RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1879: Young girls of losing sleep

The wall worship, is in the forest Garlind mainland everyone's energetic shackles. To break this energetic shackles, needed may not only be the courage, needs a rebel, one type with consciousness of crossing the rubicon. 墙壁崇拜,是林加林德大陆上所有人的精神枷锁。想要打破这个精神枷锁,需要的可不仅仅是勇气,更需要一种叛逆,一种和破釜沉舟的觉悟。 But obviously, Xie Ming has not discovered a point on anybody in border people village, the consciousness in related this aspect. 而显然,谢铭并没有在边民村的任何人身上发现一点,有关这方面的觉悟。 What are more is carried off muddling along. 更多的是一种被拉着走的得过且过。 Naturally, this does not have nothing right. 当然,这并没有什么不对。 After all muddles along is most people's attitude towards life, confused is normal state on the life journey. However now, even if were being coerced by the atmosphere, the person in border people village must make the choice. 毕竟得过且过是绝大部分人的人生态度,迷茫更是人生道路上的常态。不过现在,哪怕是被气氛裹挟着,边民村的人也必须要做出抉择。 Is rebelling who , Yarrow, Zhou and Bi make that to depart from the classics and betray principle together ; Goes the same way purely some time, before oneself and Yarrow will deliver to the wall, will leave. 是和自己、亚罗、周毕三人一起做那离经叛道的悖逆者;还是单纯就同路一段时间,将自己和亚罗送到墙壁前就离开。 This ..... “这.....” Uquina beautiful showed awkward expression, she is not does not know how should choose, but how is she is clear the villagers to choose. 阿塔丽露出了为难的表情,她不是不知道该如何选择,而是她心里清楚村民们该怎么选择。 Security officer as border people village, she not possible for several acquaintance also less than several days of people, the villagers who will be constantly together from infancy to maturity abandon paying no attention. 作为边民村的保安官,她不可能为了几位相识还不到几天的人,就将从小到大朝夕相处的村民弃之不理。 Hey, your fellow.” “喂,你这家伙。” Is auditing Elsa showed the discontented expression: Why always says that these do bully the words of person? To you, isn't the friend is Villain/enemy?” 一旁听着的艾尔莎露出了不满的表情:“为什么总是说这些欺负人的话?对你来说,不是朋友就是敌人吗?” Before was also, was saying to the grandfather .... “之前也是,对着爷爷说....” Elsa.” Uquina beautiful broke Elsa's words: Do not say.” “艾尔莎。”阿塔丽打断了艾尔莎的话语:“不要说了。” But, Uquina beautiful .... “但是,阿塔丽....” Miss Uquina beautiful said right, Miss Elsa.” Saying that the week finish smiles: Has a proverb in fierce magnificence, is called truth seldom sounds pleasant to favor the line.” “阿塔丽小姐说的没错哦,艾尔莎小姐。”周毕笑眯眯的说道:“在烈华凯有句老话,叫做忠言逆耳利于行。” Perhaps Xie Ming his words make Miss Elsa hear is not uncomfortable, but is he truly considering for border people village everyone? Everyone, should not understand, the outcome that we are making is how the matter of treason and heresy.” 谢铭他的话或许让艾尔莎小姐听得非常不舒服,但他确实是在为了边民村的各位着想哦?各位,应该还没有理解,我们正在做的究竟是多么大逆不道的事情。” He defeats the solution in Xie Ming , after is fierce magnificence invincible general solution Loutan, he and Yarrow have officially become fierce magnificence number-one Villain/enemy. Similarly, I who know fierce magnificence many secret actually betrayals am also.” “在谢铭他打败解,也就是烈华凯的无敌将军解楼坛后,他和亚罗已经正式成为了烈华凯的头号敌人。同样,知晓烈华凯诸多秘密却背叛的我也是。” Moreover to be honest, Miss Elsa, you really does not think .... By the battle efficiency of border people village, can guarantee this city ship? „ “而且说实话,艾尔莎小姐,你不会真的认为....凭借边民村的战斗力,可以保下这艘城舰吧?“ „! “! ! The week finishes the expression that hides a dagger in a smile, making the Elsa whole body hit to startle. 周毕那笑里藏刀的表情,让艾尔莎浑身打了个激灵。 Ok, the week finished, do not frighten the little misses.” “好了,周毕,不要吓唬人家小姑娘。” Xie Ming hit a sound to refer , the attention of those present centralized on oneself: „The meaning that Miss Elsa, I wants to express is actually simple.” 谢铭打了个响指,将在场的人的注意力集中在了自己身上:“艾尔莎小姐,我想要表达的意思其实非常简单。” „The present situation, was unable to allow you to hold too fantasizes much naively.” “现在的情况,已经无法在允许你们抱有太多天真的幻想了。” This city ship saved from the crisis border people village everyone, but it will also become your new dangers. The ordinary men are innocent, talent can arouse jealousy. This truth, you have experienced in the border people village.” “这艘城舰将边民村的各位从危机中拯救了出来,但它本身也将会成为你们新的危险。匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪。这个道理,你们在边民村已经体验过了。” However this time, you were no longer unjust, but truly has is making the war weapon that fierce magnificence, the colored glaze special Sir/minister dread.” “而这次,你们不再是被冤枉的,而是确实拥有着令烈华凯、琉特卿都忌惮的战争武器。” The finger knocked the desktop tranquilly, Xie Ming looks at Elsa: You, as control of this city ship, without doubt are the situation most dangerous person.” 手指敲了敲桌面,谢铭平静的看着艾尔莎:“你,作为这艘城舰的操控者,无疑是处境最为危险的人。” If you do not want to understand this matter, is not only you, the others in border people village will be involved. Even if I and Yarrow do not travel together with you, the condition will not change as before.” “如果你不想明白这件事,不仅是你,边民村的其他人都会被牵连。就算我和亚罗不和你们同行,状况依旧不会改变。” How this ..... “怎么这样.....” Elsa got hold of the fist: This is not unreasonable!? Everyone has thought on the tranquil life obviously!” 艾尔莎握紧了拳头:“这样不是太不合理了吗!?明明大家只是想过上平静的生活而已!” Who doesn't think?” “谁又不想呢?” Xie Ming asked back: Miss Elsa, you thinks in the tumultuous times, on tranquil life is this request, the simple and natural matter?” 谢铭反问道:“艾尔莎小姐,你认为在乱世之中,‘过上平静的生活’这个要求,是件简单且理所当然的事吗?” ....... “.......” On the day of rejection really fantasized that Miss Elsa.” Saying of Xie Ming undulating: You, everyone in border people village, had been involved in the storm the center.” “舍弃那天真的幻想吧,艾尔莎小姐。”谢铭澹澹的说道:“你,边民村的各位,已经被卷入风暴的中心了。” Does not awaken, you ..... “再不醒悟,你们.....” Must be not saved by the skeleton of storm smashing.” “就要被风暴粉碎的尸骨无存了。” ----- ----- Late at night, individual room, the young girl tosses about is unable to go to sleep. 深夜,个人房间,少女翻来覆去的无法入睡。 Xie Ming these words repeat in her brain repeatedly, every time broadcasts, her agitated feeling more increases a point. 谢铭的那些话反复在她脑内重复,每播放一遍,她的烦躁感就越增添一分。 „, Is quite bothersome!” “啊啊啊,好烦!” Sits courageous sets out, putting down both hands that Elsa making an effort flexure own hair, panted finally: Blames that man! No, that two men!” 勐地坐起身,艾尔莎使劲挠了挠自己的头发,最后气喘吁吁的放下双手:“都怪那个男人!不,那两个男人!” But Elsa knows, oneself this behavior is only pure is venting anger others. 可艾尔莎知道,自己这种行为只是单纯的在迁怒他人。 Xie Ming said does not have the mistake, he does not need saying that greatly this coarse words undermine own interpersonal relationship, can definitely anything not say, when the matter develops only to depend upon them stands again. 谢铭说的没有错,他大没有必要说这种难听的话来破坏自己的人际关系,完全可以什么都不说,等到事情发展到只能依靠他们时再站出来。 In that case, he not only mediates, even the high border people number can also integrate own subordinate naturally. 那样一来,他不仅做了好人,甚至连高边民号也能理所当然的纳入自己的麾下。 May understand to turn over to the understanding, but the mood is unable to return to normal. 可理解归理解,但情绪还是无法平复。 He will not speak well .... “他就不会好好说话吗....” „Did Elsa, you rest?” “艾尔莎,你睡了吗?” Uquina beautiful? I have not rested, comes.” “阿塔丽?我还没睡哦,进来吧。” That... disturbed.” “那...打扰了。” The mechanical gate opens automatically, holds the pillow in the chest front, wears the goose yellow to rest Uquina beautiful somewhat embarrassed saying of skirt simply: Why does not know, I somewhat cannot fall asleep.” 机械门自动开启,将枕头抱在胸前,身着鹅黄色朴素睡裙的阿塔丽有些不好意思的说道:“不知道为什么,我有些睡不着。” Uquina beautiful also?” “阿塔丽也是吗?” Said, Elsa is also?” “这么说,艾尔莎也是?” Un.” “嗯。” Elsa both hands support the body to move the bedside, patted oneself nearby position. When sits down after Hantay beautiful, deep sighing: Sorry, Uquina beautiful. Today I am swayed by personal feelings.” 艾尔莎双手撑着身体移动到床边,拍了拍自己旁边的位置。待到阿塔丽坐下后,深深的叹了口气:“对不起,阿塔丽。今天我又意气用事了。” ei? Is saying the matter of Mr. Xie Ming .... “欸?啊,是在说谢铭先生的事情啊....” Un.” Elsa said in a low voice: Actually I understand that if Xie Ming he has the evil intention to our border people villages, will not leave behind the knot to vow the bracelet, will not defeat that to fall the valuable hunter for us.” “嗯。”艾尔莎低声说道:“其实我都明白的,如果谢铭他对我们边民村有恶意的话,根本就不会留下结誓臂环,也不会为我们打败那个落宝猎人。” But, he and he spoke quite provokingly really!” “但,他、他说话真的好让人生气!” Hahahaha ..... “啊哈哈哈哈.....” In this regard, Uquina beautiful also can only smile bitterly. However, her idea is a little actually different from Elsa. 在这点上,阿塔丽也只能苦笑了。不过,她的想法倒是和艾尔莎有点不同。 But, I do not dislike Mr. Xie Ming like this speech way.” “不过,我并不讨厌谢铭先生这样的说话方式。” That is because of Uquina beautiful your personality good reason.” “那是因为阿塔丽你性格太好的原因啦。” No, is not this.” Uquina beautiful is somewhat scruple, but said finally: Compared with week Mr. complete(ly) with a laugh, Mr. Xie Ming has given my feeling more sincere.” “不,不是这样的。”阿塔丽有些迟疑,但最终还是如此说道:“比起一直笑呵呵的周毕先生,谢铭先生给我的感觉更加真诚。” ....... Also.” “.......也是呢。” Remembers the week to finish the appearance of that person with kindly face and cruel heart today, Elsa rubbed the arm: Although he has saved us, but always felt .... He treats as the tool us merely.” 想起今天周毕那笑面虎的模样,艾尔莎搓了搓胳膊:“虽然他救过我们,但是总感觉....他仅仅是把我们当作工具。” In comparison, is that fellow is truly better. No, is not right.” “相比之下,确实是那家伙更好一些。不,也不对。” Elsa shows the whites of the eyes: Words that must speak, Yarrow is best that.” 艾尔莎翻了个白眼:“要这么说的话,亚罗才是最好的那个呀。” Does not have the wishful thinking, the speech is honest, the attitude is warm.” “没有小心思,说话坦诚,态度热情。” Hehe hehe, indeed is this.” “呵呵呵呵,的确是这样呢。” Uquina beautiful covered mouth to smile, but the facial expression slowly became serious: Elsa, you, what to do should for the border people village everyone future should, worried?” 阿塔丽捂嘴笑了起来,不过神情慢慢变得严肃:“艾尔莎,你,应该是为了边民村大家今后该怎么办,才苦恼的吧?” „...... “......嗯。” I am also same.” “我也一样。” Uquina beautiful bit the lip gently, proposed one somewhat crazily, different propositions that also reaches an agreement before everyone. 阿塔丽轻轻咬了下嘴唇,提出了一个有些疯狂,也和之前大家说好的不同的提议。 Elsa, do we, want to follow Mr. Xie Ming to destroy the wall together?” “艾尔莎,我们,要不要跟着谢铭先生一起去破坏墙壁呢?” : https:// ! :https://,!
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