SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#499: Lantian day warm spirit furnace

Should right, be mother is certainly prevented by eternal knot, asking him to pass. To present Long Dangdang, this without doubt is the good deed, because this made him have the possibility of submerging the silver city fort, but regarding the frontline, likely was the misdemeanor. Because, once there is joining of Kong Kong, had their powerful bloodlines energies, eternal knot can block? He is indefinite. Now he can affirm is, their common origin filled the strength of bloodlines destroys the aura, the younger brother controls is the true core, compared with wants powerful many that he controls. 应该没错了,一定是母亲被永恒结界阻挡,叫他过去了。对眼前的龙当当来说,这无疑是好事,因为这就让他有了潜入秘银城堡的可能,但对于前线来说,很可能就是坏事了。因为,一旦有了空空的加入,有了他们那强大的血脉能量,永恒结界能挡得住吗?他不确定。他现在能够肯定的就是,他们那同源的充满了毁灭气息的血脉之力,弟弟掌控的才是真正的核心,比他所掌控的还要强大的多。 Naturally, currently also has another possibility, that was he discovered itself, left insincerely, trapping oneself to go to the silver city fort, besieged itself again. 当然,现在还有另外一种可能,那就是他发现了自己,假意离开,诱骗自己前往秘银城堡,再围攻自己。 Deeply inspires, Long Dangdang not hesitant, figure quiet disappearance in same place, appears again, has been able the clear seeing silver city fort. 深吸口气,龙当当没有犹豫,身形悄无声息的消失在原地,再次出现时,已经能够清晰的看到秘银城堡了。 His no choice, does not need to choose, the silver city fort must enter, he did not have the time to make the ponder. 他没的选择,也不用选择,秘银城堡必须要进,他没有时间去多做思考了。 The dead souls Saint law god and witch Yaowang, Long Kongkong this dead spirit crown prince go to the frontline now, then, without a doubt, now is this silver city fort most void time. 死灵圣法神、巫妖王,还有龙空空这个亡灵太子现在都去了前线,那么,毫无疑问,现在就是这秘银城堡最为空虚的时刻。 Is relying on the transmission of far away spirit furnace, when appears again, Long Dangdang before the silver city fort, the corners of the mouth had gone up slightly, reveals to deduct the mirror to look that he himself will feel very familiar smile, then that in big strides, splendid walks toward the silver city fort, aura also had some changes, the eyeground was glittering the light purple gold color, invisible destruction aura reverberation around body. 凭借着咫尺天涯灵炉的传送,再次出现时,龙当当已经在秘银城堡前了,嘴角微微上翘,流露出一抹对着镜子看他自己都会觉得十分熟悉的微笑,然后就那么大踏步的,堂而皇之的向秘银城堡走去,就连身上的气息也随之发生了一些变化,眼底闪烁着淡淡的紫金色,无形的毁灭气息回荡在身体周围。 silver city fort front door place, four aura powerful guards, when sees him, not only has not stopped, instead opened the front door for him on own initiative, asked him to enter respectfully. 秘银城堡大门处,四名气息强大的守卫在看到他的时候,不但没有阻拦,反而主动为他开启了大门,恭敬的请他进入。 Long Dangdang does not pay attention to them, walks into the castle. 龙当当也不理会他们,自行走入城堡之中。 Present he, is not he, but is dead spirit crown prince Long Kongkong. He attire with previous time sees now Long Kongkong time he puts on is the same. 现在的他,已经不是他,而是亡灵太子龙空空。他现在身上的装束都和上次见到龙空空的时候他穿的一样。 This is before, Long Dangdang prepare. Enters the disaster city, what but also there is compared with the status of dead spirit crown prince safely? Especially now he has felt Long Kongkong to leave, so long as this is not a trap, then, his present approach is simplest convenient, and safe. 这是在来之前,龙当当自己就准备好的。进入天灾城,还有什么比亡灵太子的身份更加安全的呢?尤其是现在他已经感受到龙空空离开了,只要这不是个陷阱,那么,他现在的做法就是最简单方便,而且安全的。 In the silver city fort, the strength of rich incomparable element surrounds around the Long Dangdang body, he will certainly not absorb at this time, but is summoning the sea again. 秘银城堡内,浓郁无比的元素之力环绕在龙当当身体周围,他当然不会在这个时候去吸收,而是再次呼唤着沧海。 The silver city fort general dead spirit lifeform will not come, because the strength of here rich element is poisonous to them , here one such as previous arrival is equally lonely. 秘银城堡一般的亡灵生物是不会进来的,因为这里浓郁的元素之力对它们来说是有毒的,所以,这里一如上次到来时一样冷清。 Long Dangdang very natural enters this castle, very natural is feeling the surrounding all, has not touched any dangerous prompt. His present has eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, if really has the danger to appear, certainly can induce immediately. 龙当当很自然的走进这座城堡,又很自然的感受着周围的一切,没有触动任何危险的提示。要知道,他身上现在拥有永恒与创造之神印王座,如果真的有危险出现,一定能够在第一时间感应到。 A pale blue halo drifts about from the Long Dangdang chest place, the halo drifts about before his body, changes into wisp of smog to refer to a direction. 一圈淡蓝色的光晕从龙当当胸口处漂荡而出,光晕在他身前漂荡,紧接着就化为一缕烟雾朝着一个方向指去。 Long Dangdang rushes to shift, leads the way under its direction. He knows, this is the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, in eternal prints under the assistance of throne to search for the prompt that the Lantian day warm spirit furnace gave with the god of creation full power. 龙当当赶忙转向,在它的指引下前行。他知道,这是月明沧海灵炉在永恒与创造之神印王座的辅助下正在全力搜寻蓝田日暖灵炉给出的提示。 According to this prompt, the Long Dangdang fast vanguard, quick arrived at staircase, then walks downward. In the following? 按照这份提示,龙当当快速前行,很快就到了楼梯处,然后向下走去。在下面吗? Under the silver city fort is Yinshan, this castle establishes above this Yinshan. 秘银城堡下方就是秘银山,这座城堡是建立在这座秘银山之上的。 Continuously downward, walked two, Long Dangdang arrived at bottom of the castle. 一直向下,走了两层,龙当当就来到了城堡底部。 The construction of this castle seems somewhat rough, how complex space, most lower level has not been several rooms, but the sea takes to the direction of Long Dangdang, actually as before is downward. 这座城堡的建造显得有些粗糙,并没有多么复杂的空间,最下层就是几个房间而已,而沧海带给龙当当的指引,却依旧是向下。 It seems like that really in Yinshan? 看来,真的是在秘银山之中了? Excessively many hesitations, the Long Dangdang left hand empty has not pressed to , the halo that at the same time, the body surrounding one twists appears again, swallowed to spit spirit furnace perfect cover lightly slowly here all aura and sounds. 没有过多的迟疑,龙当当左手向下方虚按,与此同时,身体周围一圈扭曲的光晕再次出现,轻吞慢吐灵炉完美的掩盖住了这边的一切气息和动静。 Wiped the red light to prick in the hard secret silver ground directly, the incomparably sharp aura made the secret silver in ground split to the both sides fast, reveals together the gap. 一抹红光直接刺入了坚硬的秘银地面之中,无比锋锐的气息令地面上的秘银快速向两侧裂开,露出一道缺口。 Long Dangdang is relying on the strong control, guides the sharp sword air/Qi of Asura red lotus spirit furnace to continue precisely thoroughly, downward thorough. 龙当当凭借着强大的掌控力,精确的引导着修罗红莲灵炉的锋锐剑气继续深入,向下深入。 Yinshan as high as several hundred meters, Long Dangdang does not know that actually the Lantian day warm spirit furnace where, can only the direction according to sea continue to dig downward, more digs is deeper, to maintain sharply, he has to also plunge into the cavern that opens. 秘银山高达数百米,龙当当也不知道蓝田日暖灵炉究竟在什么地方,只能根据沧海的指引继续向下挖,越挖越深,以至于为了保持锋锐,他不得不自己也跳入开辟出的洞穴之中。 100 meters and 200 meters, quick, Long Dangdang had gone down to Yinshan. 一百米、两百米,很快,龙当当就已经深入了秘银山之中。 Goes down to Yinshan, he discovered, here element fluctuation even in richer many compared with the silver city fort, secret silver simply look like by general of elemental composition, therefore here secret silver also seems especially hard, this made Long Dangdang also appear several points in the process of excavation difficultly. 深入秘银山,他发现,这里的元素波动甚至要比秘银城堡内更加浓郁的多,身边的秘银简直就像是由元素组成的一般,所以这里的秘银也显得格外坚硬,这让龙当当在挖掘的过程中也就显得更加困难了几分。 However, he is now powerful , the having mystical powers furnace is auxiliary, dug about the quarter of an hour time, the blue smoke cloud before body dispersed suddenly, no longer gave his follow-up instruction. 不过,他现在实力强大,又有灵炉辅助,又挖了一刻钟左右的工夫,身前的蓝色烟云突然散掉了,不再给他后续的指示。 Sea!” Long Dangdang exchanged one. “沧海!”龙当当互换了一声。 Also in this moment, a white ray gushes out from his chest place, impressively moon/month bright sea spirit furnace main body. 也就在这一刻,一道白色光芒从他胸口处涌出,赫然正是月明沧海灵炉本体。 Long Dangdang can at this time the clear feeling the exciting mood of sea there transmitting, does not wait for him to ask, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace has fallen toward the front secret silver directly, pale blue liquid from falls in torrents, splashes above the front secret silver. 龙当当此时能够清晰的感受到从沧海那里传来的激动情绪,不等他发问,月明沧海灵炉已经直接朝着前方的秘银倾倒而下,淡蓝色的液体从其中倾泻而出,泼洒在前方的秘银之上。 Immediately, that place secret silver directly becomes bright, then can see that in a little point(s) the blue light to sparkle gradually, seems like enhancing one another's beauty with the strength of moon/month spirit the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace splashes. Front secret silver has also started to melt rapidly, quick melts a spacious region. 顿时,那处秘银直接变得明亮起来,然后就能看到里面渐渐有点点蓝光闪耀,似乎是在与月明沧海灵炉泼洒出的月灵之力交相辉映。前方的秘银也已经开始迅速融化,很快就融化出一片空旷的区域。 Then Long Dangdang sees, blue fragments in float, above has the golden luminous spot to drift about faintly. 然后龙当当就看到,一块块蓝色的碎片在其中悬浮起来,上面隐隐有金色光点漂荡。 Broke, was the Lantian day warm spirit furnace shatter? 破碎了,蓝田日暖灵炉破碎了吗? At this moment, Long Dangdang only thought that a right hand heat, in the palm are many a heavy sword, isn't glittering eight color rays the sword of life inspiration? 就在这时,龙当当只觉得右手一热,掌中已经多了一柄重剑,可不正是闪烁着八彩光芒的生命启迪之剑吗? At this time, more fragments under sweeping across of strength of moon/month spirit float, Long Dangdang can feel the sadness and pain that this time sea transmits, but also has the intense excitement. 此时,更多的碎片正在月灵之力的席卷下悬浮起来,龙当当能够感受到此时沧海传来的悲伤与痛苦,还有着强烈的激动。 Sought did not know many years, finally saw own old partner again, how he can not be excited, but saw that once partner has broken to become this appearance, how he can not be painful. 寻找了不知道多少岁月,终于再次见到自己的老伙伴,他怎能不激动,而眼看着自己曾经的伙伴已经破碎成这个样子,他又怎能不痛苦。 The light shadow shines together side Long Dangdang, impressively eternal angel, her brittle sound to moon/month bright sea spirit furnace say/way: Helps it recover. Has us to be afraid it in you unable to live?” 一道光影在龙当当身边亮起,赫然正是永恒天使,她脆声向月明沧海灵炉道:“帮它复苏吧。有我们在难道你害怕它不能活过来吗?” Listened to her these words, the tremor of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace to stop immediately, next one flickered, a richer moonlight, swept across that blue fragments boundless is agglutinating slowly together. 听了她这句话,月明沧海灵炉的颤动顿时停止了下来,下一瞬,更加浓郁的月华磅礴而出,将那一块块蓝色碎片席卷着缓缓粘合在一起。 On lord, please give the life for it.” The eternal angel said to Long Dangdang. “主上,请为它重新赋予生命吧。”永恒天使向龙当当说道。 In the Long Dangdang heart a god of journeys read flashes through, immediately knows how oneself should do. In the hand the sword of life inspiration stretches out slowly, point gently above that group of fragments. 龙当当心中一道神念闪过,立刻就知道自己应该怎么做了。手中生命启迪之剑缓缓伸出,轻轻的点在那一团碎片之上。 Immediately, the gentle white halo release, eternal territory small range naturally covers this region, making all aura of this region be insufficient to leak. 顿时,一点柔和的白色光晕释放而出,永恒之域自然而然的小范围覆盖住这一片区域,让这片区域的所有气息都不至于外泄。 The next quarter, these blue fragments start to shiver immediately, surrounds its moonlight also to start by it to be absorbed fast, simultaneously Long Dangdang also felt own spirit strength in falls in torrents outward turbulently, looked like patched initially moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 下一刻,那些蓝色碎片顿时开始颤动起来,环绕着它的月华也开始被它快速吸收,同时龙当当也感觉到自己的灵力在向外汹涌倾泻,就像是当初修补月明沧海灵炉似的。 Although the present Lantian day warm spirit furnace compared with initial moon/month bright sea spirit furnace staver fierce many, but present he, has not been initial he. His clear feeling came from eternal prints in the throne with the god of creation that mysterious strength. Indistinct, he can feel, this strength seems like strength of that bloodlines is contrary to clearly, then, if the strength of oneself that bloodlines is to destroy and destruction , prints the strength in the throne containing with the god of creation eternal is, creation! 尽管眼前的蓝田日暖灵炉要比当初的月明沧海灵炉更破碎的厉害的多,但现在的他,也早就不是当初的他了。他清晰的感受到来自于永恒与创造之神印王座中那一股神奇的力量。隐约之间,他能感觉到,这股力量似乎是与自己那血脉之力截然相反的,那么,如果自己那份血脉之力是破坏与毁灭,那么,永恒与创造之神印王座中所蕴含的这份力量就是,创造! Under of action of force that white creation, a sky blue spirit furnace condenses the forming gradually, the golden halo surrounds around it, is lending the warm aura. These golden luminous spots start to turn toward in the spirit furnace to converge, gradually direction transformation to golden liquid. 在那白色的创造之力作用下,一尊天蓝色的灵炉渐渐凝聚成形,点点金色光晕环绕在它周围,散发着温暖的气息。这些金色光点开始向着灵炉内会聚着,渐渐向金色液体的方向转化。 The white light flashes, the sea has changed into the human form, but this moment he, has actually choked with sobs. 白光一闪,沧海已经重新化为人形,而这一刻的他,却已经是泣不成声。 In situation that in the strength and Long Dangdang moonlight the strength and massive spirit strength creation inject continuously, the fissure 11 cicatrizations of Lantian day warm spirit furnace surface, oneself are lending gradually the aura also starts becomes getting more and more rich. 在月华之力和龙当当的创造之力以及大量的灵力源源不绝注入的情况下,蓝田日暖灵炉表面的裂痕渐渐一一愈合,自身散发着的气息也开始变得越来越浓郁起来。 Time one minute/share one second is passing, Long Dangdang often feels outside situation, in eternal prints the throne with the god of creation as well as swallows lightly spits under the shield of spirit furnace slowly, them the spirit strength fluctuates, although big, but actually not by dead spirit lifeform discovery. 时间一分一秒的过去着,龙当当不时感受一下外面的情况,在永恒与创造之神印王座以及轻吞慢吐灵炉的掩护下,他们这边的灵力波动虽然不小,但却并没有被外界的亡灵生物发现。 The process of entire restore continued day of time, felt that until Long Dangdang own spirit strength somewhat cannot continue, needs to depend upon eternal prints the throne helps him restore the spirit strength the time with the god of creation, finally, the last fissure of Lantian day warm spirit furnace surface also healed. 整个修复的过程足足持续了一天时间,直到龙当当都感觉到自己的灵力有些无以为继,需要依靠永恒与创造之神印王座帮他恢复灵力的时候,终于,蓝田日暖灵炉表面的最后一道裂痕也愈合了。 Became, finally became. Can the Lantian day warm spirit furnace really recover? 成了,终于成了。蓝田日暖灵炉能够真的复苏吗? Long Dangdang was also anxious at this time, the sea was tighter than him. 龙当当在这个时候也紧张起来,沧海更是比他更加紧张。 Asura, profaned also came out at this time respectively, changed into the human form to wait for in the one side, they were the once towerman spirit furnace, Lantian are also their once partners! 修罗、轻慢此时也都分别出来了,化为人形在一旁守候,他们都是曾经的守望者灵炉,蓝田也是他们曾经的伙伴啊! Un?” At this moment, in the Lantian day warm spirit furnace spread one lightly. “嗯?”就在这时,蓝田日暖灵炉中传出一声轻哼。 Hears this sound, Long Dangdang also stares slightly, because this unexpectedly is a female voice. 听到这个声音,龙当当也是微微一愣,因为这竟然是一个女声。 Is partner Lantian of sea, the female soul furnace? Said, just like profaning, that half male half female? 沧海的伙伴蓝田,是女性灵炉?还是说,和轻慢一样,那种半男半女的? The Lantian day warm spirit furnace started to revolve, just started was very slow, but the speed sped up gradually, until changing into one group of blue tornados was ordinary, the blue color elongated, the graceful form also appeared before the people together. 紧接着,蓝田日暖灵炉开始旋转起来,刚开始的时候很慢,但速度渐渐加快,直到化为一团蓝色旋风一般,蓝色拉长,一道曼妙的身影也随之出现在众人面前。 Melts the human form with other spirit furnaces, she also cannot see the look, but from the stature, was actually the female without doubt. 和其他灵炉所化人形一样,她也同样看不到相貌,但从身材来看,却是女性无疑了。 Lantian and Lantian, you were live finally.” Sea cries loudly, while threw directly. “蓝田、蓝田,你总算是活过来了。”沧海一边放声大哭,一边直接扑了上去。 However, a pair of arm actually lifted suddenly, resisted his chest, without letting him approached, the chilly female voice also resounded, wait/etc and waiting, who were you? Do you want to do? Plays the hooligan?” 但是,一双手臂却突然抬起,抵住了他的胸膛,没有让他靠近,清冷的女声随之响起,“等等、等等,你是谁?你要干什么?耍流氓吗?” When Long Dangdang stares, the next quarter, seems like feels the sea mood big change Lantian actually to remove the arm suddenly, then into oneself bosom his tight hugging, ha, cracks a joke. I came back the brothers, my Lantian came back!” 就在龙当当一愣的时候,下一刻,似乎是感受到沧海情绪大变的蓝田却突然撤开手臂,然后一把将他紧紧的搂入自己怀中,“哈哈哈,开个玩笑。我回来了兄弟们,我蓝田回来了!” The clear sound was saying the rough words, Long Dangdang hear of corners of the mouth of twitch, how these towerman spirit furnaces, few proper points? 清脆的声音说着粗犷的话语,龙当当听的嘴角都不禁抽搐起来,怎么这些守望者灵炉,就没有几个正经点的吗? Welcome Lantian Elder Brother to come back. You came back finally, the sea elder brothers he always bully me, having you in may be good, later you bully and bully him to revenge for me.” Profaned is saying soft-spokenly, why did not know, in front of Lantian, his off and on problem as if vanished. “欢迎蓝田哥哥回来哦。您总算回来了,沧海哥哥他总是欺负我呢,有你在可就好了,以后你多欺负、欺负他为我报仇哦。”轻慢细声细气的说着,不知道为什么,在蓝田面前,他那断断续续的毛病似乎消失了。 Ok, did a bit less this set, did your pull up the show method I not to know? My sea brothers do not respond you at most, but can also bully you? Small slow long patience.” Lantian snort/hum one, does not treat obviously sees to profane. “行了,少来这套,你那点撩骚手段我还不知道吗?我沧海兄弟顶多是不搭理你,还能欺负伱了?小慢啊长长心吧。”蓝田哼了一声,显然是也不怎么待见轻慢。 Welcome back.” Asura lifts the right hand, makes a fist to stretch out. “欢迎回来。”修罗抬起右手,握拳伸出。 The Lantian left hand hugs the sea, the right hand is also making a fist, bumped bumping with his fist, Asura, live good! Your that temper, can perfect not be easy, definitely has the merit of my family sea.” 蓝田左手搂着沧海,右手同样握拳,与他的拳头碰了碰,“修罗,活的挺好啊!你那性子,能完好无损不容易,肯定有我家沧海的功劳。” Female man without doubt. Moreover seems like, Lantian in the towerman spirit furnace, is more popular than the sea, this is a big sister. 得,女汉子无疑了。而且看起来,蓝田在守望者灵炉之中,比沧海更加吃得开,这还是位大姐大。 „, Didn't the sea, introduce to us?” Long Dangdang has to open the mouth, he came out already day of much time, the frontline that side had joining of Long Kongkong, has not known how long can insist. “咳咳,沧海,不给我们介绍一下吗?”龙当当不得不开口了,他出来已经一天多的时间了,前线那边有了龙空空的加入,还不知道能坚持多长时间。 Un? Who are you? The sea, did you recognize the lord? Did you carry me to sign the contract with human unexpectedly?” Lantian then notices Long Dangdang, discovered on him to be the aura of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, immediately calls out in alarm makes noise. “嗯?你是谁?沧海,你认主了?你竟然背着我跟人类签订契约了?”蓝田这才注意到龙当当,也紧接着就发现了他身上属于月明沧海灵炉的气息,立刻惊呼出声。 The sea is calm at this time, relaxes, has not actually worked loose the hand of Lantian, I looked for your quick 10,000 years, could not find you continuously, if not ding-dong, we are unable to have a reunion to the present. Later we sign the contract with him and that's the end, does not affect us in the same place.” 沧海此时情绪才算是稳定下来,直起腰,却没有挣脱蓝田的手,“我找了你快一万年,一直都找不到你,如果不是当当,我们到现在也无法重逢呢。以后我们就一起和他签订契约就是了,不影响我们在一起。” Lantian has a look at the sea, has a look at Long Dangdang again, immediately makes an effort to shake the head, said: That is not good, I am the free amateur, how can sign the contract with human? Do not be noisy, you also relieved the contract quickly, we continue to live the free joyful life to be good.” 蓝田看看沧海,再看看龙当当,立刻用力摇头,道:“那不行,我可是自由的爱好者,怎么能跟人类签订契约呢?你别闹,你也赶快解除了契约,我们继续过着自由快乐的生活多好。” Sea speechless, said: Do not be noisy are right. Without him, I could not find you. Without him, you became the fragment, how to restore you. My strength is unable to help you recover! Is ding-dong resurrects you with the strength of creation. He is the eternal lord of present age, wielded the eldest child. Did we have something to say?” 沧海一阵无语,道:“你别闹才对。没有他,我根本就找不到你。没有他,你都成碎片了,怎么把你修复。我的力量也无法帮你复苏啊!是当当用创造之力把你复活过来的。他是当代的永恒之主,执掌了老大的。我们还有什么可说的?”
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