RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1866: Can't the people really withstand the test?

Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Mr. Xie Ming, everyone already here .... 谢铭先生,大家都已经在这里了....” Master Bagg takes off own stetson, somewhat anxious looks young people who this says as the traveller. 巴格村长摘下自己的牛仔帽,有些不安的看着这位自称为旅行者的年轻人。 Truly speaking, today this day turbulence has been over his poorly the lifetime old man's acceptance. 说实在的,今天这一天的动荡已经超过了他这个贫苦了一生的老头的接受能力。 First is the space falls any bewildered falling treasure, destroyed in the village a house of young people. Originally thinks in somewhat delicious improves everyone's life, finally actually jumps to lose remembers, but emphasized oneself are the naked man from wall. 先是天上掉下来什么莫名其妙的落宝,砸毁了村子里一年轻人的房子。本来以为里面会有些好吃的来改善大家的生活,结果却蹦出来一个失去记忆,但强调自己是从墙壁外的赤身男人。 Then is anything falls the valuable hunter to attack, the entire village nearly degenerates into the sea of fire. 然后又是什么落宝猎人来袭,整个村子都险些沦为火海。 Odd matter happened in one after another at present, even if changes the city young people of modern society, perhaps at this time the hemp, let alone Master Bagg was only a no experience old person? 离谱的事情接二连三发生在眼前,哪怕换个现代社会的城市年轻人,恐怕此时都麻了,更何况巴格村长只是一个没什么见识的老人? But existence of Xie Ming, was this old person's few dependences. 谢铭的存在,算是这位老人为数不多的依靠了。 This is normal. 这非常正常。 First, the performance, the style of speaking and the atmosphere Xie Ming, display in the person with village to be entirely different, seeming like that great person and knowledgeable person. 首先,谢铭的表现、谈吐和氛围,表现得就和村子里的人截然不同,看上去就是那种大人物、有见识的人。 Next, in the dangerous moment of village, was Xie Ming lends a hand to help them. This time acts to Xie Ming is completely unnecessary, will intend only to annoy to trouble to oneself, but he lent a hand to assist. 其次,在村子的危难关头,是谢铭出手帮助了他们。要知道,这次出手对谢铭来说是完全没有必要的,出手了只会给自己惹上麻烦,但他还是出手相助了。 This benevolence is solid. 这份恩情是实实在在的。 Both unify, making Xie Ming one honored guest in border people village. The request that therefore so long as set was not excessive, Master Bagg will satisfy Xie Ming as far as possible, with report benevolence. 两者结合,让谢铭一下就成为了边民村的贵客。因此只要提出的要求不过分,巴格村长都会尽量去满足谢铭,以报恩情。 The matter that let alone, Xie Ming must say, seems also closely linked with their border people villages. 更何况,谢铭要说的这件事,似乎还和他们边民村息息相关。 Many thanks, village head mister.” “多谢了,村长先生。” No, minor matter.” Master Bagg beckons with the hand, asking that somewhat worries about: Mr. Xie Ming, you said that a matter wants to chat with us, is ..... “不,小事而已。”巴格村长摆了摆手,有些担忧的问道:“不过谢铭先生,您说有件事想和我们谈谈,是.....” Un, is related with the matter of today's. Also with following, the future of border people village is related.” “嗯,是和今天发生的事情有关。也和接下来,边民村的未来有关。” Xie Ming smiles, the vision welcomed to the villagers somewhat anxious line of sight, finally stayed frontline the villagers, that three just when the youngster young girl of youthful years. 谢铭笑了笑,目光迎向了村民们有些不安的视线,最后停留在村民们最前方,那三名正值青春年华的少年少女。 Young security officer Uquina beautiful, village head's granddaughter Elsa, as well as obviously is very who anxious a face impatient Bits actually must install curiously. 年轻的保安官阿塔丽,村长的孙女艾尔莎,以及明明很不安很好奇却非要装的一脸不耐烦的比特。 Everyone in border people village, excuse me, makes everyone gather in such late time here. However these matters, are everyone on the scene are related, I am not good to excel at making the decision or walk away directly.” “边民村的各位,不好意思,在这么晚的时间还让大家聚在这里。不过这些事,是和在场的所有人都相关,我也不好擅做决定或者直接一走了之。” Therefore I summarized several issues probably, wants to discuss with everyone, jointly decided how should solve.” “所以我大概总结了几个问题,想要和大家讨论,共同决定该怎么解决。” First, is that falls the valuable hunter.” “首先,便是那名落宝猎人。” Under hint of Xie Ming, everyone looked at to the one side by the long hair man of tying hands: Does not know everyone, how plans to handle him?” 谢铭的示意下,所有人都看向了在一旁被五花大绑的长发男人:“不知道各位,打算如何处置他?” Is continues to detain? Put? Also or, killed.” “是继续关押?还是放了?亦或是,杀了。” „! “! ! ! “唔唔唔! ! ! !唔唔唔唔! ! Heard killed two characters, all villagers hit one to tremble, but the falling treasure hunter who regained consciousness from the stupor is starts to go all out struggled. 听到‘杀了’两字,所有村民都不禁打了一个寒颤,而已经从昏迷中苏醒的落宝猎人更是开始拼命的挣扎起来。 That .... “那个....” Uquina beautiful weak holding up hand: I felt, should not need to take his life .....?” 阿塔丽弱弱的举起手:“我觉得,应该没有必要取他性命.....吧?” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Right?” Xie Ming selected an eyebrow: I felt actually, killing him is the best choice.” “是吗?”谢铭挑了一下眉毛:“我倒是觉得,杀了他是最好的选择啊。” Xie Ming .... Mister?” 谢铭....先生?” Do not be anxious, everyone. Falls the valuable hunter to have the gratitude and grudges with this, is everyone is not I. Therefore, I do not have the power to interfere with everyone to his handling method. “别紧张,各位。和这名落宝猎人有恩怨的,是各位不是我。所以,我并没有权力来干涉各位对他的处置方法。 Is only, I think that I need the consequences of three choices, talks clearly with everyone.” ”“只是,我想我有必要将三个选择的后果,和各位说清楚。” Xie Ming stretches out the first finger: „The first choice , to continue to detain. Detains, represents everyone to branch out the manpower to safeguard him, make sure that he will not jailbreak the retaliation. Meanwhile, everyone must provide the food and drink for him.” 谢铭伸出第一根手指:“第一个选择,继续关押。关押,代表着各位要分出人力去看管他,要确保他不会逃狱报复。同时,各位还要为他提供吃喝。” Advantage is, everyone does not need to worry that this falls the valuable hunter to go out to disclose secret information, brings in a bigger trouble for the border people village.” “好处则是,各位不需要担心这名落宝猎人出去通风报信,为边民村引来更大的麻烦。” Bigger trouble?” “更大的麻烦?” Yes.” Xie Ming looks to Elsa: If he goes into hiding, even if that then also has the person who tracks down to fall the treasure to come, you can still with carry off this reason to assure the security of village by him.” “是的。”谢铭看向艾尔莎:“如果他就此销声匿迹,那么就算接下来还有追寻落宝的人过来,你们也可以用‘被他带走了’这个理由来保证村子的安全。” Said, pursued recently, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many . The Android apple may. 】 讲真,最近一追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,..安卓苹果均可。】 In village destroyed construction in all directions, is the best evidence.” “村子里四处被破坏的建筑,便是最好的证据。” But if, you choose to let go him, he will not give up absolutely. Falls the valuable hunter itself/Ben by selling to undersell the treasure to live, sells to undersell the valuable the news similarly is also opportunities.” “但如果,你们选择放走他的话,他绝对不会就此善罢甘休。落宝猎人本就是靠贩卖落宝为生,贩卖落宝的消息同样也是一种生财之道。” This time comes, only then he, but he, if will fall the valuable the news to let out, passed to the ears of certain strong presences. The border people village must face, possibly not only so.” “这次来的只有他一人,但他要是将落宝的消息放出去,传到了某些强大势力的耳中。边民村要面对的,可能就不仅仅如此了。” But! But!” Elsa somewhat anxious saying: So long as explained well ..... “可!可是!”艾尔莎有些焦急的说道:“只要好好说明的话.....” Elsa, is useless.” “艾尔莎,没有用的。” Nearby Bits dangling head: Others, will not listen to our explanations.” 一旁的比特垂下脑袋:“别人,不会听我们的解释的。” How this ..... “怎么这样.....” Elsa .... “艾尔莎....” Sat gripped the back of the hand of young girl in Elsa Uquina beautiful gently, wanted to give her by some strengths. 坐在艾尔莎身旁的阿塔丽轻轻握住了少女的手背,想要以此给予她些许力量。 Has saying that these three people of characters also are really very supplementary. 不得不说,这三人的性格还真是挺互补的。 Although Uquina beautiful is seemingly indecisive, but is in fact gentle and firm, young girl who can implement the idea. But heroic spirit full Elsa, instead appears in some aspects specially naive weak. 阿塔丽虽然看似优柔寡断,但实际上却是名温柔又坚定,能够贯彻自己想法的少女。而英气十足的艾尔莎,反而会在一些方面显得特别的天真软弱。 Final Bits, although the shortcoming are many, seeming like is completely a holding back person, can actually in certain at crucial moment a blow to the head, making the companions alert. 最后的比特,虽然缺点很多,看上去完全是个拖后腿的人,却又能在某些关键时候给人当头一棒,让同伴们警醒。 So long as three people catch up in the same direction, believes that they can make overwhelming majority things. Naturally, even the radiant gem still carves from ordinary not wonderful Gemstone weakly. 只要三人向着同一个方向发力,相信他们能够做成绝大部分事情吧。当然,就算是璀璨的宝石也是从平凡无奇的原石凋琢而成的。 Three people want to grow truly, but also needs to discipline. 三人想要真正成长,还需要很多磨练。 Actually what happened, I am not good to guarantee that now I am pure this possibility tell everyone, by everyone was decided how should choose.” “究竟会发生什么事情,我也不好保证现在我只是单纯将这种可能性告诉各位,由各位自己来决定该如何选择。” Xie Ming stretches out the second third finger one after another: Puts the possibility that he leaves, I have said that then no longer mentioned again. Now, I explained the third choice, died another place.” 谢铭接连伸出第二第三根手指:“放他离开的可能,我已经说过了,便不再重提。现在,我说明一下第三种选择,也就是将他处死。” This fell the valuable hunter to cause the considerably large harm to the village, and embraced is killing everyone who intent attacked. Therefore from the morals, is legally speaking, he deserves to be damned.” “这名落宝猎人对村子造成了相当大的损害,并且是怀抱着杀意来袭击的各位。因此无论是从道德,还是从法律上来看,他都死有余辜。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 However dies another place, not only can satisfy imprisonment the advantage of choice, but can also make the village omit the manpower that an adult male food and drink, safeguards to need, has not needed to be worried that was retaliated. Why this is, I recommend another place die.” “而将他处死,不仅能够满足‘监禁’选择的好处,还能让村子省去一个成年男性的吃喝、看管所需要的人力,还不用担心被报复。这就是为什么,我推荐将他处死。” Does not know that idea is anything.” “不知道各位的想法是什么。” ......... “.........” Villagers you have a look at me, I have a look at you, finally simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looked to Master Bagg. But village head old person is also frowning, whole face bitter color. 村民们你看看我,我看看你,最后齐齐的看向了巴格村长。而村长老人同样也皱着眉头,满脸苦色。 That .... Mr. Xie Ming ..... “那个....谢铭先生.....” Finally, Master Bagg looked cautiously to Xie Ming: „Should you, be the plan leave?” 最后,巴格村长小心翼翼的看向了谢铭:“您应该,是打算离开吧?” Yes.” “是的。” Xie Ming smiles: After solving here problem, I then plan and Yarrow leave together.” 谢铭笑了笑:“在解决完这里的问题后,我便打算和亚罗一同离开。” That, ..... Master Bagg swallowed a saliva, both hands could not stop is rubbing mutually: „Can you help again, having this to fall the valuable hunter to leave together?” “那、那么.....”巴格村长咽了口口水,双手止不住的互搓着:“您能不能再帮我们一个忙,带着这个落宝猎人一起离开呢?” Works as, naturally! We will prepare your satisfactory reward!” “当、当然!我们会准备您满意的酬劳的!”
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