SDT2BMS :: Volume #6

#501: Yinshan of rebellion

Good, good. Now said that these are also not meaningful, these aunts and others were then dying in any case, turns into the dead spirit them, without remembering, will not like my father. Mother, you but now the great dead souls Saint law god, wants self-confidently.” “好了、好了。现在说这些也没什么意义,反正那些阿姨等回头都要死了,把她们变成亡灵,没有记忆,就不会喜欢我老爹了吧。老妈,你现在可是伟大的死灵圣法神,要自信点哦。” Ling Xue the brow slightly pressed just wants to say anything, Long Kongkong actually rushes saying: „Was mother, my brother that fellow annoys you to be angry? Then looked that I do not punch him to vent anger for you. When I hit to fall face down him, human did not have the opportunity again.” 凌雪眉头微蹙刚想说什么,龙空空却又抢着说道:“老妈,是不是我哥那个家伙又惹你生气了?回头看我不揍他替你出气。等我把他打趴下,人类就再也没有机会了。” Ling Xue the expression relaxed several points, some pleasant surprises visit him, said: „Have you controlled the strength of that bloodlines?” 凌雪的表情放松了几分,有些惊喜的看着他,道:“你已经掌控了那血脉之力吗?” Long Kongkong nods, said: Besides my brother that part, other has controlled. Relax, my brother, even if has that anything eternal to print the throne with the god of creation still definitely is not my opponent. I have wanted to punch him, from infancy to maturity, the mosts of the time are he punch me, this time, but have the opportunity.” 龙空空点点头,道:“除了我哥身上那部分之外,其他的都已经掌控了。放心吧,我哥就算有那什么永恒与创造之神印王座也肯定不是我的对手。我早就想揍他了,从小到大,大部分时候都是他揍我,这次,可算是有机会了。” Ling Xue the look experienced some fluctuations slightly, grasped on the line. You also need his strength to recover completely. Right, I had not asked you, if you absorb completely the strength of his bloodlines, how he can?” 凌雪的眼神微微出现了一些波动,“抓回来就行了。你也需要他的力量来完全复苏。对了,我一直没问你,如果你将他的血脉之力完全吸收过来,那他会怎么样?” Long Kongkong very optional say/way: Died. The strength of bloodlines was swallowed cleanly, that can also live! What's wrong? Did the mother you love dearly? Do not forget, he is only you this son, I was the sons of your two lifetime.” 龙空空十分随意的道:“死了呗。血脉之力都被吞噬干净了,那还能活啊!怎么?老妈你心疼了?您可别忘了,他只是伱这一世的儿子,我可是你两辈子的儿子了哦。” Ling Xueleng gawked, cold sound said: How I will love dearly, I......” 凌雪愣了愣,冷声道:“我怎么会心疼,我……” How to love dearly? That is also our sons! Kong Kong do not act unreasonably! The life that cannot injure your elder brother, hears not to have.” The Long Leilei anger said. “怎么不心疼了?那也是我们的儿子啊!空空你别乱来啊!怎么也不能伤了你哥的性命,听到没有。”龙雷雷怒道。 Long Kongkong snort/hum, looked at the mood.” 龙空空哼了哼,“看心情吧。” Nearby Hofn is only static standing, looks at the Long Kongkong appearance, in her look actually gentle. What as if regardless of he turns into, is unable to vacillate her slightly to his being in love. 一旁的赫本只是静静的站在旁边,看着龙空空的样子,她的眼神之中却只有温柔。似乎无论他变成什么样,都无法丝毫动摇她对他的爱恋。 Ling Xuechen sound said: Kong Kong, you look at this knot. Some means its destruction?” 凌雪沉声道:“空空,你看这结界。有办法将其破坏么?” Long Kongkong turns head to look to not far away, that is glittering nine color halos, and as if the time is absorbing in the world natural element giant knot. 龙空空扭头看向不远处,那闪烁着九彩光晕,并且似乎时刻都在吸收着天地间自然元素的巨大结界。 This is six big gods prints eternal knot that the throne jointly releases, I attempt to be very troublesome, it can natural swallowing and consumes my dead spirit energy. Whether the strength of your bloodlines can break it?” “这是六大神印王座联合释放出的永恒结界,我尝试过很麻烦,它会自然的吞噬和消耗我的亡灵能量。你那血脉之力是不是能够将其打破?” Long Kongkong said: This I do not know, I must first analyze the composition of this knot, look can find the flaw, if can find the flaw, should be able to break.” 龙空空道:“这个我也不知道,我要先分析一下这结界的组成,看看能不能找到破绽,如果能找到破绽的话,应该就可以破掉吧。” Doesn't matter, this knot at most can insist for seven days, now has passed for five days. Without assurance, do not take risk.” Ling Xue said. “没关系,这结界最多也只能坚持七天,现在已经过去了五天。如果没有把握,也不要冒险。”凌雪说道。 Un, you felt relieved that gave me, I start to analyze it now.” Long Kongkong with a laugh to tying walks. “嗯呢,您就放心吧,交给我了,我现在就开始对它进行分析。”龙空空笑呵呵的向结界走去。 Disaster city and Yinshan. 天灾城、秘银山。 Long Dangdang looks at already the completely airtight crown, now, he in a completely close space, but here air is not thin, had the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace and Lantian day warm spirit furnace, air spontaneity. 龙当当看着已经完全密闭的顶部,现在,他处于一个完全封闭的空间之中,但这里的空气却并不稀薄,有月明沧海灵炉和蓝田日暖灵炉在,空气自生。 Two big towerman spirit furnaces through this giant Yinshan, quite therefore the enlargement of own strength enormous degree. Under this enlargement, they can definitely contact the outside world directly the strength of element. 两大守望者灵炉通过这座巨大的秘银山,相当于是将自身的力量极大程度的放大了。在这份放大之下,他们完全可以直接去接触到外界的元素之力。 Prepared?” The sea asked to Long Dangdang. “准备好了吗?”沧海向龙当当问道。 Long Dangdang selected under. Does not wait for us, must make the best use of all time. 龙当当点了下头。时不我待,必须要抓紧一切时间了。 Good, we started.” “好,那我们就开始了。” The sea and Lantian both forms stand before the Long Dangdang body, the sea swings the body in a flash, blue halos are centered on his body, ripples rapidly, surrounding secret silver shone immediately, looked like changes into the transparent blue crystal to be the same. Lantian also starts at the same time, the shining brilliance just like a star light to scatter in all directions generally, the moonlight with sea dissolves as one, immediately, buzz, entire Yinshan in this flickered slightly trembled. 沧海和蓝田两道身影都站在龙当当身前,沧海摇身一晃,一圈圈蓝色光晕以他的身体为中心,迅速荡漾开来,周围的秘银顿时亮了起来,就像是化为了透明的蓝色晶体一般。蓝田也在同一时间发动,金灿灿的光辉犹如点点星光一般四散开来,与沧海的月华溶为一体,顿时,“嗡”的一声,整个秘银山在这一瞬都轻微的震颤了一下。 Outside world, that flash when Yinshan shivers, defends under the mountain, defended all dead spirit powerhouses before silver city fort feels. 外界,当秘银山颤动的那一瞬间,无论是守在山下,还是守在秘银城堡前的所有亡灵强者都感受到了。 That sudden buzz the cry, making them present the short god. 那一声突如其来的嗡鸣,让它们都出现了短暂的楞神。 Misconception? 错觉吗? Next flickers, buzz called appears again. 下一瞬,嗡鸣就再次出现了。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” The tremor frequency of Yinshan starts becomes more intense, along with its tremor, sky over the disaster city the strong incomparable dead spirit cloud also started to appear like the great waves common fluctuation. 紧接着,秘银山的颤动频率就开始变得更加强烈起来,伴随着它的颤动,天灾城上空浓重无比的亡灵云也开始出现了如同浪涛一般的波动。 Was this? 这是怎么了? The dead spirit powerhouses are almost subconscious releases the respective strong psychic force to search, is, in their energetic sensations, simply has not discovered any incorrect place. In fact, their possible sensation? 亡灵强者们几乎是下意识的就释放出各自强大的精神力进行搜寻起来,可是,在它们的精神感知中,根本没有发现什么不对的地方。事实上,它们又怎么可能感知的到? Several hundred-meter secret silver, even if the dead souls Saint law god here, wanting the sensation also to need the direction detection to condense all psychic forces to existence of Long Dangdang, has the possibility of detecting. 厚达数百米的秘银,哪怕是死灵圣法神在这里,想要感知到龙当当的存在也需要定向凝聚所有精神力,才有察觉的可能。 Split along with the surging sky of dead spirit cloud unexpectedly gradually. But those who make the dead spirit lifeform in disaster city dumbfounded is, they at this moment, saw a marvelous sight unexpectedly. 伴随着亡灵云的涌动天空竟然渐渐的裂开了。而更让天灾城内的亡灵生物们傻眼的是,他们此时此刻,竟然看到了一幕奇景。 At this time at dusk, even if originally does not have the dead spirit cloud still to appear above the somewhat dim sky, the ray of Sun suddenly becomes intense, but another side, the bright bright moonlight also sent out brilliantly, at once, above the upper air, was the livelihood vies unexpectedly. 此时正是傍晚时分,原本就算是没有亡灵云也显得有些昏暗的天空之上,太阳的光芒突然变得强烈起来,而另一边,皎洁的明月也散发出了夺目光彩,一时之间,高空之上,竟是日月争辉。 What stranger is, this sunlight and moonlight, after appearing next one flicker, dropped from the clouds, shines in the silver city fort, was as for Yinshan above. 更为奇异的是,这日光与月光,在出现后的下一瞬,就从天而降,照耀在了秘银城堡,乃至于秘银山之上。 Yinshan is located in the entire disaster city center, shining that this flickers, attracted the attention of all dead spirit lifeform immediately, under shining of light of that livelihood, entire silver city fort by shining magnificent incomparable, enchanting eye-catching. 秘银山位于整个天灾城的正中,这一瞬的照耀,顿时吸引了所有亡灵生物的注意,在那日月之光的照耀下,整个秘银城堡被照耀的瑰丽无比,炫丽夺目。 But the next quarter, along with shining of light of livelihood, an in the air opened dead spirit Yunnei empty place, the huge day earth deities strength drops from the clouds instantaneously, various types of natural elements looked like went crazy, directly soared the direction of silver city fort. 而下一刻,伴随着日月之光的照耀,空中被撑开的亡灵云那个空洞处,庞大的天地灵力瞬间从天而降,各种自然元素就像是发疯了似的,直奔秘银城堡的方向而来。 Making way that the element fluctuation of that terrifying, lets originally protects the dead spirit powerhouses who is too busy in the silver city fort and Yinshan. 那恐怖的元素波动,让原本在秘银城堡和秘银山守护的亡灵强者们忙不迭的让开。 They can feel, that is not the attack, the dead spirit energy that but so rich world vitality and they have is just right, under this huge world elementary force impact, they will be weakened significantly, even affects the soul source, does not run anything. 它们能够感受到,那并不属于攻击,但如此浓郁的天地元气和它们自身所拥有的亡灵能量正好相反,在这种庞大的天地元力冲击之下,它们自身会被大幅度削弱,甚至是影响到灵魂本源的,不跑等什么。 The most important thing is, until now, they do not know that had anything. 最重要的是,直到现在,它们也根本就不知道发生了什么。 Under the strength of huge element shines, Yinshan starts becomes transparent, is excessive after so heavy/thick secret silver, these natural elements were not only being enlarged, was purified continually, all condenses to go toward the Yinshan deep place. 在庞大的元素之力照耀下,秘银山开始变得透明起来,经过如此厚重的秘银过度,这些自然元素不但在被放大,也被持续净化,全都朝着秘银山深处凝聚而去。 Looking, is the enemy raids? Quickly, searches to me.” A dead spirit powerhouse has awakened at this time, immediately issues the order. “找,是不是敌袭?快,给我搜。”一名亡灵强者此时已经醒悟过来,立刻下达命令。 Under Taizi Dian still in the castle, first informs his one probably.” “太子殿下好像还在城堡之中,是不是先通知他一声。” ...... …… Report, in the castle no one has not discovered under Taizi Dian.” “报,城堡内没人没有发现太子殿下。” ...... …… Report, has not discovered the trail of enemy. Commands, natural element in the silver city fort was extremely rich, we have no way insists too for a long time. Has not discovered the trail of any enemy. Can this be the dead souls Saint law god Sir is adjusting anything!” “报,还是没有发现敌人的踪迹。统领,秘银城堡内的自然元素太过浓郁了,我们没法在其中坚持太长时间。还是没有发现任何敌人的踪迹。这会不会是死灵圣法神大人在调整什么啊!” Report, in city all normal, had not discovered.” “报告,城内一切正常,都没有发现。” Can start talking, is the absolute high rank dead spirits, but at this moment, they do not have the half a point to discover, the entire disaster city had been turned in short half the time of double-hour, simply does not have the half a point enemy trail. 能够开口说话的,都是绝对的高阶亡灵,而此时此刻,他们却没有半分发现,整个天灾城在短短半个时辰的时间里已经被翻了一遍,却根本没有半分敌人踪迹。 But, looks at this time that has become the riot of color, and is releasing the silver city fort of rich natural energy outward, how actually not to seem like the appearance that is all right! 可是,此时看着那已经变得彩色缤纷,并且向外释放着浓郁自然能量的秘银城堡,却怎么都不像是没事的样子啊! Actually did this have what? 这究竟是发生了什么? In Yinshan, this time Long Dangdang, only felt oneself are in the furnace general, aura ascends continually, bloodlines aura under this rich world vitality pours into is also promoting continually. 秘银山内,此时的龙当当,只觉得自己身在熔炉之中一般,身上的气息持续升腾,就连血脉气息在这浓郁的天地元气注入下也在持续提升。 He can the clear feeling, oneself spirit strength be divided into eight parts, each part is corresponding the turnover the corresponding world vitality, but these spirit strength converge finally in together, because they originally the attribute is different, many also dashing when own body , but when they integrate in oneself bloodlines, all seem easily solved. After strength of filtration own bloodlines, they naturally was exaggerated on a purple gold color, after having this purple gold color, they as if turned into the different manifestation of common origin. 他能清晰的感受到,自己的灵力分成了八个部分,每一个部分都对应着吞吐着相应的天地元气,而这些灵力最终会聚在一起,它们本来因为属性不同,在自己身体之中多少还有些冲撞,可当它们融入到自己的血脉之中时,一切似乎就被迎刃而解了。经过自己的血脉之力过滤,它们都会自然而然的被渲染上一层紫金色,有了这层紫金色之后,它们似乎就变成了同源的不同表现方式。 Long Dangdang can the obvious feeling, own eighth clone to appear, own spirit strength is rising in the blowout general speed. Since cultivation, fuses the spirit furnace to fuse eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, has not had such spirit strength promotion. Now he truly is clear, as the most powerful assistance spirit furnace, these two strengths is powerful. 龙当当能够明显的感受到,自己的第八道分身就要出现了,自身的灵力更是在以井喷一般的速度上涨着。自从修炼以来,无论是融合灵炉还是融合永恒与创造之神印王座,都没有过这样的灵力提升。现在他才真正明白,作为最强大的辅助灵炉,这两位的力量有多么强悍。 But at this time, he was also many some understanding of the towerman spirit furnace. Each towerman spirit furnace, is in fact representing this world strength of one source. 而这个时候,他也对守望者灵炉多了一些理解。每一尊守望者灵炉,实际上都代表着这个世界上的一种本源之力。 Like the Asura red lotus spirit furnace, is representing is the air/Qi of slaughtering, this is related with the mood that all lives have. Swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly is also this type, as best auxiliary moon/month bright sea and Lantian day warm two spirit furnaces, they in fact was one of the world constitution source cores. Is the most succinct strength. 像修罗红莲灵炉,代表着的就是杀戮之气,这是和所有生灵所产生的情绪有关。轻吞慢吐灵炉也是这种类型,作为最佳辅助的月明沧海与蓝田日暖两尊灵炉,它们实际上是这个世界构成的本源核心之一。是最精粹的力量。 12 big towerman complete times, constitutes the basis of this world. And, the most important thing is eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, as the words of towerman, it can call it the eternal spirit furnace, its function, gives the creation life in this world the ability, all are started by it. Simultaneously it after starting the creation was also protecting this world. Before the eternal angel had said that once this world stabilized thoroughly, prints the throne also to seek for the next world with the god of creation eternal , to continue to complete to create the world god to give its mission. 十二大守望者齐全的时候,就是构成这个世界的根本。其中,最重要的是永恒与创造之神印王座,作为守望者的话,它可以被称之为永恒灵炉,它的作用,就是在这个世界上赋予创造生命的能力,一切都是由它开始的。同时它在开始了创造之后也守护着这个世界。之前永恒天使就说过了,一旦这个世界彻底稳定了,永恒与创造之神印王座也会去寻找下一个世界,继续完成创世神赋予它的使命。 But at this time, the strengths of these potential surface source ranks are helping him condense the strength of this potential surface true source to nourish the spirit strength and promotion to cultivate/repair are, in addition has so giant Yinshan this amplifier, can that also not be quick? 而此时,这些位面本源级别的力量都在帮他凝聚这个位面真正的本源之力滋养灵力、提升修为,再加上有如此巨大的秘银山这个放大器,那还能不快么? If the dead souls Saint law god still in the silver city fort, can definitely discover Long Dangdang, but Ling Xue had previously completed accomplishing the whole task at one stroke, and has also adjusted the frontline Long Kongkong, remains behind the rear, dead who only then some are the sacred hall level reluctantly, wants to discover that in several hundred-meter Yinshan Long Dangdang trail that radically is not possible, even until now, the dead spirits do not know that what happened, in Yinshan the strength of more and more rich element, under shining of light of livelihood, by them was felt to more and more scared and is unapproachable, in this case, they are more. Only wants to hide by far. 如果死灵圣法神还在秘银城堡,肯定是能发现龙当当的,可凌雪先前就已经做好了毕其功于一役,并且将龙空空也已经调到前线,留守大后方的,只有一些勉强达到圣堂层次的亡者,想要在厚达数百米的秘银山之中发现龙当当的踪迹那根本是不可能的,甚至直到现在,亡灵们根本都不知道发生了什么事,秘银山上越来越浓郁的元素之力,在日月之光的照耀之下,让它们越来越感觉到恐慌和不可接近,在这种情况下,他们更多的是只想躲得远远地。 But Long Dangdang feels at this time, not only oneself cultivate/repair for promotion, simultaneously regarding this side world more profound understanding. Own sensibility every time is strengthening continually. 龙当当此时所感受到的,不只是自身修为的提升,同时还是对于这一方天地更加深刻的理解。自身的感悟正在每时每刻的持续增强着。 Entire Yinshan gradually becomes transparent, under secret silver the function in the livelihood shines on each other, developed incisiveness. Many natural element energy unceasing impact enters, the baptism the body of Long Dangdang, is becoming his part. 整个秘银山渐渐变得透明起来,秘银的作用在日月交辉之下,正在被开发的淋漓尽致。更多的自然元素能量不断的冲击而入,洗礼着龙当当的身体,成为着他的一部分。 The Long Dangdang spirit strength had broken through nine step third-level in such condition in a flash, and skyrockets, he even can feel, oneself energetic sea is inflating fiercely, but own body also as if in the unceasing enlargement, is becoming regarding the sensation of the world stronger and stronger. 龙当当的灵力就在这样的状态下转瞬之间就已经突破了九阶三级,并且扶摇直上,他甚至能感觉到,自己的精神之海都在剧烈的膨胀着,而自己的身体也仿佛是在不断的放大,对于天地的感知也在变得越来越强。 Frontline, dead spirit altar. 前线,亡灵祭坛。 Ling Xue looks to sit cross-legged to sit in eternal knot front Long Kongkong, the brow pressed tight, Kong Kong has arrived at two days of time, but, has not actually broken ties the sign slightly, this eternal knot is in so the degree unexpectedly powerful? Even isn't Kong Kong able to achieve it breaks open? 凌雪看着盘膝坐在永恒结界前方的龙空空,眉头不禁蹙紧,空空已经到来两天时间了,可是,却丝毫没有破开结界的迹象,这永恒结界竟然强大到如此程度吗?连空空都无法做到将其破开? But in some time ago, her just obtained the news, Yinshan presents the variation, she does not know that had anything, but in the front battlefield to the so critical moment, she could not leave to return to the disaster city to examine. 而就在不久前,她刚刚得到消息,秘银山出现变异,她也不知道发生了什么,但在前方战场到了如此紧要的关头,她也根本抽不开身返回天灾城查看。 That is human hunts for the demon group and so on to do inevitably, their goals are to lure the enemy out of his stronghod, was returned to the disaster city by oneself, by the danger of solution frontline, but did she possibly withdraw at this time? Super dead spirit altar that builds with great difficulty, she also paid the enormous price, can make the strength of altar maintain at the degrees of 1 million spirit strength, is controlling this powerful incomparable dead spirit altar, she has the absolute confidence to rout the human army, so long as this war won, then, the world will become the vast stretch of flat land, how even was the disaster city destroyed by the human powerhouse can? Also influence dead spirit state overall victory. 那必然是人类猎魔团之类做的,他们的目的就是要调虎离山,让自己返回天灾城,以解前线之危,但她又怎么可能在这个时候撤走呢?好不容易建立起来的超级亡灵祭坛,她也付出了极大的代价,才能让祭坛的力量保持在百万灵力的程度,驾驭着这强大无比的亡灵祭坛,她有绝对信心将人类大军击溃,只要这一战赢了,那么,人类世界将变得一马平川,就算天灾城被人类强者破坏又能如何?也影响不到亡灵国度整体的胜利。 In the heart has decided the idea, but she is actually anxious, is not breaks open this knot eagerly sooner, but own son that had the super bloodlines once to destroy a potential surface son eagerly, isn't able to vacillate that eternal knot unexpectedly? 心中早已有了定计,但她却还是焦急的,并不是急于早些破开这结界,而是急于自己的儿子那拥有着超级血脉曾经毁灭了一个位面的儿子,竟然都无法动摇那永恒结界吗? At this moment, suddenly, the ice snow heart shakes, during is dark, as if had anything to break open, making her heart transmit a weak feeling. Turns round suddenly, looks in the direction of distant place, in the eye pupil reveals the intense inconceivable color. 就在这时,突然间,凌雪心头一震,冥冥之中,仿佛有什么东西破开了似的,让她心头传来一阵虚弱感。骤然回身,朝着远处的方向看去,眼眸之中流露出强烈的不可思议之色。 How possibly, that is...... 怎么可能,那是……
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