RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1881: 6 big Sir/minister

human never conceals grasps the starry sky .... Excuse me, running wrong square. 人类从不掩饰掌握星空的....咳,不好意思,跑错片场了。 The triumphant emperor never conceals looks wildly, it may be said that is certainly the triumphant emperor's heart that certainly oneself monopolize, it is well known. Only pitifully, the geographical position of fierce magnificence this country is true is not too good. 绝凯帝从未掩饰自己一统天下的野望,可谓是绝凯帝之心,路人皆知。只可惜,烈华凯这个国家的地理位置属实不算太好。 East side with since the ancient times powerful nation colored glaze special Sir/minister root edge, has the Hsiungnu uncivilized nationalities that transits to kill and burn to plunder repeatedly. It can be said that the fierce magnificence increasing the family fortunes history is treading that one has almost not stood still. In not treading on road, in treads on road. 东边与自古以来的强国琉特卿接边,又有着屡屡过境烧杀抢掠的匈奴蛮族。可以说,烈华凯的发家史就是一场几乎没有停歇的踏踏开。不是在踏踏开的路上,就是在去踏踏开的路上。 Triumphant emperor this non-stop treading certainly aggressive style, is he possibly a respect tradition, the devout follower of belief wall? If who really letter/believed this matter, that also can only say that he has a pure aesthetic sense. 就绝凯帝这不停踏踏开的凶悍风格,他怎么可能是一个尊重传统,信仰墙壁的虔诚信徒?如果有谁真信了这件事,那也只能说他有着一种纯真的美感了。 If competes the national strength by the military force, Equipment and technical tree the world, fierce magnificence has not destroyed completely the Hsiungnu uncivilized nationalities but actually is also excusable. But this world's most important strength is spirit X-ray machine armor, is the knot vows the bracelet. 如果是靠军力、装备和科技树来比拼国力的世界,烈华凯没有灭掉匈奴蛮族倒也算是情有可原。但这个世界最重要的力量是灵光机甲,是结誓臂环。 But the individual strength of triumphant emperor, did not say certainly exaggeratingly can definitely single extinguish the country. However until now, he has let fierce magnificence and uncivilized nationalities is staying a relatively steady condition, for what? 而绝凯帝的个人实力,毫不夸张的说完全可以单人灭国。然而直到现在,他却一直让烈华凯和蛮族保持着一种相对平稳的状态,为的是什么? The reason that Xie Ming can think has one: Show the enemy to weakly, avoids alerting the enemy. 谢铭能想到的理由只有一个:示敌以弱,避免打草惊蛇。 Obviously, this snake is the colored glaze special Sir/minister. 显然,这个蛇是琉特卿。 But the small fly that now, the triumphant emperor goes to battle to crusade against uncivilized nationalities, has left alone before certainly personally, the reason only has one: Avoids during the war of colored glaze special Sir/minister, oneself were given secretly the buttocks by this hyena. 而如今,绝凯帝亲自出征去讨伐蛮族这个之前一直放任不管的小苍蝇,原因只有一个:避免和琉特卿的战争期间,自己被这只鬣狗给偷了屁股。 " When the triumphant emperor returns to the imperial palace certainly, is fierce magnificence carving to colored glaze special Sir/minister declaring war. " 「等绝凯帝回到皇宫之时,就是烈华凯对琉特卿宣战之刻。」 " Therefore? " Has not paid attention to Yarrow to stare the big eye, the week finishes interested saying: " How do you plan to do? " 「所以呢?」没有理会亚罗瞪大的眼睛,周毕饶有兴趣的说道:「你打算怎么做?」 " How can also do? " 「还能怎么做?」 Regarding asking something already known that the week finishes, the response of Xie Ming shows the whites of the eyes: " Is difficult to be inadequate the present to return to fierce magnificence, told them to misunderstand, was everyone together well? " 对于周毕的明知故问,谢铭的反应是翻了个白眼:「难不成现在回烈华凯,告诉他们一切都是误会,大家好好相处?」 " It is not not. " 「也不是不可以哦。」 The week finishes cheerful saying: " So long as Xie Ming you display part of strengths of again, and pledged that gives loyalty , believes that even if will be the triumphant emperor will not investigate anything again. After all fierce magnificence, is the powerhouse to revere country. " 周毕乐呵呵的说道:「只要谢铭你再展现一部分的力量,并发誓效忠的话,相信哪怕是凯帝陛下也不会再追究什么。毕竟烈华凯,是强者为尊的国家嘛。」 " That is considers as finished, I cannot pledge give loyalty to anybody, many wants the face. " Xie Ming shrugs: " Therefore currently speaking, was we only chooses with the colored glaze special Sir/minister cooperation. " 「那还是算了,我可不能发誓效忠任何人,多少还是要点脸的。」谢铭耸了耸肩:「所以从目前来看,与琉特卿合作是我们唯一的选择了。」 " These days, you should also pick up the information of many related colored glaze special Sir/minister from that machine armor Sir/minister Zuili. " 「这段时间,你也应该从那位机甲卿嘴里撬出了不少有关琉特卿的情报吧。」 " " Skid " this character uses rather was also too disrespectful. I with that Pula Keqing, am the frank and upright cooperation. " 「「撬」这个字用的也未免太失礼了。我和那位普拉克卿,可是正大光明的合作关系。」 The week finished from own sleeve robe pulled out six board game pieces slowly, was placed by the specific position in front of Xie Ming. 周毕从自己的袖袍中慢悠悠的掏出了六个棋子,以特定的位置摆在了谢铭面前。 " Generally speaking, the before right structure of colored glaze special Sir/minister and me, told you and is no different. Six big Sirs respectively are responsible for the different domains, machine armor Sir/minister Prakke are symbolizing the highest strength of colored glaze special Sir/minister, in addition also has the military Sir/minister, the government affairs Sir/minister, the scientific Sir/minister and sovereign female Sir/minister and elects the emperor Sir/minister. " 「总体来说,琉特卿的权利结构和我之前所告诉你的并没有什么不同。六大卿分别负责不同的领域,机甲卿普拉克象征着琉特卿的最高战力,除此之外还有着军事卿、政务卿、科学卿、皇女卿和选帝卿。」 " Elects the emperor Sir/minister? " 「选帝卿?」 " Yes. " 「是的。」 Will be representing the board game piece that elects the emperor Sir/minister and sovereign female Sir/minister proposed alone, placed being up and down position, the week finish narrowed the eye saying: " Chooses the emperor Sir/minister origin to be mystical, in the position and power of colored glaze special Sir/minister is supreme. " 将代表着选帝卿和皇女卿的棋子单独提出,放在了一上一下的位置,周毕眯着眼睛说道:「选帝卿来历神秘,在琉特卿的地位和权力都可谓是至高无上。」 " On, chooses the emperor Sir/minister Weiyi power royal family who outwardly only then from selecting to be most suitable to become sovereign female Sir/minister. This sovereign female Sir/minister, should be Furth of throne lowliest place successor, was chosen like this. " 「不过在明面上,选帝卿唯一的权力就只有从选出最适合成为皇女卿的王族。这一届的皇女卿,本该是皇位末位继承人的菲妮・富尔特,便是这样被挑选出来的。」 " Ruler who in other words, his a few words, can directly change the colored glaze special Sir/minister. " 「也就是说,他的一句话,可以直接改变琉特卿的统治者。」 " Hou .... " 「嚯....」 Xie Ming touches the chin: " Then, what person is that sovereign female young lady? " 谢铭摸了摸下巴:「然后呢,那位皇女小姐是个什么样的人?」 " Un ~ how should with you describe that ..... " week finish fanned several feather fans, what if " the ordinary people believe is the wall, then that sovereign female your majesty believes is Love. " 「嗯~该怎么和你形容呢.....」周毕扇动了几下羽扇,「如果说普罗大众所信仰的是墙壁,那么那位皇女陛下所信仰的就是【爱】。」 " Love? " 「爱?」 Xie Ming somewhat selected the eyebrow surprisedly: " Is that love that I understand? " 谢铭有些惊讶的挑了挑眉:「是我理解的那个爱吗?」 " Understands compared with you 「比你理解的 , Probably must be greater. " The week finish shrugs: " Sovereign female believes, can solve all problems with the love. " ,或许还要更加宏大一些。」周毕耸了耸肩:「菲妮皇女认为,用爱可以解决一切问题。」 " This also is really ..... " 「这还真是.....」 On has the power to elect the emperor Sir/minister, below to have the subordinate who carries out the human experiment secretly dreadfully, clamps in middle ruler famous love Priest declares, several conditions combine, Xie Ming is very difficult this label not to paste toward this have never met before sovereign female on " vase " . 上有权力滔天的选帝卿,下有偷偷搞人体实验的部下,夹在中间的统治者还是名爱的宣教士,几个条件组合下来,谢铭很难不把「花瓶」这个标签往这位素昧平生的菲妮皇女身上贴。 However, the concept of first impressions are most lasting is unrecommendable, without determined with own eyes, before conducting the communication actually, the concept of any hearsay may affect itself the correct judgment to the person. 不过,先入为主的观念不可取、在没有亲眼确定,实际进行沟通前,任何道听途说的观念都有可能影响自己对人和情况的正确判断。 This looks like the university to choose the class, you know from other school leader Senpai there ahead of time this class old teaching style comments is not very good, but this class is your required course. Such being the case, why that affects your subjective cognition because of others' appraisal. 这就像是大学选课,你提前从其他的学长学姐那里知道了这节课的老师风评很不好,但这节课又是你的必修课。既然如此,那又何必因为别人的评价而影响你的主观认知。 In goes to the colored glaze special Sir/minister at present is in an inevitable situation, ahead of time holds the one-sided impression to their leaders, obviously is a brain lacks the root string the approach. 在目前前往琉特卿已是一种必然的情况下,提前对他们的领导者抱有片面印象,显然是一种脑子缺根弦的做法。 Compared with sovereign female Sir/minister, what Xie Ming cares is that mysteriously elects the emperor Sir/minister. 况且,比起皇女卿,谢铭更在意的是那位神秘的选帝卿。 " About electing the emperor Sir/minister, doesn't have more news? " 「关于选帝卿,没有更多的消息吗?」 " Very regrettable, no. " The week finish spread starting: " According to Pula Keqing's view, elects the emperor Sir/minister in their other five big Sir/minister eye is also very mysterious existence. In the ordinary day, will only stay in his palace is confined at home. Only when has to conduct the designation of sovereign female Sir/minister, will act to select. " 「很遗憾,没有。」周毕摊了下手:「根据普拉克卿的说法,选帝卿在他们这其他五大卿眼中也是十分神秘的存在。在平日里,只会呆在他的宫殿中足不出户。唯有进行皇女卿的选定时,才会出面进行选拔。」 " The government affairs Sir/minister but who, is responsible for government affairs processing as if leaves frequently is selected in the palace of emperor Sir/minister. " 「不过,负责政务处理的政务卿似乎经常出入选帝卿的宫殿。」 " ....... Good. Then other three big Sirs, do have the related understanding? " 「.......好吧。那么其他的三大卿,有相关了解吗?」 " Naturally. " 「当然。」 The feather fan in week complete(ly) Jiang hand aims at the board game piece of representative one by one, saying of smiling: " Government affairs Sir/minister- what Gruenhaus is responsible for manages colored glaze special Sir's high and low government affairs processing, the balanced imperial authority and aristocrat, among the commercial exchange wait/etc with fierce magnificence, are controlled by him. " 周毕将手中的羽扇挨个指向代表的棋子,笑眯眯的说道:「政务卿-匹斯・格林豪斯负责的是统管琉特卿上下的政务处理,平衡皇权和贵族,与烈华凯之间的商务交流等等,都是由他把控。」 " I had also had several reasons with him, my feeling, he has the sufficient ability, but he as if no too big working zeal, has a muddling along atmosphere. " 「我也曾经与他有过几面之缘,就我个人的感觉而言,他拥有着充足的能力,但他个人本身却似乎没有太大的干劲,有种得过且过的氛围。」 " Military affairs Sir/minister- Barrin Chitta, the ability in military command is very strong. Otherwise, light/only by the colored glaze special Sir/minister deep background, also not possible to refuse to compromise such long time with Chongwu clever in fighting fierce magnificence. " 「军务卿-巴兰・斯基塔,在军事指挥上的能力很强。不然,光靠琉特卿深厚的底蕴,也不可能与崇武善战的烈华凯僵持这么长的时间。」 " We can understand, what Barrin Stuckey is responsible for is the whole in battlefield deploys troops for defense, as well as military related all. But machine armor Sir/minister Prakke is responsible, is more like the frontline commander and special commando unit. " 「我们可以这么理解,巴兰・斯塔基所负责的是战场上的整体布防,以及军事相关的一切。而机甲卿普拉克所负责的,更像是前线的指挥官以及特殊别动队。」 " However final scientific Sir/minister- because summer Ford. How to say .... " 「而最后的科学卿-迪迈因・夏福特。怎么说呢....」 After considering a spoken language, the week finish smiles: " Removes his moral behavior, character and behavior pattern did not discuss, he can be said as colored glaze special Sir/minister most important unyielding. " 斟酌了一下言语后,周毕笑了笑:「排除掉他个人的人品、性格和行为方式不谈,他可以说是琉特卿最为重要的砥柱。」 " Colored glaze special Sir/minister nowadays all of even include spirit X-ray machine armor that Prakke that can fly, perhaps stems from his research. Therefore .... " 「琉特卿现今的一切甚至包括普拉克那会飞的灵光机甲,恐怕都出自于他的研究。因此....」 " If possible, we must remove our moral psychology, contacts and cooperates with him, right? " 「如果有机会的话,我们必须排除自己的道德心理,与他接触并合作,对吧?」 " Yes. " 「是的。」 The week finished the chuckle: " Moreover, in recent years, the colored glaze special Sir/minister and competition of fierce magnificence to falling treasure are less careful. But the spirit X-ray machine armor number of colored glaze special Sir/minister, is actually increasing as before gradually. " 周毕轻笑了一声:「而且,近些年来,琉特卿与烈华凯对落宝的争夺越来越不上心。可琉特卿的灵光机甲数量,却依旧逐步增多着。」 " Therefore, I suspected very .... This scientific Sir/minister, has grasped the mass production knot to vow the industry chain of bracelet. This represented anything to you, believes that did not need me to remind. " 「所以,我十分怀疑....这位科学卿,已经掌握了量产结誓臂环的产业链。这对你来说代表了什么,相信不需要我提醒了吧。」 " Naturally. " 「当然。」 Xie Ming smiles, took up that board game piece that is representing the scientific Sir/minister, making it revolve on own fingertip. 谢铭笑了笑,拿起了代表着科学卿的那颗棋子,让它在自己的指尖上旋转。 " Scientific madman anything, I was not the first contact. Treats this kind of person, some of my many assurances. " 「科学狂人什么的,我也不是第一次接触了。对待这类人,我多少还是有些把握的。」 Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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