RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1875: solution Loutan arrives

Originally according to Xie Ming thinks, what he should do is looks that the beautiful youngster make mistakes, then after they believed feudal lord the lie of confession, then leads them to strike back, lets their feudal lord actual idea of pleasant to hear. 本来按照谢铭所想,他应该做的是看着美少年们犯错,然后在他们听信了领主的屈打成招的谎言后,再带着他们杀一个回马枪,让他们好好听听领主实际的想法。 Thus, they will be more profound, will be in the future more vigilant. 这样,他们会更加深刻,日后也会更加警觉。 But that proverb, the plan cannot keep up with the change forever. Therefore, Xie Ming can only tell Blou like the truth, Gembloux takes the answer to go to the topic. 但还是那句老话,计划永远赶不上变化。因此,谢铭只能像这样将谜底告诉布鲁,让布鲁拿着答案去对题目。 Takes the right key to copy, in the impression definitely might as well make the mistake looks at the right key. May not have the means that Xie Ming only to do that. 拿着正确答案去抄,在印象上肯定不如做错后再去看正确答案。可没办法,谢铭只能这么做。 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 If he and Yarrow does not leave, will only bring disaster hardship that they are unable to withstand for such beautiful youngster. 要是他和亚罗不离开,只会为这么美少年们带来他们根本无法承受的灾厄。 That is a communication that came from the week to finish. 那是一则来自周毕的通讯。 Xie Ming, is ready with Yarrow.】 谢铭,和亚罗做好准备吧。】 Solved your.】 【解去你们那了。】 This news, has not actually made Xie Ming have much is too accidental. Rather, can delay such long time is to let his accidental/surprised matter. 这个消息,其实并没有让谢铭有太多意外。不如说,能拖延这么长的时间才是让他意外的事。 The week finished in had been reminding this matter long before, must want to go to the wall, Yarrow has movie screen that has to span. 周毕在很早以前就已经在提醒这件事,要想要前往墙壁,亚罗有着不得不跨越的障壁。 Named solution Loutan diamond Wall. 名为解楼坛的【金刚】之壁。 Yawn!” “哈欠!” Yarrow sneezes ruthlessly, is rubbing own arm, while mindless asking: That that Xie Ming, you said ‚does friend, come?” 亚罗狠狠打了个喷嚏,一边搓着自己的手臂,一边没心没肺的问道:“谢铭,你说的那位‘朋友’,什么时候才来啊?” No rush, was quick.” “别急,快了。” Xie Ming sits cross-legged to sit on the rock: He is an impatient person, most repugnant then working grinding chirp. And .... 谢铭盘膝坐在岩石上:“他是一个急性子,最讨厌的便是做事磨磨唧唧的。而且....” „After today, but whether is also friend, must inscribe a question mark in behind.” “今天之后,还是否是‘朋友’,都要在后面写上一个问号了。” Why?” “为什么?” Yarrow sits to Xie Ming by: Because he can prevent us?” 亚罗一屁股坐到谢铭旁边:“因为他要阻止我们?” No.” Xie Ming shakes the head: Could not become the reason of friend, lay in both of us whether is willing to seek common ground while maintaining difference.” “不。”谢铭摇了摇头:“成为不了朋友的原因,在于我们二人是否愿意求同存异。” Between I and him concept has differently. I can understand he concept has the difference from me, is willing to seek for the coexistent path with him.” “我和他之间在观念上有着许多不同。我能理解他在观念上与我有差异,也愿意和他一起寻找共存的道路。” But he, is very possible is not willing with us to seek.” “但他,却很可能不愿意和我们一起寻找。” Also is speaking the complex words.” Yarrow flexure head: Simply speaking, we possibly cannot convince him, therefore we do want to defeat him?” “又在说复杂的话了。”亚罗挠了挠脑袋:“简单来说,我们可能说服不了他,所以我们要打败他?” „It is not we, is first you, latter I.” “不是我们,是先你,后我。” Xie Ming investigates the correct path: This, you have not experienced the true spirit X-ray machine armor war. For matter that the future soon must experience, faced powerful enemy, you must clearly recognize your strength.” 谢铭纠正道:“这一路,你从没有经历过真正的灵光机甲战。为了未来即将要经历的事情,面对的强敌,你必须要认清自己的实力。” Although I some were also considering, lets your first war faces fierce magnificence no defeat the general, the difficulty is a little whether big. However, he sooner or later is the barrier that you must overcome. Earlier sets the goal, is a good deed.” “虽然我也有在考虑,让你的第一战就面对烈华凯的无败将军,难度是否有点大。不过,他迟早是你必须跨越的障碍。早点树立起目标,也是件好事。” Yarrow, you should not be routed thoroughly, isn't able to make to do?” “亚罗,你应该不会被彻底击溃,无法挣作吧?” How possibly.” “怎么可能。” Yarrow standing up body, cracks into a smile: „Before arriving in wall another side, I will not stop.” 亚罗站起身子,咧嘴一笑:“在没有抵达墙壁的另一边之前,我是不会停下的。” Hopes that you can live up to one's words.” “希望你能说到做到。” Saying, Xie Ming also stands up, looked that to long smoke that the distant place pulled up. 说着,谢铭也同样站起身,看向了远方拉起的长烟。 He came.” “他来了。” ----- ----- solution Loutan, We asked you. Is that man in your eye, what?】 【解楼坛,朕问你。你眼中的那个男人,是什么样的?】 That man .... Your majesty, you were saying thanked?】 【那个男人....陛下,您是在说谢吗?】 【.】 【嗯。】 Very mysterious man, if as the friend, he is trustworthy. But if as Villain/enemy ..... 【非常神秘的男人,若是作为友人,他值得信赖。但若是作为敌人.....】 【, You feel him now, treated as the friend fierce magnificence, you?】 【那么,你觉得他现在,把烈华凯、把你当作友人了吗?】 ..... Does not have, your majesty. He has oneself goal, own plan. The feudal officials believe, he joins fierce magnificence to become the guest official, but is one type .... Taking advantage of opportunity but is.】 【.....没有,陛下。他有着自己的目的,自己的计划。臣认为,他之所以加入烈华凯成为客卿,不过是一种....顺势而为。】 【... Hehe hehe .... Hahahaha!】 【呵...呵呵呵呵....哈哈哈哈哈哈!】 Flight of steps leading to a palace hall, your majesty!?】 【陛、陛下!?】 solution Loutan, Our spot payment gives you a duty.】 【解楼坛,朕现交予你一项任务。】 When Xie Ming appears leaves the fierce magnificence sign, by you are responsible for solving.】 【当谢铭出现离开烈华凯的迹象时,由你来负责解决。】 .... Yes, the feudal official is compliant.】 【....是,臣遵命。】 The iron walks to ride stops slowly, solution Loutan looks Xie Ming that towards oneself walks slowly, tranquil saying: Thanks, the duty of week is accomplished how?” 铁走骑缓缓停下,解楼坛看着朝自己缓缓走来的谢铭,平静的说道:“谢,周的任务完成的如何?” Duty? 任务? Thought, the week finished is gives itself to settle such a reputation to come. 哦,想起来了,周毕是给自己安了这么一个名头来着。 Continually in surveillance, solution.” “正在持续监视中啊,解。” Xie Ming hinted a nearby youth: He, from falling treasure losing recalls the man, I name to him for Barke Yarrow.” 谢铭示意了一下自己旁边的青年:“他,就是从落宝中出来的失忆男人,我给他取名为巴克・亚罗。” Yo, hello/you good.” “哟,你好。” Yarrow greeted with a smile: My name is Barke Yarrow, please advise.” 亚罗笑着打招呼道:“我的名字是巴克・亚罗,请多指教啊。” Is you, said that from wall external, does not know the so-called avid follower.” “就是你啊,自称从墙壁外来的,不知所谓的狂徒。” „? However .... “啊?但是....” Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Fresh breeze stuck out suddenly from solution Loutan, broke Yarrow's words. 一阵劲风从解楼坛身上暴起,打断了亚罗的话语。 About to your handling, after must place the talk that I and thanked.” “关于对你的处置,要放在我和谢的谈话之后。” In solution Loutan the eyes is glittering the light cold light: Thanks, you also say the traveller who arrives at from the world. But the triumphant emperor gave you opportunity, opportunity that becomes the new person.” 解楼坛眼里闪烁着淡淡的寒光:“谢,你也是自称从世界之外到来的旅行者。但凯帝陛下给予了你机会,一个成为新的人的机会。” Fierce magnificence empire surrendering guest official, Xie Ming.” “烈华凯帝国解甲客卿,谢铭。” Triumphant emperor is benevolent, is broadminded. He does not care about anybody's family background, he only cares about the will of person. But, the triumphant emperor has not asked you, thanks.” “凯帝陛下是仁慈的,是宽宏大量的。他不在乎任何人的出身,他只在乎人的意志。但,凯帝陛下从来没有问过你啊,谢。” You whether wants, fights for fierce magnificence.” “你是否愿意,为了烈华凯而战。” He will certainly not ask.” Xie Ming light saying: Because he knows the answer. Doesn't the solution, your know at heart similarly?” “他当然不会问。”谢铭淡淡的说道:“因为他心里知道答案。解,你的心里不也同样知道吗?” Many, that adjutant who also listens to the week has mentioned.” “多少,也听周的那位副官提起过吧。” „...... Right.” “......没错。” solution Loutan the sinking sound said: Because listened to be intimate friends saying that therefore I am willing and you continue to communicate in this, thanks.” 解楼坛沉声说道:“正是因为听连心说过,所以我才愿意在这和你继续沟通,谢。” Because of your idea, and idea of week is like me. Has your experience, the ability and wisdom of week, my martial arts skill, three of us, so long as collaborates, can change fierce magnificence inevitably.” “因为你的理念,和我与周的理念是相同的。有你的见识,周的才智,我的武艺,我们三人只要联手,必然可以改变烈华凯。” Develops the livelihood of the people that you said that changes social class difference and officials system that you cannot get used to seeing. The villains will be placed on trial, have those who are able to occupy.” “发展你所说的民生,改变你看不惯的阶级差异和官宦制度。小人会被审判,有能者居上。” Fierce magnificence, because we become happier.” “烈华凯,会因为我们变得更加美好。” „But if I said, fierce magnificence is the present appearance, its reason certainly on the triumphant emperor who lies in you respects?” “但倘若我说,烈华凯之所以是如今的模样,其原因就在于你所尊敬的绝凯帝身上呢?” What!?” “什么!?” If I said that all that the actions of that prime minister, your childhood encounter, the triumphant emperor intends the ignores certainly?” “倘若我说,那位宰相的所作所为,你们童年所遭遇的一切,都是绝凯帝有意放任的呢?” Nonsense!” “胡言乱语!” The knife point of long-handled crescent-shaped sword aims at the Xie Ming tip of the nose suddenly, in solution Loutan the eyes has been full of the anger: You, are insulting the triumphant emperor.” 偃月刀的刀尖猛然指向谢铭的鼻尖,解楼坛的双眼中已经充满怒火:“你,是在侮辱凯帝陛下。” I am not insulting, solution, I in statement fact.” “我并不是在侮辱,解,我只是在陈述事实。” Xie Ming light saying: If, you really want to change the fierce magnificence present situation. Then, you first need to do, overthrows certainly the triumphant emperor's rule.” 谢铭淡淡的说道:“倘若,你真的想要改变烈华凯的现状。那么,你首先需要做的,就是推翻绝凯帝的统治。” Wants certainly the triumphant emperor also above the throne, is the fierce magnificence spiritual leader, then your ideal is unable to come true forever.” “只要绝凯帝还在王座之上,还是烈华凯的精神领袖,那么你的理想就永远无法实现。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” solution Loutan shouted angrily: „A last chance, thanks.” 解楼坛怒喝了一声:“最后的一次机会了,谢。” Seizes this avid follower, goes back with me. Thus, I in front of will ask favor in the triumphant emperor, requested that he forgives your impoliteness and wild talk.” “擒下这个狂徒,跟我回去。这样,我会在凯帝陛下面前求情,请求他原谅你的无礼和妄言。” Actually you are not willing to see clearly, does not want to see clearly, immersed in the honor of invincible general? solution Loutan. 你究竟是不愿意看清,还是早就不想看清,沉醉在无敌将军的荣光之中了呢?解楼坛。 Xie Ming sighed, tranquil saying: „, The reputation of surrendering guest official, ended to here.” 谢铭叹了口气,平静的说道:“那么,解甲客卿的名头,到这里就结束吧。” Right ..... “是吗.....” solution Loutan closed the eye, the blade light flash, the bright red sleeves have fluttered under swaying of night breeze together to the distant place. 解楼坛闭上了眼睛,一道刀光闪过,鲜红的衣袖在晚风的吹拂下飘向远方。 Surrendering guest official has died. Now this place, but is rebelling that tries to revolt, scoundrel who as well as spreads rumors and misleads the people.” “解甲客卿已死。现在此地的,不过是试图造反的逆贼,以及妖言惑众的歹徒。” The long-handled crescent-shaped sword leans on, solution Loutan takes to give a written guarantee to vow the bracelet from the clothes. 偃月刀拄地,解楼坛从衣裳中取出结誓臂环。 Fierce magnificence invincible general solution Loutan, presents the triumphant emperor presently the life, the punitive expedition rebels!” “烈华凯无敌将军解楼坛,现奉凯帝陛下之命,讨伐逆贼!” Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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