RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1870: Optimistic fool really not worrying matter

The watchman in prison. 牢狱的看守者。 This may really be worth lets six characters that the person chews repeatedly. 这可真是值得让人反复嘴嚼的六个字。 But Xie Ming always thought that ..... with the prison described forest gal Surinder, some are not quite correct. 谢铭总觉得.....用牢狱来形容林伽林德,有些不太正确。 After all the so-called prison, is used for detains some to have the place. But contacts the thing and information that from Xie Ming until now, with his name forest gal Surinder is the jail, rather is ..... the cultivation garden? 毕竟所谓的牢狱,是用来关押‘某个存在’的地方。而从谢铭至今为止所接触到的事物和情报来看,与其称呼林伽林德为监牢,不如说是.....培育园? He had not forgotten initially these were struck the colored glaze special Sir/minister soldiers who kill by solution Loutan, after spirit X-ray machine armor was defeated, faith energy that they change, flutters, but beside wall. 他可没有忘记当初那些被解楼坛所击杀的琉特卿士兵们,在灵光机甲被击破后,他们所化作的信念能量,飘向的可是墙壁之外。 If is really the prison, then these faith energies should enter shouldn't be the forest gal Surinder's mainland? Why will go to outside the wall? 如果真的是牢狱,那么这些信念能量应该进入的不应该是林伽林德的大陆内部吗?为什么会去墙壁外? But changes into cultivates the words of garden, finished the discovery the matter is very reasonable in light of the week. 但换成是培育园的话,结合周毕发现的事情就很合理了。 The wall guards the machine, its goal is ‚a thing to escape for does not let in the garden. But after planting the thing battle , the faith energy of delivering, is cultivates the garden harvest. 不论是墙壁还是看守机器,其目的都是为了不让园内的‘种物’逃出去。而种物们争斗后所产出的信念能量,就是培育园的‘收获’。 If ponders by this direction, that must destroy the rookies in the world in the old book- Yarrow, was sent the person who the harvest plants the thing. 如果以这个方向来思考的话,那么在古籍中要毁灭世界的新人-亚罗,就是被派过来收获种物的人。 Such a thinks, is very seemingly reasonable. 这么一想,貌似还挺合理的。 If Xie Ming has not discovered the faith energy the destination, after knowing to guard the matter of machine perhaps also to produce with the week finishes the same idea. 要是谢铭没有发现信念能量的去处,在得知看守机器的事情后或许也会产生和周毕一样的想法。 At that time, Yarrow's status may turning from harvest punitive expedition. 那时,亚罗的身份可就会从‘收获者’变成‘讨伐者’了。 The so-called mistake is step by step wrong, is this. 所谓一步错步步错,就是这样。 Finds a time, told the week to finish the matter of faith energy.” “找个时间,把信念能量的事情告诉周毕吧。” Thinks of here, Xie Ming will focus on Yarrow and Zhou and Bi who communicate. 想到这里,谢铭重新将注意力放在了正在沟通的亚罗和周毕两人身上。 Looks at Yarrow's appearance, finish was obviously persuaded by the week very much, but he has not given up himself the idea that as before goes to the wall place to have a look. 看亚罗的样子,很明显是被周毕说动了,但他依旧没有放弃自己去墙壁处看看的想法。 How doesn't try to know?” “不试试怎么知道?” Yarrow somewhat discontented saying: Do not despise my spirit X-ray machine armor, if I can puncture the wall to go out?” 亚罗有些不满的说道:“可不要小看我的灵光机甲,万一我能够打穿墙壁出去呢?” ..... This.” “.....这样啊。” The week finish selected the eyebrow, finally understood Yarrow's present condition, understands why Xie Ming can lead Yarrow to start this how to see journey that some not seek. 周毕挑了挑眉毛,终于明白了亚罗现在的状况,也明白了为什么谢铭会带着亚罗开始这趟怎么看都有些无谋的旅程。 Regarding person who did not remember, any is related his passing memory the clue, is the spider's silk in his hand. 对于一名没有记忆的人而言,任何有关他过去记忆的线索,都是他手中的蛛丝。 Let alone, beside the wall is the matter that he remembers only, is he restores the memory the only clue. Yarrow, how possibly simple giving up. 更别说,墙壁之外是他唯一记得的事情,也是他恢复记忆的唯一线索。亚罗,又怎么可能简单的放弃。 Naturally, if only then he alone, perhaps he because of suffering setbacks to seek the mentality in addition. But his side, has Xie Ming. 当然,如果只有他一个人的话,或许他早就因为受挫而另寻思路了吧。可他的身边,有谢铭 Existence of Xie Ming, made up Yarrow's institute deficiency all-around. Difficult problem that any Yarrow is unable to solve, looks like the small issue that is relaxed can solve in Xie Ming. 谢铭的存在,全方位补足了亚罗的所不足之处。任何亚罗无法解决的难题,在谢铭看来都是轻轻松松就能解决的小问题。 The people want to obtain the growth, what need is the setback and running into a wall. But this is also at present, thing that Yarrow most needs. 人想要获得成长,需要的是挫折和碰壁。而这也是目前,亚罗最需要的东西。 Therefore, perhaps Xie Ming can lead Yarrow to start this to consume several months of journey. For makes him be able contact well in this process, to understand that this world, understands itself, thus grows. 因此,谢铭才会带着亚罗开始这趟恐怕要耗费几个月的旅途。为的就是让他能够在这个过程中好好的接触、了解这个世界,了解自己,从而成长。 I understood, Yarrow.” “我明白了,亚罗。” After understanding the idea of Xie Ming, the week finishes the plan that also gave up itself persuading. However, something he must talk clearly. 在理解谢铭的想法之后,周毕也放弃了自己劝说的打算。不过,有些事情他还是要说清楚的。 From your current lines of march, should encounter many dangers on the way.” “从你们目前的行进路线来看,途中应该会遇到不少的危险。” The week finishes at heart calculates, while said bright way to Xie Ming and Yarrow: First danger, then from you now about worrying country.” 周毕心里一边盘算,一边对着谢铭和亚罗说明道:“首先的危险,便来自你们现在所处的伊奇合愁国。” About worrying the country no doubt is the independent border small country, no matter but the standpoint or the background, are close to the colored glaze special Sir/minister and country. But Xie Ming, the colored glaze special Sir/minister and country to your attitude, you are know.” “伊奇合愁国固然是独立的边境小国,但不管是立场还是背景,都接近琉特卿和国。而谢铭,琉特卿和国对你的态度,你是知道的。” Un.” “嗯。” Xie Ming light saying: Has disclosing secret information of your boy again in addition, walking is sooner or later matter.” 谢铭淡淡的说道:“再加上有你小子的通风报信,找上门来是迟早的事吧。” Was guessed.” The week finish said with a smile: But don't you feel the value? Merely provides your whereabouts, can obtain such important information.” “被猜出来了啊。”周毕笑道:“但你不觉得很值吗?仅仅只是提供你的行踪,就能得到如此重要的情报。” Moreover me will appropriately control, delays you as far as possible by the time that machine armor Sir/minister found.” “而且我这边会适当控制,尽量拖延你被那位机甲卿找到的时间。” Fierce magnificence aspect?” “烈华凯方面呢?” Here ..... several days later, I Yarrow's situation reporting, will say that to the outside you receive my duty, is monitoring Yarrow's whereabouts.” “这边嘛.....再过几天,我会把亚罗的情况上报,对外称你是接受我的任务,正在监视着亚罗的行踪。” The week finish gives a calm smile: Me also needs some preparations. After preparing, will meet with you on own initiative.” 周毕淡然一笑:“我这边还需要一些准备。准备好后,会主动与你们会合的。” Said your issue. Unsurprisingly, about worrying Congress sends out some manpower to try to track down, arrests you, on gives the colored glaze special Sir/minister and country. However to Yarrow, deals should not be a problem.” “说回你们的问题吧。不出意外,伊奇合愁国会派出一些人力过来试图追寻,逮捕你们,上交给琉特卿和国。不过对亚罗来说,应对起来应该不成问题。” Subtext is, if Yarrow even/including Yiqi about worrying the national capital is unable to cope, that is washes to rest earlier. 潜台词是,要是亚罗连伊奇合愁国都无法对付,那还是早点洗洗睡吧。 Leaves after worrying the country, you will pass a quite long wilderness region. Therefore before, best arrange food and water source ahead of time.” “离开伊奇合愁国后,你们会度过一段相当长的荒野区域。所以在进入之前,最好提前备好食物和水源。” „The first half wilderness region is true unvisited, no matter fierce magnificence or the colored glaze special Sir/minister, are not interested in that region, therefore relative comparison security. But the later section of road, tested truly.” “前半段的荒野区域是真正的人迹罕至,不管是烈华凯还是琉特卿,都对那片区域不感兴趣,所以相对比较安全。但之后的这一段路,就是真正的考验了。” There is the border dividing line canyon of fierce magnificence and colored glaze special Sir/minister, is blank region that both countries deliberately flow, when will be the future both countries will make war the battlefield.” “那里是烈华凯和琉特卿的国境分界峡谷,是两国都刻意流出来的空白区域,也将会是未来两国开战时的战场。” In that region, you will definitely receive from fierce magnificence, in this forest gal Surinder mainland the strongest resort to violence sends the attack of country. But only has to overcome this barrier, Yarrow, you can arrive under the wall.” “在那片区域,你们必然会受到来自烈华凯,这片林伽林德大陆上最强的武斗派国家的袭击。但唯有跨越这个障碍,亚罗,你才能抵达墙壁之下。” ......” “唔......” Yarrow somewhat worried flexure head: To be honest, week. Even if you and I said so many, I still end ~ entire does not have any concept.” 亚罗有些苦恼的挠了挠脑袋:“说实话,周。就算你和我说这么多,我也完~全没有什么概念。” Knows that therefore these words in fact were not say to you. 知道啊,所以这些话实际上也不是对你说的。 But, had a matter I to know.” “不过,有件事我已经知道了。” „?” “哦?” The country that named fierce magnificence you are, does not want to make me return to outside the wall, right?” “你所在的这个叫做烈华凯的国家,不想让我回到墙壁外面,对吧?” Un .... You understand wrong not.” Week complete(ly) Shi said with a smile: Therefore?” “嗯....你这么理解也没有错。”周毕失笑道:“所以呢?” So long as overthrew them on the line completely.” “那只要将他们全部打倒就行了。” Yarrow flings the fist: Moreover, no matter you are Xie Ming, goal with me consistently not? Even if my strength is insufficient, but there are you, has the help of Xie Ming, I believe that most issues should be able to be solved.” 亚罗一甩拳头:“而且,不管是你还是谢铭,目标都和我一致不是吗?哪怕我一个人力量不够,但有你,有谢铭的帮助,我相信大多数问题应该都能解决。” „...... Hehe hehe , this is natural.” “......呵呵呵呵,嘛,这是当然的。” The week finished the contented fan a leaf of feather fan: After all I am the talent, in this world does not exist to baffle my issue.” 周毕自得的扇了扇羽扇:“毕竟我是天才,这个世界上就不存在能难倒我的问题。” But Yarrow, I and Xie Ming for own goal, will also cooperate eventually together. Therefore if you want to complete your goal, needed your own effort.” “但亚罗,我和谢铭终究也只是为了自己的目的,才会一起合作。所以你要是想完成自己的目的,需要的还是你自己的努力。” Hopes that you can understand this.” “希望你能明白这点。” „, This is natural.” Yarrow smiled, later the expression becomes serious: Yourself are also careful, week.” “啊,这是当然的。”亚罗笑了一下,随后表情变得严肃起来:“不过你自己也要小心,周。” Although I have not remembered, but I can also be able to feel, now the situation is most dangerous, is not I and Xie Ming, but is you, right?” “虽然我没有记忆,但我也能感觉得到,现在处境最危险的,并不是我和谢铭,而是你,对吧?” ....... “.......” The week finishes surprised blinking to laugh in spite of trying not to later shaking the head of: This may really be surprising.” 周毕惊讶的眨了眨眼睛随后失笑着摇了摇头:“这可真是让人惊讶啊。” Relax, Yarrow. Before completing own goal, I do not plan dead in others' hand. With its is worried about me, might as well place at the following journey the attention.” “不过放心吧,亚罗。在没有完成自己的目的之前,我可不打算死在别人的手里。与其担心我,不如把注意力都放在接下来的旅途上吧。” If you have not spanned the difficult ability, no matter I am Xie Ming, will drop out you without hesitation?” “要是你没有跨越困难的能力,不管是我还是谢铭,都会毫不犹豫的抛下你哦?” Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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