RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1871: So long as sparkling is the beautiful youngster

„It is not good, was dying......” “不行了,要死了......” face upwards Shentang walks on the sidecar seat that rides in the iron, is red Yarrow of upper body to open mouth and stick out one's tongue, wipes away sweat with the towel, while attempts to pour a water drop from the completely empty water bag again. 仰身躺在铁走骑的边车座位上,赤着上身的亚罗张着嘴、吐着舌头,一边用毛巾擦着汗,一边尝试着从已经空空如也的水袋中再倒出一滴水。 What a pity, this acted he to repeat 56 times. How therefore even Yarrow attempts again, without the thing does not have. 可惜,这个动作他已经重复了五六次了。所以就算亚罗再怎么尝试,没有的东西就是没有。 Why bother to make things difficult for itself.” “何苦为难自己呢。” Nearby drives Xie Ming that the iron is walking to ride to see Yarrow this appearance, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 旁边驾驶着铁走骑的谢铭看到亚罗这副模样,着实有些哭笑不得。 This is not he maltreats to lose recalls the youth, but is this cannot look on the bright side of thing, must insist oneself look for the crime to receive. 这可不是他虐待失忆青年,而是这位自己想不开,非要坚持自己找罪受的。 In finishes the communication ends the second day after the week, whistling rested a whole evening Yarrow to look for Xie Ming greatly on own initiative, discussed many things with him. 在和周毕通讯完后的第二天,呼呼大睡了一整晚的亚罗主动找上了谢铭,和他谈了许多事情。 This many things with a few words the broad words, are Yarrow hope Xie Ming can as soon as possible the training to his independent survival capability will put on the agenda. 这‘许多事情’用一句话来概括的话,便是亚罗希望谢铭能尽快的将对他独立生存能力的训练提上日程。 Saw that he has the working zeal, Xie Ming naturally cannot reject. 见到他这么有干劲,谢铭自然不会拒绝。 However this thing, must divide the environment. 不过这玩意,也是要分环境的。 Just had/left the terrain of border people village, for the time being also belonged to the forest region. No matter the water source or the prey, do not need extremely to be worried. But when two people pass through the forest thoroughly, when arrives at the open land, matter may be completely different. 刚出边民村的这片地形,姑且还属于森林区域。所以不管是水源还是猎物,都不需要太过担心。可当两人彻底穿过森林,来到荒地时,事情可就完全不一样了。 Water shortage, lacks food and Sun to be sinister, air drying .... 缺水、缺食物、太阳毒辣、空气干燥.... Under this all sorts of negative Buff in addition hold, Yarrow quickly turned into this soon seasoned salt fish appearance. After all except for can summon spirit X-ray machine armor, in addition the physical quality is better on beyond several times than the average person, other Yarrow not special capabilities. 在这种种负面Buff的加持之下,亚罗很快就变成了这副快要被晒干的咸鱼模样。毕竟除了能召唤灵光机甲,再加上身体素质比普通人要好上几倍之外,亚罗并没有其他的特殊能力。 The key is this fellow thief is gruff, is not willing to accept the help of Xie Ming. Even if Xie Ming puts out trump card, said that this will affect to go to the wall the speed, he is not willing to give up. 关键是这家伙还贼倔,死活不愿意接受谢铭的帮助。哪怕谢铭拿出杀手锏,说这样会影响前往墙壁的速度,他都不愿意放弃。 Oneself are willing to look for the crime to receive, that can have what means. 自己愿意找罪受,那能有什么办法。 On leaving an oasis has known how things stand the day, look the water drank up. 在离开上一个绿洲已经有了数天,这不,水又喝完了嘛。 Xie Ming helpless shaking the head, springs some ice fragments to sprinkle after Yarrow body conveniently, the eyes change into the emerald green color. 谢铭无奈的摇了摇头,随手弹出些许冰屑洒在亚罗身上后,双眼化为翠绿之色。 Since he arrives fourth-order, bans to extinguish all abilities of demon eye also already completely open. Before asked Yarrow to try, banned to extinguish the ability of demon eye to play the role to spirit X-ray machine armor similarly. 自他抵达四阶后,禁灭魔眼的所有能力也已经完全开放。之前找亚罗试了下,禁灭魔眼的能力同样能对灵光机甲起到作用。 However this also divides the person, like the function when Yarrow body, is spirit X-ray machine armor is punched a fist to Yarrow's feeling ruthlessly, moreover controlled also to compare ordinarily was slower. 不过这也分人,像作用在亚罗身上时,给亚罗的感觉就是灵光机甲被狠狠揍上一拳,而且操控起来也比平常迟缓了许多。 If weak point spirit X-ray machine armor, for example that falls the valuable hunter, perhaps the effect will be more evident. 如果是弱一点的灵光机甲,比如那个落宝猎人,或许效果就会更显著些吧。 Simply speaking, bans to extinguish the localization of demon eye still not to change to Xie Ming, just like summoning thunder Dan of some traitor within dragon, can falling striking power that suffers to pass, direct community smashing that by. 简单来说,禁灭魔眼的定位对谢铭而言依然没有变化,和某内奸龙的召雷弹一样,能挨得过去的降攻击力,挨不过去的直接群体粉碎。 If fierce magnificence or the colored glaze special Sir/minister send out the army to besiege, bans to extinguish the demon eye only to sweep one toward that can achieves gives your weapon the effect without offending somebody with ease. 要是烈华凯或者琉特卿派出大军来围攻,禁灭魔眼只需往那扫上一眼,就可以在不伤人的前提下轻松做到‘缴你武器’的效果。 However at this time Xie Ming opening bans to extinguish the demon eye, but pure to strengthen the vision, having a look in more than ten kilometers to have the new oasis, or environment of human housing. 不过此时谢铭开启禁灭魔眼,只是单纯为了加强视力,看看十几公里内有没有新的绿洲,或者人类居住的环境。 Also let alone, really made him discover was located in the oasis between canyons, the sentry post tower and log cabin in oasis, as well as outermost memorial arch. 还别说,真让他发现了一处位于峡谷之间的绿洲,绿洲之中的哨塔、木屋,以及最外面的牌坊。 Beautiful youngster .... Pasture? What thing ....... “美少年....牧场?什么玩意.......” The corners of the mouth twitched, Xie Ming continued to fix the eyes on the observation. Afterward, he then discovered is working in the pasture industriously, sparkling beautiful youngster. 嘴角抽搐了一下,谢铭继续定睛观察。随后,他便发现了在牧场中辛勤劳动着的,闪闪发光的美少年们。 Un, he has not misread, these beautiful youngster, really sparkle in physics significance. 嗯,他没有看错,这些美少年,真的是在物理意义上的闪闪发光。 It seems like due to health reasons, their all around faith energies be more active than the average man. Therefore, will present this sparkling special effect. 似乎是因为身体原因,他们四周的信念能量要比常人要活跃。因此,才会出现这种闪闪发光的特效。 However their clothes ..... said that is the tight clothes not like, will be more like in the match abundant network world these to submerge the network specially energetic the network hacker special-purpose clothing/taking. 不过他们这衣服.....说是紧身衣也不像,更像是赛博网络世界中那些专门将精神潜入进网络的网络黑客专用服。 Moreover barefoots, in the wrist/skill of both hands also brings the wrist handcuffs. 而且还赤脚,双手的手腕上还带着腕铐。 Un .... Should be some aristocrat master's disgusting interest.” “嗯....应该是某个贵族老爷的恶心趣味吧。” Without the means that the so special clothing, matches on beautiful youngster and wrist handcuffs these two species again, Xie Ming does not guess toward that aspect difficultly. This walks, he does not know that has watched many similar matter. 没办法,如此特殊的服饰,再搭配上美少年、腕铐这两种属性,谢铭不往那方面猜都难。这一路走来,他都不知道看过多少类似的事情了。 In brief, first in the past.” “总而言之,先过去吧。” The pupil restores for the black, the iron to walk to ride to start to accelerate. 瞳孔重新恢复为黑色,铁走骑开始加速。 ----- ----- Ding-dong ding-dong...... 当当当当当当...... With the rapid alarm, the flash beautiful youngster of assorted hair carry the hand crossbow, arrived at the village entrance bunker place hurriedly, anxious stares is gradually being close to the iron that walking to ride. 伴随着急促的警铃声,各色头发的闪光美少年们端起手弩,匆忙的来到了村庄入口的掩体处,紧张的盯着逐渐接近的铁走骑。 Afterward, the faith light beam shoots up to the sky together, light yellow, appearance stretched out the arms like shorts boy spirit X-ray machine armor all over the body, blocks in front of Xie Ming and Yarrow. 随后,一道信念光柱冲天而起,通体淡黄、模样如同短裤男孩般的灵光机甲张开双臂,拦在了谢铭与亚罗面前。 Now immediately stops! Otherwise I must launch the attack!” “现在马上停下!不然我就要发动攻击了!” Young, immature and naive, and fills sound that the self-destruction favored. It seems like that here condition is quite bad. 年轻、稚嫩、天真,且充满了自毁倾向的声音。看来,这里的状况相当糟糕啊。 Un... how, Villain/enemy?” “嗯...怎么了,敌人?” The head top head Yarrow of wet towel is restoring from half comatose condition slowly, blurry looks to faint yellow spirit X-ray machine armor: That, to me .... 脑袋上盖着湿毛巾的亚罗从半昏迷状态中缓缓恢复,迷迷糊糊的看向淡黄色灵光机甲:“那么,到我....” Has not arrived at you not to arrive at you.” “没到你没到你。” A palm of the hand pressed Yarrow, under Xie Ming Che Xiangqian. 一巴掌将亚罗按了回去,谢铭下车向前。 Hello. Both of us are the travellers who go via this place, such as you see, because my companion the insolation of hot sun is somewhat unconscious. If possible, hopes that you can let our two people here rest some time.” “你们好。我们两人是路经此地的旅行者,如你们所见,我的同伴因为烈日的曝晒已经有些神志不清了。如果可以的话,希望你们能让我们两人在这里休息一段时间。” Naturally, we will also pay the corresponding reward.” “当然,我们也会支付相应的报酬。” Traveller ..... “旅行者.....” The beautiful youngster looked at attitude sincere earnest Xie Ming, looked at half-dead Yarrow again, finally looked at each other one mutually. 美少年们看了看态度诚恳认真的谢铭,再看了看半死不活的亚罗,最后互相对视了一眼。 Please come. However excuse me, us does not have too much food ..... “请进来吧。不过不好意思,我们这边也没有太多的食物.....” Thanked.” “非常感谢。” The vigilant heart has, but are not many. Oneself the situation is obviously bad, but also is willing to lend a hand to assist to the stranger, this naive good .... How should appraise. 警惕心有,但是不多。明明自己这边情况糟糕,还愿意对陌生人出手相助,这份天真的善良....该怎么评价呢。 Xie Ming flexure the face, boarded to drive into the pasture. 谢铭挠了挠脸,上车驶入牧场。 After one hour . 一小时后。 ..... Thump thump ..... ..... lived ..... “啊呜啊呜啊呜啊呜啊呜.....咕咚咕咚.....哈啊.....活过来了.....” face upwards leans on the wooden chair, Yarrow feels own belly, happy looks to sitting in opposite green short hair beautiful youngster: Really too thank you.” 仰靠在木椅上,亚罗摸着自己的肚皮,开心的看向坐在对面的绿色短发美少年:“真的太谢谢你们了。” „... This minor matter does not have the relations......” “不...这点小事没关系的......” This is not the minor matter.” “这可不是小事。” Yarrow sits the body, said with a smile: Your food are actually not many, right. Is willing to entertain us with few food, this benevolence I must be good.” 亚罗坐正身子,笑着说道:“你们的食物其实也不多,对吧。愿意用为数不多的食物来招待我们,这份恩情我必须要还才行。” „Does this nearby have the place that the animal appears and disappears?” “这附近有动物出没的地方吗?” „, Has, but these animals are very fierce, we do not dare .... “啊,有是有,但那些动物都很凶猛,我们不敢....” Is all right, so long as holds the knack not to have the issue. You come several people, I teach you knack.” “没事没事,只要抓住诀窍就没有问题。你们多来几个人吧,我把诀窍教给你们。” Really, was really thanked ..... “真的,真是太感谢了.....” Is gazing after Yarrow and sends the beautiful youngster to leave green, Xie Ming sipped the saliva, looked that sends the beautiful youngster to another blue: As Yarrow said that really thanked your help very much.” 目送着亚罗和绿发美少年离开,谢铭抿了口水,看向另一位蓝发美少年:“如亚罗所说,真的很感谢你们的帮助。” Therefore, if there is a place that what we can help, but also please say although.” “所以,若有什么我们能帮上忙的地方,还请尽管说。” ....... Useless.” “.......没用的。” Sent the beautiful youngster to turn away blue, said in a low voice: After resting, you leave as soon as possible.” 蓝发美少年移开了视线,低声说道:“在休息好之后,你们就尽快离开吧。” Here, you have not imagined are so safe.” “这里,并没有你们想象中那么安全。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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