RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1882: Finally thrust wall wall

The vanguard of city ship, not also or planning of adult stops because of the worry of young girls. After experiencing one is not the long journey, the reaching to the sky wall entered in the high border people number passengers eye finally. 城舰的前行,并不会因为少女们的烦恼亦或是成年人的谋算而停止。在经历了一段不算长的旅途后,高耸入云的墙壁终于进入到了高边民号的乘客们眼中。 But the villagers in border people village responded, making Xie Ming remember itself before arriving at Main God Space saw piece that had taunt meaning. 而边民村的村民反应,让谢铭想起了自己在来到主神空间前看到了一个极具嘲讽意味的段子。 A resident in remote rural area is doing obeisance various, assorted gods every day. But one day, the scripture reader of Islam arrived at this village propaganda. The result of propaganda is good, the villagers discarded these at sixes and sevens gods clay figures, god who changes to believe in the Islam. 一处偏僻农村的居民每天都拜着各种各样,杂七杂八的神明。而有一天,回教的传教者来到了这个村子宣教。宣教的结果非常好,村民们都丢掉了那些乱七八糟的神明泥像,改信奉回教的神了。 Therefore, when a university student has a vacation returns to this rural area, saw such a. 因此,一名大学生放假回到这个农村时,看到了这么一幕。 His grandparent is kneeling in the face of the clay figure of Islam god pays respects fragrant prays, but as oblation, big pig a midpoint that was placed in the clay figure, pig as if twisted the mouth sidewise a smile faintly. 他的爷爷奶奶正跪在回教神的泥像面前拜香祷告,而作为祭物,一个大猪头摆在了泥像的正中央,猪头似乎隐隐咧开了一个笑容。 Naturally this description has conducted the artistic processing of certain extent, but does not hinder it to demonstrate that one type made one feel the sorrowful phenomenon. 当然这段描述进行过一定程度的艺术加工,但并不妨碍它显示出一种令人感到悲哀的现象。 Most people's belief, is not really believes, worships, practices the content that teaches in the standard to tell. They, but pure wants to look for one to be able by the object who oneself worship on bended knees. 大多数人的信仰,并不是真的去相信,去崇拜,去实践教典中所吩咐的内容。他们,只是单纯的想找一个能让自己跪拜的对象罢了。 Like villagers at this moment, the wall worship that becomes by the physical construction, is repenting and kowtowing to one completely. 就像此刻的村民们一样,对着一个完全由机械构造而成的墙壁朝拜、悔改、磕头。 Naturally, person, this moment performance unusual excited. 当然,也有一人,此刻表现的异常兴奋。 Finally and arrived at the wall finally.” “终于、终于来到墙壁了啊。” Stands Yarrow frontline deck gets hold of the double fist brightly, the eyes is staring at the tall wall: Wants, so long as can go to wall another side, I can ..... 站在甲板最前方的亚罗握紧双拳,双眼炯炯的盯着高墙:“只要,只要能去到墙壁的另一边的话,我就可以.....” Yarrow, should not be excited.” “亚罗,不要激动。” Patted under Yarrow's shoulder gently, Xie Ming also looked to the tall wall, narrowed the eye: This wall, may not have is so good to span.” 轻轻拍了下亚罗的肩膀,谢铭同样看向高墙,眯起眼睛:“这墙壁,可没有那么好跨越。” Naturally you, if really cannot wait, can first drive Altruism In the past tried several moves.” “当然你要是实在等不及的话,也可以先驾驶着【无我】过去试上几招。” Ok?” “可以吗?” Goes.” “去吧。” Hehe, I ..... “嘿嘿,那我就.....” Vowed the bracelet to take the arm the knot fiercely, in the blue faith granule light beam, blue white strange machine armor jumped to charge into the wall high: Is impolite!” 猛地将结誓臂环带上手臂,在蓝色信念粒子光柱中,蓝白色的奇异机甲一个高跳冲向墙壁:“不客气啦!” Altruism, This is the week finishes for Yarrow's blue white Jijia obtains the exclusive body code name. 【无我】,这是周毕为亚罗的蓝白机甲所取得专有机体代号。 Before had also once mentioned, the name of spirit X-ray machine armor can strengthen machine the strength of armor to a certain extent. Therefore, the name majority of takes to form machine the faith of armor to be related. 之前也曾提起过,灵光机甲的命名可以在某种程度上加强机甲的力量。因此,所取的名字大多数都以形成机甲的信念相关。 The faith, is equivalent explicitly. But does not have faith Yarrow, is not equivalent. Altruism The name, then came from this. 信念,相当于明确的自我。而没有信念的亚罗,相当于没有自我。【无我】之名,便由此而来。 However altruism can also understand that for not read not thinks, oneself the harmony of nature and man condition of the world fusing together ‚the boundary of altruism. 不过‘无我’也可以理解为‘无念无想’,将自身与世界融为一体的天人合一状态的‘无我之境’。 Reason that the week finishes is accepted after passing an examination such a special name for Yarrow's spirit X-ray machine armor, perhaps also contained some him somewhat to the Yarrow future anticipation. 周毕之所以为亚罗的灵光机甲取上这么一个特殊的名字,或许其中多多少少也包含了些他对亚罗未来的期待吧。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao, the week finished the fan the feather fan to arrive at side Xie Ming, looked that to is attacking the wall crazily Altruism: Can break?” 说曹操曹操到,周毕扇着羽扇来到了谢铭身边,看向正在疯狂攻击墙壁的【无我】:“能打破吗?” Can yes. But really did that has what consequence I unable to guarantee.” “可以是可以。但真这么做了,有什么后果我可不敢保证。” Xie Ming selected the eyebrow: What wants to have a look to have when the time comes?” 谢铭挑了挑眉毛:“想看看到时候会发生什么吗?” Please must! Although I want to say that but has not done that now.” Saying, the week finish looks to the horizon: Our machine armor Ms. Sir/minister, is impatient.” “请务必!虽然我很想这么说,但现在还不是这么做的时候。”说着,周毕看向天边:“我们的机甲卿女士,早就已经迫不及待了。” The cloud layer was pierced, the gust of wind that howls crazily blew out the snowflake with the bit same effect. The cultivating command airplane armor of gold/metal and powder interaction falls above the deck slowly, with the dissipation of faith granule, the heroic spirit full red hair female knight appears in two people at present. 云层被洞穿,狂啸的疾风把雪花吹出了和刀片一样的效果。金与粉相间的修长机甲缓缓落在甲板之上,随着信念粒子的消散,英气十足的红发女骑士出现在两人眼前。 For a long time does not see, the week finishes your excellency. Also, Xie Ming your excellency.” “好久不见,周毕阁下。还有,谢铭阁下。” The female knight showed the smile of graceful politeness: Strict, this should be our first meetings. I am the colored glaze special Sir/minister am respective, one of the six big Sirs, machine armor Sir/minister Prakke Conrad.” 女骑士露出了优雅礼貌的微笑:“严格来说,这应该算是我们的初次见面。我是琉特卿所属,六大卿之一,机甲卿普拉克・康拉德。” Although said somewhat disrespectfully, but wants to say goodbye one side you, is really not a easy matter. “虽然这么说有些失礼,但想要再见您一面,真是件不容易的事情。 Was sorry, Pula Keqing. However me also wants the difficulties.” ”“抱歉,普拉克卿。不过我这边也要苦衷。” Xie Ming referred to attacking the wall crazily Altruism: If you see, in my companion has one -track mind, must try to depend on own strength to break the wall.” 谢铭指了指正在疯狂攻击墙壁的【无我】:“如你所见,我的同伴中有位死脑筋在,一定要试试能不能靠着自己的力量打破墙壁。” I must give the young people to prove my opportunity, not?” “我总要给年轻人一些证明自己的机会,不是吗?” Young people?” Prakke covers mouth smiles, half jokingly said: Xie Ming is your excellency the elderly man of getting old?” “年轻人吗?”普拉克捂嘴一笑,半开玩笑道:“难道谢铭阁下已经是上年纪的老人家了吗?” Said that I am also very curious.” “说起来我也很好奇啊。” Nearby week finished also to take the opportunity to echo to ask own doubts: Xie Ming you looking from the outside, merely are only 20 over young people. But should the physical age, incessantly so?” 一旁的周毕也借机附和着问出了自己的疑惑:“谢铭你从外表来看,仅仅只是一名20出头的年轻人。但实际年龄,应该不止如此吧?” This is not a matter that is worth concealing.” Xie Ming smiles: My physical body age has fixed in the 20-year-old best time interval, but the years will not have the influence again over the past several years.” “这也不是什么值得隐瞒的事情。”谢铭笑了笑:“我的肉体年龄已经固定在了20岁的最佳时段,不过再过去多年年月也不会产生影响。” However the physical body age and mental age often are the mutual influence relations. Therefore, you regard as is quite experienced me, experience quite many young people have not related.” “而肉体年龄和精神年龄往往是互相影响的关系。所以,你们把我看成一名比较老成,经历比较多的年轻人也没有关系。” „, Really is not the sly reply.” “唔嗯,真是狡猾的回答啊。” Saying that the week finish smiles: This may be equivalent to anything not to say.” 周毕笑眯眯的说道:“这可相当于什么都没说呀。” Does not have the means.” Xie Ming shrugged: Actually after all I experienced many times, I somewhat could not remember.” “没办法。”谢铭摊了摊手:“毕竟我究竟经历了多少光阴,我自己都有些记不得了。” Hou humph ..... “嚯嚯.....” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Prakke's saying looking pensive: It seems like Xie Ming your excellency, the electing emperor Sirs with our country is somewhat similar.? This information, can disclose?” 普拉克若有所思的说道:“看来谢铭阁下,和我国的选帝卿有些相似呢。哦?这种情报,是可以透露的吗?” This is not the important intelligence.” Prakke beckons with the hand: Chooses existence of emperor Sir/minister, even if in colored glaze special Sir/minister it mostly also only then the news of rumor degree. I must say that also merely is only one of the rumor.” “这也不是什么重要情报。”普拉克摆了摆手:“选帝卿的存在哪怕在琉特卿本国大多也只有传言程度的消息。我要说的,也仅仅只是传言的一种罢了。” It is said that chooses the position of emperor Sir/minister since the colored glaze special Sir/minister has founded a nation, then had not traded.” “据说,选帝卿的位置自琉特卿建国以来,便一直没有换过了。” ........ “........” This may really make the rumor that one is interested.” “这可真是令人感兴趣的传言啊。” The week finish narrows the eye, the corners of the mouth hangs is making one ponder over the airtight smile: If, this rumor real, then this elected the emperor Sir/minister at least also to have several thousand -year-old advanced age.” 周毕眯起眼睛,嘴角挂着令人琢磨不透的笑容:“如果说,这个传言是真的话,那么这位选帝卿阁下至少也有着数千岁的高龄了。” Haha, if true.” “哈哈,如果是真的话。” Obviously, Prakke has not cared the supposition that the week finishes. Showing of Xie Ming, is regarding him not to disclose more news pretence under pretext. 很显然,普拉克并没有将周毕的假设放在心上。连带着谢铭的说明,都当成了一种他不想透露更多消息的托辞。 Regarding this, Xie Ming also can only shrug to express, helpless. However chooses the rumor of emperor Sir/minister, indeed is a very important unexpected happiness. 对此,谢铭也只能耸肩表示无奈了。不过选帝卿的传言,的确算是一个很重要的意外之喜。 Although without substantial evidence, perhaps but if the rumor real ..... elects the emperor Sir/minister, is the vital clue character who helps them explore the world truth. 虽说没有实据,但倘若传言是真的话.....或许选帝卿,就是帮助他们探索到世界真相的重要线索人物。 Naturally, there is another possibility. 当然,也有另外一种可能。 „, Test test .... “啊,测试测试....” Bits's voice, interrupted the guess that Xie Ming and week finished: That, the week finishes, you said to the high border people number main artillery test, when can start?” 比特的声音,打断了谢铭和周毕的猜测:“那个,周毕,你说的对高边民号的主炮测试,要什么时候开始啊?” Aiya, chatted extremely carefree, almost forgot the proper business.” “哎呀,聊的太过畅快,都差点把正事忘了。” The week finish smiled, stretches out the feather fan to make the leading the way shape: That, Pula Keqing, we then first steps to the bridge.” 周毕笑了起来,伸出羽扇做引路状:“那么,普拉克卿,我们便先移步至舰桥吧。” This High border people number, Believes that you to its interest, should not compare Xie Ming to be low, right?” “这艘【高边民号】,相信你对它的兴趣,应该不会比谢铭要低,对吧?” Prakke, returned by a polite smile. 普拉克,回以了一个礼貌的微笑。
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