SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#500: day fine moonlight

What did you say? Eternal lord? Eternal will recognize the lord unexpectedly? It has the strength of creating the world god!” Lantian startled. “你说啥?永恒之主?永恒竟然会认主?它可是有着创世神的力量的啊!”蓝田惊了。 We will also recognize the lord in the necessary time of maintenance potential surface.” The eternal angel separates at the right moment from Long Dangdang, the gentle eternal territory aura blooms, making Lantian feel personally. “在维护位面的必要时刻我们也会认主的。”永恒天使适时从龙当当身上分离出来,柔和的永恒之域气息绽放,让蓝田亲自感受。 Feels that to be full of the life the aura, Lantian was silent, although she just recovered, reason that but she can also the clear feeling, oneself can resurrect, moreover is the main body and spirit knowledge resurrects completely, is depending upon some strengths. 感受着那充满生命的气息,蓝田沉默了,她虽然刚刚复苏,但她也能清晰的感受到,自己之所以能够复活过来,而且是本体和灵识全部复活,正是依靠着这部分力量。 I understood, thank you, human. Good, since eternal and sea with you, wait/etc, did profane with Asura not also with you? Creating the world god is your father?” Lantian somewhat helpless saying. “我明白了,谢谢你,人类。好吧,既然永恒和沧海都跟了你,等等,轻慢和修罗不会也跟了你吧?创世神是你爸爸吗?”蓝田有些无奈的说道。 The Long Dangdang forced smile said: I do not have the means that the Lantian senior, does not wait for us, perhaps we must leave here as soon as possible.” 龙当当苦笑道:“我也没办法,蓝田前辈,时不我待,恐怕我们要尽快离开这里了。” Dark blue sea route: Ding-dong should not be anxious, waits a bit the moment, I first regain consciousness the later memory me synchronously to Lantian, avoid you wasted the argument.” 沧海道:“当当别急,稍等片刻,我先将我苏醒之后的记忆同步给蓝田,也就省得你浪费口舌了。” At the same time saying, the sea has been changing into the spirit furnace appearance, Lantian sees that also follows is changing into the spirit furnace together. 一边说着,沧海已经重新化为灵炉模样,蓝田见状,也跟随着一起化为灵炉。 This time, two big spirit furnaces float in in the air, strange one appeared abreast in row immediately. 这一次,两大灵炉并排悬浮在空中,奇异的一幕顿时出现了。 At this moment obviously in underground, but Long Dangdang actually as if felt that this time is actually the livelihood vies general, the day spirit and moonlight complement each other fresh splendor, sends out a circle to melt and conform to the world highest good the powerful aura. 此刻明明是在地下,可龙当当却仿佛感觉到此时却是日月争辉一般,日灵与月华交映生辉,散发着一种圆融且符合天地至理的强大气息。 If no eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, by swallows to spit the slow domain of spirit furnace obviously insufficiently to cover this degree fluctuation of energy merely lightly slowly. 如果不是有永恒与创造之神印王座在,仅仅是凭借轻吞慢吐灵炉的迟缓领域明显是不够遮盖住这种程度能量波动的。 Long Dangdang discovered, had the Lantian day warm spirit furnace , the aura of sea also rose suddenly a big truncation, no wonder he had said before, their independent, can only arrange in 12 towermen at behind, but if two same places, then, is first three, this is in calculating forever first eternal prints in the situation of throne with the god of creation. 龙当当发现,有了蓝田日暖灵炉在,沧海的气息都随之暴涨了一大截,难怪他以前说过,他们单独一个,在十二守望者之中只能排在后面,但如果是两个一起,那么,就是前三,这可是在计算了永远第一的永恒与创造之神印王座的情况下。 The disaster city was covered by the dead spirit energy completely, has no other magic elements to exist, but two big towerman spirit furnaces in the process of enhancing one another's beauty, Long Dangdang actually felt that this side world is as if affected, as if they are the core component that this world composes resemble. All day earth deities strength exist regarding them. This is the true livelihood same splendor! 天灾城完全被亡灵能量所笼罩,根本没有什么其他魔法元素存在,但两大守望者灵炉在交相辉映的过程中,龙当当却感觉到这一方世界似乎都在受到影响,仿佛它们本身就是这个世界组成的核心部分似的。一切的天地灵力都是围绕着它们而存在。这才是真正的日月同辉啊! The process of memory assimilation approximately continued about half double-hour, this is also about one step process that patched the Lantian day warm spirit furnace, because Long Dangdang can feel, two spirit furnaces in process of memory assimilation, but also has been absorbing his spirit strength. Sea fellow, had Lantian, knows that weeds out own wool! 记忆同化的过程大约持续了半个时辰左右,这同时也是近一步修补蓝田日暖灵炉的过程,因为龙当当能够感受到,两尊灵炉在记忆同化的过程中,还在一直吸收着他的灵力。沧海这家伙,有了蓝田,就知道薅自己的羊毛啊! Finally, the light of livelihood is vague simultaneously, the ray flashes, changes into two forms, appears before the Long Dangdang body. 终于,日月之光同时隐晦下来,光芒一闪,重新化为两道身影,出现在龙当当身前。 Does not wait for the sea opens the mouth, Lantian to bow on own initiative a ritual to Long Dangdang, her sound also had some changes, thank you ding-dong, if not you, let alone we had a reunion, now fears the sea also to be under the breakage condition. If you wants, I am also willing to sign the contract with you.” 不等沧海开口,蓝田已经主动向龙当当躬身一礼,她的声音也发生了一些变化,“谢谢你当当,如果不是你,别说我们重逢了,现在恐怕沧海还处于破损状态之下呢。如果伱愿意的话,我也愿与你签订契约。” Defended cloud open/start sees the bright moonlight! Without weeded out the wool finally white/in vain, Long Dangdang on her these words, doing not wait for us, is not the polite time. 守的云开见明月啊!总算没白被薅羊毛,龙当当就等她这句话了,时不我待,也不是客气的时候。 Good, we now on signing contract.” Long Dangdang is impolite. “好,那我们现在就签订契约吧。”龙当当也不客气。 The Lantian day warm spirit furnace was just also repaired, now be at the itself most primary condition , but after it and Long Dangdang start to fuse was different, the aura encirclement of eternal territory side it, starts to help its fast promotion boundary. Naturally, consumption Long Dangdang own spirit strength that but must continue is good. 蓝田日暖灵炉还只是刚被修复完毕,现在处于本身最初级的状态之下,但当它和龙当当开始融合之后就不一样了,永恒之域的气息环绕在它身边,开始帮它快速的提升境界。当然,还要继续的消耗龙当当自身的灵力才行。 When the contract completes, Long Dangdang have sat on the ground, big mouth and big mouth is panting for breath, is pale, the spirit strength had pulled out 7788, without remaining many. Without the eternal territory, he really suspected oneself will be drained directly. 等契约完成的时候,龙当当自己都已经坐在地上了,大口、大口的喘息着,脸色苍白,自身灵力已经被抽了个七七八八,没剩下多少了。如果没有永恒之域,他真怀疑自己直接就会被抽干了。 Lantian day warm spirit furnace direct contract in he at the most spirit position, this position, what Long Kongkong contract is the star light radiant spirit furnace, at this time Long Dangdang also had the own wisdom spirit furnace finally, the strength of day spirit, placing above the top of the head is appropriate. 蓝田日暖灵炉直接契约在了他头顶天灵的位置,这个位置,龙空空契约的是星光璀璨灵炉,此时龙当当也终于有了属于自己的智慧灵炉,日灵之力,放在头顶上方再合适不过。 grows the tone, the Long Dangdang exhausted say/way: I must be able to go back slowly, otherwise the different spirit furnace cannot start continually. The sea and Lantian, you have gotten together now, what means having can help me promote to cultivate/repair rapidly is?” “呼”长出口气,龙当当疲惫的道:“我要缓缓才能回去,不然连别有洞天灵炉都开不了了。沧海、蓝田,你们现在已经齐聚,有什么办法能够帮我快速提升修为吗?” Dark blue sea route: Seeks one to suit condenses the natural element the place, unifies we two strengths, is centered on the livelihood essence, in addition my sea immeasurable with the Lantian Saint flame of Lantian, can help you promote rapidly the spirit strength upper limit, you have the eternal eldest child as the core protection, does not need to be worried about the body unable to withstand, as for can promote to what degree, we do not know.” 沧海道:“寻一处适合凝聚自然元素的地方,结合我们两个的力量,以日月精华为核心,再加上我的沧海无量与蓝田的蓝田圣焰,就能帮你快速将灵力上限提升起来,你有永恒老大作为核心守护,不用担心身体承受不住,至于能够提升到什么程度,我们就也不知道了。” Long Dangdang said: Where does that suit condenses the natural element?” 龙当当道:“那什么地方适合凝聚自然元素呢?” Lantian spooky say/way: Here suits.” 蓝田幽幽的道:“这里就适合。” Here?” Long Dangdang stares, here is the dead spirit state capital, outside is the dead spirit aura, the sky by the dead spirit cloud camouflage, the ordinary natural element is unable to exist, can here be good?” “这里?”龙当当一愣,“这里是亡灵国度首都,外面全是亡灵气息,天空被亡灵云遮蔽,普通自然元素根本无法存在,这里能行吗?” Lantian said: You think how in the silver city fort these natural elements come. The secret silver that here gathers I do not know how these dead spirits achieve, but I felt, all output of this star had 2/3 should here, nothing inducted a natural energy more suitable material compared with the secret silver. This Yinshan, can act is completely an amplifier exists, the dead spirit energy of this city the function through this Yinshan enlargement dead spirit altar comes. In this Yinshan deeper place, is the foundation of that dead spirit altar is. She can use, can't you use? Does that dead souls Saint law god have in?” 蓝田道:“那你想想秘银城堡中那些自然元素是怎么来的。这里所聚集的秘银我不知道那些亡灵是如何做到的,但我觉得,这颗星球的所有产量有三分之二应该都在这里了,没有什么比秘银导入自然能量更加适合的材料了。这座秘银山,完全就可以充当是一个放大器而存在,这座城市的亡灵能量就是通过这秘银山放大亡灵祭坛的作用而来的。在这秘银山更深的地方,就是那亡灵祭坛的根基所在。她能用,你就不能用了?那死灵圣法神不是没在吗?” My goodness, is really my goodness, Long Dangdang only knows, originally the dead spirit altar in disaster city unexpectedly under Yinshan, but as the core region of dead spirit state, even if no dead souls Saint law god , the dead spirit powerhouse is still not infrequent. 好家伙,真是好家伙,龙当当这才知道,原来天灾城的亡灵祭坛竟然就在秘银山之下,但作为亡灵国度的核心区域,就算没有死灵圣法神在,亡灵强者也不在少数。 The sea turns head to look at Lantian, although cannot see his face appearance, Long Dangdang thought that the expression of this fellow is crazily that type, I feel also feasible, we first close off a mountain area before start, then inspires the strength of nature, even if these dead spirit lifeform wanted to find us are not an easy matter. We in this Yinshan abdomen, they clearly what happened. When you complete to swallow, destroyed the following dead spirit altar, we walk. Moreover, even was discovered still has nothing, small eight, small evil, as well as eternal eldest child's three big family, these strengths enough protected us. Meanwhile, your strength is stronger, the eternal eldest child's strength you can transfer will also be more, three big family will also be stronger.” 沧海扭头看着蓝田,虽然看不到他的面庞模样,龙当当都觉得这家伙的表情是痴痴地那种,“我觉得也可行,我们在开始之前先进行封山,然后再引动自然之力,那些亡灵生物就算是想要找到我们都不是一件容易的事情。我们在这秘银山腹之中,它们根本不清楚发生了什么事儿。等你完成吞噬,将下面的亡灵祭坛也毁了,我们就走。而且,就算被发现也没什么,还有小八、小邪,以及永恒老大的三大眷者,这些力量足够守护我们了。同时,你的实力越强,永恒老大的力量你能调动的也会越多,三大眷者也会更强。” Above has a look by the cavity that oneself open, Long Dangdang does not hesitate excessively, in eye severe glittering, did!” 看看上方被自己打开的空洞,龙当当没有过多犹豫,眼中厉光闪烁,“干了!” ...... …… Frontline, dead spirit army. 前线,亡灵大军。 Eternal knot from the arrangement to the present, had passed two days of time. 永恒结界从布置到现在,已经过去了两天时间。 Ling Xue stands top that giant dark blue skeleton head at this time, looks into the direction of distant human army by eternal knot. 凌雪此时就站在那巨大的深蓝色骷髅头顶部,透过永恒结界眺望远方人类大军的方向。 Since over the two days, she for has consolidated with the aid of cultivating of altar improvement, without the altar, she can also display nine step over seven levels strengths, this is the level that at present human no one can be, but in having the situation in altar, her strength can touch directly close to the degrees of 1 million spirit strength, although is unable to break this potential surface boundary as before, but this also at all is not the opposite party can resist. 这两天以来,她借助祭坛提升的修为已经稳固下来,没有祭坛,她也能发挥出九阶七级以上的实力,这是目前人类都没有人能够达到的层次,而在拥有祭坛的情况下,她的实力更是能够直接触摸到接近百万灵力的程度,虽然依旧无法突破这个位面的界限,但这也根本不是对方能够抵挡的。 She had tried breakthrough eternal knot three times, but this elder sister unified six big gods to print the throne to add on world the strength of creation of the world, did not have the loose sign as before. However, she anxiously is not most is seven days, let alone, not necessarily used for seven days, own son, that once must come in another world famous Austin Griffing. 她先后三次尝试过突破永恒结界,但这姐姐是结合了六大神印王座加上人类世界的天地之力创造而成,依旧没有松动的迹象。不过,她一点都不急最多就是七天,更何况,也未必用得了七天,自己的儿子,那曾经在另一个世界伟大的奥斯汀格里芬就要来了。 Xue'er, you have thought we conquered this world, after this world all turns into the dead spirit, makes what?” Near the ear broadcasts a moderate sound suddenly. “雪儿,你想过等我们征服了这个世界,将这个世界全都变成亡灵之后做什么吗?”耳边突然传来一个温和的声音。 Does not need to turn head, who she also knows is, because of also only then he, can arrive at itself side at this time. 不用回头,她也知道是谁,因为也只有他,能够在这个时候来到自己身边。 Has not thought I only want to take revenge, making human vanish into thin air, enabling this world all orders to grasp in our hands, making our children not need to face any hardships. All human, must destroy.” Ling Xue firm incomparable saying. “没想过我只想复仇,让人类烟消云散,让这个世界所有的秩序都掌握在我们手中,让我们的孩子再不用面对任何艰难困苦。一切的人类,都必须毁灭。”凌雪坚定无比的说道。 But, have you thought? Although we will have transformed become half dead spirit condition, but in fact, Austin or Hofn, or ding-dong, their human. Do you want to make them also turn into our appearances?” “可是,你想过吗?虽然我们已经将自己转化成为了半亡灵状态,但实际上,无论是小奥斯汀还是赫本,亦或是当当,他们都还是人类。你想让他们也变成我们的样子吗?” Ling Xuemeng turning round, vision ice-cold looks to behind oneself, at this time is actually Long Leilei of human attire, how? Do you want to renege on a promise?” 凌雪猛的回过身,目光冰冷的看向在自己背后,此时却是人类装束的龙雷雷,“怎么?你要反悔?” Long Leilei shakes the head, said: No. Even if hate in my heart is inferior to you to be many, absolutely are still many. I also think that human should clean. But I felt, do not let this world real human withering away. Is more reserved the region to human, at least such words, after our children wants to feel some human lives, can feel. Can retain very small part of regions, cannot overturn the heavens.” 龙雷雷摇摇头,道:“没有。我心中的怨恨就算不如你多,也绝对不少。我也认为人类应该清洗。但我觉得,是不是不要让这个世界真的人类消亡。保留一些区域给人类,至少这样的话,当我们的孩子们以后想要感受一些人类生活的时候,可以去感受一下。可以只是保留很小的一部分区域,翻不了天的。” Ling Xue sneers, „do you feel this possibility? You forgot, ten thousand years ago, in this world, the demon clan also gets the absolute winning side, 72 column demon gods must destroy the entire world shortly, the territory that human occupies less than 1/4, had actually defended the final region as before, and finally counter-attacks successfully destroys the demon clan thoroughly. Now, our good sons to have made eternal with the god of creation prints the throne regain consciousness, to time that they pant for breath, finally won't we be destroyed?” 凌雪冷笑一声,“你觉得这可能吗?难道你忘了,万年前,在这个世界上,魔族也已经占据了绝对的上风,七十二柱魔神眼看着就要将整个人类世界毁灭,人类占据的领土已经不到四分之一,却依旧守住了最后的区域,并且最终反击成功将魔族彻底毁灭。现在,我们的好儿子都已经让永恒与创造之神印王座的苏醒了,给他们喘息的时间,最后我们就不会被毁灭吗?” Long Leilei said: But the strength of Austin should restrain sufficiently eternal prints the throne with the god of creation. Reconsiders to think our two sons, although is controlling the different strengths, but actually all stands the peak in this world, this not also very?” 龙雷雷道:“但小奥斯汀的力量应该足以克制永恒与创造之神印王座了。退一步想想我们的两个儿子,虽然掌控着不同的力量,但却全都站在这个世界的顶端,这样不也很好吗?” Shut up. Let alone. When must win shortly, can you knock our morale of troops to be inadequate?” Ling Xue wicked saying. “住口吧。别说了。在眼看就要获得胜利的时候,难道你要动摇我方军心不成?”凌雪恶狠狠的说道。 Long Leilei speechless, the heart is actually disappointed, at this time, in his mind, recalled that evening, the evening that their child was born, that evening, the bright moon in the sky, had two precious sons' names. 龙雷雷一阵无语,心头却是怅然,在这个时候,他的脑海中,不禁回忆起那个晚上,那个他们的孩子出世的晚上,那一晚,皓月当空,才有了两个宝贝儿子的名字。 He knows, present Ling Xue, anything had turned a deaf ear, persuaded not to have the significance again. 他知道,现在的凌雪,已经什么都听不进去了,再多劝说也没意义。 Yes, my mother said right, we are occupying the situation of overwhelming superiority to get down, why can let off them? How later to do, after waiting for this war to end, said.” There are several points of humorous sound to resound. “就是,我妈说得对,我们都是在占据绝对优势的情况下了,为什么要放过他们?以后怎么做,等这场战争结束之后再说呗。”一个带着几分诙谐的声音响起。 Even if Ling Xue, Long Leilei as the dead souls Saint law god and witch Yaowang the strength, until he makes the sound, discovers his arrival. 哪怕是凌雪、龙雷雷身为死灵圣法神和巫妖王的实力,也直到他发出声音,才发现他的到来。 Two people raise head to look simultaneously to the sky, in Ling Xueyan mood changed in the wink of an eye, the previous quarter is very vicious, this flickers is actually gentle like the water. 两人同时仰头向天空之中看去,凌雪眼中的情绪瞬息之间就发生了变化,前一刻还十分凶狠,这一瞬却已是温柔如水。 In the sky, when did not know, as if presented purple gold color big star, next one flickered, that purple gold color has been similar to the meteor to crash general, dropped from the clouds, the dead spirit cloud in air was dispelled, simply does not dare to approach in its kilometer, in a flash, that purple gold color has dropped from the clouds, falls side them. 天空中,不知道什么时候,仿佛出现了一颗紫金色的大星,下一瞬,那紫金色就已经如同流星坠落一般,从天而降,空气中的亡灵云被自行排开,根本没有敢靠近它千米之内的,转瞬之间,那紫金色就已经从天而降,落在了他们身边。 Long Kongkong wears a pale golden magnificent and expensive long gown, the bosom is also hugging Hofn who wears the white long skirt, is tilting the head, an appearance of supercilious playboys. 龙空空穿着一件淡金色的华贵长袍,怀里还搂着身穿白色长裙的赫本,歪着头,一副玩世不恭纨绔子弟的模样。 Has a look at you, like what appearance?” Long Leilei ill-humored saying. “看看你,像什么样子?”龙雷雷没好气的说道。 You stop talking, who made you say my son.” The ice snow hides shortcomings instantaneously, one digs up to pull away the husband, 32 steps arrive in front of Long Kongkong, hugs into the son the bosom. “你住口,谁让你说我儿子的。”凌雪瞬间护短,一把就将丈夫扒拉开,三两步就来到龙空空面前,一把将儿子搂入怀中。 Long Kongkong also takes advantage of opportunity to grasp mother, grinning say/way: Mother, you should not be angry with the father. Before you quarrelled, now how my father have not been enticed by the outside woman, but also was noisy!” 龙空空也顺势抱住母亲,笑嘻嘻的道:“老妈,你就别跟老爹生气了。以前你们就吵,现在怎么我爹都没有被外面女人勾引了,还吵啊!” Long Leilei air/Qi almost jumps, gets angry: When had I been enticed by the outside woman?” 龙雷雷气的差点跳起来,怒道:“我什么时候被外面女人勾引过了?” Long Kongkong is breaking off the finger, said: Un, that lemon aunt in pastor temple......, administrative hall that......” 龙空空掰着手指头,道:“嗯,牧师圣殿的那个柠檬阿姨……,还有行政厅那个……” Shut up! The disobedient sons, looked that I do not beat to death you.” Long Leilei is angry, one step goes forward to grasp to Long Kongkong. “住口!逆子,看我不揍死你。”龙雷雷大怒,一步上前就抓向龙空空 Ling Xue backhands a palm of the hand to dispel him, sneers saying: Oneself have handled hasn't the matter, made one say?” 凌雪反手一巴掌将他排开,冷笑道:“自己做过的事情,还不让人说了?” Long Leilei appeals to heaven bends say/way: What have I made? My anything has not done! Most is your husband is quite outstanding, before some people unrequited loved me, I have not responded to them, by heaven and earth and my conscience. You are my two sons' mothers, you were passed from generation to generation for our Long Jia, made such big contribution, did I possibly mess things up to tamper in outside against one's conscience? Is impossible, absolutely no!” 龙雷雷叫天屈道:“我做过什么了?我什么也没做啊!最多就是你老公比较优秀,之前有一些人暗恋我而已,我也从来没有回应过他们,天地良心。你可是我两个儿子的妈,你为我们龙家传宗接代,做出了这么大的贡献,我怎么可能昧着良心在外面胡搞瞎搞的?不可能,绝对没有!” Looks appearance that he vows solemnly, ice snow slight some god, in fact, since she and Long Leilei memory recovers, after changing into once Audrey and mysterious matched Griffing, they very long have not quarrelled. They are the body of half dead spirit, with former life already already completely separated, what also there is well noisy? But at this moment, this familiar actually really brought back her recollection, once did not know whether to laugh or cry, actually as if somewhat warm recollection. 看着他信誓旦旦的样子,凌雪些微的有些楞神,实际上,自从她和龙雷雷的记忆复苏,化为曾经的奥黛丽和奥赛格里芬之后,他们已经很久没有吵过架了。他们都是半亡灵之身,与以前的生活早就已经完全分开,还有什么好吵的呢?可此时此刻,这熟悉的一幕却实实在在的勾起了她的回忆,曾经一些哭笑不得,却又似乎有些温暖的回忆。
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