RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1868: Spirit X-ray machine armor 1 must arrest in the form surely

Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 The infinite destiny rewrites Chapter 1868: Spirit X-ray machine armor must arrest in the form 无限之命运改写第1868章:灵光机甲一定要拘于形式吗 Like this?” “这样好吗?” Un... this is good.” “嗯...这样就好。” Uquina beautiful gazes after the falling treasure hunter of escaping, the right hand is getting hold in the chest: This is I as security officer this matter of doing. However before then I have been worrying, I do have to shoulder this responsibility well.” 阿塔丽目送着夺路而逃的落宝猎人,右手在胸口握紧:“这本就是我作为保安官该做的事情。不过在此之前我一直在担心,自己有没有好好承担起这份责任。” But today, I had finally became the security officer, inherited the father will true feelings.” “但在今天,我终于有了成为保安官,继承了父亲意志的实感。” Right.” “是吗。” Regarding Uquina Li's choice, Xie Ming shows neither approval nor disapproval. In his opinion, falling the valuable hunter is impossible to give up. That is not the person who can feel grateful, he will only remember oneself nearly die in one crowd country bumpkin in hand. 对于阿塔丽的选择,谢铭不置可否。在他看来,落宝猎人绝不可能就此善罢甘休。那绝不是什么会感恩的人,他只会记住自己险些死在一群‘乡巴老’手里。 But this enmity, he will retaliate in what way, is unknown. 而这份仇,他会以什么样的方式来报复,都是未知。 Has the possibility, he matter will report that worries the country to owner Yin Qihe of this lands. Also there is a possibility, he will be higher, making that side the colored glaze special Sir/minister who the information will sell notice oneself position and ability. 有可能,他会将事情报告给这片土地的所有者尹奇合愁国。也有可能,他会把情报卖的更高,让琉特卿那边注意到自己的位置和能力。 However which possibility, actually Xie Ming does not care. After all to him and has no actual impact, just can also examine Yarrow's actual battle efficiency. 不过不论是哪种可能,其实谢铭都不怎么在乎。毕竟对他而言并没有什么实际影响,刚好还能检测一下亚罗的实际战斗力。 If Yarrow won, that continues to go forward. If lost, when the time comes his many should also perceive selects own suggestion. 亚罗要是打赢了,那就继续前进。要是打输了,到时候他多少也应该听进去点自己的建议了。 Without the means that who called this fellow is the key man of duty, but also was very likely to have the strength of destruction world. 没办法,谁叫这家伙是任务的关键人物,还极有可能拥有着毁灭世界的力量。 If not do well him makes to awaken to cause the duty to be defeated, when the time comes oneself may really cry unable to find the place, but also is very likely building oneself. 要是一个弄不好把他弄觉醒导致任务失败,到时候自己可真是哭都找不到地方,还极有可能把自己给搭进去。 The mysterious and idealist degree of faith energy force system, Magic God places on a par in Xie Ming looks like even can with Othinus that so- said. 信念能量这个力量体系的玄乎、唯心程度,在谢铭看来甚至能和欧提努斯那所谓的‘魔神’相提并论。 Do not come one I to think when the time comes I am strong, I have strongly, then comes a hand to rip the domain to oneself, pours to pull out the life tree. 别到时候来一个‘我觉得我多强,我就有多强’,然后给自己来个手撕领域,倒拔生命树。 He liked " Tianyuan breaking through this type hot blooded only plans A initially, but he does not want to become the reciprocal screw clan of this world. 他当初是非常喜欢《天元突破这类型的热血唯心机甲番,但他可一点都不想成为这个世界的反螺旋族啊。 But the situation he to the present, has not opened only plans armor. 更可况他到现在,都还没有开上唯心机甲呢。 Un? Wait .... Only plans armor .... Idealist .... Machine armor .... 嗯?等等....唯心机甲....唯心....机甲.... This instance, Xie Ming felt oneself found any correct opening way probably. How may probably realize specifically, but must look that after the week finishes the convergence, the view of his scientific researchers. 这个瞬间,谢铭觉得自己好像找到了什么正确的打开方式。可具体要怎么实现,还得看和周毕汇合后,他这个科研人员的看法。 Mr. Xie Ming.” 谢铭先生。” Un?” “嗯?” Uquina Li's voice, calls from own ponder Xie Ming. The young girls withdrew several steps, serious bows to Xie Ming. 阿塔丽的声音,将谢铭从自己的思考中唤回。少女退后了几步,郑重的对谢铭鞠了一躬。 Please let me for again the beforehand matter apologized to you. Really sorry, makes such behavior of returning evil for good.” “请让我再次为了之前的事情向你道歉。真的非常对不起,做出那样恩将仇报的行为。” Un, your apology I accepted.” “嗯,你的道歉我收下了。” This time, Xie Ming has not been sideways to avoid, but nodded to accept Uquina Li's apology with a smile. This makes the young girl raise the head, finally showed the smile of feeling relieved. 这一次,谢铭并没有侧身躲开,而是笑着点头接受了阿塔丽的歉意。这让少女抬起头来,终于露出了如释重负的笑容。 Thank you, Mr. Xie Ming.” “谢谢你,谢铭先生。” ....... Yarrow!” “.......亚罗!” „?” “啊?” Stretches a little bit Yarrow to turn the head in not far away: Has been able?” 在不远处活动身体的亚罗转过头来:“已经可以出发了吗?” Almost, but also is left over the last matter. However, needs to solicit your suggestions.” “差不多吧,还剩下最后一件事。不过,需要征求一下你的意见。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 My opinion?” “我的意见?” Opinion of Mr. Yarrow?” “亚罗先生的意见?” Right.” “对。” Xie Ming nods, then said: You in falling the treasure found, only then did a knot vow the bracelet?” 谢铭点了点头,接着说道:“你在落宝中找到的,只有一只结誓臂环吗?” Yeah? Not, another.” “哎?不是啊,还有另外一只。” Saying, Yarrow pulls out a knot to vow the bracelet from in pocket of clothes: Words said how you do know?” 说着,亚罗从衣服的内兜中又掏出一只结誓臂环:“话说你怎么知道的?” Guesses. “猜的。 Although is a little perfunctory, but this reply really has not lied. ”虽然有点敷衍,但这个回答还真没有说谎。 Can vow the bracelet this knot, gives to Uquina beautiful?” “能把这只结誓臂环,送给阿塔丽吗?” „? There is no issue actually.” “啊?这倒是没什么问题。” Yeah .... ei! “哎....欸! !? ” !?” After Uquina beautiful gawked one next, quickly suspends the hand: Isn't good! Originally we have received Mr. Xie Ming your so many kindness, how can also continue ..... 阿塔丽愣了一下后,急忙摆起手来:“不行不行不行!本来我们就已经受到谢铭先生你那么多恩惠了,怎么还能继续.....” Uquina beautiful, you must weigh clearly.” “阿塔丽,你要衡量清楚。” Received the knot that Yarrow handed over to vow the bracelet, Xie Ming earnest saying: Accepted this knot to vow the bracelet, the border people village no doubt owed me one. But you, actually increased one to protect the great power of villagers.” 接过亚罗递过来的结誓臂环,谢铭认真的说道:“收下这只结誓臂环,边民村固然是又欠了我一份人情。但你们,却增添了一份能够保护村民的强大力量。” May decline this knot to vow the bracelet, when works as the dangerous arrival, villagers a danger.” “可拒绝这只结誓臂环,那当危险到来时,村民们就会多出一份危险。” But, but .... “可、可是....” Uquina beautiful refuted: Mr. Xie Ming you must embark to go to the wall is right? I see that Mr. Xie Ming has very strong strength, Mr. Yarrow can also summon spirit X-ray machine armor.” 阿塔丽反驳道:“谢铭先生你们是要出发前往墙壁对吧?我已经明白谢铭先生拥有着很强的力量,亚罗先生也能召唤出灵光机甲了。” But, if gives Mr. Xie Ming this bracelet, your journeys won't be safer?” “但,如果将这只臂环给谢铭先生,你们的旅途也会更加安全不是吗?” I have no way to use the knot to vow the bracelet.” Xie Ming smiles: Or the single knot vowed the bracelet not to have the means to make me summon spirit X-ray machine armor.” “我没法使用结誓臂环。”谢铭笑了笑:“或者说,单只结誓臂环并没有办法让我召唤出灵光机甲。” Therefore this knot vowed the bracelet to place here, was the treasure flees the capital, cannot display its true value.” “因此这只结誓臂环放在我们这里,就是宝物蒙尘,发挥不出它真正的价值。” If this was unable to make you accept, un .... That makes me trade a reason.” “如果这还不能让你接受的话,嗯....那让我换个理由吧。” Xie Ming thinks, the expression becomes serious: I do not allow the person in your border people village to renege my benevolence, you must go on living to repay me to be good well.” 谢铭想了想,表情变得严肃起来:“我可不允许你们边民村的人赖掉我的恩情,你们必须好好活下去报答我才行。” However this knot vowed the bracelet, was only I to your additional investments.” “而这只结誓臂环,只是我对你们的追加投资。” „...... I understood.” “......我明白了。” After hesitant moment, Uquina beautiful receives the knot that Xie Ming handed over to vow the bracelet finally, incomparably earnest saying: I will certainly repay the benevolence of Mr. Xie Ming.” 犹豫片刻后,阿塔丽终于还是接下了谢铭递过来的结誓臂环,无比认真的说道:“我一定会报答谢铭先生的恩情的。” Un, like this on line.” Xie Ming turns the head to look to Yarrow: „Does Yarrow you feel?” “嗯,这样就行。”谢铭转头看向亚罗:“亚罗你觉得呢?” Not also good.” “不也挺好的嘛。” Yarrow's grinning saying: Perhaps later, they can help us span the wall.” 亚罗笑嘻嘻的说道:“说不定之后,他们能帮助我们跨越墙壁呢。” Ok, then the last matter also completed, us.” “好了,这下最后一件事也完成了,我们出发吧。” Oh! Walks!” “噢!走吧!” ei?” Uquina beautiful watched a weather: This is late at night, Mr. Xie Ming do you want first to rest one to leave late again? The words of room we .... “欸?”阿塔丽看了眼天色:“这已经是后半夜了,谢铭先生你们要不要先休息一晚再离开?房间的话我们....” Does not need not to use.” “不用啦不用啦。” Yarrow said with a smile: I and this fellow currently have the spirit very much, said again I am impatient.” 亚罗笑道:“我和这家伙现在都很有精神,再说我早就迫不及待了。” Saying, Yarrow leaps backward, and convenient vowed the bracelet to throw on own arm the knot. 说着,亚罗向后一跃,并顺手将结誓臂环丢到了自己的胳膊上。 The machine installs to appear 机装显现】 Humanoid armor of blue white interaction reveals the body from the faith light beam again, knees down under Yarrow's operation, put the body of Xie Ming , before the palm. 蓝白相间的人形机甲再次从信念光柱中显身,在亚罗的操作下单膝跪地,将手掌放到了谢铭的身前。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Xie Ming, walks!” 谢铭,走吧!” .... Did you plan to open spirit X-ray machine armor directly in the past?” “呃....你打算直接开着灵光机甲过去?” What issue has?” “有什么问题吗?” ..... Also might as well but actually.” “.....倒也无妨。” Jumped in the blue white Jijia palm gently, Xie Ming referred to the iron of village edge walking to ride: Must take that thing. After your starting armor opens is tired, this is our riding instead of walking tools.” 轻轻跳到了蓝白机甲的掌心中,谢铭指了指村子边缘的铁走骑:“不过要把那玩意带上。在你开机甲开累后,这可是我们的代步工具。” Ok “ok” Puts out a hand to fish, walks after the iron rides to grasp, Yarrow directly it threw into oneself shoulder armor spot blue crystal. The behavior that this subconsciousness makes, fully does not conform to the performance of spirit X-ray machine Any Xie Ming understands. 伸手一捞,将铁走骑抓起后,亚罗直接将其丢进了自己肩甲部位的蓝色水晶中。这份下意识做出的行为,完全不符合任何谢铭所了解的灵光机甲的性能。 No, in the final analysis the spirit X-ray machine armor itself/Ben is the faith has presently the thing. Because Yarrow's losing recalled that caused him to lose the faith, spirit X-ray machine armor that therefore he summoned has accepts thing, or admission this concept? 不,说到底灵光机甲本就是信念的具现之物。正因为亚罗的失忆导致他失去了信念,所以他召唤出的灵光机甲才会有着‘纳物’,或者说‘接纳’这一个概念吗? Person who after all does not have a thing in the world, originally subconscious periphery absorbs transmits to his all. 毕竟一无所有的人,本就会下意识的去吸收周围所传达给他的一切。 „, Uquina beautiful, we first walked, you must take care!” “那么,阿塔丽,我们就先走了,你们要保重啊!” Blue white Jijia jumps to leap, jumps down the cliff successor dynasty that the border people village is at the wall direction to go far away unceasingly. 蓝白机甲纵身一跃,跳下边民村所在的断崖后朝着墙壁的方向不断远去。 Uquina beautiful both hands will tie the oath arm to surround in the chest front, said in a soft voice. 阿塔丽双手将结誓臂环抱在胸前,轻声说道。 Mr. Xie Ming, Mr. Yarrow. Wishing you are bon voyage.” 谢铭先生,亚罗先生。祝你们一路平安。”
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