small eight will also be stressed several dragon scales by its claw occasionally, hit fierce degree not under two brothers. 它们之间的实力看上去相差无几,鼠大王偶尔被小八抽飞出去,但小八也偶尔会被它一爪子抓掉几块龙鳞,打的凶恶程度丝毫不下于兄弟二人。 The purple gold color got the winning side again, will wear Long Dangdang of eternal armor to suppress unexpectedly again. 紫金色再次占据了上风,竟然将身穿永恒之铠的龙当当再次压制住了。 The Long Kongkong words, following Ling Xue and Long Leilei naturally also heard. The ice snow the dead spirit disaster law stick that started to lift had put eventually. 龙空空的话,下面的凌雪和龙雷雷自然也都听到了。原本凌雪都已经开始要举起来的亡灵天灾法杖终究还是放了下来。 In her heart is reverberating the words of Austin, yes! Initially, ding-dong is rescues their. But at that time, oneself completely immersed, in Austin regained under some memories conditions, the excitement that son returned, making her neglect the eldest son completely. This is the eldest son, really inferior to Austin? In fact, pain that filial that he pays, he bears, is more! Is rescues the couple obviously, actually the discovery stood in the opposite completely, oneself that time even also wants to make Austin swallow him thoroughly, thus complete recovery. However, this is also own son! This son of! 她心中回荡着小奥斯汀的话语,是啊!当初,当当是来营救他们的。而那时候,自己完全沉浸在小奥斯汀恢复了一些记忆的状态之下,那种儿子归来的兴奋,让她完全忽略了大儿子。这一世的长子,真的就不如小奥斯汀吗?实际上,他付出的孝顺,他所承受的痛苦,都是更多的啊!明明是去营救自己夫妻,却发现完全站在了对立面,自己那时候甚至还想让小奥斯汀彻底吞噬了他,从而完全复苏。但是,这也是自己的儿子啊!这一世的儿子啊! The belief had the conflict with the kinship, he chooses, although is the belief, but his heart...... 信仰与亲情发生了冲突,他选择的虽然是信仰,可他的心…… Thinks of here, Ling Xue the hand starts somewhat slightly shivers. 想到这里,凌雪的手开始有些轻微的颤抖起来。 Bang-” nine color rays like the meteor general crash ground, pounded a diameter to surpass hundred meters giant gulf in the spacious ground. “轰-”九彩光芒如同流星一般坠落地面,在空旷的地面上砸出了一个直径超过百米的巨大深坑。 Long Dangdang appear here gulf midpoint, the whole body is glittering purple gold color electricity glow, on his face, has been azure and purple one together, seem to probably distressedly distressed. 龙当当就出现在这深坑正中央,全身闪烁着紫金色的电芒,他的脸上,早就已经是青一块、紫一块的,看上去要多狼狈就有多狼狈。 Mother, looked at me to kill him, after I killed him, can swallow him, all my strengths can come back. When the time comes, destroys this world, but turns the potential of palm.” “老妈,看我杀了他,等我杀了他之后,就能把他吞了,我所有的力量就都能回来了。到时候,毁灭这个世界,不过就是翻掌之势罢了。” Airborne, float there Long Kongkong, the corners of the mouth and eye socket also has the extremely quick silt to be blue, wicked looked that Long Dangdang of ground said. 空中,悬浮在那里的龙空空,嘴角和眼眶也有着极快淤青,恶狠狠的看着地面的龙当当说道。 Long Kongkong, must kill, your I also killed together.” At this moment, the golden ray just like the meteor to fly to shoot toward here together generally. 龙空空,要杀,你就连我也一起杀了吧。”就在这时,一道金色光芒犹如流星一般朝着这边飞射而来。 Human, several forms want to stop obviously, actually her forcefully flushed forcefully, had arrived at side Long Dangdang in a flash, kept off in the gulf before his body directly. 人类这边,明明有几道身影想要阻拦,却被她硬生生的强行冲了出来,转瞬之间就已经到了龙当当身边,直接在深坑中挡在了他身前。 This keeps off before the Long Dangdang body is not others, is one generation of goddess of pastor temple, ice Monroe! 这挡在龙当当身前的不是别人,正是牧师圣殿的一代神女,凌梦露! Ice Monroe vision brilliant is looking steadily at in the air Long Kongkong, stretches out the arms, resolutely keeps off behind Long Dangdang, the big angel scepter in hand has not been releasing any skill the meaning, because she is very clear, takes own cultivating as, will not have any influence on the fight of this rank. At this moment, she only wants with the most beloved person dead together. 凌梦露目光灼灼的盯视着空中的龙空空,张开双臂,毅然决然的挡着身后的龙当当,手中的大天使权杖也没有释放任何技能的意思,因为她很清楚,以自己的修为,根本不会对这种级别的战斗产生任何影响。此时此刻,她只想和自己最心爱的人死在一起。 Long Kongkong, before your elder brother, is how to your, did you forget? In order to lets your level and being loaf, he stands in front of you forever, keeps out wind and rain for you, has what good deed actually first to think you. You may know, your elder brother after the disaster city did rescue the parents bore how huge pain? You do not need to instigate him here and relations of federation. If he belief has a wee bit changes, is impossible to obtain eternal prints the approval of throne with the god of creation. He has actually thought that beats you, making this world straighten out, for you can live, he even wants after beating you pays with oneself life. He does not want to live, comes back from the disaster city does not want to live, do you know? Your this becomes the younger brother, the paternal aunt and uncle your become the parents. In you hates others time, has thought what own biological son faces is what?” 龙空空,你哥以前是怎么对你的,你都忘了吗?为了能让你躺平、偷懒,他永远都站在你前面,为你遮风挡雨,有什么好事却第一时间都想着你。你可知道,你哥在去了天灾城营救父母之后承受了多么巨大的痛苦?你也不用在这里挑拨他和联邦的关系。他如果信仰有丁点变化,也不可能获得永恒与创造之神印王座的认可。他其实早就已经想好了,击败你们,让这个世界重新步入正轨,为了你们能够活下来,他甚至想要在击败你们之后付出自己的生命。他早就不想活了,从天灾城回来的时候就不想活了,你们都知道吗?无论是你这个当弟弟的,还是姑姑、姑父你们这当父母的。你们内心之中仇恨别人的时候,有没有想过自己的亲生儿子面对的是什么啊?” Ice Monroe wept and wailed is completely saying these. 凌梦露完全是哭喊着说出这些的。 Monroe.” Long Dangdang struggled is standing got up to hold in the arms her tender body from behind. “梦露。”龙当当挣扎着站了起来从后面搂住她的娇躯。 Ling Menglu has turned around, the vision looks at him crazily, then makes an effort is hugging him, must die, I accompany you dead together. You are not at least lonely, if there is a next life, did not want their such family members, we in the same place.” 凌梦露转过身,目光痴痴地看着他,然后用力的抱着他,“要死,我陪你一起死。至少你不寂寞,如果有来世,不要他们这样的亲人了,就我们在一起。” God billows skeleton top Ling Xue is gazing at all these vision dull, has arrived at her witch monster king same to gaze at pair of person in that gulf silently. 神澜骷髅顶部的凌雪目光呆滞的注视着这一切,已经来到她身边的巫妖王同样是默默的注视着那深坑中的一对人儿。 Say/Way that Long Leilei muttered: On first, our hatreds are deeply ingrained. Because we experienced too many pain. But this, we actually created parting forever in revenging as before, Xue'er, this is really we want to see?” 龙雷雷喃喃的道:“上一世,我们的仇恨刻骨。因为我们经历了太多的痛苦。而这一世,我们却在报仇的时候依旧造成了生离死别,雪儿,这真的是我们想要看到的吗?” Sister-in-law, does not bring your such! Your this destruction script!” At this moment, the helpless sound from the sky resounds. “嫂子,不带你这样的啊!你这破坏剧本了啊!”就在这时,无奈的声音在空中响起。 Is bending down in the Long Dangdang bosom, ice Monroe who the preparation and he goes to together was called by this sister-in-law stares. 正伏在龙当当怀中,准备和他一同赴死的凌梦露被这一声嫂子叫的不禁一愣。 Her subconscious raising the head, looks to hugging own lover, suddenly, in the beautiful pupil somewhat is vacant. 她下意识的抬起头,看向搂着自己的爱人,一时间,美眸之中不禁有些茫然。 The in the air sound continues to convey, sister-in-law, you noticed that held back one trick this fellow to be good to me, you do not know, in childhood he depended me is stronger, punched my many times, my found an opportunity with great difficulty, punched his well, your lane, making me have no way to start! According to the original script trend, I must seem like the minimum surface that he punches am not quickly good, like this, our mother and didn't father vacillate? Our family cannot again harmonious in the same place?” 空中的声音继续传来,“嫂子啊,你就看到留一手这家伙对我好了,你可不知道,小时候他仗着比我强壮,揍了我多少次,我这好不容易找个机会,好好揍他一顿,你这弄的,让我没法下手了啊!按照原本的剧本走向,我要把他揍的起码表面看上去快不行了,这样,我们的老妈、老爸不就动摇了吗?我们一家人不就能重新和和睦睦的在一起了吗?” Ling Menglu turns around suddenly, still by the Long Dangdang bosom, actually inconceivable looks to in the air Long Kongkong, turns head again, is staring the beautiful pupil, surprised looks to Long Dangdang, „did you and you surrender the dead spirit state?” She is a little actually ignorant at this time, therefore one hear of Long Kongkong said their family harmonious in the same place, first thinks that was the Long Dangdang surrender dead spirit state, in that case, can human definitely destroy? 凌梦露猛然转身,依然靠在龙当当怀中,却不可思议的看向空中的龙空空,再重新回头,瞪着美眸,吃惊的看向龙当当,“你、你投降亡灵国度了?”她此时其实有点懵所以一听龙空空说他们全家和睦的在一起,首先想到的,就是龙当当投降亡灵国度了,那样的话,岂不是人类必然要毁灭了? The Long Dangdang forced smile said: You were just not saying, I can eternal be printed the throne approval with the god of creation, is itself the best proof?” 龙当当苦笑道:“你刚刚不是还在说,我能够被永恒与创造之神印王座认可,本身就是最好的证明吗?” „It is not you, that Kong Kong he?” Ling Menglu turns around to look again to in the air Long Kongkong, while inconceivable, in the eye bursts out the intense pleasant surprise immediately. “不是你,那空空他?”凌梦露再转身看向空中的龙空空,在不可思议的同时,眼中顿时迸发出强烈的惊喜。 The paternal aunt of dead souls Saint law god had been suppressed by Long Dangdang, if Kong Kong is also one 's own side, to say...... 死灵圣法神的姑姑已经被龙当当压制,那如果空空也是己方这边的,岂不是说…… At this time, stood Ling Xue and Long Leilei in skeleton head peak has also reflected, Ling Xue looked that filled to destroy the aura to in the air that the purple gold color form, „is my Austin, what you saying? What script?” 此时,站在骷髅头顶端的凌雪和龙雷雷也已经反映了过来,凌雪看向空中那充满毁灭气息的紫金色身影,“我的小奥斯汀,你在说什么?什么剧本?” Long Kongkong has turned around, to mother, father and mother, I was not your Austin. Actually from the beginning is not. Because your Austin had been divided into two parts in this, needing me add on my brother, is your true Austin. But in fact, you also no longer were once mysterious match Griffing and Audrey, but was parental Long Leilei and Ling of Xue our. In the memory, we have myriad hatreds, is, this, perhaps is because the memory awakens is too late , because in the heart had worrying, therefore, I felt finally, is happier as human, likes being full of the life the world some.” 龙空空转过身,面向母亲,“爸、妈,我不是你们的小奥斯汀了。其实从一开始就不是。因为你们的小奥斯汀在这一世早就已经被分成了两部分,必须要我加上我哥,才是你们真正的小奥斯汀。而实际上,你们也不再是曾经的奥赛格里芬和奥黛丽,而是我们这一世的父母龙雷雷和凌雪。记忆中,我们都有万千的仇恨,可是,这一世,或许是因为记忆觉醒的太晚,更是因为心中有了牵挂,所以,我最终觉得,还是作为人类更开心一点,也更喜欢充满生命的世界一些。” Ling Xuenu: „Do you know that what you are saying? Do you know for today, how many did I pay? This fills the incorrigbility world, only has the thorough clean, lets only be our orders to control, will not have the pain and sadness again.” 凌雪怒道:“你知不知道自己在说什么?你知不知道为了今天,我付出了多少?这个充满劣根性的世界,唯有彻底清洗,让只属于我们的秩序去掌控,才不会再有痛苦和悲伤。” Long Kongkong shakes the head, said: Yes! Present you, after you were killed initially in that world only remaining me, that time I, in the innermost feelings was full of the hatred, only wants all to destroy, I must make the scourge of the whole world, not only I must destroy that potential surface, I even wanted to destroy the entire universe, making all belong to the nihility, I did not need what order, because, in this world, does not have my worrying, did not have the happiness of half a point again. Actually, as the god of scourge, I wants to make all be buried along with the dead for me, was buried along with the dead for dead you.” 龙空空摇摇头,道:“是啊!现在的您,就像当初你们都被杀死之后在那个世界只剩下的我,那时候的我,内心之中充满仇恨,只想将所有的一切全都毁灭,我要做整个世界的天谴,我不只是要毁灭那一个位面,我甚至想要将整个宇宙全都毁灭,让一切归于虚无,我都不需要什么秩序,因为,在这个世界上,已经没有了我的牵挂,也再没有半分的美好。其实,作为天谴之神,我只是想让一切都为我陪葬而已,也为已经死去的你们陪葬。” But, arrives at this, this was I and my brother actually last time reincarnation, if again before has not grown completely died, then, we will die forever. Perhaps my brother's strength is inferior to me, but in fact, so long as he died, I also died, because we are each other part. Although I do not know how you resurrect, but, before the memory restores, after the memory restores, I thought that this I am very happy, I found you, found Hofn, but also were many my brother, probably, I have not wanted to destroy all world, probably, such live also is very interesting, even fondly remembers the beforehand that life very much, has to care for my teacher, he has taught my safety first, actually does not hesitate to consume the source helps me promote, to have the close partners, at I also small and weak, they throughout. Protection side me. My brother, that was needless saying that he to me, like viewing own life important, besides the cousin was impossible to apportion me, I estimated that I had anything to request actually to him him to comply.” “可是,来到这一世,这是我和我哥其实最后一次转生了,如果再在没有完全成长之前就死去,那么,我们就将永远的死去了。我哥的力量或许不如我,但实际上,只要他死了,我就也死了,因为我们本来就是彼此的一部分。虽然我并不知道你们是如何复活的,但是,无论是在记忆恢复之前,还是在记忆恢复之后,我都觉得这一世我很幸福,我又找到了你们,找到了赫本,还多了我哥,好像,我已经没有那么想要毁灭所有世界了,好像,就这么活着也挺有意思的,甚至很怀念以前那种生活,有关爱我的老师,他一直教导我安全第一,却不惜消耗本源的帮我提升,有亲密的伙伴们,在我还弱小的时候,他们始终都守护在我身边。还有我哥,那就不用说了,他对我,就像看待自己的生命一样重要,除了表姐不可能分给我之外,我估计我对他有什么要求其实他都能答应。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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