RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1867: Good will 1 be destroyed surely wickedly?

Newest website: " Grandfather!? " 最新网址:「爷爷!?」 " Village head grandfather...... " 「村长爷爷......」 After hearing Master Bagg's request, Elsa and Uquina beautiful understood his meaning instantaneously. Responded slow Bits and Yarrow actually, but also somewhat could not feel the mind, does not know that two people suddenly will be why excited for anything. 在听到巴格村长的请求后,艾尔莎和阿塔丽瞬间就明白了他的意思。倒是反应慢的比特和亚罗,还有些摸不着头脑,不知道为什么两人为什么会突然激动起来。 " So that's how it is. " 「原来如此。」 Xie Ming deep looked at Master Bagg: " This to the border people village, truly is a good way. But similarly, this is also one quite results in the gambling stake dangerously. " 谢铭深深的看了眼巴格村长:「这对边民村来说,确实是一个好办法。但同样,这也是一个相当危险得赌注啊。」 " Village head mister you are so definite, am I a good person? " 「村长先生您就这么确定,我是一个好人吗?」 " ....... " 「.......」 " Hey. " Yarrow puzzled flexure head: " What riddle Xie Ming are you hitting? Why we take away that fellow, is a good way? " 「喂喂。」亚罗一脸疑惑的挠了挠脑袋:「谢铭你在打什么哑谜呢?为什么我们带走那家伙,就是个好办法啊?」 " Thinks to look, Yarrow. " Xie Ming smiles: " If we carry off this to fall the valuable hunter, what we do need to make? " 「想想看吧,亚罗。」谢铭笑了笑:「如果我们带走这名落宝猎人,我们需要做什么?」 " Makes anything ..... " 「做什么.....啊。」 " Right. " 「没错。」 Xie Ming said with a smile: " Just I the choice that helped the border people village enumerate, becomes our two people choices. " 谢铭笑道:「刚刚我帮助边民村列举出的选择,成为了我们两人的选择。」 " Has his hold back does not kill, we want, when the preparation dinner prepares one for him additionally. The homicide , was also shoulders the responsibility of murder by us. " 「带着他这个拖后腿的不杀,我们就要在准备晚餐的时候额外为他准备一份。把他杀了,同样也是由我们来承担杀人的责任。」 " But if we put him, we also meet the conscience to be anxious. Because put him, the border people village will be destroyed. But we, becomes accomplice who destroys the border people village. " 「但如果我们把他放了,我们还会良心不安。因为把他放了,边民村就会被毁灭。而我们,也将成为毁灭边民村的帮凶。」 " Village head mister, is the safety in entire village, bet in our conscience. " 「村长先生,可是把整个村子的安危,都赌在了我们的良心上啊。」 " .... This old man .... " Yarrow showed the subtle expression: " Heart may be really black .... " 「哇....这个老头....」亚罗露出了微妙的表情:「心可真黑啊....」 " ....... " 「.......」 Was selected own thoughts in the presence of everyone, Master Bagg this time expression is like the dye house, a while azure a while purple. After the lip shivered several next, is clenching teeth to say. 被当众点出自己的心思,巴格村长此时的表情就和染坊一样,一会儿青一会儿紫。嘴唇颤抖了几下后,咬着牙说道。 " I am the village head in border people village, the choice that I must make, must consider everyone in border people village. " 「我是边民村的村长,我要做的选择,必须要考虑到边民村的大家。」 Master Bagg looks to Xie Ming: " Mr. Xie Ming, asked! Please carry off these two disaster roots! " 巴格村长看向谢铭:「谢铭先生,拜托了!请把这两个灾祸根源带走吧!」 Saying, this old person's knees one curved, must kneel line of big rituals. 说着,这位老人的双膝一弯,就要跪下来行个大礼。 " Please do not use this, village head mister. " 「请不用这样,村长先生。」 Xie Ming was sideways to evade saluting of Master Bagg, saying of undulating: " I help the person, has the principle. " 谢铭侧身躲过了巴格村长的行礼,澹澹的说道:「我帮人,是有原则的。」 " You can request my help directly, but you cannot force me to help by the swindling and abducting and in moral kidnapping the way. After all, I do not want to make one by the person with the spear/gun is pointing at the good person. " 「你可以直接请求我的帮助,但你不能以坑蒙拐骗、以道德绑架的方式强迫我来帮助。毕竟,我并不想做一个被人用枪指着的好人。」 " If village head mister you asked me to help solve this directly to fall the valuable hunter, I will not reject. Has to kill his qualifications like you, similarly got down me of killer also to have by him. " 「如果村长先生您直接拜托我帮忙解决这名落宝猎人,我并不会拒绝。就像你们有杀他的资格一样,同样被他下了杀手的我同样也有。」 " But you choose in this worst way act, naturally must undertake the bad result after failure. " 「但您选择以这种最糟糕的方式行动,自然也要承担起失败后的糟糕结果。」 " Falls the valuable hunter, but also asked everyone in border people village to process voluntarily. " 「落宝猎人,还请边民村的各位自行处理。」 " ....... " 「.......」 A silence, even if Bits of character most bracelet does not know that should say anything. After all Xie Ming are the correct principles, could not find the place that anything refuted. 一片沉默,哪怕是性格最跳脱的比特也不知道该说些什么。毕竟谢铭句句是正理,根本找不到什么反驳的地方。 You are not willing to kill people, why can make others come for you to shoulder the psychological burden and responsibility of murder? Moreover, forces oneself obligation person in fact in this manner. 你不愿意杀人,凭什么要让别人来为你承担杀人的这份心理负担和责任呢?而且,还是以这种方式来强迫自己实质上的大恩人。 Returns evil for good, which place puts to be spurned. 恩将仇报,放到哪个地方都会受人唾弃。 Although words saying, but .... Lets in the will of the people incomparable heavy. 话虽然是这么说,但....还是让人心里无比的沉重啊。 Villagers simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform of border people village looked at the line of sight to one side by the falling treasure hunter of tying hands, that type killed intent and hesitant between transformation back and forth, let fall valuable hunter fearful and apprehensive. 边民村的村民们齐齐将视线看向了一旁被五花大绑的落宝猎人,那种杀意和犹豫之间的来回转换,让落宝猎人一阵心惊肉跳。 " .... Such being the case. " 「呼....既然如此。」 Master Bagg both hands got hold of the knee, swayed stands, walks toward the whereabouts treasure hunter. On the way, picked up granddaughter Elsa to place the pistol before body. 巴格村长双手握紧了膝盖,摇摇晃晃的站起来,朝着落宝猎人走去。途中,捡起了孙女艾尔莎放在身前的手枪。 " Grandfather? " 「爷爷?」 " Since were I did the wrong thing, then natural must shoulder this responsibility by me. " 「既然是我做了错事,那么自然要由我来承担起这份责任。」 The finger got hold of the stock, Master Bagg arrived to fall in front of the valuable hunter, shivered was aiming at him the muzzle: " I am a village head, my choice must think of everyone in border people village. " 手指握紧了枪柄,巴格村长走到落宝猎人面前,颤抖着将枪口对准了他:「我是村长,我的选择必须要为边民村的大家着想。」 " Therefore, comes by me .... Comes by me...... " 「所以,就由我来....由我来......」 The border people village is an extremely remote place, everyone usually kills most is also some bird bird beasts. The murder, to all villagers is a danger the terrifying glossary. 边民村是一个极度偏僻的地方,大家平时杀的最多的也就是些鸟禽走兽。杀人,对所有村民而言都是一个危险又恐怖的词汇。 In this world the most murderers' first murders, can belong to " impulsive murder " . Was controlled by the mood, is unable to think of so many. 这世上绝大多数杀人犯的第一次杀人,都可以归于「冲动杀人」。被情绪所控制,根本无法想到那么多。 But when some day, must deduct the trigger your clear meaning to oneself, when claims a life of living person, who can guarantee that own finger can't shiver? 可当某一天,你清楚的意思到自己必须扣下扳机,夺走一个活生生的人的生命时,谁又能保证自己的手指不会颤抖呢? Who can guarantee that in the future sleep, won't present by the deceased remains of that person oneself kill? 谁又能保证在自己今后的睡梦中,不会出现被自己杀死的那个人的遗容呢? This matter, no one is clear. 这种事情,谁都不清楚。 Master Bagg currently has the consciousness of murder, but he did not have the courage of murder. Therefore, if he really deducts the trigger, in the future his condition how, Xie Ming also can probably expect. 巴格村长现在已经有了杀人的觉悟,但他还不具有杀人的勇气。因此,如果他真的扣下扳机,日后他的状态会如何,谢铭大概也能预料的到。 But this is the consequence that he should shoulder, and .... Some people will prevent his. 但这就是他应该担负的后果,而且....有人会阻止他的。 " Village head grandfather. " 「村长爷爷。」 A somewhat rough hand, presses down the spear's/gun's body that Master Bagg held up gently. If the light looks at the appearance of hand, besides " white " this characteristics, cannot imagine Master of this hand is a young girl. 一只有些粗糙的手,轻轻按下了巴格村长举起的枪身。若光看手的样子,除了「白」这个特点之外,根本想象不出这只手的主人是位少女。 " Uquina beautiful ....? " 「阿塔丽....?」 " Ok. " 「算了吧。」 Uquina beautiful takes back the pistol to oneself behind, turns around to look at the people to border people village: " Everyone, please listen to me to say. " 阿塔丽将手枪收回到自己身后,转身看向边民村的众人:「大家,请听我说。」 " We put him to leave. " 「我们放他离开吧。」 " ! 「! ! " " , Hantay beautiful!? " Bits jumped: " What you and you are saying!? Just you also heard! Puts words that he leaves, next time all of us will have the danger! " 「阿、阿塔丽!?」比特跳了起来:「你、你在说些什么啊!?刚刚你也听到了吧!放他离开的话,下次我们所有人都会有危险的!」 " I will protect everyone! " 「我会保护大家的!」 " Ha? " 「哈啊?」 " I will protect everyone! " 「我会保护大家的!」 Uquina beautiful caresses the chest single-handed, incomparably earnest saying: " My father, is in the village a security officer. I inherited father's responsibility, becomes this generation of security officers. " 阿塔丽单手抚胸,无比认真的说道:「我的父亲,是村子上一任的保安官。我继承了父亲的职责,成为了这一代的保安官。」 " Therefore, protecting everyone is my responsibility. " 「因此,保护大家是我的职责。」 " I did not deny, in this time danger, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of security officer well. This is my ability is not only insufficient, is my consciousness is more insufficient. " 「我不否认,在这次的危险之中,我并没有好好履行保安官的责任。这不仅仅是我的能力不足,更是我的觉悟不够。」 " But I had pledged, if has such matter again, I will certainly protect good everyone. Therefore, but also asked everyone to believe again my one time, gave me again an opportunity! " 「但我已经发誓,如果再发生这样的事情,我一定会保护好大家。所以,还请大家再相信我一次,再给我一次机会!」 " But, but, Uquina beautiful .... " 「可、可是,阿塔丽....」 " Village head grandfather. " 「村长爷爷。」 Has turned around, Uquina beautiful said in a soft voice: " No matter anyone in border people village, so long as we killed him, our border people villages cannot return again. " 重新转过身,阿塔丽轻声说道:「不管是边民村的谁,只要我们杀了他,我们的边民村都再也回不到过去。」 " Such border people village, the village head does not hesitate to commit homicide, border people village that must protect? " 「那样的边民村,还是村长不惜开枪杀人,都要保护的边民村吗?」 " ...... " 「......」 " I .... I support Elder Sister Uquina beautiful! " 「我....我支持阿塔丽姐姐!」 " I and I are also! " 「我、我也是!」 " Murder is incorrect! Everyone, everyone cannot handle the incorrect matter! " 「杀人是不对的!大家,大家不能做不对的事情!」 " Is! 「就是就是! " " Sam, Tom, Anne, Jim ..... " 「山姆、汤姆、安妮、吉姆.....」 Looks that until now not by the children who oneself are free from worry, unexpectedly spoke to support itself at this time, Uquina beautiful showed the gratified smile. 看着一直以来最不让自己省心的孩子们,居然在这时出言力挺自己,阿塔丽露出了欣慰的笑容。 " ..., since Uquina said that magnificent, this. " 「既...既然阿塔丽都这么说了那,就这样吧。」 " Oh .... Yes, how we do not have the clarity that the child looks. " 「唉....是啊,我们怎么都没有孩子看的清楚。」 " Uquina beautiful. " 「阿塔丽。」 Elsa arrives in front of Uquina beautiful, gripped Uquina Li's hand: " You a little spoke incorrectly. " 艾尔莎走到阿塔丽面前,握住了阿塔丽的手:「你有一点说错了。」 " Protects the border people village, and is not only your responsibility, is our responsibility. Let alone, such future also not necessarily arrival not? " 「保护边民村,并不仅仅是你的责任,更是我们大家的责任。更何况,那样的未来还不一定到来不是吗?」 " Puts him to walk. " 「放他走吧。」 " Elsa......! " 「艾尔莎......嗯!」 Uquina beautiful numerous selected, grasped Elsa all of a sudden. 阿塔丽重重的点了下头,一下子抱住了艾尔莎。 " ... Uquina beautiful!? " 「等...阿塔丽!?」 " Thank you, Elsa. Everyone, thank you! " The mobile phone user please glance over to read, on the palm read is more convenient. 「谢谢你,艾尔莎。大家,谢谢你们!」手机用户请浏览阅读,掌上阅读更方便。
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