RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1874: Barefoot did not fear that puts on shoes

Described feudal lord Woersitong with a few words, that was ‚the typical medieval Europe aristocrat. 用一句话来形容领主沃尔斯通,那便是‘典型的中世纪欧洲贵族’。 Is growing a wicked face, is staring at the tan mushroom head, in the person side also the tumor, is only the appearance gives people a villains holding sway feeling. 长着一副恶人脸,盯着黄褐色的蘑菇头,人中旁还有一颗瘤子,光是面相就给人一种小人得志的感觉。 In fact, he also truly is bullies the weak and fears the strong, and brain and walnut almost big or small real villain. 实际上,他也确实是个欺软怕硬且大脑和核桃差不多大小的真小人。 After knowing the beautiful Shounenbokujou goes wrong, he first thinks is not most basic probe, but natural leads several lackeys to regain. 在知道美少年牧场出乱子后,他第一时间想到的不是最基本的去调查情况,而是理所当然的带着几个狗腿子去收复。 Then, was frightened scared shitless by Brew's spirit X-ray machine armor, suddenly even wants to hide in the basement does not come out. 然后,被布鲁的灵光机甲吓了个屁滚尿流,一时间甚至想躲在地下室里不出来。 After all he himself also clear, these matters that oneself do how were retaliated by others are not overrated, naturally is the fear without enough time. 毕竟他自己心里也清楚,自己做的那些事被人家怎么报复都不为过,当然是害怕都来不及。 However after a period of time, actually transmits such report hand/subordinate. 不过过了一段时间,手下却传来这样的汇报。 Hey, that group of kids have not been thinking unexpectedly retaliates itself, instead did honest staying start to farm in that place? 嘿,那群小屁孩居然没想着报复自己,反而老老实实的呆在那地方开始种田了? When thinking them runs into itself the name, hehe, feudal lord Sir? 在想想他们遇到自己时的称呼,嘿嘿,领主大人? Ha, really the outcastes are the outcastes. 哈哈哈,果然贱民就是贱民。 Thinks of here, Woersitong leg is not sour the waist is not sore, the whole person was instantaneously refreshing. But immediately wells up, then becomes angry out of shame. 想到这里,沃尔斯通腿不酸了腰不疼了,整个人瞬间神清气爽了。但随即涌上来的,便是恼羞成怒。 Oneself, unexpectedly by such a group of young animals frightening this? Face what release/place of feudal lord? 自己,居然被这么一帮小崽子给吓成这样?领主的面子何放? Spirit X-ray machine armor? Although own territory is small, but also is insufficient a even/including knot to vow the bracelet not to have. 灵光机甲是吧?自己的领地虽小,但也不至于连一副结誓臂环都没有。 Also, own back, but colored glaze special Sir/minister. 再说了,自己的背后可是琉特卿啊。 Rummaged through chests and cupboards to seek, Woersitong finally found the thing that he wanted from the corner of hotel treasure house, and held its junction to oneself most trusted, to the most loyal chief aide-de-camp. 翻箱倒柜寻找了一番,沃尔斯通终于从宅邸宝库的角落找到了他想要的东西,并将其交托给了自己最为信赖,对自己最为忠诚的侍卫长。 But the success that the chief aide-de-camp also not lets people down summoned spirit X-ray machine armor. 而侍卫长也不负众望的成功召唤出了灵光机甲。 Compared with spirit X-ray machine armor that brat summoned, spirit X-ray machine armor of chief aide-de-camp was higher and is bigger, that was naturally stronger than spirit X-ray machine armor of that brat. 比起那兔崽子召唤出来的灵光机甲,侍卫长的灵光机甲更高、更大,那自然是比那兔崽子的灵光机甲更强。 Thinks of here, Woersitong happily smiled, and gets drunk again a dimness, lies hugs the pretty concubine whistling to rest on the bed greatly. 想到这里,沃尔斯通得意的笑了,并再次喝了个醉眼朦胧,躺在床上抱着貌美的小妾呼呼大睡。 What, you asked why he doesn't handle the matter of beautiful Shounenbokujou immediately? 什么,你问他为什么不立马去处理美少年牧场的事? This matter where has worries, in any case is the fish meat on block, when processes with enough time, when colored glaze Sir/minister that side urged especially then said. 这事哪有那么着急啊,反正都是砧板上的鱼肉,什么时候处理都来得及,等琉特卿那边催了再说吧。 Finally this rests, rested the bedroom ceiling to be given to raise. 结果这一睡,就睡到了卧室天花板被人给掀了。 Xie Ming has not expected, defense of this feudal lord hotel unexpectedly is such .... Collapsing at the first blow. 就连谢铭都没有料想到,这个领主宅邸的守备居然是这么的....不堪一击。 Looks twenty people of beautiful youngster are carrying the weapon combative to/clashes, unexpectedly symbolic fired several spears/guns to be without a fight. 看着二十几人的美少年端着武器杀气腾腾的冲上来,居然象征性的开了几枪就束手就擒了。 Because the beautiful youngster clash is too quick, that also hugs the chief aide-de-camp of little miss to link vows the bracelet not to take, the person was first arrested at the scene. 而因为美少年们冲的实在太快,那位同样抱着小姑娘的侍卫长连结誓臂环都没拿到手,人就先被当场逮捕。 Finally, was Brew controls spirit X-ray machine armor to lift the roof of hotel, is just grasped by Woersitong who outside noise awakened by noise in the hand. 最后,便是布鲁操控着灵光机甲掀开了宅邸的屋顶,将刚被外面的喧闹吵醒的沃尔斯通握在了手中。 Coldly coldly... calm!” “冷冷冷冷冷...冷静!” Looks that this brought spirit X-ray machine armor of half a month nightmare to oneself, Woersitong only felt among own crotches one wet, just shortly after old problem all came back. 看着这足足给自己带来了近半个月噩梦的灵光机甲,沃尔斯通只感觉自己裆间一湿,刚好没多久的‘老毛病’又全都回来了。 Has what words to say well well, I as the feudal lord, certain, will certainly satisfy your demands!” “有什么话好好好好好说,我身为领主,一定、一定会满足你们的诉求的!” ........ “........” Other beautiful youngster looked at each other one mutually, saw from the eyes of opposite party some intent move. But Brew, actually keeps firmly in mind in attacks, Xie Ming to he has spoken the words. 其他的美少年们互相对视了一眼,都从对方的眼中看到了些许意动。但布鲁,却牢记着在进攻之间,谢铭对他说过的话。 【The habitually used methods of all feudal lords, are only such a flow: Calm and steady will of the people- writes bounced check- bides one's time for punishment.】 【所有领主的惯用手段,无外乎就是这么一个流程:安稳人心-开空头支票-秋后算账。】 You look, Woersitong a few words, walked two flows directly. 你看,沃尔斯通一句话,直接就走了两个流程。 Feudal lord Woersitong.” “领主沃尔斯通。” Brew's low and deep saying: Makes me guess that you are thinking anything now.” 布鲁低沉的说道:“让我猜猜你现在在想什么吧。” Is thinking, first sends this group of little rascal to go back. When collects the good strength afterward, criticizes again together?” “是不是在想着,先打发这群小鬼回去。等到事后自己筹集好力量,再一起清算?” „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!” It seems like, I guessed right.” “看来,我猜对了啊。” Wait waited to wait!!!” “等等等等等!!!” Had just released obviously one time, but feels gradually to change the tight mechanical palm, Woersitong felt that the lower belly place presented a vivid warm current. 明明才刚刚释放过一次,但感受到逐渐变紧的机械手掌,沃尔斯通感觉下腹处又出现了一股呼之欲出的暖流。 Do not impulse! Do not impulse!! You and you understand that what you are making!? You are plotting to murder the feudal lord!” “不要冲动!千万不要冲动!!你、你明白自己在做什么吗!?你是在谋害领主啊!” When habitually uses the method does not have an effect, he definitely by oneself position will come to you to exert pressure, gives you pressure on make you give up, then bides one's time for punishment.】 【当惯用手段不起作用时,他必然会以自己的地位来向你施压,给予你心理压力让你放弃,然后再秋后算账。】 What's the big deal?” “那又如何?” The mechanical palm of spirit X-ray machine armor was also tight, in Brew's voice took crazy: In any case, you will not let off us, not!?” 灵光机甲的机械手掌又紧了一些,布鲁的声音中带上了一丝疯狂:“反正,你也不会放过我们,不是吗!?” Such being the case, was inferior that everyone destroys to consider as finished together!!” “既然如此,不如大家一起毁灭算了!!” Hey!!!!!” “噫!!!!!” Insane! Was really insane! This group of little rascal really not awfully! I such precious life, even if dies 10,000 inexpensive little rascal not to compare like this! 疯了!真的疯了!这群小鬼真的不要命了!我这么宝贵的生命,哪怕是死一万个这样的廉价小鬼都比不上啊! I understood! I knew! I will not manage you again! You are free!” “我明白了!我知道了!我不会再管你们了!你们已经自由了!” Regarding the corrupt aristocrat and feudal lord, nothing is more important than their lives. Therefore, so long as shows fight in which both sides perish the imposing manner, the opposite party will yield absolutely scared.】 【对于腐败贵族、领主来说,没有什么比他们的性命更重要。因此,只要展现出鱼死网破的气势,对方绝对会胆寒而让步。】 All, such that if Mr. Xie Ming said. 一切,都如谢铭先生所说的那样。 Brew grasped the palm again, looks the ugly face that Woersitong that nasal mucus tears mix up, he had a feeling. 布鲁再次抓紧了手掌,看着沃尔斯通那鼻涕眼泪都混在一起的丑恶面孔,他产生了一种感觉。 The so-called feudal lord is also mediocre. No, his even must covet life and fear death. 啊,所谓的领主也不过如此。不,他甚至比自己还要贪生怕死。 Before .... Why do oneself want to fear like this soft foot shrimp? 之前....自己为什么要惧怕这样的软脚虾? Insufficiently!” “不够!” Wha, what insufficient!?” “什、什么不够!?” I said the condition that you give is insufficient!” Brew exclaimed lowly: Now, immediately, vows the bracelet to concentrate all knots in your territory, gives me!” “我说你给的条件不够!”布鲁低吼道:“现在,立刻,把你领地中的所有结誓臂环都集中起来,交给我!” Entire, completely!?” “全、全部!?” „!? Good! You are really thinking retaliates us! Such being the case, I pinch to consider as finished you now!” “啊!?好啊!你果然在想着报复我们!既然如此,我现在就把你捏死算了!” Does not have such matter certainly certainly certainly certainly!!!” “绝绝绝绝没有这么一回事!!!” Woersitong turns head to shout toward oneself subordinate: Quickly! Now collects all knots to vow the bracelet to give them! Quickly!!!” 沃尔斯通扭头朝着自己的手下喊道:“快!现在就去收集所有的结誓臂环交给他们!快!!!” „...!” “哦...哦!” Walks quickly walks quickly!” “快走快走!” I warned that your Brew operated spirit X-ray machine armor to stamp a foot ruthlessly, broke the hotel of half: „ If, you want Woersitong dead, then although uses the crooked brain.” “我警告你们布鲁操纵灵光机甲狠狠的跺了一脚,震碎了半边的宅邸:“如果,你们想要沃尔斯通死,那么就尽管动歪脑筋。” Today we come to here, from the beginning has not planned to live departure. But we before dying, absolutely, absolutely .... “今天我们来这里,从一开始就没打算活着离开。但我们在死之前,绝对,绝对....” Will tow you to go to hell absolutely.” “绝对会拖着你们下地狱。” Hey!!!!” “噫!!!!” Is and is!!!!!” “是、是!!!!!” Is gazing after subordinate flustered departure of Woersitong, Brew cancelled to the summon of spirit X-ray machine armor. Others close, ties hands Woersitong. 目送着沃尔斯通的手下慌张的离开,布鲁取消了对灵光机甲的召唤。其他人一拥而上,将沃尔斯通五花大绑。 Brew, you .... No, no.” Gott shakes the head, says with a smile: Brew, you do well.” “布鲁,你....不,没什么。”戈特摇了摇头,笑道:“布鲁,你干得好。” Had not finished, Gott.” “还没有结束,戈特。” Is sticking to Woersitong head the muzzle, saying that Brew coldly: In the knot vowed the bracelet truly to our hands, before Gott you summoned spirit X-ray machine armor, all had not finished.” 将枪口紧贴着沃尔斯通的脑袋,布鲁冷冷的说道:“在结誓臂环真正到我们手上,在戈特你们召唤出灵光机甲之前,一切就都还没有结束。” Does not know Mr. Xie Ming they, now how ..... “也不知道谢铭先生他们,现在怎么样了.....” Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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