RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1880: Following direction

Chapter 1880: Following direction ei......” 第1880章:接下来的方向“欸......” Elsa first stares, the eye gradually starts to enlarge: Uquina beautiful!? Your your you, you are earnest!?” 艾尔莎先是一愣,眼睛逐渐开始放大:“阿塔丽!?你你你你,你认真的!?” ~ Elsa, but now night.” “嘘~艾尔莎,现在可是深夜哦。” Hugged and was sorry. However, Uquina Li's your idea was also too fearful.” Elsa lowered the sound: We do not reach an agreement, after they deliver to the wall place, goes to the colored glaze special Sir/minister?” “抱、抱歉。但是,阿塔丽你的想法也太可怕了。”艾尔莎压低了声音:“我们不是说好,将他们送到墙壁处后,就投奔琉特卿的吗?” But, the colored glaze special Sir/minister really meets does not have any condition accepts us?” “但是,琉特卿真的会没有任何条件的接受我们吗?” Uquina beautiful dangles a pupil: Such that if, really and Mr. Xie Ming said that the person of colored glaze special Sir/minister because of this city ship, what to do to the words that Elsa you do start ..... we should?” 阿塔丽垂下眼眸:“万一,真的和谢铭先生说的那样,琉特卿的人因为这艘城舰,对艾尔莎你下手的话.....我们该怎么办?” This ..... “这.....” Elsa is at a loss for words immediately, afraid to say a word saying: Should, not ..... good, I acknowledged, the fellow said indeed really has the truth. Before Uquina beautiful you come, I am actually thinking this matter.” 艾尔莎顿时语塞,吞吞吐吐的说道:“应该,不会.....好吧,我承认,那家伙说的确实有道理。在阿塔丽你来之前,我其实就是在想这件事。” Makes others accept us unconditionally, truly some were too naive. However, what they want is the city ship not? Army that so long as I join the colored glaze special Sir/minister, can't all be solved?” “让人家无条件的接受我们,确实有些太天真了。但是,他们想要的是城舰不是吗?只要我加入琉特卿的军队,一切不就可以解决了?” ..... Elsa, you thought that you do this, will village head grandfather comply? Will everyone in village comply?” “.....艾尔莎,你觉得你这样做,村长爷爷会答应吗?村子里的大家会答应吗?” ........ “........” The young girls lower the head, the bangs dangled to camouflage the eyes, the finger grasped folding on the bed sheet. 少女低下头,刘海垂下遮蔽了双眼,手指在床单上抓出了皱褶。 Yes, she is clear, everyone in border people village is impossible to make such matter, the grandfather will not allow such matter to happen. 是的,她非常明白,边民村的大家不可能做出那样的事,爷爷也绝不会允许这样的事情发生。 In opposite directions and never will abandon consistently, shares joys and shares sorrows. Even if when village most difficult and most dangerous, the border people village has not given up and abandoning anyone in village. 一致相向、永不抛弃,有福同享、有难同当。哪怕在村子最困难、最危险的时候,边民村也没有放弃、抛弃过村里的任何一人。 This is the principle of border people village, the faith of border people village, the spirit of border people village. 这是边民村的原则,边民村的信念,边民村的精神。 But then, the issue returned to the zero point: After delivers to the wall Xie Ming and Yarrow , the people in border people village want what course to follow. 可如此一来,问题又回到了原点:当把谢铭和亚罗送到墙壁的底下后,边民村的众人到底要何去何从。 If makes Xie Ming know the reason that two young girls cannot sleep in the middle of the night, for this answering tuart very obvious issue, will only have felt, helpless is also funny. 如果让谢铭知道两位少女深更半夜睡不着觉的原因,是为了这种答桉已经非常明显的问题的话,只会觉得无奈又好笑。 Everyone was anticipating perfect result, everyone can think anything does not pay to obtain to harvest. But in this world, where has that good matter? 所有人都期待着完美的结局,所有人都会想着什么都不付出而获得收获。可这个世界上,又哪有那么好的事情? What wants, to only meets anything unable to hold finally. 什么都想要,到最后只会什么都抓不住。 Without the strength, without the strategy, had not come to understand, idea also naive immature. Such person, will only have two results. 没有实力,没有谋略,没有觉悟,想法还天真稚嫩。这样的人,只会有两种结局。 Becoming a corpse in this tumultuous times, or was coerced by the destiny and world is reaching not the irrecoverable situation, after paying the heavy price completely changes. 成为这乱世之中的一具尸体,亦或是被命运、世界裹挟着走到无法挽回的地步,在付出沉重的代价后彻底改变。 The world is so, you do not change it, it then can change you. 世界就是如此,你不去改变它,它便会来改变你。 Uquina beautiful has trod the first step, but Elsa has not been willing to throw down on that day the real idea as before. Falls the person in oneself obstinate, even others persuaded a lot, cannot play any role. 阿塔丽已经踏出了第一步,但艾尔莎依旧还不肯丢下那天真的想法。陷在自身执拗中的人,就算他人劝说千百句,也起不到任何作用。 Although Xie Ming was insufficient the same as say that with red A anything held your ideal to be drown to death this kind of attack high words, person but who regarding not listening to urge, he not with the parental same relapse of again and again opposite party. 虽说谢铭不至于和红A一样说什么‘抱着你的理想溺死吧’这类攻击型较高的话语,但对于听不进劝的人,他也不会和对方的父母一样一而再、再而三的反复。 Moreover compared with conducts beyond psychological enlightening to the little miss in border people village, at present obviously has the matter that is worth him caring about. 而且比起对边民村的小姑娘进行心理开导外,眼下显然有着更值得他在意的事。 From fierce magnificence the potential threat and colored glaze special Sir/minister. 来自烈华凯和琉特卿的潜在威胁。 ----- ----- High border people number, deck. 高边民号,甲板。 Xie Ming, Yarrow, Zhou and Bi sit cross-legged to sit, the week finishes with smile on the face, at a moderate pace will pour out three cups of green tea, gave other two people respectively. 谢铭、亚罗、周毕三人盘膝而坐,周毕面带微笑,不紧不慢的将斟上了三杯清茶,分别递给了另外的两人。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” „, Thanks.” “哦,谢啦。”
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