SS :: Volume #10

#136: The tears of time

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The women do not believe the solemn pledge of eternal love that Abraham will betray once distributed, however the eruption of war crushed her anticipation. 女人不信亚伯拉罕会背叛曾经发下的海誓山盟,然而战争的爆发粉碎了她的期待。 Two months later, in the report published one dead in battle the list. 两个月后,报上登出一份阵亡名单。 Abraham's name impressively in row, moreover as north cavalry officer, was killed by the southern patriot. 亚伯拉罕的名字赫然在列,而且是以北方骑兵军官的身份,被南方的爱国者击毙。 This news feeds in the hometown, most people take pleasure in others' misfortunes, thinks that Abraham betrayed the hometown and tradition, this stupid rebel, gets what one deserves like the strip mourning watchdog is killed! 这个消息传回家乡,多数人幸灾乐祸,认为亚伯拉罕背叛了故乡和传统,这个愚蠢的叛徒,活该像条丧家犬一样被射杀! Only then Abraham's relative secretly however downcast, but most sad is that already the miss who presents the pregnancy reaction. 只有亚伯拉罕的亲戚暗然神伤,而最伤心的莫过于那个已经出现妊娠反应的姑娘。 She originally alone the posthumous child who plans to foster Abraham, however when her spirit is frailest, spare tire Eich ritual young master walks, wears the black coattails, in the coat pocket is inserting a white bloom that offered the condolences, came to salute, and pledged that must replace Abraham to take care of her for a lifetime, brought up the child with her together. 她本打算独自抚养亚伯拉罕的遗腹子,然而就在她的精神最脆弱的时候,“备胎”艾希礼少爷找上门来,穿着黑色燕尾服,上衣口袋里插着一朵表示哀悼的白花,前来慰问,并且发誓要代替亚伯拉罕照顾她一辈子,跟她一起把孩子抚养成人。 The girls are greatly touched, finally accepted proposing of Eich ritual young master. 姑娘深受感动,终于接受了艾希礼少爷的求婚。 ...... …… Second of opera, the time has arrived for 18 years later. 歌剧的第二幕,时间已经来到18年后。 Long and painful civil war eventually ended, north army in their great leaders- wartime prime minister Abraham- under leadership, gained the overwhelming victory. 漫长而又痛苦的内战终于结束,北方军在他们的伟大领袖-战时首相亚伯拉罕-领导下,取得了压倒性的胜利。 In body Abraham of six spears/guns, in had been recognized in situation of sacrifice, lucky was rescued from the dead crowd by a young pastor forcefully. 身中六枪的亚伯拉罕,在已经被认定牺牲的情况下,幸运的被一位年轻的牧师硬生生从死人堆里救了回来。 After the recovery, Abraham re-enters the battlefield, the shoes contributes to the meritorious military service, meanwhile displays the excellent political ability, caused the north to send the greatly old attention. 伤愈之后,亚伯拉罕重回战场,履立战功,同时还表现出高超的政治才能,引起了北方派大老们的注意。 The cabinet that recognizes this young people are greatly old, intends to betroth own daughter to Abraham, trains oneself him in the military administration two successors. 一位非常赏识这个年轻人的内阁大老,有意将自己的女儿许配给亚伯拉罕,把他培养成自己在军政两届的接班人。 Abraham has not accepted this once in a thousand years good opportunity immediately, he is also thinking the lover in hometown. 亚伯拉罕没有立刻接受这个千载难逢的好机会,他还想着故乡的恋人。 However a letter/believes from hometown, making him have to give up continuing reading of predestined affinity to think again. 然而一封来自故乡的信,使他不得不放弃重续前缘的念想。 Since the first girlfriend has gotten married to give birth, what oneself have to be good to persevere? 既然前女友已经嫁人生子,自己还有什么好坚守的呢? Abraham married the cabinet greatly old daughter, henceforth has a meteoric rise in the political arena, by the later period of war, was 40 -year-old over Abraham, sat the throne of prime minister. 亚伯拉罕娶了内阁大老的女儿,从此在政坛上平步青云,到了战争的后期,年方40岁出头的亚伯拉罕,坐上了首相的宝座。 ...... …… Then, third of opera, the scene returns to the southern manor. 接下来,歌剧的第三幕,场景又回到南方庄园。 18 years later, Abraham and first girlfriend's child Scarlet, has grown into a slim and graceful beautiful young girl, welcomed in the life gloomiest a day. 十八年后,亚伯拉罕和前女友的孩子斯嘉丽,已经长成一位亭亭玉立的美少女,却迎来人生中最灰暗的一天。 Her mother died of illness two years ago, her father and fiance accompanied the battlefield, tried to hold fast at the southern forces final position, finally both laid down one's life. 她的母亲在两年前病逝,她的父亲和未婚夫结伴上了战场,试图坚守南方军最后的阵地,结果双双捐躯。 In the news biography goes home, Scarlet's world collapsed. 消息传回家里,斯嘉丽的世界崩溃了。 At this night, family's servants heard that the southern forces have defeated, the auspicious day of oneself lord, under inciting of radicals, set on fire to burn the manor to the end, flees collectively, goes for shelter to come to liberate their northern armies. 就在这个夜晚,家里的奴仆们听说南方军已经战败,自家主子的好日子到头了,在激进分子的挑唆下,放火烧了庄园,集体出逃,去投奔前来解放他们的北方军队。 Overnight, Scarlet lost all family members, lost itself born and growth homeland, only remained hates filled with. 一夜之间,斯嘉丽失去了所有的亲人,失去了自己出生和成长的家园,只剩满腔仇恨。 Scarlet joined soldier of a secret society that south the diehard comprised, was determined that spares nothing is the family member takes revenge, but the principal means of revenge...... assassinate! 斯嘉丽加入了一个由死硬派南方军人组成的秘密社团,决心不惜一切代价为亲人复仇,而复仇的主要手段……就是刺杀! Scarlet's opportunity came quickly. 斯嘉丽的机会很快就来了。 Shortly after the war ended, the self-satisfied prime minister, must lead to accompany to arrive at the southern inspection, but must give a public address, appealed that southern compatriot facing reality, gives up hating, rebuilds the happy homeland with the northern compatriot hand in hand. 战争结束不久,志得意满的首相阁下,就要率领随从来到南方视察,还要发表一席公开演讲,呼吁南方同胞面对现实,放弃仇恨,与北方同胞携手重建美好家园。 Scarlet waits for arrival of this day agonizingly, day and night practice marksmanship. 斯嘉丽苦苦等待这一天到来,没日没夜的练习枪法。 Last of opera, the prime minister returns to the square in hometown finally. 歌剧的最后一幕,首相阁下终于回到故乡的广场上。 At the same time, Scarlet carries two revolvers, a dagger, a bomb of hand-planted, under the cover of comrades, the thrilling and lucky escaping security inspection, stands among the first row of audience. 同一时间,斯嘉丽携带两只转轮手枪,一把匕首,还有一颗手工制作的炸弹,在同志们的掩护下,惊险而又幸运的逃过安保检查,站在第一排听众当中。 The highest tide of entire play, appears in the prime minister will soon complete that flash of speech. 整场戏的最高潮,就出现在首相即将完成演讲的那一瞬间。 Scarlet walks up suddenly, both hands hold a gun, aim at the man who this this lifetime most hates. 斯嘉丽突然走上前去,双手持枪,瞄准她这辈子最痛恨的男人。 Abraham detected promptly Scarlet's unusual action, is sideways the first round of bullet that avoids the young girl to shoot, sizes up the facial features that the opposite party that seems to have met before surprisedly. 亚伯拉罕及时发觉了斯嘉丽的异常举动,侧身避开少女射来的第一发子弹,惊讶地打量对方那似曾相识的面容。 The bodyguard of prime minister, does not eat for free. 首相的保镖,可不是吃白饭的。 A sound of gunfire sound, six guys rush immediately, control the stature slender assassin. 枪声一响,立刻就有六名大汉冲了上去,控制住了身材纤细的刺客。 Do not play rough to this young lady!” “别对这位小姐动粗!” Prime minister's order, comes too suddenly. 首相的命令,来得太突然。 The bodyguards have received do not stop, the heavy night stick pounds above the young girl, at the scene blood crossflow. 保镖已经收不住手,沉重的警棍砸在少女头上,当场鲜血横流。 Stop!” “住手!” Prime minister rare loses calmly in the face of the public, goes forward quickly, pulls out the handkerchief , helping the assassin clean the wound on the forehead bleeding personally. 首相罕见的在公众面前失去冷静,快步上前,掏出手帕,亲自帮刺客擦拭额头上流血的伤口。 You are the miss of which family/home, why can assassinate me?” “你是谁家的姑娘,为什么要暗杀我?” My name was Scarlet, I had 10 million reasons to kill you!” “我叫斯嘉丽,我有1000万个理由杀你!” The young girls know that the action has been defeated, waits for own fate, only then the torture and gallows, were ready for any sacrifice simply, suffering with filled with indignation that oneself this undergoes his entire life, all poured out in the presence of everyone, denounced severely the prime minister and his army, destroyed the south traditional society of countryside madrigal, killed her father and fiance. 少女知道行动已经失败,等待自己的下场只有酷刑和绞架,索性豁出去了,把自己这一生经受的委屈和满腔怨愤,全都当众倾诉出来,痛斥首相和他手下的军队,毁了田园牧歌的南方传统社会,害死了她的父亲和未婚夫。 Listens to Scarlet to say parents' name, on Abraham's face loses the blood-color immediately, but also violated the heart sharp pain. 听斯嘉丽说出父母的名字,亚伯拉罕的脸上顿时失去血色,还犯起了心绞痛。 The secretary discovered that the prime minister complexion is not right, pulls out the medicine bottle hastily. 秘书发现首相脸色不对,连忙掏出药瓶。 Abraham cannot attend to taking a drug, beckons with the hand, difficult said to the bodyguard: Lets loose this young lady...... to ask her to leave.” 亚伯拉罕顾不上吃药,摆了摆手,艰难的对保镖说:“放开这位小姐……让她走。” Your excellency, she is an assassin!” The secretary of prime minister was anxious. “阁下,她是刺客啊!”首相的秘书急了。 Lets loose her!” Abraham in a low voice roaring filial piety. “放开她!”亚伯拉罕低声咆孝。 The bodyguards hit to tremble as if by prior agreement, letting loose Scarlet who did not prefer very much, disarmed while convenient her pistol and dagger, actually neglected that bomb that camouflaged the apple. 保镖们不约而同打了个寒颤,很不情愿的放开斯嘉丽,顺带缴械她的手枪和匕首,却疏忽了那颗伪装成苹果的炸弹。 Why?” Scarlet puzzled is looking at opposite that whole face sorrowful man. “为什么?”斯嘉丽困惑的望着对面那个满脸哀戚的男人。 I am unfair to you...... the child, you walk......” prime minister almost to sob, we are the victims of war, hoping the war soon to heal to the wound that you will leave behind.” “我对不起你……孩子,你走吧……”首相阁下几乎是在哽咽,“我们都是战争的受害者,但愿战争给你留下的创伤早日愈合。” Scarlet's vacant shaking the head, turns around to go out two steps, suddenly transfers turn head comes, in eye was replaced by the fire of hysteric hatred confusedly. 斯嘉丽茫然的摇了摇头,转身走出两步,忽然又转回头来,眼中的迷茫被歇斯底里的仇恨之火取代。 False politician! You think that by this inferior performing skill, can deceive me, can achieve the buy popular sentiment the goal?” “虚伪的政客!你以为靠这种蹩脚的演技,就能愚弄我,可以达到收买民心的目的?” You were wrong! The southern children, will never submit!” “你错了!南方儿女,永不屈服!” Sends out the call at the same time, Scarlet begins the lead wire of that bomb. 发出呐喊的同时,斯嘉丽拉动手中那颗炸弹的引线。 Follows life earth-shaking thundering, Scarlet and meets father Abraham who is actually not acquainted to perish together. 伴随一生惊天动地的轰鸣,斯嘉丽和相见却不相识的亲生父亲亚伯拉罕同归于尽。 The historical tragedy that in the stage deducts, draws to a close. 舞台上演绎的历史悲剧,就此落下帷幕。 Two building theater boxes, Lisa looks very much invests, to the high tide stage of entire play, is out of control to be touched the heartstrings by father and daughter's tragedy, moves the eye socket flood red, the tears are graceful. 二楼包厢,丽莎看得很投入,到了整部剧的高潮阶段,禁不住被父女二人的悲剧触动心弦,感动得眼圈泛红,泪光盈盈。 Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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