SDT2BMS :: Volume #6

#502: Strong broken knot

Chapter 502 strong broken knot 第502章强破结界 Dead spirit cloud start in sky presented slight trembling, under vibration, huge dead spirit energy in unceasing vibration. 天空中的亡灵云开始出现了轻微的震颤,在震动之下,庞大的亡灵能量在不断的震动起来。 Ling Xue had felt that anything, in the entire dead spirit state, the most powerful dead spirit altar is she at present of under foot, but besides this, when establishes the dead spirit state basis, the core dead spirit altar in disaster city. But now, that dead spirit altar seems like...... 凌雪已经感觉到了什么,在整个亡灵国度内,最强大的亡灵祭坛就是她眼前脚下的这一座,而除了这座之外,则是建立亡灵国度时的根本,天灾城的核心亡灵祭坛。而现在,那座亡灵祭坛似乎…… Wipes the stern countenance to appear on her face suddenly, the ice snow grasps the dead spirit disaster law stick void, drinks one severely, „!” 一抹厉色骤然出现在她的面庞上,凌雪虚空抓出亡灵天灾法杖,厉喝一声,“起!” Under foot that dark blue giant skeleton head raises again slowly, in air originally turbulent dead spirit energy hauling that receives this strongest dead spirit altar, immediately becomes stabilizes. Although the ice snow can feel rear area dead spirit energy continuous weakening as before, but has at present on this day existence of disaster level dead spirit altar, she can control all as before. 脚下那深蓝色的巨大骷髅头再次缓缓升起,空气中原本动荡的亡灵能量受到这最强亡灵祭坛的牵引,立刻就变得稳定起来。尽管凌雪依旧能够感受到后方亡灵能量持续不断的减弱,但有着眼前这天灾级亡灵祭坛的存在,她依旧可以掌控一切。 Austin, didn't you have?” Ling Xue asked to below son. “小奥斯汀,你还没好吗?”凌雪向下方的儿子问道。 Good, good, almost can.” The Long Kongkong sound first passed on. “好了、好了,差不多可以好了。”龙空空的声音第一时间就传了过来。 Ling Xue eyes one bright, good the words, that means, this knot can break open ahead of time? 凌雪眼睛一亮,好了的话,那就意味着,这结界可以提前破开了? Really, this time Long Kongkong has moved the ground to stand, the figure flashes, has flown side the ice snow, the light purple gold color, passes around his body. Even if in the control dead spirit altar, oneself cultivates for already Ling Xue who is close to the potential surface limit, when the short distance feels on the son the aura, can feel a constriction as before. That is oppression in a level, perhaps cultivating of son for might as well, is, the constriction in that level, lets in her heart secret surprised at the same time joyful. Has this time strength, in addition son's strength, what does the temple federation also take to resist? 果然,此时的龙空空已经动地上站了起来,身形一闪,就已经飞到了凌雪身边,淡淡的紫金色,在他身体周围流转。哪怕是在驾驭亡灵祭坛,自身修为已经接近位面极限的凌雪,在近距离感受到儿子身上气息的时候,依旧能够感觉到一份压迫感。那是一种层级上的压迫,或许儿子的修为还不如自己,可是,那种层次上的压迫感,却还是让她心中暗暗吃惊的同时又大为欣喜。有自己此时的力量,再加上儿子的力量,圣殿联邦还拿什么来抵挡? Long Kongkong arrives at side the ice snow, he also turns head to look in the direction of disaster city. 龙空空来到凌雪身边,他也扭头朝着天灾城的方向看去。 „Did you also feel? That side the disaster city is somewhat troublesome, the dead spirit altar should be destroyed.” Ling Xuechen the sound said. “你也感觉到了?天灾城那边有些麻烦,亡灵祭坛应该是正在被破坏。”凌雪沉声说道。 Long Kongkong shrugs, said: It‘s nothing? Even that side dead spirit altar was destroyed, so long as broke the present aspect all is not easily solved?” 龙空空耸耸肩,道:“没什么吧?就算那边的亡灵祭坛被破坏,只要破掉眼前的局面一切不就都迎刃而解了?” What strength is that? Feeling why eternal knot as if some must unable to resist? 那是什么力量?为什么永恒结界似乎都有些要抵挡不住的感觉? His body float, purple gold color starts becomes even more rich, in a flash, his body had turned like the amethyst generally insightful appearance, destruction aura is rises suddenly at an exceptional pace crazily, in his chest place, a huge vortex has purple gold color brilliance to reappear, mysterious and powerful, destruction, as if came from in the universe terrifying power projection, but. 他的身体悬浮而起,身上的紫金色开始变得越发浓郁起来,转瞬之间,他的身躯就已经变成了如同紫水晶一般通透的模样,身上的毁灭气息更是以惊人的速度疯狂暴涨,在他胸口处,一个巨大的旋涡带着紫金色的光辉浮现而出,神秘、强大、毁灭,仿佛源自于宇宙之中的恐怖力量投影而至。 Long Kongkong purple gold color brilliance is getting more and more intense, in this flickers, below dead spirit powerhouses retrocede in abundance, spread out. Even if they in the soul fire of eye socket gaze, will have a soul to be fired, feeling that can vanished in a puff of smoke momentarily. This is what kind powerful and what kind of terrifying! 龙空空身上紫金色的光辉越来越强烈,在这一瞬,就连下方的亡灵强者们都纷纷后退,拉开距离。它们哪怕只是用眼眶中的灵魂之火去注视,都会有种灵魂被灼烧,随时都会灰飞烟灭的感觉。这是何等的强大、何等的恐怖啊! Ice snow vision gentle looks to him, said: Has confidence? Reluctantly, do not wait till even for seven days, still has nothing.” 凌雪目光柔和的看向他,道:“有把握吗?别勉强,就算等到七天,也没什么。” At this time, because eternal knot was touched, human also had the response immediately, the form of Daoist class powerhouse lifts off together in abundance, flies to shoot toward the frontline. 此时,因为永恒结界被触动,人类这边也在第一时间就有了反应,一道道人类强者的身影纷纷升空,朝着前线这边飞射而来。 Looks after eternal knot, that is blooming the form of eye-catching purple gold colored light splendor, their mood also become dignified. Although does not know that is anything, but several gods printed the knight in previously the eternal knot shelled that flash, had being flustered feeling in varying degrees. 看着永恒结界之后那正在绽放出夺目紫金色光辉的身影,他们的情绪也不禁都变得凝重起来。虽然不知道那是什么,但几位神印骑士在先前永恒结界被轰击的那一瞬间,都出现了不同程度的心慌感受。 The dead spirit energy was swallowed in the sky of absorption the dead spirit cloud is not steady by him, even the dead souls Saint law god Ling Xue dead spirit altar has massive dead spirit energies to dissipate. Meanwhile, not far away before his body, eternal knot directly was attracted to protrude unexpectedly by his vortex, the massive nine color halos that pulls are dense also to be swallowed in the body by him unexpectedly, becomes a part of his strength. 亡灵能量被他吞噬吸收的天空中亡灵云不稳,连死灵圣法神凌雪脚下的亡灵祭坛都有大量的亡灵能量逸散。但同时,在他身前不远处,永恒结界竟然直接被他这旋涡吸扯的凸出过来,大量的九彩光晕氤氲着竟然也被他吞噬到身体之中,成为他力量的一部分。 Suddenly touched eternal knot instantaneously becomes bright, the eye-catching nine color halos just like the mighty waves to ripple generally. 骤然被触动的永恒结界瞬间变得明亮起来,夺目的九彩光晕犹如波涛一般荡漾开来。 In air what attribute energy, receives the hauling of Long Kongkong chest front that purple gold color vortex, was inhaled within the body by him, his strength also grows stronger in unceasing swallowing continually. 空气中无论是什么属性的能量,都受到龙空空胸前那紫金色旋涡的牵引,被他吸入体内,他自身的力量也在不断的吞噬中持续变强。 Looks that the dead spirit cloud was broken, Ling Xue frowns slightly, but she feels immediately, under the star light shines, oneself this precious son's aura promotes rapidly, in his double pupil the purple gold color bursts out, the bright purple gold colored light splendor has an unprecedented terrifying thought that takes her present cultivating as, huge constriction that can the clear feeling this destruction thought bring. 看着亡灵云被冲开,凌雪不禁微微蹙眉,但她立刻就感觉到,在星光照耀下,自己这宝贝儿子身上的气息飞速提升,他的双眸之中紫金色迸发,灿烂的紫金色光辉带着一种前所未有的恐怖意念,以她现在的修为,都能清晰的感受到这股毁灭意念所带来的巨大压迫感。 Ice snow vision brilliant is looking steadily by the Long Kongkong bombardment hit position, but, under her gaze, saw that fills to destroy the aura the purple gold color fist glow to be decomposed unexpectedly under nine color halo rippling. Although can obviously feel, the level of purple gold colored light glow not under nine color rays, not like own dead spirit energy restrained fierce that. However, tying is still tenacious, not broken sign, this also makes Ling Xue pressed the brow, the complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 凌雪目光灼灼的盯视着被龙空空轰击命中的位置,但是,在她的注视下,眼看着那充满毁灭气息的紫金色拳芒竟是在九彩光晕一次次的荡漾之下被分解开来。虽然能够明显感受到,紫金色光芒的层级并不下于九彩光芒,远不像自己的亡灵能量被克制的那么厉害。但是,结界依旧坚韧,并没有被打破的迹象,这也让凌雪不禁蹙起眉头,脸色变得难看起来。 Long Kongkong said proudly: Mother, relax, in this world, but does not have any matter can perplex me. You look.” 龙空空傲然道:“老妈,放心吧,在这个世界上,可没有什么事情能难住我。你看着。” Next flickers, that radiant purple gold color fist glow has been similar to a meteor, bombardment ruthlessly above eternal knot. 下一瞬,那璀璨的紫金色拳芒就已经如同一颗流星般,狠狠的轰击在了永恒结界之上。 At the same time saying, him void one step is stepping forward, the right hand toward sky one finger/refers, immediately, above his top of the head, a star type spirit furnace appears , the radiant star light shoots up to the sky from his top of the head together. The in the air dead spirit cloud to dispelled directly in all directions, revealed the bright nighttime sky. In this flickers, Long Kongkong in the star with sky seems to be connected, myriad star light drop from the clouds, shine on him, making his aura immediately become profound. 一边说着,他虚空一步跨出,右手朝着天空一指,顿时,在他头顶上方,一尊星形灵炉浮现而出,紧接着,一道璀璨星光就从他头顶处冲天而起。空中的亡灵云直接向四面八方排开,露出了明亮的夜空。在这一瞬,龙空空仿佛已经与天空中的星斗相连,万千星光从天而降,照耀在他身上,令他自身的气息顿时就变得深邃起来。 No rush the mother, my first tries. Let you have a look at my great Austin Griffing's true strength.” Long Kongkong said proudly. “别急啊老妈,我这就是先试试。让你看看我伟大的奥斯汀格里芬真正的力量。”龙空空傲然说道。 Long Kongkong steps forward again forward one step, at the same time, the right hand makes a fist and wield suddenly. The bright purple gold colored light splendor just like the blowout to erupt from his fist place generally. 龙空空再次向前跨出一步,与此同时,右手猛然握拳、挥出。灿烂的紫金色光辉犹如井喷一般从他的拳头处爆发而出。 Long Kongkong puts out a hand, holds eternal knot before, can clear seeing, on his palm, have the light fog to raise immediately, but he does not have retreating of half a point, the chest place vortex revolves rapidly, the light fog that ascends was also swallowed into the body by him. 龙空空伸出手,一把抓住身前的永恒结界,能够清晰的看到,在他手掌上,立刻就有光雾升起,但他却没有半分的退却,胸口处旋涡飞速旋转,那升腾起的光雾也同样被他吞噬入体。 The bright purple gold color, has become the center in entire battlefield in this moment. 灿烂的紫金色,在这一刻已经成为了整个战场上的中心。 A despising look flows from the Long Kongkong eyeground, creates the world the strength? Snort! I must have a look but actually, you have many.” 一丝蔑视的眼神从龙空空眼底流淌而出,“创世的力量吗?哼!我倒要看看,你有多少。” At the same time saying, his left hand grabs front eternal knot, the right hand lifts slowly, is only a lifting movement, actually appears very heavy as, but his purple gold color, periphery all will actually illuminate at this moment, as if he has changed into purple gold color Sun to be common, in an instant, the whole world in the slight tremor, looks like the fear from potential surface to be the same. 一边说着,他左手抓着面前的永恒结界,右手缓缓抬起,只是一個抬起的动作,却显得十分沉重似的,但他身上的紫金色,此时此刻却将周围的一切照亮,仿佛他已经化为了一颗紫金色的太阳一般,刹那间,整个世界都在轻微的颤动,就像是来自位面的恐惧一般。 Ling Xue the eye pupil shone immediately, is this, is this, this is in Austin's strength first destroys that potential surface, should be such strength achieves! 凌雪的眼眸顿时亮了起来,是这样,就是这样,这就是奥斯汀的力量上一世毁灭掉那个位面,应该就是这样的力量做到的啊! The right hand index finger of Long Kongkong raises up slowly, in the eye the cold severe color flashes through, the next quarter, his contracts just like the solar general purple gold colored light splendor suddenly comprehensively, almost in short in time that several time breathe, all condensed above the fingertip of his right hand index finger. 龙空空的右手食指缓缓竖起,眼中冷厉之色闪过,下一刻,他那宛如太阳一般的紫金色光辉突然全面收缩,几乎就是在短短的几次呼吸的时间内,全都凝聚在了他右手食指的指尖之上。 In this moment, the whole world as if became peaceful, peaceful fearful and peaceful terrifying, but all lines of sight, all centralized, in he pointed on the fingertip, that bunch seemed like above not intense purple gold color. 在这一刻,整个世界仿佛都变得安静了下来,安静的可怕、安静的恐怖,而所有的视线,也全都集中在他手指指尖上,那一簇看起来并不如何强烈的紫金色之上。 The Long Kongkong right hand index finger point(s) like lightning, immediately, that wiped the purple gold color instantaneously according to above eternal knot before his body. 龙空空右手食指闪电般点出,顿时,那一抹紫金色瞬间按在了他身前的永恒结界之上。 In this flash, the giant eternal knot surface, the fluctuation like the great waves common nine color rays, in stagnated continually unexpectedly instantaneously, in looking like decided the body technique to be the same. 在这一刹那,巨大的永恒结界表面,原本持续波动如同浪涛一般的九彩光芒,竟然在瞬间凝滞,就像是中了定身术一般。 Meanwhile, distant place float in midair, the knight temple five big gods printed the figure of knight also to stagnate. 与此同时,远处悬浮在半空之中,骑士圣殿五大神印骑士的身形也同时凝滞了。 Making one that all human powerhouses shock happen, five big gods print the knight to spout a blood unexpectedly simultaneously, the complexion also becomes pale. 紧接着,令所有人类强者震骇的一幕发生了,五大神印骑士竟然同时喷出一口鲜血,脸色也都变得苍白起来。 A tearing vault of heaven cracking resounds, that purple gold color, had penetrated nine pattern of overlapping rhombuses outrageously, but nine pattern of overlapping rhombuses also fierce shivers. 一声撕裂天穹般的破裂声响起,那一点紫金色,已经悍然穿透了九彩结界,而九彩结界也随之剧烈的颤抖起来。 This should be able to support entire seven days of eternal knot, at this moment, in this flickers, started to desalinate quietly, its defense and protection, altogether only insisted for four days. 这原本应该能够支撑整整七天的永恒结界,此时此刻,就在这一瞬,就那么开始悄无声息的淡化了,它的防御与守护,一共只坚持了四天。 In the air, the strong nine color halos start to desalinate gradually, to dissipates in all directions, part, was inhaled in the vortex of Long Kongkong chest place directly. 空气中,浓烈的九彩光晕开始渐渐淡化,向四面八方逸散开来,其中一部分,更是被直接吸入了龙空空胸口处的旋涡之中。 Long Kongkong looked like takes the big tonic to be the same, the complexion seemed like some flushed, aura that but he released at this time, some Ling Xue fearful and apprehensive feelings, was this extinguishes the world the strength? Does not have the reason, she in this flickered had some senses of fear to oneself this son. Especially when she saw when Long Kongkong that does not have the slight sentimental faint look, the innermost feelings have the frightened ascension. 龙空空就像是吃了大补药一般,脸色看起来有些潮红,但他此时身上所释放出的气息,凌雪都有种心惊肉跳的感觉,这就是灭世的力量吗?没来由的,她在这一瞬都对自己这个儿子产生了些许的恐惧感。尤其是当她看到龙空空那没有丝毫感情的淡漠眼神时,内心不禁有恐惧升腾。 On first, after oneself die, he by that world of such condition destruction? 上一世,在自己死后,他就是以这样的状态毁灭的那个世界么? Mother, I must rest a while, absorbs strength that these swallow to come, behind, gave you.” The Long Kongkong sinking sound said to Ling Xue. “老妈,我要休息一会儿,吸收这些吞噬而来的力量,后面,就交给你了。”龙空空沉声向凌雪说道。 Good, you rest quickly.” Hears his sound, Ling Xue is relaxes, that came from the spiritual huge oppression strength also relaxes several points. “好,你赶快休息吧。”听到他的声音,凌雪这才算是松了口气,那来自于精神上的巨大压迫力也随之放松几分。 Long Kongkong ray flashes, the next quarter, he has retroceded ten thousand meters, that float sits cross-legged to sit down in the midair, a Touwan appears in his side like the mountain big mouse, honest crawling under his body, is occupied by him with oneself plump body carrying/sustaining, a dark golden small eye turning round chaotic revolutions, does not know that is thinking anything, but in the eyeground deep place, was actually full of the frightened mood. 龙空空身上光芒一闪,下一刻,他已经后退万米,就那么悬浮在半空之中盘膝坐下,一头宛如山岳般的大老鼠在他身边浮现出来,老老实实的匍匐在他身下,用自己肥硕的身体承载住他,一双暗金色的小眼睛滴溜溜乱转,不知道在想些什么,但在眼底深处,却充满了恐惧的情绪。 Mouse king who was once insufferably arrogant in this moment, not only submitted, but admired, it also understands finally why oneself bloodlines determination could not win this initially, the strength and this bloodlines strength of own bloodlines, not in a level! 曾经不可一世的鼠大王在这一刻,不只是臣服,而是拜服,它也终于明白,为什么当初自己的血脉判定赢不了身上这位了,自己的血脉之力和这位的血脉之力,根本就不在一个层次上啊! Even does not need the dead souls Saint law god to transfer personally, saw that huge eternal knot vanishes gradually, is being rested the dead spirit lifeform to set out respectively. 甚至都不需要死灵圣法神亲自调动,眼看着那巨大的永恒结界渐渐消失,所有正在休息中的亡灵生物们就都已经各自起身了。 Before Ling Xue restrained at first, because of some anxious, in innermost feelings that the son condition produced ice-cold raised again, destroyed human thoroughly, making all order unified opportunities come finally. Although husband's words have some effects in her heart, but at this time, she only wants first this human army to rout at present said again. So long as routs the federal army who the present six big temples composed , the behind temple federation has not prevented her strength again, hasn't demanded everything? 凌雪收敛起先前因为儿子状态而产生的些许不安,内心之中的冰冷再次升起,彻底毁灭人类,让一切秩序统一的机会终于来了。尽管丈夫的话在她心中还是有着一些影响,但在这个时候,她只想先将眼前这支人类大军击溃再说。只要击溃了眼前的六大圣殿组成的联邦大军,那么,后面圣殿联邦就再也没有阻挡她的实力了,还不是予取予求? The three-km giant skeleton raises again gradually, the dreadful pressure oppresses to go to federal army. 高达三千米的巨大骷髅再次渐渐升起,滔天的威压向联邦大军方面压迫而去。 Five big gods printed the knight to spurt blood nearby sacred hall level powerhouses naturally to see simultaneously, for it look changes, what this means all? Printed the knights to separate including five big gods received backlash spatially, but now, wields eternal prints the throne not to come back with the god of creation, ties is broken open three days ahead of schedule. In this case, who can also be able to resist that dead souls Saint law god, let alone, in just, that broke ties, the whole body sent out like the stars generally brilliance purple gold color form is being who? The dead spirit state is also hiding such a big energy unexpectedly, this was they were not clear previously. 五大神印骑士同时喷血旁边的圣堂级强者们自然都看到了,也无不为之色变,这意味着什么?连五大神印骑士都隔空受到了反噬,而现在,执掌永恒与创造之神印王座还没有回来,结界提前三天就被破开了。在这种情况下,谁还能抵挡得住那位死灵圣法神,更何况,就在刚刚,那破掉结界,全身散发着如同星辰一般光辉的紫金色身影又是谁?亡灵国度竟然还隐藏着这样一位大能,这是先前他们谁也不清楚的。 They are also clear, this war, if lost, then the dead spirit army will push directly into, the soldier and occupation of dying increasingly will also become part of opposite party, human, likely must face the danger of national subjugation and genocide, top occupation as six big temples, the mainstay of human, the possibility that now they simply have not withdrawn, only has at risk of life a war. 他们也同样明白,这一战,如果输了,那么亡灵大军就将长驱直入,死去的战士、职业者也将会不断成为对方的一部分,人类,很可能就要面临亡国灭种的危险,作为六大圣殿的顶尖职业者,人类的中流砥柱,现在他们根本没有后撤的可能,唯有拼死一战。 The owners drift about to the forefronts of all human powerhouses slowly, the sinking sound said: Possibility that fellow colleagues and fellow seniors, we have not retroceded now. Prints the knight to go out to seek for the breakthrough chance with the god of leader magnificently, agrees for seven days to come back with us, now, we can do, insisted that for him these seven days, only have to insist he returns, has the possibility of striving to turn the tide. By this body, is human, full power however fights!” 堂主缓缓漂荡到所有人类强者的最前面,沉声说道:“各位同僚、各位前辈,我们现在已经没有后退的可能。辉煌与领袖之神印骑士外出寻找突破机缘,与我们约定七天回来,现在,我们能做的,就是为他坚持住这七天的时间,唯有坚持到他归来,才有力挽狂澜的可能。以此身,为人类,全力而战!” At the same time saying, the frightened and sad god prints the throne to reappear in him behind, changes into huge flowing light to cover the whole body. 一边说着,恐惧与悲伤之神印王座已经浮现在他身后,化为一道道巨大的流光覆盖全身。 With his sound, human powerhouses, in abundance spirit strength release, about 200 nine step above human powerhouses, opposite of vision firm staring this. 伴随着他的声音,一位位人类强者们,纷纷灵力释放,近两百位九阶以上的人类强者,目光坚定的凝视这对面。 This is the war between human and dead spirit, is the collision between races, simply besides not defeating opponent any other choices. The failure of either one, will be doomed by the thorough destruction. For the survival of human, they simply do not have the least bit escape route. 这是人类与亡灵之间的战争,是种族之间的碰撞,根本没有除了战胜对手之外任何其他选择。任何一方的失败,都将注定被彻底覆灭。为了人类的生存,他们根本没有半点退路。 Dark blue halos ripple from that giant skeleton again, the dead spirit lifeform under covering of this day disaster domain, become more powerful. The dead spirit cloud band in sky comes lightly the light rain, the raindrop to fall, unceasing changes into the low dead spirit lifeform, then fast evolution in that domain, dead spirit army, is becoming at the visible speed more and more, just like the dark cloud presses the city to be the same, is seemingly slow, but actually all-around spreads toward the human army. 一圈圈暗蓝色的光晕再次从那巨大的骷髅身上荡漾而出,一个个亡灵生物在这天灾领域的笼罩之下,变得更加强大。天空中的亡灵云带来淅淅沥沥的小雨,雨滴落下,不断的化为一个个低等亡灵生物,然后又在那领域之中快速进化,亡灵大军,以肉眼可见的速度在变得越来越多,犹如乌云压城一般,看似缓慢,但却全方位的朝着人类大军蔓延而来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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