SS :: Volume #10

#125: Lucky number

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general left first soy sauce a tobacco pipe, then told the past events to Musker. 普左先生抽了一口烟斗,接着向马斯克讲述往事。 Your father once said to me, Francisco does business is very strong, does not put in order to break down the competitor does not give up, for this reason offended many people.” “你父亲曾对我说,弗朗西斯科做生意很强势,不把竞争对手整垮不罢休,为此得罪了不少人。” He also knows oneself antagonize people too, was worried that the sworn enemy comes to seek revenge, in the hand always wears oneseeking asylum ring, the critical juncture, can transmit him to the place of safety that assigns in advance, is depends on this magic ring, Francisco successfully escapes from the assassination more than once. ” “他也知道自己树敌太多,担心死对头上门寻仇,手上总是戴着一枚“避难戒指”,危急关头,可以把他传送到预先指定的安全场所,就是靠着这枚魔法戒指,弗朗西斯科不止一次成功逃脱暗杀。” I listened to this saying at that time, thought that this person is too dangerous, urging your father to be short with this careerist has to do, if which day were involved by him miserably!” “我当时听了这话,就觉得这人太危险,劝你父亲少跟这种野心家打交道,万一哪天被他牵连就惨啦!” Pitifully, your father was hoodwinked the eyes by the present benefit, does not listen to my words, but also praised Francisco capital to be abundant, was discerning, formed a partnership with him, can be bigger and stronger the business surely.” “可惜,你父亲被眼前的利益蒙蔽了双眼,不听我的话,还夸弗朗西斯科资本雄厚,眼光独到,跟他合伙,必定能够把生意做大做强。” Your father added, Francisco is also the dark blue immigrant, looks in the share of fellow villager, cannot the pit he.” “你父亲还说,弗朗西斯科也是海蓝裔移民,看在老乡的份上,怎么也不会坑他。” Finally the fact showed that he made a mistake, for this reason paid the beyond any help price......” “结果事实证明他错了,为此付出了无可挽回的代价……” Mr. general left sighed, then said: Musker, I was old, the memory is getting more and more bad, so many years passed by, let alone Francisco intends to change external appearances only, even if he were the former appearance, stood in the middle of the crowd, I not necessarily can recognize, but, in Francisco hand that magic ring, I still remember clearly.” 普左先生叹了口气,接着说:“马斯克,我老了,记性越来越差,这么多年过去了,别说弗朗西斯科有意改头换面,就算他还是从前的样子,站在人群当中,我也不一定能认得出来,但是,弗朗西斯科手上那枚魔法戒指,我至今还记得清清楚楚。” That is a platinum ring, abstains from a embed the sapphire, carves a modeling of iris flower weakly, is fine.” “那是一枚白金戒指,戒面镶嵌的蓝宝石,凋琢成一朵鸢尾花的造型,非常精致。” If you in Patus saw that wears the middle-aged man of this type of ring...... is not right, now Francisco Corleone is also over 50-year- old fogy, the opposite party the personal enemy who may kills your father.” “如果你在帕图斯见到佩戴着这种戒指的中年男人……不对,如今弗朗西斯科・柯里昂也已经是年过五十的老家伙了,对方很有可能就是害死你父亲的仇人。” The young judicial knight is listening silently, keeps firmly in mind Mr. general left urging, pledged secretly: 年轻的司法骑士默默听着,把普左先生的叮嘱牢记在心,暗自发誓: Must find Francisco Corleone this old fox, avenges a grievance for the father!” “一定要找到弗朗西斯科・柯里昂这个老狐狸,替父亲报仇雪恨!” ...... …… Reads this interlude plot, soars to the following plot development, had some questions. 看完这段过场剧情,高飞对接下来的剧情发展,产生了些许疑问。 Therefore , the travel of this dark blue, except for must represent the Pohl good queen and person duel, is a plot clue, the enemy who traces the lead father? 所以说,这趟海蓝之旅,除了要代表波尔佳王后与人决斗,还有一条剧情线索,就是追查主角父亲的仇家? This clue corresponds the orphan life experience of lead Musker Justice, should say that has the foreshadowing early, but soars in view of creator, feels somewhat towering. 这条线索对应主角马斯克・贾斯蒂斯的孤儿身世,应该说是早有伏笔,但是高飞从创作者的角度出发,还是觉得有些突兀。 The vital clue that such concerns the lead life experience, should manifest in the plot properly speaking, once for a while raises, quite makes the player have the mental preparation, knows that the lead mysterious personal enemies have not arrived to present. 这样一条关乎主角身世的重要线索,按理说早就应该在剧情中有所体现,时不时的提一下,好让玩家有个思想准备,知道主角还有一个神秘的仇人尚未登场亮相。 However in the game, this foreshadowing applies until entire mold train reciprocal Chapter 2, first seems stiff, an actor's pay is insufficient to the player, feeling that life experience collects ; Second the entire story only had the final two chapters, a chapter of subject dark blue queen tuart, left the lead to trace enemy's length to be limited. 然而在游戏中,这个伏笔直到全模组的倒数第二章才派上用场,一来是显得生硬,给玩家一种戏份不够、身世来凑的感觉;二来是整个故事只剩下最后两章了,其中一章的主题还是“海蓝王后桉”,留给主角追查仇家的篇幅非常有限。 The mold train screenwriters awake, did you do early?! 模组编剧醒一醒啊,你们早干嘛去了?! In such short length, forces in one forcefully a revenge play that relates to the lead father and son two generations of person gratitude and grudges, how the game designer must arrange the actor's pay of villain, how to suppose to build the person of villain? 在这么短的篇幅里,强行塞进去一场关系到主角父子两代人恩怨的复仇戏,游戏设计师要如何安排反派的戏份,如何把反派的人设打造出来? To achieve fairly these two points, vivid, soars according to own creative experience, in such short length, is almost the impossible mission. 想要把这两点做到合情合理、血肉丰满,高飞根据自己的创作经验来看,在这么短的篇幅里,几乎是不可能完成的任务。 Finally very big probability does a disciple to have the tyrannical strength only saying that convention lines and assembly line styles of makeup big villain, after the lead seizes, beats savagely and exits the foul odor to finish up, will not make any deep impression on the player. 最后很大概率搞出一个徒有强横实力却只会说俗套台词、流水线面谱化的大反派,被主角逮住以后,一通暴打、出口恶气就完事了,不会给玩家留下什么深刻印象。 «Livelihood Grace and talent» 《日月风华》 If so, «Duel Agent» this story must end up to have a strong beginning but a weak ending unavoidably, the insipid result, might as well cut off this adding something superfluous and ruining the effect plot simply! 如果真是这样,《决斗代理人》这个故事难免要落得个虎头蛇尾、索然无味的结局,还不如干脆砍掉这段画蛇添足的剧情呢! Sighed, soars comforts itself to think toward the advantage as far as possible. 叹了口气,高飞尽量安慰自己往好处想。 Another possibility, was the librettist has taken revenge for the father lead the critical information of this climax, hid in the middle of the preamble. 还有另一种可能,就是剧本作者早就把“主角为父复仇”这段重头戏的关键信息,隐藏在了前文当中。 But the foreshadowing buries deeply, prompts extremely vaguely, was of player neglected, that moment that only then the truth made known, will awaken suddenly, realized that the entire story idea was rigorous, echoed, simultaneously and many intense dramatic conflicts. 只不过伏笔埋得太深,提示太过隐晦,被身为玩家的自己忽略了,只有到了谜底揭晓的那一刻,才会恍然醒悟,意识到整个故事构思严谨,前后呼应,同时又不乏激烈的戏剧冲突。 If really has this situation, soars also has nothing to complain, can only acknowledge the screenwriter to be flamboyant, level this throwing street writer Gao Mingtai are many. 如果真出现这种情况,高飞也没啥好吐槽的,只能承认编剧牛逼,水平比自己这种扑街写手高明太多。 gets rid of the disorderly train of thought that soars the expenditure together astrolabe energy, jumps over the game interlude fast. 抛开杂乱的思绪,高飞花费一道星盘能量,快速跳过游戏过场。 The time arrives at that day that the agreement embarks, Musker, Lisa, Paul, Umberto, belt/bring a large size golden hair pug-dog to subdue|grams comes, gathers in the wharf. 时间来到约定上船的那一天,马斯克、丽莎、保罗、翁贝托,还有带着一只大号“金毛狮子狗”的克来尔,在码头上集合。 The Good luck freighter stops in the harbor, the seamen is operating the steam hydraulic pressure hoisting machine, hooks on the deck the standardized container, lays neatly. “好运号”货轮停在港口,海员们正在操纵蒸汽液压吊装机,把规格统一的集装箱吊上甲板,码放整齐。 Mr. Tang Taisi, what in container attire is what goods?” “唐泰斯先生,集装箱里装的是什么货?” Musker curious inquired to the captain. 马斯克好奇的向船长打听。 Captain Tang Taisi 40 years old is, wears the tricorne, is throwing over the blue black overcoat, the thick whiskers make him seemingly powerful, walking time appears a little lames- this is year to year in the rheumatism that the marine work has. 唐泰斯船长四十来岁,头戴三角帽,披着蓝黑色大氅,浓密的络腮胡使他看起来威风凛凛,走路的时候显得有点跛脚-这是常年在海上工作落下的风湿病。 It‘s nothing specially valuable thing, nothing but packed in bags bread flour, weave cotton material, soap, brick tea and bottled seasoning, pots and pans and so on enameled vessel.” The captain answered patiently, we delivered to the real kingdom these goods in each colonizing islands of overseas, changed into the local special the rubber, coffee and sucrose also to have the rum, trafficked to the dark blue kingdom again, made a laborious money.” “没什么特别值钱的东西,无非袋装面粉、机织布料、肥皂、茶砖、瓶装调味品,还有锅碗瓢盆之类的搪瓷容器。”船长耐心解释道,“我们把这些货送到斐真王国在海外的各个殖民岛屿上,换成当地特产的橡胶、咖啡、蔗糖还有朗姆酒,再贩运到海蓝王国,赚点儿辛苦钱。” Captain Tang Tessy said traces lightly writes actually this marine transportation to get down peacefully, the profit is not really low. 唐泰斯船长说的轻描澹写其实这一趟海运下来,利润着实不低。 This route, fully manifests the colonial empire era the trade characteristics: Buys the daily necessities that the factory assembly line produces from the industrially developed suzerain, traffics these industrial products to the under-developed colony, purchases by barter the inexpensive raw material, ships back the suzerain, or transports to another industrial country, so starts once again, the high profit originates from the industry to the crop production difference in price of agricultural and industrial. 这条航线,充分体现出殖民帝国时代的贸易特征:从工业发达的宗主国购入工厂流水线出产的日用品,把这些工业品贩运到欠发达的殖民地,换购廉价的原材料,运回宗主国,或者转运到另一个工业国家,如此周而复始,高额利润来源于工业对种植业的“剪刀差”。 Then, the raw material has the habitat, can't rise in prices? 那么,原材料出产地,就不能提价吗? In the ideal market environment of free competition, what a pity in the reality does not certainly have the true open market. 在自由竞争的理想市场环境下当然可以,可惜现实中并不存在真正的自由市场。 In 1620 Varetz world, most raw material habitats, had been carved up by the major industrial powers, degenerate into the colony and semi-colonial, limited to so-called empire preferential system, the raw materials price of colony exit|to speak is decided by the suzerain completely. 在1620年代的瓦雷斯世界,绝大多数原材料产地,都已经被各大工业强国瓜分,沦为殖民地和半殖民地,受限于所谓的“帝国特惠制度”,殖民地出口的原材料价格完全由宗主国说了算。 Indigenous and even the manor of advocating peace slave-owner colony, has the veiled criticism to this unfair trade system, accumulates the limit discontentedly, naturally can make colony independence movement- war of independence that the new continent is erupting into, is this contradictory reflects. 殖民地的土着乃至大庄园主和奴隶主,对这种不公平的贸易制度颇有微词,不满积累到极限,自然会闹出殖民地独立运动-新大陆正在爆发的独立战争,就是这一矛盾的集中体现。 Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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