RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1869: The fact can always be opposite with the legend

The moonlight is lonely, all the sounds of nature are silent. sand Xi the head springs the ground, reading without thinking the prey of process swallows suddenly. Afterward narrows the eye, seems like savoring this rare each meal. 月色寂寥,万籁静默。一只沙蜥猛然将脑袋弹出地面,囫囵吞枣的将经过的猎物咽下。随后眯起眼睛,似乎是在品味着这难得的每餐。 But at this moment, vibration by fits and starts makes it from tasting awakens. Looking all around for one next four weeks later, this sand lizard starts to dig up the drawing ground with the foreleg crazily, wants to drill to make itself have in the gulf of security sense. 但就在这时,一阵又一阵的震动使它从回味中惊醒。在环顾了一下四周后,这只沙蜥开始疯狂用前肢扒拉地面,想要钻回令自己有安全感的深坑之中。 It succeeded, but it was also defeated. 它成功了,但它也失败了。 Fills big foot stepping on ruthlessly mechanical feeling in the ground, leaves behind the gulf also shook from the place it. 充满机械感的大脚狠狠的踩在地面上,留下深坑的同时也将它从地里震了出来。 " Too and too far ..... " 「太、太远了.....」 Even if Yarrow in internal control machine armor, Xie Ming can also imagine at this time obtains his time complexion and facial expression should be a thin and pale in addition of face despairs. 哪怕此时亚罗在内部操控机甲,谢铭也能想象得出他此时的脸色和神情应该是一脸的憔悴加绝望。 However can drive spirit X-ray machine armor to run one after another for 56 hours, had shown sufficiently Yarrow's physique was special. 不过能接连驾驶着灵光机甲跑上五六个小时,已经足以证明亚罗的体质是有多么特殊了。 At least among the person who he knows, no one can start the spirit X-ray machine Such a long time continually. Reason that has not voiced to remind him all the way, to test his ability limit. 至少在他认识的人当中,没有人能持续启动灵光机甲这么长的时间。之所以一路上没有发声提醒他,也是为了测试一下他的能力极限。 " Yarrow, now what do you feel? " 「亚罗,现在你感觉怎么样?」 " It is not good .... " 「不行了....」 In blue white Jijia, Yarrow's worn out saying: " Did not have the strength, the belly was hungry .... " 蓝白机甲中,亚罗有气无力的说道:「没力气了,肚子饿了....」 " Other? Has the feeling to have a headache or extremely weary? " 「其他的呢?有感觉头疼或者极度疲倦吗?」 " Has a headache does not have, but truly was a little trapped/sleepy. " 「头疼倒没有,不过确实是有点困了。」 " Merely is a little trapped/sleepy .... " 「仅仅是有点困吗....」 Has the consumption to the physical strength and spirit, but consumes mostly is the physical strength, hasn't the energetic aspect reached the limit? 对体力、精神都有着消耗,但消耗的大多是体力,精神方面并没有达到极限吗? " I understood. " Xie Ming said with a smile: " In brief, you first walk to ride taking the iron, we rest in this tonight. " 「我明白了。」谢铭笑道:「总之,你先把铁走骑给取出来,我们今晚就在此休息吧。」 " ei? Ok? " 「欸?可以吗?」 " Has anything not. Even if you continue to run, not possible to arrive under the wall in today. Such being the case, the possible arrangement hurries along and relaxation time is most appropriate, not? " 「有什么不可以的。就算你继续跑下去,也不可能在今天内抵达墙壁底下。既然如此,合理安排赶路和休息时间才最为妥当,不是吗?」 " Said, you don't want to eat the thing? " 「还是说,你不想吃东西?」 " Thinks! " 「想!」 Hears some essential words and expressions, Yarrow walks in the crystal of outrider shoulder place to take out the iron immediately, later cancelled to maintenance of spirit X-ray machine armor, full of enthusiasm asking. 听到某个关键词语,亚罗立马将铁走骑从肩膀处的水晶中取出,随后取消了对灵光机甲的维持,兴致勃勃的问道。 " Has to eat!? " 「有吃的吗!?」 " Has. However, you need to wait for the first half hour. " 「有。不过,你需要等上半小时。」 Hunts and kills, processes and lights a fire to bake, more than half an hour had passed, Xie Ming made Yarrow eat the midnight snack on time: Roasting golden yellow bright big ham. 猎杀、处理、生火烧烤,半小时过去,谢铭准时的让亚罗吃到了夜宵:一根烤的金黄剔透的大猪腿。 " Fragrance! Really fragrant! " 「香!真香!」 " You like well. " 「你喜欢就好。」 Took back various materials to the space completely, Xie Ming also cuts the next slice of meat to admit the mouth with the knife along. 将各种材料全部收回到随身空间,谢铭也用小刀切下一片肉放进了嘴里。 " .... Compared with ordinary pork, pulp tightly careful. Although therefore does not get interested easily, but it not too much fishy smells. Un, the remaining first salt on. " 「....比起普通的猪肉,肉质更紧实细致。虽然因此不容易入味,但其本身也没有太多腥味。嗯,把剩下的先腌上吧。」 " . Sorry, has not added on your anything busy. " 「哦哦。抱歉啊,没帮上你什么忙。」 " In fact also has no need you to help. " 「实际上也没什么需要你帮的。」 Xie Ming smiles: " These things I alone process to be instead quicker. However, if you want to study some knowledge methods of field survival, this I can also teach you all the way. " 谢铭笑了笑:「这些东西我一个人处理起来反而更快。不过,你要是想学些野外生存的知识手段,这一路上我也可以教你。」 " ! That asked! " Yarrow said with a smile: " I, although anything could not remember, but cannot with this, when gave a pretext the matter pushes to Xie Ming you do. How I must study am going on living am good. " 「哦!那就拜托了!」亚罗笑道:「我虽然什么都记不得了,但也不能拿这个当借口把事情都推给谢铭你来做。我自己也要学着如何活下去才行啊。」 .... …. " Having this frame of mind is the good deed. Un? It seems like his side was good. " 「有这股心气是好事。嗯?看来他那边好了。」 " He? " 「他?」 " Un, will help our another companion. " Xie Ming nods, took out communication from the pocket. After the furnishing is released externally the condition, put in nearby big stone: " In particular, came to say with you by him. " 「嗯,会帮助我们的另一个同伴。」谢铭点了点头,从兜中取出了通讯器。调成外放状态后,放到了一旁的大石头上:「具体的,就由他来和你说吧。」 " Does week finish? " 「周毕?」 " Is, here is the week finishes. ~ wants to cast off little even/including to talk over the telephone with you, but also abandoned a time. " 「是是,这里是周毕。呀~想要甩开小连和你通话,还真是废了阵功夫啊。」 In unmanned destiny palace, the week finish looks at the scene that projects, saying of smiling: " Is eating the meat of ant pig? Really good, the wild food ant pig should the cultivation is more delicious than 无人的天命宫中,周毕看着投影出的场景,笑眯眯的说道:「是在吃食蚁猪的肉吗?真好啊,野生的食蚁猪应该比养殖的要好吃很多吧 . " 。」 " Later will have the opportunity. " 「之后会有机会的。」 Xie Ming shows the whites of the eyes, looks to Yarrow: " Yarrow, this is our another ministrant, the fierce magnificence current destiny palace big senior official, the week finishes. " 谢铭翻了个白眼,看向亚罗:「亚罗,这位就是我们的另一名协助者,烈华凯现任天命宫大长官,周毕。」 " Is the Quirk standard is irritable, but head very intelligent person. " 「是个性格别扭,但脑袋很聪明的人。」 " First half a word words are unnecessary. " 「前半句话是多余的。」 Spoke thoughtlessly to refute one, the week finish said with a smile: " Hello, Yarrow. Heard that you do not plan to go to the colored glaze special Sir/minister, but is the plan first tries to pass through the wall? " 随口反驳了一句,周毕笑道:「你好啊,亚罗。听说你并不打算前往琉特卿,而是打算先尝试着自己穿越墙壁?」 " , Is this right. " 「啊,是这样没错。」 Yarrow selected the eyebrow: " What issue has? " 亚罗挑了挑眉毛:「有什么问题吗?」 " No, no. Rather I appreciate Yarrow your daring challenge the character. " The week finish swung the fan: " Is only, has the possibility challenge and does not have the possibility challenge, is completely two matters. " 「不,没有。不如说我非常欣赏亚罗你这种敢于挑战的性格。」周毕摇了摇扇子:「只是,有可能性的挑战和没有可能性的挑战,完全是两回事哦。」 " What do you want to say? " 「你想说什么?」 " Yes, I said is straightforward. " 「是呢,那我就说的再直白一点吧。」 The week finishes light saying: " Even if there is assistance of Xie Ming, even if Yarrow you can summon spirit X-ray machine armor now, now you do not have the possibility of spanning the wall. " 周毕淡淡的说道:「哪怕有着谢铭的协助,哪怕亚罗你现在能召唤灵光机甲,现在你们也没有一丝跨越墙壁的可能。」 Only if, you methods of these hideaways displaying. 除非,你把那些隐藏的手段给施展出来。 Shot a look at Xie Ming with no trace, the week finish continued saying: " Just, this matter also needs you to explain with your Xie Ming. " 不着痕迹的瞥了眼谢铭,周毕继续说道:「刚好,这件事也需要和你谢铭你说明一下。」 " Related today we meet, the machine armor Sirs in colored glaze special Sir/minister and country's share to give us, the information of related wall and sky. " 「是有关今天白天我们遇到的,琉特卿和国的机甲卿共享给我们的,有关墙壁、天空的情报。」 " Hou? " 「嚯?」 Xie Ming looked at a week to finish meaningfully: " I did not ask that you use what information to negotiate. Then the machine armor Sir/minister, that can fly what information did provide to us? " 谢铭意味深长的看了眼周毕:「我就不问你用什么情报交涉的了。说吧,那位会飞的机甲卿给我们提供了什么情报?」 " Will fly? " Yarrow gawked under: " Before is, Xie Ming you and I said spirit X-ray machine armor that can fly? " 「会飞?」亚罗愣了下:「就是之前谢铭你和我说的,会飞的灵光机甲?」 " Even this said with you, that matter explained that facilitated. " 「连这个都和你说了啊,那事情解释起来就方便了。」 Week complete(ly) Qinghai, the sound became serious: " Simply speaking, wants to span the wall the words, the sky is not possible. " 周毕轻咳了一声,声音变得严肃起来:「简单来说,想要跨越墙壁的话,天空是不可能的。」 " The forest gal Surinder's sky exists considerable amount of guards the machine from the type of law, so long as some people are close, these will launch the attack from the type of law machine, preventing anybody to be close. " 「林伽林德的上空存在着相当数量的自律型守卫机器,只要有人接近,这些自律型机器就会发动攻击,阻止任何人接近。」 " Even if by the technology of that machine armor Sir/minister, is unable to break through these to guard the defense network of machine composition from the type of law. Yarrow, you thought that you close right up against yourself to operate spirit X-ray machine A ability, can while climbing up the wall does pass through? " 「哪怕以那位机甲卿的技术,都无法突破那些自律型守卫机器组成的防御网。亚罗,你觉得你靠着自己操纵灵光机甲的能力,能在攀爬墙壁的同时穿越过去吗?」 " Flight .... Flight ..... " 「飞行....飞行啊.....」 Yarrow both hands hold the chest, was crooked the head to think a while: " Although does not know that what machine armor Sir/minister who you said strong, but climbs up while avoids a large number of attacks, truly is very difficult. " 亚罗双手抱胸,歪着脑袋想了一会儿:「虽然不知道你们说的那个什么机甲卿有多强,但一边攀爬一边躲避数量众多的攻击,确实是很难。」 " Then I do not crawl, breaks the wall to go out directly? " 「那么我就不爬了,直接打破墙壁出去呢?」 " Yarrow, you have not understood. " 「亚罗,你还是没有明白啊。」 Feather fan knocking gently in the palm, the week finishes tranquil saying: " In the forest gal Surinder's sky presents these guard machines, the nature of matter has changed. " 将羽扇轻轻的敲在掌心,周毕平静的说道:「在林伽林德的天空中出现那些守卫机器的时候,事情的性质就已经发生变化了。」 " Until now, people believe that the wall protects the forest gal Surinder's patron god, is protecting this stretch of land and sky. Falls the treasure, is the heaven gives the gift of forest gal Surinder People. But now, should give in the sky of gift, unexpectedly has the killing machine. " 「一直以来,人们都相信墙壁是守护林伽林德的守护神,守护着这片大地和天空。落宝,则是上天给予林伽林德子民的赠礼。可现在,原本应该给予赠礼的天空中,居然存在着杀人机器。」 " So long as is close to attack, this is preventing people on behalf of the function of machine close to the sky, preventing people from leaving this stretch of land. But usually, we will describe such existence in such words and expressions. " 「只要接近就会攻击,这代表着机器的作用是在阻止人们靠近天空,阻止人们离开这片大地。而通常,我们会用这样的词语来形容这样的存在。」 " The watchman in prison. " 「牢狱的看守者。」 Likes infinite destiny rewriting 喜欢无限之命运改写 Poor fine jade arched 穷琼穹
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