RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1877: Wields completely the whip of suffering defeat

Monster! mao 怪物!蓩 The double elbow makes an effort in the ground, solution Loutan is operating diamond Evaded Xie Ming reluctantly below. But even, spirit X-ray machine armor was still so given to throw off by the complementary waves, rolled several to stand firm the center of gravity in the ground. 双肘在地面上用力一顶,解楼坛操纵着【金刚】勉强躲过了谢铭的下噼。但就算如此,灵光机甲也被余波给掀翻,在地面上滚了好几圈才重新稳住重心。 No respite, makes solution Loutan horizontal blade defend stemming from the intuition of military person the immediately. 根本没有任何喘息的余地,出于武人的直感让解楼坛立马横刀进行防御。 But, anything has not happened. 但,什么事都没有发生。 Xie Ming on such float in midair, tranquil gaze he. 谢铭就那样漂浮在半空中,平静的注视着他。 ........ You, your bastard ..... starts from the nape of the neck, solution Loutan the whole piece face becomes flushed at the visible speed, on the spacious forehead stretches a blue vein: „ Xie Ming! Your this bastard! “........你,你这混蛋.....”从脖颈开始,解楼坛的整张脸以肉眼可见的速度涨红,宽大的脑门上绷出根根青筋:“谢铭!你这混蛋! You are insulting me!?” “你是在侮辱我吗!?” what to come insulted a saying, the solution.” mao “何来侮辱一说,解。”蓩 Is maintaining and diamond Parallel altitude, Xie Ming is close slowly: In my eyes, we are comparing notes.” 保持着与【金刚】平行的高度,谢铭缓缓接近:“在我眼里,我们是在切磋。” Said, you want comparing notes, becomes slaughters?” “还是说,你想将切磋,变为厮杀?” This is slaughtering!” “这就是在厮杀!” I have said that solution. In my eyes, this is comparing notes.” “我说过了,解。在我眼里,这是在切磋。” Xie Ming shakes the head: Solution, solution Loutan, you stand in the time of high place, was too long and is too long.” 谢铭摇了摇头:“解,解楼坛,你站在高处的时间,实在太久、太久了。” „The pride of military person, as well as so-called Invincible, Has become your shackles, limited your growth.” “武人的自傲,以及所谓的【无敌】,已经成为你的枷锁,局限了你的成长。” What!?” mao “什么!?”蓩 You and I said, you and week finish have to make fierce magnificence a happier agreement, and you are trying hard for this reason. But was your so-called effort, for own self-respect, killed in this place in my hand?” “你和我说,你和周毕有着让烈华凯变得更美好的约定,并且你正在为此而努力。而你所谓的努力,就是为了自己的自尊,在此地丧命于我手吗?” „! “! ! ! ” !” diamond Machine armor just like by the thunder and lightning, is unable to move unbendingly same place. 【金刚】机甲宛如被雷电噼中,僵直在原地无法动弹。 You looked, even yourself have not detected this.” New regrettable saying: Your self-respect, you arrogance as military person, you are right Invincible Attaching great importance to of two characters, all these were higher than your initial ideal.” “你看,连你自己都没有察觉这点。”项新遗憾的说道:“你的自尊,你身为武人的高傲,你对【无敌】二字的重视,这一切都高于了你最初的理想。” Famous reins advantage lock, composed named invincible general body. It hoodwinked your eyes, making you forget the first thought ; It bound your hands and feet, making you be afraid the failure ; Its barrier height your line of sight, making you forget lowering the head.” “名缰利锁,组成了名为‘无敌将军’的躯壳。它蒙蔽了你的双眼,让你忘记了初心;它束缚了你的手脚,让你害怕失败;它垫高了你的视线,让你忘记了低头。” To be honest, solution Loutan. You, really disappoint me very much.” “说实话,解楼坛。你,真的很让我失望。” Xie Ming advance step by step, diamond Retreat step by step. Before then, Yarrow has never imagined such scene. mao 谢铭一步一步的前进,【金刚】一步一步的后退。在此之前,亚罗从未想象过这样的场景。蓩 A person, can unexpectedly by the body of mortal body, a person who is driving spirit X-ray machine armor forces so the situation. 一个人,居然能以肉身之躯,将一名驾驶着灵光机甲的人逼迫到如此地步。 Because personally has experienced solution Loutan that powerful to the desperate strength, Yarrow can at this time such shock. 正是因为亲身感受过解楼坛那强大到令人绝望的实力,亚罗此时才会如此的震撼。 Those who decide two people disparity is what? Is the strength? 决定两人差距的是什么?是实力吗? No, is the faith. 不,是信念。 From beginning to end, the Xie Ming faith has no vacillation. But solution Loutan by the Xie Ming words to the stamp in the soft rib, was actually looked like the balloon of air leakage to be the same, his faith energy in rapid reduction, his faith foundation was being vacillated. 自始自终,谢铭的信念没有任何的动摇。但解楼坛却被谢铭的话语给戳中了软肋,就像是漏气的气球一样,他的信念能量在迅速的降低,他的信念根基在被动摇。 solution Loutan the faith is unparalleled in the world. But his unparalleled in the world, actually for what? 解楼坛的信念为天下无双。但他的天下无双,究竟是为了什么? For the initial ideal? For oneself invincible general given name? For to certainly the Dai peaceful that loyalty? mao 是为了自己最初的理想?是为了自己‘无敌将军’的名号?还是为了对绝岱澹的那颗忠心?蓩 Xie Ming now, is initiating the interrogation to his innermost feelings. 谢铭现在,正在向他的内心发起质问。 But solution Loutan .... Cannot answer this issue. 而解楼坛....回答不了这个问题。 Therefore, Xie Ming is so disappointed. 所以,谢铭才如此失望。 solution Loutan, your faith is unparalleled in the world. But you unparalleled in the world of cognition, will never suffer defeat. But now, I tell you, this world, this universe, these myriad potential surfaces, will not have never the person of suffering defeat.” “解楼坛,你的信念为天下无双。可你所认知的天下无双,是永不败北。但现在,我告诉你,这个世界,这个宇宙,这万千位面,绝不会存在永不败北之人。” Then now, by me, wields the whip that named suffers defeat completely to you.” “那么现在,就由我,向你挥下名为完全败北的鞭子吧。” Engages in fierce battle to kill Duke ( sandalphon ).” “鏖杀公(sandalphon)。” The golden throne, drops from the clouds under King's summon. With holding up of Xie Ming right hand, the throne disruption, the great sword of concealed in throne under the encirclement of fragment turns over to fall on the hand of Master. mao 金色的王座,于王者的呼唤下从天而降。随着谢铭右手的举起,王座碎裂,藏于王座之中的巨剑在碎片的环绕下归落在主人之手。蓩 Finally sword ( halvanhelev ).” “最后之剑(halvanhelev)。” The fragment that the float surrounds stops suddenly, the homing under the guidance of spirit strength, a span surpasses ten meters cutting ship great blade tall finger/refer in the sky. 漂浮环绕的碎片骤然一停,在灵力的引导下归位,一把全长超过十米的斩舰巨刃高指于天空。 The spirit strength light beam of shooting up to the sky, vibrates the virgin hole of person each star scenery prints the view. 冲天而起的灵力光柱,震动着每一名将此景印入眼帘的人的童孔。 The angel of sword- engages in fierce battle to kill Duke, it represents is being the power and position. The position standard is not higher than the thing of throne, under the cutting edge of sword of King, is the equality. 剑之天使-鏖杀公,其代表着是权力与地位。位格不高于王座的事物,在王者之剑的锋刃下,皆为平等。 Even if the rule of the world, is no exception either. 哪怕是世界的规则,亦不例外。 Naturally, breaks the world rule forcefully, the spirit strength that needs is to also be above the imagination. Even if by the Xie Ming present spirit strength reserve, at most can cut more than ten shapes diamond Spirit X-ray machine armor of this level. 当然,强行打破世界规则,所需要的灵力也是超乎想象。哪怕是以谢铭现在的灵力储备,最多也只能斩掉十几台像【金刚】这种层次的灵光机甲。 If solution Loutan can engage in introspection to come to understand at this time, then sharp blade of sword will not cut finally diamond, Cuts to strike will only turn into the pure impact, strikes to fly it. mao 倘若解楼坛此时能明心觉悟,那么最后之剑的利刃并不会斩开【金刚】,斩击只会变成单纯的冲击,将其击飞。蓩 But, that only exists during the supposition. 但,那只存在于假设之中。 Therefore, the King judged the arrogant person. 因此,王者对傲慢之人进行宣判。 Suffers defeat, regret and confusedness, then stands again, arrives at my front, solution Loutan.” “败北、懊悔、迷茫,然后重新再站起来,走到我的面前吧,解楼坛。” Hope that time, you can understand what to truly, unparalleled in the world.” “愿那时,你能明白何为真正的,天下无双。” The sword light, will illuminate at night. 剑光,将黑夜照亮。 ----- ----- Like this? Places there him, no matter?” mao “这样好吗?就把他放在那里不管?”蓩 This is good.” “这样就好。” Shot a look at face upwards lying down confusedly on the ground, the eyes soulless solution Loutan who looks at the nighttime sky, saying of Xie Ming undulating: „If unable to stand up, then makes him lie down.” 瞥了眼仰躺在地上,双眼迷茫无神的看着夜空的解楼坛,谢铭澹澹的说道:“要是无法站起,那么就让他一直这么躺下去吧。” This tribulation, is he must cross sooner or later. The difference, is only by way of my hand, is by way of others the hand.” “这场劫,是他迟早要渡的。区别,只是经由我手,还是经由他人之手而已。” „...... Good, you definitely have your idea.” “......好吧,你肯定有你的想法。” Yarrow shrugs, turn head looked at one again. However this time, he looks is not solution Loutan, but is solution Loutan behind, that as if must cut the land for two halves fissure. 亚罗耸了耸肩,再回头看了一眼。不过这次,他看的不是解楼坛,而是解楼坛身后,那仿佛要将大地切为两半的裂痕。 Xie Ming is very fierce, this he knows from the beginning. But just that fight, but confirmed this again. 谢铭很厉害,这点他一开始就知道。而刚刚那场战斗,不过是再次验证了这点罢了。 Road is very long.” mao “路还很长啊。”蓩 „?” “哦?” Somewhat accidental/surprised looks to Yarrow, Xie Ming says with a smile: Finally knew one should always strive for better?” 有些意外的看向亚罗,谢铭笑道:“终于知道天外有天了?” Yes.” “是啊。” Pulls the hair, Yarrow raises head to look to the sky: Besides understanding building altar/jar, you and week finish have also mentioned the machine armor Sir/minister, Xie Ming you do not even have the means to neglect, by solution Loutan so worships the respect certainly triumphant emperor.” 抓了抓头发,亚罗仰头看向天空:“除了解楼坛外,你和周毕还提起过机甲卿,还有连谢铭你都没办法忽视,受解楼坛如此崇拜敬仰的绝凯帝。” Jokes aside, I definitely am unable to understand why these people must prevent me. However, I will not be vacillated.” “说真的,我完全无法明白为什么这些人要阻止我。但是,我是不会被动摇的。” The line of sight shifts to Xie Ming on, Yarrow's earnest saying. 视线转移到谢铭身上,亚罗认真的说道。 Arrived the wall beside, restores to remember, this goal will not change. However .... I will try to look for other, I am willing for the goal that it fights.” mao “到墙壁之外,恢复记忆,这个目标不会改变。不过....我会去试着找找其他的,我愿意为之战斗的目标的。”蓩 In this journey.” “在这趟旅途中。” You must refuel well.” Xie Ming smiles: If the solution can buoy up, next time what I want to battle with him is not I, but is you after growth.” “那你就要好好加油了。”谢铭笑了笑:“要是解能振作起来,我希望下次和他交战的并不是我,而是成长后的你。” Yarrow, do you have this self-confidently?” “亚罗,你有这个自信吗?” If this self-confident does not even have, I also discussed that anything goes to outside the wall.” Yarrow patted striking one's chest: Gives me!” “如果连这个自信都没有,我还谈什么去墙壁外啊。”亚罗拍了拍胸脯:“交给我吧!” Good reply.” “不错的回答。” On the other hand, Xie Ming didn't you plan to return to the beautiful Shounenbokujou?” “不过话又说回来,谢铭你不打算回美少年牧场了吗?” Naturally must go back, making the matter have to finish. But this time, does not need to travel by your spirit X-ray machine armor.” mao “自然是要回去一趟,让事情有个结束。但这次,不需要搭乘你的灵光机甲了。”蓩 Xie Ming stops the footsteps, looks toward the Southwest. Yarrow also follows his vision to look, asking of doubts: What does there have?” 谢铭止住脚步,朝着西南方看去。亚罗也顺着他的目光看去,疑惑的问道:“那里有什么吗?” Do not wait anxiously again.” “别急再等等。” Waits again .... Un? Probably, having what sound...... that and that are ..... “再等等....嗯?好像,有什么动静......那、那是.....” Came.” “来了啊。” The huge shadow is throwing over the moonlight, gradually enlarges in two people virgin holes. Can see vaguely, above the shadow, there is a pink form to jump, waves toward here. 巨大的黑影披着月色,逐渐在两人的童孔中放大。依稀能够看见,黑影之上,有个粉红色的身影正在跳跃着,朝这里挥手。 Hey ~ ~ Mr. Xie Ming, Mr. Yarrow ~ “喂~~谢铭先生,亚罗先生~” This sound is ..... Yarrow gradually opens the mouth: Is Uquina beautiful?” mao “这个声音是.....”亚罗逐渐张大嘴巴:“是阿塔丽?”蓩 Right.” “没错。” Xie Ming added: „The others in border people village, as well as ..... 谢铭补充道:“还有边民村的其他人,以及.....” „, Really is magnificent made one, Xie Ming, Yarrow.” “呀,真是华丽的闹了一场呢,谢铭,亚罗。” Week!?” “周!?”
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