RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1864: The leads on 1 want an iron surely

Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Two please...” “两位请...” „! Thanks!” “哦!谢谢啦!” Excuse me, borrowed your family, but also makes you prepare the tea.” “不好意思,借用了你家,还让你准备茶水。” „... Please do not use politely.” Tray both hands of serving tea water will hug in the chest front, sends young girl somewhat flustered saying green: We must thank Mr. Xie Ming! Was lucky Mr. Xie Ming, in the village everyone is well.” “不...请不用客气。”将端茶水的盘子双手抱在胸前,绿发少女有些慌张的说道:“我们才要感谢谢铭先生!多亏了谢铭先生,村子里大家才平安无事。” Instead... has not achieved anything as village security officer I for everyone......” “反而是身为村子保安官的我...没有为大家做到任何事情......” Un .... Young lady...” “嗯....小姐...” „! Sorry, forgot to introduce oneself.” “啊!抱歉,忘记自我介绍了。” The young girls quickly salute: I am the security officer in border people village, Uquina beautiful Aliyarov.” 少女急忙行礼:“我是边民村的保安官,阿塔丽・阿里亚尔。” Miss Uquina beautiful.” “阿塔丽小姐。” Xie Ming smiles: „Everyone has the matter that oneself can achieve, when falling the valuable hunter attacks, if not Miss Uquina beautiful organizes the villagers to seek asylum promptly, then may present the casualties very much.” 谢铭笑了笑:“每个人都有着自己能做到的事情,在落宝猎人来袭时,如果不是阿塔丽小姐及时组织村民们避难,那么很有可能出现伤亡。” „Isn't this, never the work of security officer?” “这,何尝又不是保安官的工作呢?” Thank you, Mr. Xie Ming.” “谢谢你,谢铭先生。” Uquina beautiful vision fluctuation little, bows the expression of gratitude: „, I first went out, please two chat slowly.” 阿塔丽目光波动几许,躬身道谢:“那么,我就先出去了,请两位慢慢聊。” The wooden door closes up, Xie Ming will focus in front youth again. 木门合拢,谢铭再次将注意力放在了面前的青年身上。 In brief, we first think a name for you.” “总而言之,我们先为你想个名字吧。” Name?” “名字?” Youth flexure head: Also yes. Otherwise others called me is not good to call, what great idea did you have?” 青年挠了挠脑袋:“也是。不然别人叫我也不好叫,你有什么好主意吗?” Barke Yarrow back arrow, what kind of?” “巴克・亚罗back・arrow,怎么样?” Basically had recognized that the youth is the important personage in this world, even after being possible be the lead, Xie Ming then used the name of Main God Space to this world directly on the youth. 基本上已经认定青年是这个世界的重要人物,甚至有可能是主角后,谢铭便直接将主神空间对这这个世界的命名用在了青年身上。 In one language that I know, this pronunciation has reverts the arrow that loses the meaning. I believe that but also is very suitable your.” “在我知道的一种语言中,这个发音有着‘归回的箭失’的意思。我个人认为,还挺适合你的。” Barke Yarrow .... Good!” “巴克・亚罗啊....不错啊!” Youth eyes one bright: The arrow that reverts loses! Right! I am to return to wall outside arrow to lose! The arrow that anyone, is unable to prevent loses! Xie Ming you have the talent of naming very much!” 青年眼睛一亮:“归回的箭失!没错!我就是要回到墙壁外面的箭失!无论是谁,都无法阻止的箭失!谢铭你很有取名的天赋啊!” Good, starting today I called Barke Yarrow!” “好,从今天起我就叫巴克・亚罗了!” No, I am name waste. 不,我是取名废。 Regarding Yarrow's praise, Xie Ming shows neither approval nor disapproval: Then we return to the subject, Yarrow.” 对于亚罗的夸奖,谢铭不置可否:“那么我们回到正题吧,亚罗。” At present I to your understanding am, you only know oneself must return to the wall outside, other does not know totally, even links vows the bracelet and spirit X-ray machine armor did not know.” “目前我对你的了解是,你只知道自己要回到墙壁的外面,其他的一概不知,甚至连结誓臂环和灵光机甲都不晓得。” But the general knowledge in daily life, you actually remember.” “但日常生活方面的常识,你却记得。” „A your such saying also truly ..... Yarrow touches the chin, the ponder said: It seems like, I lose pure in the memory of outside the wall living, why will arrive at the memory in wall with me.” “你这么一说也确实啊.....”亚罗摸了摸下巴,沉思道:“这么看来,我丢失的单纯只是在墙壁外生活的记忆,和为什么我会来到墙壁内的记忆。” „Does this have nothing? In any case after waiting for me to return to outside the wall, all can clarify.” “不过这也没什么吧?反正等我回到墙壁外之后,一切就都能弄清楚了。” That first regards this.” “那就先当成这样。” Some confidence are dynamic, Xie Ming regarding this and has no opinion. Leads, if not such high-spirited self-confident, how also possibly to lead the companion to forward together? 有信心才有动力,谢铭对此并没有什么意见。主角嘛,如果不是这样意气风发自信满满,又怎么可能带领同伴一同向前? Then we said the goal again.” “那么我们再说说目标吧。” Xie Ming then said: „To go to wall outside words, we need three types of things.” 谢铭接着说道:“想要去往墙壁外面的话,我们需要三样东西。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Un? We?” Yarrow responded promptly: Xie Ming are you willing to help me?” “嗯?我们?”亚罗及时反应了过来:“谢铭你愿意帮我吗?” „Very interesting, not?” Xie Ming shrugs: I am the famous traveller, the itself/Ben to pursue novelly, unknown step the person of journey.” “挺有趣的,不是吗?”谢铭耸了耸肩:“我是名旅行者,本就是为了追求新奇、未知而踏上旅途的人。” I am also come from the wall again in addition outside, even it can be said that outside of the world. “再加上我也是来自墙壁的外面,甚至可以说是世界的外面。 ” „ Wha .... What! ”“什....什么! ! ? ” ?” Yarrow first stares, later both hands however hold the Xie Ming shoulders courageous: You are also come from outside the wall!?” 亚罗先是一愣,随后双手勐然抓住谢铭的双肩:“你也是来自墙壁外面的!?” Dot sound, but also is able to discriminate collects is so near.” “小点声,还有别凑这么近。” A palm of the hand pushed Yarrow, Xie Ming ill-humored saying: I said that I and you have the difference.” 一巴掌将亚罗推了回去,谢铭没好气的说道:“我说了,我和你还是有区别的。” The words saying . Version. 】 话说,,,..版。】 I from travel in other world, you, although from outside wall, but belongs to this world essentially.” “我是来自于其他世界的旅者,你虽然是来自于墙壁外面,但本质上还是属于这个世界。” „???? Has not understood.” “????没听懂。” You look on the table these two cups of tea.” “你看桌上这两杯茶水。” Before Xie Ming two cups attain the body, is pointing at a cup: This cup, is the world that we are at now. But inside tea, is this forest Garlind.” 谢铭将两个杯子拿到身前,指着其中一个杯子:“这个杯子,就是我们现在所在的这个世界。而里面的茶水,就是这个林加林德。” But this cup, and not only only has the tea, cup of bottoms, cup edges and cup body. The dividing line of tea and cup, is the wall. Yarrow you, then came from the part outside tea. But I am different from you.” “但这个杯子,并不仅仅只有茶水,还有杯底、杯沿、杯体。茶水和杯子的分界,便是墙壁。亚罗你,便是来自于茶水外的部分。但我却和你不同。” Takes up another cup, selected a water drop to stick with the finger gently on the finger: I, come from a water drop in this another teacup. Like this, shifts in the cup that we are at now from this cup in certain way.” 拿起另一个杯子,用手指轻轻点了一滴水粘在手指上:“我,是来自这另一个茶杯中的一滴水。就像这样通过某种方式,从这个杯子转移到了我们现在所在的这个杯子中。” Saying, the waterdrop on Xie Ming finger was dripping into the first cup, exuded layer upon layer the ripples on the water surface. 说着,谢铭手指上的水滴滴入了第一个杯子,在水面上泛起了层层涟漪。 Like this can you understand?” “这样你能明白吗?” So that's how it is .... “原来如此....” You understand on the line probably.” Looks the appearance that Yarrow that appears to understand but not really understand, Xie Ming did not plan to continue this topic: However I arrive at this world, besides exploring the new world, to complete something.” “你大概理解就行。”看着亚罗那似懂非懂的样子,谢铭不打算将这个话题继续下去了:“而我来到这个世界,除了探索新世界之外,还为了完成某件事。” Now I believe that some matter that you and I must complete is closely linked. Therefore, I planned that helps you return to outside the wall.” “现在我认为,你和我要完成的这某件事息息相关。因此,我打算帮助你回到墙壁外面。” Un ....., although somewhat has not done clearly, but since you said that you must help me, I only needed to know this matter enough, later please assist me in any way you can, Xie Ming.” “嗯.....虽然还有些搞不明白,但既然你说你要帮助我,那我只需要知道这件事就够了,以后就请多多关照啦,谢铭。” Good.” “好。” Grasps the hand that under Yarrow extended, Xie Ming continues saying: Then returned to our topics.” 握了下亚罗伸过来的手,谢铭继续说道:“那么回到我们刚才的话题。” We want to go to outside the wall, currently speaking needs three types of things.” “我们想要前往墙壁外面,目前来看需要三样东西。” Can go to wall front vehicleSpans the wall methodDaily necessity that needs all the way 】.” “能够前往到墙壁面前的载具】跨越墙壁的方法】,一路上所需要的生活必需品】。” Important, is spans the wall method 】.” “其中重要的,便是跨越墙壁的方法】。” Xie Ming explained: Daily necessity, both of us only need the clothing and food can. If sloppy, only food then. But by our two people abilities and ensure food has no issue.” 谢铭解释道:“生活必需品方面,我们两人只需要衣物和食物便可。如果邋遢一点的话,单是食物便可以。而凭借我们两人的能力,确保食物没有任何问题。” Even as for vehicle, does not have the issue that light/only depends, nothing but is the need duration. But how to span the wall, actually will be we on an issue that will not come.” “至于载具方面,就算光靠走的也没有问题,无非就是需要的时间长短。但如何跨越墙壁,却是我们将就不来的一个问题。” We do not know the wall thick, high. But we want to span the wall, only then breaks it and crosses it two methods. The former, needs sufficiently the strong firepower of rumbling broken wall. The latter, needing can span the flying ability of tall wall.” “我们不知道墙壁有多厚,有多高。但我们想要跨越墙壁,只有‘打破它’和‘越过它’两种方法。前者,需要足以轰破墙壁的强大火力。后者,需要能够跨越高墙的飞行能力。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Infinite destiny rewriting 【】 【无限之命运改写】【】 Information that knows from me at present, the latter is we have to realize the possible method only. Because I have seen, spirit X-ray machine armor that can from the sky fly.” “从目前我所知道的情报来看,后者是我们唯一有实现可能的方法。因为我已经见到过,能够在空中飞行的灵光机甲。” However that spirit X-ray machine armor, stems from forest Garlind's one of the two big powerful nations, colored glaze special Sir/minister and country.” “而那台灵光机甲,是出自于林加林德的两大强国之一,琉特卿和国。” At this point, Xie Ming looks to Yarrow: Therefore, I prepare our first stand, decides as the colored glaze special Sir/minister and country.” 说到这里,谢铭看向亚罗:“所以,我准备把我们的第一站,定为琉特卿和国。” How do you feel?” “你觉得如何?” Un......” “嗯......” Both hands held the chest to ponder, Yarrow opened the eye: Xie Ming, you said is very reasonable. But I felt, should first arrive under the wall to have a look.” 双手抱胸思考了一阵,亚罗睁开眼睛:“谢铭,你说的确实很有道理。但我还是觉得,应该先到墙壁下面看看。” Does not try, how also to know that isn't able to break the wall?” “不试试,又怎么知道无法打破墙壁呢?”
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