RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1865: The prediction in old book meets to become true

Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Newest website: The iron and does not have nothing well, something also truly can only depend on dash south wall gruff not turn head to achieve. 最新网址:头铁并没有什么不好的,有些事情也确实是只能靠着撞破南墙不回头的倔性才能做到。 But the premise is, you must have the success ratio at this matter. 但前提是,在这件事上你要有成功率。 " Yarrow, I understands that you want to attempt, go to with own eyes the idea of confirmation. " 「亚罗,我明白你想要去尝试,去亲眼确认的想法。」 Xie Ming tranquil saying: " But you must see clearly the reality, sees clearly our present situations. " 谢铭平静的说道:「可你也必须看清现实,看清我们现在的处境。」 " We now, but does not have including spirit X-ray machine armor. We must dig with both hands, climbs up that to have ten thousand meters high wall? " 「我们现在,可是连一台灵光机甲都没有啊。难道,我们要用双手去挖,去攀爬那足足有万米之高的墙壁吗?」 " Un ..... truly. " 「嗯.....确实啊。」 Yarrow both hands hold the chest, deeply frowned: " Really does the present urgent matter, need to make that to vow the bracelet to come named... a knot? Must first make a that thing to come to be good. " 亚罗双手抱胸,眉头紧锁:「果然现在的当务之急,是需要弄一个那个叫...结誓臂环来着?得先弄一个那玩意过来才行。」 " Xie Ming don't you have? The knot vowed the bracelet. " 谢铭你没有吗?结誓臂环。」 " No. " 「没有。」 Xie Ming lets go: " Or had had, but I have not succeeded to summon spirit X-ray machine armor, instead vowed the bracelet spoiling the knot. " 谢铭一摊手:「或者说,曾经有过,但我并没有成功召唤出灵光机甲,反而把结誓臂环给弄坏了。」 " Yeah? " Yarrow gawked: " Although I have not remembered, but I can also know with the intuition, you are a very fierce fellow. Even why didn't you have the means to summon spirit X-ray machine armor... just that fellow actually? " 「哎?」亚罗愣了一下:「虽然我没有记忆,但凭直觉我也能知道,你是个非常厉害的家伙。连你都没有办法召唤出灵光机甲...为什么刚刚那个家伙却可以啊?」 " We take the teacup analogy. " 「我们还是拿茶杯比喻。」 Continued to refer to under the teacup on table, Xie Ming explained: " Knot vowed the bracelet to look like this teacup, only had you to pack namedfaith in this teacup, the water, spirit X-ray machine armor can be appeared. " 继续指了下桌上的茶杯,谢铭解释道:「结誓臂环就像是这个茶杯,唯有你在这茶杯中装满了名为‘信念,的水,灵光机甲才能被显现。」 " But the teacup, is unable to hold a big iron slab in any event. The big iron slab toward teacup China , Cyprus, will only make the teacup crush forcefully. " 「但茶杯,无论如何都无法容纳一块大铁块的。强行将大铁块往茶杯中塞,只会让茶杯粉碎。」 " This is my situation. " 「这便是我的情况。」 " So that's how it is .... I? " 「原来如此....那我呢?」 " How I know. " Xie Ming shows the whites of the eyes: " You must look for a knot to vow the bracelet to try to be good. " 「我怎么知道。」谢铭翻了个白眼:「你得自己找个结誓臂环试试才行。」 " On the other hand, after you come out , has inspected you wellprivate car ? Photo common sense, if is really some exists feeds in you to this world specially, must give the method that you protect oneself. " 「话说回来,你出来后有没有好好检查过你的‘座驾,?照常理而言,如果真的是某个存在特意把你送进到这个世界,不可能不会给你自保的手段。」 " Is reasonable. You wait/etc, my look! " 「有道理。你等等,我这就去找找!」 " ...... " 「......」 Gazes after Yarrow's departure hurriedly, Xie Ming is pulling out contact from the coat, put through the week to finish. 目送着亚罗风风火火的离开,谢铭从大衣里掏出联络器,接通了周毕。 " Hey, .... Finally when you contacted, thanks. " 「喂喂,呀....终于等到你联络了啊,谢。」 Finished the fan in the week of destiny palace a leaf of feather fan, quite saying of anticipation: " Therefore, what found in the border people village? " 远在天命宫的周毕扇了扇羽扇,颇为期待的说道:「所以,在边民村找到了什么?」 " Another from wall external youth. " 「另一个从墙壁外来的青年。」 " Wha .... " 「什....」 " Hou humph ~ " looked at a side to tighten being intimate friends of body instantaneously, the week finishes meaningful saying: " It seems like, thanks did Keqing find own fellow villager? " 「嚯嚯~」看了眼身旁瞬间绷紧身体的连心,周毕意味深长的说道:「这么看来,谢客卿是找到了自己的同乡了?」 " No, is not. " 「不,并不是。」 Xie Ming said bright way: " Different with me, he is rides the whereabouts treasure, and as if lost the memory on the way for some reasons, at present only remembers oneself are from the wall external, must arrive at outside the wall. " 谢铭说明道:「和我不同,他是乘坐着落宝来的,并且途中似乎因为某些原因而失去了记忆,目前只记得自己是从墙壁外来的,要到墙壁外去。」 " In just, me named to him for Barke Yarrow. " 「就在刚刚,我给他取名为巴克・亚罗。」 " Barke Yarrow ..... " 「巴克・亚罗.....」 " Thanked the guest official. " 「谢客卿。」 Being intimate friends serious saying: " According to your report, we can understand that has controlled for you, captures fell the treasure, right. " 连心神情严肃的说道:「根据你的报告来看,我们可以理解为你已经控制,夺得了落宝,没错吧。」 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 " Such being the case, but also please bring the whereabouts treasure to return as soon as possible. As for that you said said how youth Barke Yarrow outside wall should handle, I think that should give your majesty to decide. " .... 「既然如此,还请你尽快带着落宝回归。至于你所说的这个自称墙壁外的青年巴克・亚罗该如何处置,我认为应该交给陛下来定夺。」…. " little even/including may really be impatient. " Week complete(ly) Qing said with a smile: " First listens to our thanks Keqing to report that again how does to decide? " 「小连可真是心急啊。」周毕轻笑道:「先听我们的谢客卿报道完再做决定怎么样?」 " Yes. 「是。 Very sorry, the subordinate overstepped one's authority. " " Hehe .... " 非常抱歉,属下僭越了。」「呵呵....」 Covers own second half stretch/open face with the feather fan gently, in order to avoid on the face that exciting facial expression exposition, the week finish continues to ask: " Thanked the guest official, according to your vision, what special place this Mr. Yarrow had? " 用羽扇轻轻遮住自己的下半张脸,以免脸上那兴奋的神情暴露,周毕继续问道:「谢客卿,依你的眼光来看,这位亚罗先生有什么特别之处吗?」 " Currently speaking, besides origin and does not have any special place....... " 「从目前来看,除了来历之外并没有什么特殊的地方。只是......」 Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 " !! 「哦!哦哦哦哦哦! Xie Ming! Comes to see quickly! I successfully summoned spirit X-ray machine armor! " 谢铭!快来看!我成功召唤出灵光机甲了!」 " ....... No memory, even in faith no situation succeeded to summon spirit X-ray machine armor. " 「.......没有任何记忆,甚至连信念都没有的情况下成功召唤出了灵光机甲。」 Xie Ming was saying to communication another side person: " I believe that it is necessary that continues to observe. " 谢铭对着通讯器另一边的人说道:「我认为,有继续观察的必要。」 ----- ----- Finishes under singing a duet of this person on one's own side in the week, idea of being intimate friends naturally in she had not even detected in the situation was pressed. 在周毕这个自己人的一唱一和下,连心的想法自然是在连她本人都没有察觉到的情况下被压了下去。 However this also temporary. Can arrange in the person of Xie Ming understanding as a stubborn degree to military of front row, is intimate friends surely does not have to put down vigilantly. 不过这也是暂时的。作为一名顽固程度在谢铭认识的人中都能排到前列的武者,连心肯定是没有就这么放下警惕。 She is willing to put down oneself position temporarily,... does not need to talk too much for whom. 她之所以愿意暂时放下自己的主张,是为了谁...就无需多言了。 In any case, the moving chart of that raspberry conscience, inside role had been made up to be intimate friends by the Xie Ming automatic brain. Let alone, two people are also send blue, replace almost does not have any being out of sorts feeling. 反正,那张莓良心的动图,里面的角色已经被谢铭自动脑补成连心。别说,两人还都是蓝发,替换上去几乎没有任何违和感。 However compared with is persecuting to be intimate friends at heart, at present spirit X-ray machine armor that was summoned by Yarrow, obviously can gain attaching great importance to of Xie Ming. 不过比起在心里迫害连心,眼前由亚罗召唤出的灵光机甲,显然更能得到谢铭的重视。 Just like using the pure white jade and deep blue crystal withers the idol that builds becomes, the slender streamline person body brought a mobile wrong feeling. 宛如用洁白玉石和湛蓝水晶所凋砌而成的神像,修长的流线型人型身躯给人带来了一种流动的错感。 " No, is not the misconception. " 「不,不是错觉。」 Wraps the finger stamp with the faith to the thigh of machine armor, the advance of finger has not suffered any stop. The entire root finger looked like pokes in the silt to be the same, was downloaded the strength by machine armor completely, one side slipped into. 用信念包裹手指戳向机甲的腿部,手指的前进并没有遭受到任何的阻拦。整根手指就像是戳到了淤泥之中一样,被机甲完全卸掉了力量,滑到一边。 " Ha! What kind of, fierce! " In Yarrow's happy saying situated in machine armor crown crystal: " Xie Ming! Has this spirit X-ray machine armor, should we be able to go to the wall? " 「哈哈哈!怎么样,厉害吧!」位于机甲顶部水晶内的亚罗开心的说道:「谢铭!有这台灵光机甲,我们应该能去墙壁了吧?」 " At least had the self-preservation ability of most foundation. " 「至少有了最基础的自保能力。」 Sizes up Yarrow's machine armor, Xie Ming is asking suddenly: " Yarrow, your self-sensation, oneself drives this spirit X-ray machine armor, generally some strong battle efficiencies? " 打量着亚罗的机甲,谢铭突然问道:「亚罗,你自我感觉一下,自己驾驶这台灵光机甲,大抵有多强的战斗力?」 " That that brings to attack falls the valuable hunter to make a comparison on the line. " 「就拿来袭击的那个落宝猎人做对比就行。」 " Un ..... should be able easily to defeat him. " 「嗯.....应该能轻轻松松打败他吧。」 Machine armor is moving the four limbs at will, makes several fist remnant shades to the vacancy courageous: " Although is not quite clear, but I think that... I should quite be. " 机甲随意活动着四肢,勐地向空处打出几拳残影:「虽然不太清楚,但我想...我应该相当强才是。」 " What kind of, should we be able? " 「怎么样,我们应该可以出发了吧?」 " Yes...... " 「是呢......」 If possible, actually Xie Ming does not want to continue to stay in the border people village. After all he and Yarrow are two huge troubles, if were known them here, the matter that is going to have even if the complementary waves, is not this rural population can withstand. 如果可以的话,其实谢铭也不想继续在边民村停留。毕竟他和亚罗可谓是两个天大的麻烦,要是被人知道他们在这里,将要发生的事情哪怕是余波,也不是这一村人可以承受的。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 The point is that this place likely still has the secret. 可问题是,这块地方很可能还存在着秘密。 【The external foreign matter, sinks the dormancy in the boundary end. The ring stealth land productivity, the common people regain to live. However when the rookie arrives, becomes aware oneself body, the world must be destroyed.】 【外来异物,沉眠于边界尽头。圆环荫蔽大地丰饶,万民复得生息。然新人到来,悟得己身之时,天地必遭毁灭。】 This is Xie Ming, in finishes with the week enters repeatedly ** in the storehouse inquired, relatedoutcomer, archaism record. And some most sentences, can definitely with Yarrow's situation to. 这是谢铭在和周毕多次进入**库中所查询到的,有关‘外来者,的古语记述。其中有多数句子,完全能和亚罗的情况对的上。 Boundary end, border people village. 边界尽头,边民村。 The rookies arrive, Barke Yarrow. 新人到来,巴克・亚罗。 Becoming aware oneself body, represents is restoring to remember. But now, Yarrow is at the condition that the memory loses. 悟得己身,代表着恢复记忆。而现在,亚罗正处于记忆丢失的状态。 When becomes aware oneself body, the world must be destroyed. 悟得己身时,天地必遭毁灭。 Dambach when Yarrow restores the memory, entire forest Garlind will be destroyed. 当巴克・亚罗恢复记忆时,整个林加林德都会被毁灭。 How to destroy? By this blue white spirit X-ray machine armor? Said ..... 怎么毁灭?靠这台蓝白色的灵光机甲吗?还是说..... Can by sinking the dormancy and boundary end external foreign matter? 要靠沉眠与边界尽头的外来异物呢? " What's wrong? Xie Ming. " 「怎么了?谢铭。」 " No, all right. " 「不,没事。」 Draws the conclusion Xie Ming to raise the head saying: " In brief, you first get down. Some of our also things, need to explain with border people village everyone. " 得出结论的谢铭抬头说道:「总而言之,你先下来吧。我们还有些事情,需要和边民村的大家说明一下。」 " , When was not late at that time. " . 「出发,等到那时候也不迟。」. Poor fine jade arched 穷琼穹 , Can read anytime and anywhere smoothly unimpededly .... Newest website: ,随时随地都可以畅阅无阻....最新网址:
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