RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1873: What the youngster have is the consciousness

Yo! Xie Ming, Brew, we came back!” “哟!谢铭,布鲁,我们回来了!” Everyone! Is about to look! We caught so many prey!” “大家!快过来看啊!我们抓到了这么多的猎物!” ~ ~ ~ “哇~~~” The sparkling beautiful youngster swarmed around Yarrow, did not care about the stink of prey smell of blood and wild animal completely. 闪闪发光的美少年们蜂拥在了亚罗两人周围,完全不在乎猎物身上的血腥味和野兽的臭味。 Because of these things, represents them then to have the meat to eat, moreover many many meat. 因为那些东西,代表着他们接下来有肉吃,而且还是很多很多肉。 However before then ..... 不过在此之前..... Everyone.” Brew arrived in front of the people, looks serious: I had the matter to want with everyone to say.” “大家。”布鲁走到了众人面前,神情严肃:“我有事情想和大家说。” Brew?” “布鲁?” The people you have a look at me, I have a look at you, does not understand why own companion felt like changed a person. Only has to detect that with Gott who Yarrow hunts together anything, looked at Xie Ming one vigilantly. 众人你看看我,我看看你,不明白自己的同伴为什么感觉像是变了一个人。唯有和亚罗一起去狩猎的戈特察觉到了什么,警惕的看了谢铭一眼。 „Does Brew, what you want to say?” “布鲁,你想说些什么?” I felt, we cannot this way.” Brew rubbed rubbing hands anxiously: We must initiate an attack, overthrow Woersitong!” “我觉得,我们不能再这样下去了。”布鲁紧张的搓了搓手:“我们要主动出击,打倒沃尔斯通!” Brew!?” “布鲁!?” You and you are saying anything!!” “你、你在说什么啊!!” We are how possible .... “我们怎么可能....” Everyone!” “大家!” Gott shouted, attracted on the attention of people oneself: We, listening to Brew to say.” 戈特喊了一声,将众人的注意力吸引到了自己身上:“我们,听布鲁说完吧。” Gott... thank you.” “戈特...谢谢你。” Gets hold of the fist in the chest front, Brew said loudly: Everyone! I understand everyone's fear! Actually I, I am also actually afraid!” 在胸前握紧拳头,布鲁大声说道:“大家!我明白大家的害怕!其实我,其实我也非常害怕!” Woersitong is a feudal lord, his subordinate is an Sir, they have the fierce weapon! We are afraid, is thinking, so long as dull will not have the matter here!” “沃尔斯通是领主,他的手下都是大人,他们有着厉害的武器!我们都在害怕,都想着只要呆在这里就不会有事!” But, this is deceiving oneself and others!” “但,这不过是在自欺欺人而已!” Saying, Brew held up the knot in hand to vow the bracelet: Look! Everyone! This knot vowed the bracelet, is we now the only dependence! Is our only safeguards!” 说着,布鲁举起了手中的结誓臂环:“看啊!各位!这个结誓臂环,就是我们现在唯一的依靠!是我们唯一的保障!” Brew has the knot to vow the bracelet, Brew can summon spirit X-ray machine armor, Brew will protect everyone! Everyone is thinking, right?” “布鲁有着结誓臂环,布鲁能够召唤灵光机甲,布鲁会保护大家!大家都在这么想,对吧?” But, can this really continue?” “但,这真的能持续下去吗?” Previous time, we can make Woersitong retreat , because Woersitong does not have mystical powers X-ray machine armor. But next time? Everyone felt, Woersitong comes next time, won't take spirit X-ray machine armor similarly?” “上一次,我们能够让沃尔斯通撤退,是因为沃尔斯通没有灵光机甲。但下一次呢?大家觉得,沃尔斯通下一次过来,不会同样带上灵光机甲吗?” Everyone believes, I can win spirit X-ray machine armor that Woersitong brings?” “大家认为,我能打赢沃尔斯通带来的灵光机甲吗?” I cannot achieve!” “我做不到!” Brew is red the eye saying: When the time comes I will die! Again domestic animal that everyone will also turn into Woersitong! When this Woersitong will attack next time, our results!” 布鲁红着眼睛说道:“到时候我会死!大家也会再次变成沃尔斯通的家畜!这就是下次沃尔斯通攻打过来时,我们的结局!” Scared, starts to disseminate among the youngster. Just saw the joy of massive prey, is at this moment nothing left. 恐慌,开始在少年们之间传播。刚刚见到大量猎物的欣喜,在此刻已经荡然无存。 The young children by somewhat hysteric Brew frightening, the old children think are more. 年幼的孩子们被有些歇斯底里的布鲁给吓到了,年长的孩子们则想到了更多。 Originally .... Oneself compelled this degree Brew unexpectedly. 原来....自己居然把布鲁逼到了这种程度。 Relates best Gott with Brew, at this moment closed tightly the lip. 和布鲁关系最好的戈特,此刻更是咬紧了嘴唇。 I, had not discovered unexpectedly .... Brew is bearing such tremendous pressure and pain unexpectedly. But this, is natural.” “我,居然一直都没有发现....布鲁居然承受着这么大的压力和痛苦。但这,也是理所当然的吧。” Thinks of here, Gott raised the head, turns around to look to other old children: Everyone, Brew said right.” 想到这里,戈特抬起头,转身看向其他年长的孩子:“大家,布鲁说的没错。” Here is our families/home. Therefore, should protect by us! We cannot always rely on Brew, we must help Blou be right!” “这里是我们所有人的家。所以,应该由我们大家来保护!我们不能总是依赖布鲁,我们也要帮到布鲁才对!” „......” “......” The old children are looking at each other mutually, from crowd: Right!” 年长的孩子们互相对视着,从人群中走了出来:“对!” Here is our homelands!” “这里是我们大家的家园!” Everyone's homeland, should make everyone protect together!” “大家的家园,应该让大家一起来保护!” Brew! Said! How we should do!” “布鲁!说吧!我们应该怎么做!” Gott, everyone ..... “戈特,大家.....” Brew deeply inspires, corner of the eye with tears: We cannot sit waiting for death, after waiting for Woersitong feudal lord gathers the militant strength, attack us again.” 布鲁深深吸了口气,眼角含泪:“我们不能坐以待毙,等待沃尔斯通领主聚集好战力后再次攻击我们。” We, must initiate an attack!” “我们,要主动出击!” ----- ----- The children are pure, only needs a person to stand on own initiative, others without hesitation supports him, therefore is very easy to congeal a rope. 孩子们是单纯的,只需要一个人主动站起来,其他人就会毫不犹豫的去支持他,所以很容易凝成一股绳。 Under Brew's mobilization, all old children start to inspect the weapon. Hotel that the preparation under the leadership of Brew, Night Raid Woersitong lives. 在布鲁的动员之下,所有年长的孩子都开始检查起武器。准备在布鲁的带领下,夜袭沃尔斯通所居住的宅邸。 Has Brew's spirit X-ray machine armor, the iron that in addition the Xie Ming friendship provides walks to ride, can lead everyone to go reluctantly together. 有着布鲁的灵光机甲,再加上谢铭友情提供的铁走骑,勉勉强强可以带着所有人一同前去。 Now, only needs to look that the children were busy at work on the line. 现在嘛,只需要看着孩子们忙活就行了。 Xie Ming. What did you say to Brew?” 谢铭。你对布鲁说了什么吧?” Naturally.” “当然。” Is processing the prey, Xie Ming while said: Also with you says with that child who you went, their situations.” 一边处理着猎物,谢铭一边说道:“跟你去的那孩子也和你说了吧,他们的情况。” Said that said. But .... Does this matter need to wage a war?” Saying that Yarrow has doubts: We help them solve while convenient, was not good.” “说是说了。但....这件事需要这么大动干戈吗?”亚罗疑惑的说道:“我们顺便帮他们解决一下,不就好了。” „Do you want to act? Helps the children massacre that feudal lord named Woersitong?” “那你要出手么?帮孩子们把那个叫沃尔斯通的领主杀掉?” Massacres?” “杀掉?” Words that does not massacre, when we walk, you can guarantee that Woersitong won't invade one's territory again?” Xie Ming caught the eye to look under Yarrow: This matter essentially, before this beautiful Shounenbokujou and us , the border people village that is at has not distinguished.” “不杀掉的话,等我们一走,你敢保证沃尔斯通不会再度来犯?”谢铭抬眼看了下亚罗:“这件事在本质上,这个美少年牧场和我们之前所在的边民村没有区别。” But stated differently, the border people village has the Sir, knows that something cannot depend upon others, can only depend upon itself. But these children, have not actually comprehended this truth.” “但不同的是,边民村有着大人,知道有些事情不能依靠别人,只能依靠自己。可这些孩子,却还没有领悟这个道理。” This ..... “这.....” You, if the choice helps them, they will then rely on you, will request that you stay here to help them. Yarrow, will you promise them?” “你若是选择帮助他们,他们便会依赖你,会请求你留在这里一直帮助他们。亚罗,你会答应他们吗?” ....., therefore, you said that must massacre feudal lord Woersitong.” “.....所以,你才说要杀掉领主沃尔斯通。” Right.” “没错。” Saying of Xie Ming undulating: Only then massacres feudal lord Woersitong, children's safety can be guaranteed temporarily.” 谢铭澹澹的说道:“只有杀掉领主沃尔斯通,孩子们的安全才能暂时得到保证。” But the price, is actually the confusion in entire territory, seizes power. Guaranteed that children safety price, is the lives of more innocent villager. When the new feudal lord was elected ..... “但代价,却将是整个领地的混乱,夺权。保证孩子们安危的代价,是更多无辜村民的性命。而当新的领主当选时.....” How you ensure he won't start to the children?” “你又如何保证,他不会对孩子们下手?” Really complex.” “真复杂啊。” Yarrow wants to scratch the head, but just raised the hand, smoking to wrinkle the chrysanthemum by that thick fishy smell to the face. 亚罗想要挠挠头,但刚把手举起来,就被那浓厚的腥味给熏到脸皱成了菊花。 In other words, Brew is afraid the fight, the children do not have the wish of fight self-preservation. Therefore you will convince Brew, making him lead other children to act together?” “也就是说,布鲁害怕战斗,孩子们也没有战斗自保的意愿。所以你才会说服布鲁,让他带着其他孩子一起行动?” Is this.” “就是这样。” Saw that the beautiful youngster in not far away have soon prepared, Xie Ming washed washing the hands: They have the opportunity of change, has the strength of change, what lacks is the faith of change.” 看到不远处的美少年们已经快要准备好了,谢铭洗了洗手:“他们有着改变的机会,有着改变的力量,但缺少的是改变的信念。” Now, they obtained the faith. Finally is left over, then the action that this faith carried out.” “现在,他们获得了信念。最后剩下的,便是将这份信念落实的行动了。” Yarrow, I have a request to you.” “亚罗,我对你有个要求。” What?” “什么?” In the later action, only if the children had the crisis of being killed, otherwise you cannot begin.” “在之后的行动中,除非孩子们有丧命的危机,否则你绝不能动手。” ....... “唔.......” Made an effort to rub rubbing hands in the water, Yarrow stood up: This actually. However, how do you plan to do?” 在水中使劲搓了搓手,亚罗站起身:“这倒是可以。不过,你打算怎么做?” I?” Xie Ming smiles: I am pure do not want to notice that the good person was bullied by the unprincipled person, the child was bullied by the Sir.” “我?”谢铭笑了笑:“我只是单纯不想看到好人被坏人欺负,孩子被大人欺负而已。” Therefore I will give them to choose with, when the border people village is the same?” “所以我会给予他们选择和在边民村的时候一样?” Then some was too rather severe to the child. However, yes ..... “那对孩子来说未免有些太严苛了。不过,是呢.....” At least must teach them, how to protect oneself in this tumultuous times is good.” “至少也要教会他们,如何在这乱世中自保才行。” Saying, Xie Ming is walking to ride toward the iron. 说着,谢铭朝着铁走骑走去。 Walks, Yarrow.” “走吧,亚罗。” Makes us be able that Woersitong feudal lord.” “让我们会会那位沃尔斯通领主。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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