RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1872: In order to survive to struggle the issue

beautiful youngster farm, backyard log cabin. 美少年农场,后院木屋。 Looks that lies is unable to move on the bed, can only open the eye, the despair is similar to by burning red the trace under iron seal, forever is unable to dissipate from their eyes. 看着躺在床上无法动弹,只能睁大着眼睛,绝望就如同被烧红的烙铁印下的痕迹,永远无法从他们的眼中消散。 Before Xie Ming moves toward, gently with finger in a forehead of beautiful youngster. 谢铭走向前,轻轻用手指点在了一名美少年的眉心。 The brain wave responded nearly does not have, the spirit dried up, the brain function seriously was damaged. The most important thing is .... The soul has vanished. 脑波反应近无,精神枯竭,大脑机能严重受损。最重要的是....灵魂已经消失。 In the medicine has a special-purpose noun to call be at this condition human: Cognitive death. 医学上有一个专用的名词来称呼处于这个状态的人类:脑死亡。 In the strict sense, these youngster are not human, but also has the corpse of life characteristics, living body that is damaged. 严格意义上,这些少年们已经不是人类,只是还有生命特征的尸体,一个活着的、受损的躯壳。 This is the damage that Xie Ming is not even able to save, the soul that after all person is unique. 这是连谢铭都无法挽救回来的损伤,毕竟人的灵魂是独一无二的。 Xie Ming no doubt can use the life tree record, restores these bodies, and new soul will invest. But .... That is only a newborn who is throwing over the youngster skin. 谢铭固然可以动用生命树图录,修复这些躯壳,并将新的灵魂投入进去。但....那只是一个披着少年皮的新生儿。 Invests the new soul compared with oneself, Xie Ming favors restores these bodies, later allow nature to take its course. 比起自己投入新灵魂,谢铭还是更倾向于将这些躯壳修复好,随后顺其自然。 Some crossing over come also well, presents the miracle, looks at these youngster own good fortunes. 有穿越者过来也好,出现奇迹也罢,都看这些少年们自己的福分。 Named Brew's blue sends the beautiful youngster naturally unable to think, this passing by traveller was pondering unexpectedly is so called the crazy matter sufficiently. He at this moment, only thinks that Xie Ming is one can make him pour out worry Shudong. 名为布鲁的蓝发美少年自然不会想到,这位路过的旅行者居然在思考着如此足以称为疯狂的事情。此刻的他,只认为谢铭是一个能够让他倾吐烦恼的‘树洞’。 We, are the poor village children. Days, feudal lord Woersitong led the person to visit the village suddenly, said that needs to cultivate the soldier who some children came to to become the protection territory.” “我们大家,原本都是贫苦村子里的孩子。有一天,领主沃尔斯通突然带着人造访了村子,说是需要培育一些孩子来成为守护领地的士兵。” He promised us, follows him, we will not have an empty stomach, has the comfortable room to live. The person in village believed him, we also believed him.” “他向我们保证,跟着他走,我们不会饿肚子,也有着舒服的屋子住。村子里的人相信了他,我们也相信了他。” But finally, he is not to cultivate the soldier in territory, but regarded him to raise us, specially for the experiment the domestic animal of preparation.” “但结果,他并不是为了培育领地的士兵,而是把我们当成了他饲养、专门为实验而准备的家畜。” Beautiful youngster .... Then is the names of our these domestic animals. Therefore, here is called the beautiful Shounenbokujou.” “美少年....便是我们这些家畜的名字。所以,这里叫做美少年牧场。” ....... “.......” Every one month, some people will arrive at the pasture, chooses some people to deliver to the experimental farm. Keeps the person in pasture, is looks after is suffering the companion who the experiment degenerates into the disabled person to continue to live, while ..... “每一个月,就会有人来到牧场,挑选一些人送到实验场。留在牧场里的人,则是一边照顾着遭受实验沦为废人的同伴继续生活,一边.....” Waits to be selected.” “等待着自己被选中。” Desperate, fears and no use. In the front of youngster, the Sirs are even disinclined to conceal oneself evil intention. 绝望、恐惧、无助。在少年们的面前,大人们甚至都懒得掩饰自己的恶意。 Finally, is one's turn me and Gott .... Gott was just with Yarrow together the companion who goes out to hunt. Is one's turn our times, we seize the opportunity, robbed a knot to vow the bracelet, destroyed the experimental farm to escape.” “终于,轮到我和戈特....戈特就是刚刚和亚罗一起出去狩猎的同伴。轮到我们的时候,我们抓住机会,抢走了一副结誓臂环,摧毁实验场逃了出来。” Has the strength of spirit X-ray machine armor, we return to here quickly, got rid of the guarding, liberated everyone.” “有着灵光机甲的力量,我们很快回到这里,干掉了看守,解放了大家。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Has been reorganizing one set of treatment programming saying of Xie Ming undulating at heart: Because has no place to go, therefore can only guard here. But that fellow named Woersitong, will not give up.” 已经在心里整理出一套治疗计划的谢铭澹澹的说道:“因为无处可去,所以只能驻守在这里。可那个叫做沃尔斯通的家伙,并不会就此罢休。” Is ..... “是的.....” Brew dangles a pupil: In fact before, Woersitong has come one time. However because we have spirit X-ray machine armor, he retreated quickly.” 布鲁垂下眼眸:“实际上之前,沃尔斯通已经来过一次了。不过因为我们有着灵光机甲,他很快就撤退了。” But the next time, he can definitely have spirit X-ray machine armor to come. Depending on me, is only impossible to be victorious ..... “但下一次,他肯定会带着灵光机甲过来。只凭我一人,不可能打得过.....” Is this?” “是这样吗?” „!?”, “!?”, Xie Ming has turned the head, being blazing with anger is staring at Brew: You seriously have pondered, because own is deliberately bad weakly.” 谢铭转过头,目光如炬的盯着布鲁:“你是认真的思考过,还是因为自己的软弱而自暴自弃。” „!!!!” “!!!!” The body of youngster one stiff, both hands grabbed the hair to squat in the corner, in the sound took hysteric some: I do not have that strength!” 少年的身体一僵,双手抓着头发蹲在了墙角,声音中带上了些许歇斯底里:“我没有那种力量啊!” My faith is .... My faith is ..... 【a person lives on dishonorably! Everyone here, everyone can only depend on me obviously .... But my faith is actually this despicable!” “我的信念是....我的信念是.....【一个人苟活】!明明大家都在这里,大家都只能靠我了....但我的信念却是这样的卑劣!” Depends on such faith, what I can achieve!?” “靠着这样的信念,我能做到什么!?” Can achieve anything, wants to make anything with you, is completely different.” “能做到什么,和你想去做什么,是完全不同的。” ei?” Brew raised the head, puzzled looks to Xie Ming. “欸?”布鲁抬起头,不解的看向谢铭 I am travellers who have walked randomly many places, have met a lot, has witnessed a lot.” “我是一名游走过许多地方的旅行者,遇见过很多事情,也见证过很多事情。” Leans on by the gate, saying of Xie Ming undulating: Some things, the person cannot achieve, but is the person is afraid to do, the person does not have to attempt the attempt, overruled itself arbitrarily.” 倚靠在门旁,谢铭澹澹的说道:“有些事情,人并不是做不到,而是人害怕去做,人连尝试都没有去尝试,就擅自否决了自己。” Brew, you know a person displays the most powerful strength time, is when?” “布鲁,你知道一个人发挥出自己最强大的力量的时候,是什么时候吗?” To survive to start to struggle.” “是为了生存而开始挣扎的时候。” To survive .... But struggles ..... “为了生存....而挣扎.....” Right.” “没错。” Xie Ming is gazing at Brew's eyes: At that time, when robs the knot to vow the bracelet, what are you thinking?” 谢铭注视着布鲁的双眼:“当时,在抢夺结誓臂环的时候,你心里在想些什么?” I .... “我....” Recalls, said.” “回忆起来,说出来。” I ..... Brew got hold of the double fist: I do not want to turn into the disabled person .... I do not want dead .... I must go on living .... I must escape!” “我.....”布鲁握紧了双拳:“我不想变成废人....我不想死....我要活下去....我要逃出去!” Very good.” “很好。” Xie Ming steps forward one step, approaches Blou: Then you felt, your present situation and at that time, what did have to change?” 谢铭向前踏上一步,逼近布鲁:“那么你觉得,你现在的情况和当时,有什么改变吗?” No!” “没有!” „!?” “!?” No change!” Xie Ming continues to press hard on forward: Your front have no chance as before! You are feeling alarmed and anxious every day as before! Is afraid the feudal lord to lead troops again the attack! Is afraid and companion degenerates into the domestic animal again!” “没有任何的改变!”谢铭继续向前紧逼:“你们的前方依旧没有希望!你们每天依旧在担惊受怕!害怕着领主再次带兵过来袭击!害怕着自己和同伴再次沦为家畜!” Your lives, have not safeguarded as before! In your hand, has gripped opening to hope the key of front door obviously!” “你们的生命,依旧没有保障!明明你的手中,已经握住了开启希望大门的钥匙!” I .... I......” “我....我......” Brew's body closely pastes the wall, the both feet is shivering, the sound is shivering, child Kong is shivering. 布鲁的身体紧紧贴着墙壁,双脚颤抖着,声音颤抖着,童孔颤抖着。 Increasingly close Xie Ming, as if becomes these bird mouth mask black-clothed person who see in the experimental farm, as if becomes the companion of seven orifices hemorrhage under the electric shock, as if becomes feudal lord Woersitong who the whole face grins fiendishly. 不断贴近的谢铭,仿佛成为了在实验场看到的那些鸟嘴面具黑衣人,仿佛成为了在电击下七窍出血的同伴,仿佛成为了满脸狞笑的领主沃尔斯通。 What to do you must! Brew! Told me! What to do you must!” “你要怎么办!布鲁!告诉我!你要怎么办!” I .... I want ..... “我....我要.....” You looked, the crisis came! Woersitong came! He leads oneself soldier! He must start to devastate you! You are going to return to the past domestic animal to live!” “你看,危机来了!沃尔斯通来了!他带着自己的士兵!他要开始蹂躏你们了!你们将要回到过去的家畜生活了!” The release some killed intent to fluctuate, Xie Ming continues slowly , approaching Blou step by step. 释放出了些许杀意波动,谢铭继续、慢慢的、一步一步的逼近布鲁。 How you must do, Brew.” “你要怎么做,布鲁。” I want .... “我要....” Escapes! Companion anything throws, all things throws into while! You only needed yourself to live to be good, right!?” “逃跑吧!将同伴什么的都抛到一边,把所有的事情都抛到一边!你只需要自己活下来就行了,对吧!?” „... I, I am not ..... “不...我,我不是.....” 【A person lives on dishonorably, Isn't this your faith? What having isn't right? Where isn't right?” “【一个人苟活】,这不就是你的信念吗?有什么不对?哪里不对?” „Not right .... I, I ..... “不对....我,我.....” Said, shouted, told me, Brew.” The Xie Ming sound raised suddenly: Replied me! Brew!” “说出来,喊出来,告诉我,布鲁。”谢铭的声音突然提起:“回答我!布鲁!” AAAAAAAAA!!!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!” When the person was compelled to the hopeless situation, some people will give up hoping, some people will escape. Only has that few person, even if weaponless, to go on living to rise spiritedly to revolt. 当人被逼至绝境时,有的人会放弃希望,有的人会夺路而逃。唯有那极少数人,哪怕手无寸铁,也会为了活下去奋起反抗。 Was similar to that time Asada Shino also to be similar to this time beautiful youngster Brew. 就如同那时的朝田诗乃也如同此时的美少年布鲁。 . 啪。 The left hand caught Brew to exhaust the fist that the whole body strength wielded, Xie Ming smiled. 左手接住了布鲁用尽全身力气挥出的拳头,谢铭笑了起来。 Now, replies me, Brew. What is your choice?” “现在,回答我吧,布鲁。你的选择是什么?” I .... I ..... “我....我.....” In the eye brings crazy and came to understand, Brew exclaimed lowly: I must go on living! With everyone together!” 眼里带着疯狂和觉悟,布鲁低吼道:“我要活下去!和大家一起!” This is I .... No, is our struggling!” “这便是我....不,是我们的挣扎!” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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