RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1863: The people are opened only by machine armor are not very common

Newest website: How can ..... 最新网址:“怎么会.....” When the people facing oneself have not met the danger, the most common response had not then responded. In that instance, in the brain is a blank, will only follow own instinct to handle affairs. 人在遇到自己从来没有遇见过的危险时,最常见的反应便是没有反应。在那个瞬间,大脑里是一片的空白,只会跟随自己的本能行事。 But regarding the villagers in border people village, does not have any own village is more important. 而对于边民村的村民来说,没有什么比自己的村子更为重要。 If falls the treasure that in the treasure is anything can change the border people village present situation, lets happy life that everyone can on be satiated with food and wine, perhaps that villagers will hesitate. 如果说落宝里是什么可以改变边民村现状的珍宝,让大家都能过上吃饱喝足的幸福生活,那或许村民们还会犹豫一下。 But in fact, those who fall in the treasure to jump is a basis does not have any use, man but who also can only talk nonsense. 但实际上,落宝中蹦出来的是一名根本派不上任何用场,还只会胡说八道的男人。 A bewildered man, makes the choice with the villagers who oneself village, are constantly together, no matter what who knows how should elect. 一个莫名其妙的男人,和自己的村子、自己朝夕相处的村民做选择,任谁都知道该怎么选。 Is he!” “就是他!” Right, is he! Is him from falling the treasure runs!” “没错,是他!从落宝里跑出来的就是他!” Even did not need the person organization, the finger of villagers the neat direction the youth. This sense of discipline, can the comparing favorably with fierce magnificence elite soldiers. 甚至都不需要人组织,村民们的手指就已经齐刷刷的指向了青年。这份纪律性,都能比得上烈华凯的精锐士兵们了。 But unfortunately, the villagers forgot a matter. 但可惜的是,村民们忘了一件事。 Falls in the treasure to jump a man. If not for they personally see, they do not believe that in the world will present this absurd matter. 落宝中蹦出来一个男人。若不是他们亲眼所见,他们也不会相信天底下会出现这种荒唐的事情。 Even in addition they, were one had so obtained let alone falling treasure hunter who fell the treasure. 连他们都尚且如此,更何况是一名曾经获得过落宝的落宝猎人。 Thinks again before him that country bumpkin, as can be seen, this fellow is from the heart to look down upon the villagers in border people village. 再想想他之前的那句乡巴老,可以看出,这家伙是发自内心瞧不起边民村的村民。 However, he by one crowd country bumpkin with this obvious lie lake lane, was actually installed vowed solemnly. Will his innermost feelings, what change have? 然而,他却被一群‘乡巴老’用这种显而易见的谎言‘湖弄’,一个个还装的那么信誓旦旦。他的内心,将出现什么样的变化? Really does not have the means.” “真没办法。” Selected the hilt of waist, had felt that falls the valuable hunter to kill Xie Ming of intent to forward slowly: Hey, falls the valuable hunter mister.” 点了点腰间的刀柄,已经感觉到落宝猎人杀意的谢铭缓缓向前:“喂,落宝猎人先生。” „!? Who are you?” “啊!?你又是谁?” I called Xie Ming, was a traveller.” “我叫谢铭,是一名旅行者。” Saying of Xie Ming undulating: Just like you, is saw that falls the treasure to arrive to this place, therefore comes examination.” 谢铭澹澹的说道:“和你一样,也是看到落宝降临到这个地方,所以过来查看情况的。” I can understand angry and puzzled in you. But in fact, falls the valuable within, packed truly is he. His clothes, are provided by me.” “我能明白你内心中的愤怒和不解。但事实上,落宝中装着的确实是他。他身上的衣服,都是由我提供的。” Moreover do you have the observation to fall valuable inside design? Inside does not fall the treasure with other same is installs in the cushioning that goods use, but is obviously used manned seat.” “而且你有没有观察落宝里面的设计?里面并不是和其他落宝一样是‘装在物品’用的软垫,而是明显用来载人的‘座椅’。” Even if you do not believe that my testimony, this evidence will still show sufficiently.” “就算你不相信我的证言,这个证据也应该足以证明。” „...... What, is this. Since like this that I go back .... You think that I will say!?” “......什么嘛,原来是这样啊。既然这样那我就回去....你以为我会这么说吗!?” Bang! 轰! Great pliers bang to the Xie Ming stand the position, splashes dust and fog. 巨钳轰向了谢铭站着的位置,溅起一片尘雾。 Hey! You! “喂!你! ! Youth look one anxious, wants to rush to by Xie Ming immediately. But ran several steps, stopped slowly. After all he sees, by the outline of great pliers, together person's shadow safe and sound standing in that. 青年神色一急,立马想要冲到谢铭旁边。但跑了几步,就慢慢停了下来。毕竟他看到,在巨钳的轮廓旁,一道人影正安然无恙的站在那。 Unexpectedly hid.” “居然躲过去了啊。” Takes back the great pliers, falls the valuable hunter uncomfortable sucked the lower jaw: This Sir is most repugnant, is your types thinks very intelligently, fellow who thus looks down upon this Sir.” 收回巨钳,落宝猎人不爽的咂了下嘴:“本大爷最讨厌的,就是你们这种自以为很聪明,从而瞧不起本大爷的家伙了。” Hey! Country bumpkins! Words that must hate, hate this bastard! He annoyed to be angry this Sir, will therefore cause you dead today here!” “喂!乡巴老们!要怨恨的话,就怨恨这个混蛋吧!正是他把本大爷惹生气了,所以才导致你们今天会死在这里!” After that world, looks for his trouble! Haha hahahaha! “记得到了那个世界后,找他的麻烦啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! ! This may really be able to regard the speech of mixed fish model. 这可真是能够当成杂鱼典范的发言啊。 Feeding... thanked, Xie Ming was right, what to do then should?” The youth arrived at side Xie Ming: As giving the benefactor of my clothing, has what me to add on your although said!” “喂...谢、谢铭对吧,接下来该怎么办?”青年来到了谢铭身边:“作为给予我衣物的恩人,有什么我能帮上你的就尽管说吧!” Temporarily no.” “暂时没有。” Looked at eye to be very likely the man of task object, Xie Ming forwards slowly: „After this matter ended, my something wanted to say with you.” 看了眼这个很有可能是自己任务目标的男人,谢铭缓缓向前:“不过这件事结束后,我有些事情想要和你说。” What's wrong? Wants itself to bring death? You will not feel, you can come and spirit X-ray machine armor with the mortal body fight?” “怎么?想要自己来送死吗?不会你觉得,你能够用肉身来和灵光机甲战斗吧?” Why can't?” “为什么不可?” Why? Hahahaha!” “为什么?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!” Falls the valuable hunter first to stare, later laughs: Good! You try! With your waist that blade of putting on airs, destroys this Sir's spirit X-ray machine armor!” 落宝猎人先是一愣,随后大笑起来:“好啊!那你就来试试吧!用你腰间那把装模做样的刀,来破坏本大爷的灵光机甲吧!” ..... “呵.....” Copes with faith particle density might as well solution Loutan 1% existences of your spirit X-ray machine armor, used the Monster Blade too big topic slightly to do. 对付你这灵光机甲的信念粒子密度还不如解楼坛百分之一的存在,使用妖刀岂不是太大题小作了。 The eyes dangle, when Xie Ming gradually recalls with Dai fights certainly peacefully, observed fight method. 双眼垂下,谢铭逐渐回忆起在和绝岱澹战斗时,所观察到的战斗手段。 In that fight, the thing that Xie Ming harvests, imagines anybody are more. He even wants to expose some real skills, further forces Dai to show his skill certainly peacefully. 在那场战斗中,谢铭所收获到的东西,远比任何人想象的都要多。以至于他甚至都想展露些真本事,进一步逼迫绝岱澹施展他的技巧。 But in then vowed the use of bracelet to the knot, solution Loutan the performance, making him further understand the Dai peaceful skill, understood faith certainly the essence of this energy. 而在接下来对结誓臂环的使用,解楼坛的表现,让他进一步的理解了绝岱澹的技巧,理解了‘信念’这份能量的本质。 The battle between spirit X-ray machine armor, is actually equal to the collisions of two stones. Your faith, your energetic core for firm, the density of your stone is higher, spirit X-ray machine armor is also stronger. 灵光机甲之间的交战,其实等同于两颗石头的碰撞。你的信念,你的精神核心越为坚固,你这颗石头的密度就越高,灵光机甲也就越强。 Arrived the Dai peaceful that degree, he even can certainly free faith stone to the appearance that portraying him wants. Even can through change into string the faith, causes this world myriad things resonating. 到了绝岱澹那个程度,他甚至可以自由的将信念这块‘石头’给塑造成他想要的样子。甚至能通过将信念化为‘琴弦’,引起这世间万物的‘共振’。 You said skillfully unfortunately, this is just the Xie Ming most adept thing. He now, but also lacks the actual utilization experience. Understanding to faith, might as well studied Dai certainly for a lifetime to be peaceful in this aspect. 你说巧不巧,这刚好都是谢铭最为拿手的东西。只是他现在,还缺少实际的运用经验。对信念的理解,也还不如在这方面专研了一辈子的绝岱澹。 If can succeed to summon spirit X-ray machine armor, perhaps he understanding of the faith can also deepen again one step, can only conciliatory building Tan treat everyone equally by the faith energy combat. 如果能够成功召唤出灵光机甲,或许他对信念的理解还能再加深一步,光靠信念能量作战都能和解楼坛不分高下。 Now, but also misses many distances. However copes with this only to like jumping at present the to stumble mixed fish, has had more than enough to spare. 现在嘛,还差不少距离。不过对付眼前这只喜欢蹦跶的杂鱼,已经绰绰有余。 What's wrong, doesn't begin?” “怎么,不动手吗?” No rush.” “别急啊。” Xie Ming smiles, wielded the right hand gently: Look came.” 谢铭笑了笑,轻轻挥下了右手:“这不,就来了嘛。” ....... 呼....... With this movement, the strong winds of howling sweep across the cliff that the border people village was situated. Flame, dust and sounds of people, as if all also silent. 伴随着这一动作,呼啸的狂风席卷了边民村所坐落的这片悬崖。火光、尘埃、人声,仿佛一切都随之静默。 gu winter.” “咕冬。” Has grasped firearms vigilant Elsa to swallow a saliva, low voice saying: Sent and what happened .... 一直手持枪械警惕的艾尔莎咽了口口水,小声的说道:“发、发生什么事了....” Not...” “不...” Village medicine Zola who wears the white research clothing/taking looks serious: In my opinion, he wielded a starting blade spatially. Waits for ..... spirit X-ray machine armor!” 身着白色研究服的村医索拉神情严肃:“在我看来,他只是空挥了一下手刀而已。等等.....灵光机甲!” Card... ka-ka ..... 卡...卡卡卡卡..... collapse open/start of crack one after another in green crab spirit X-ray machine armor, the tiny fragment falls from above, from the sky decomposed the pure faith energy. 一道又一道的裂缝在绿色的螃蟹灵光机甲上崩开,细小的碎片从上面掉落,在空中分解成了纯粹的信念能量。 But the trend of cracking, in unceasing acceleration. Finally, entire stage spirit X-ray machine armor changed into the innumerable light corpuscle dissipations. 而崩裂的趋势,在不断的加速。最终,整台灵光机甲都化为了无数的光粒消散。 Inside summoner also from in the air falls falls in the place, two vacant. 里面的召唤者也从空中摔落在地,两眼茫然。 Sends .... Why what happened ....., why this Sir's spirit X-ray machine armor met ..... “发....发生什么事了.....为什么,为什么本大爷的灵光机甲会.....呃。” The words have not said, falls valuable hunter two, faints. 话没有说完,落宝猎人两眼一番,昏倒在地。 Knot vowed the bracelet not to disrupt, the summoner has not disappeared both hands that......” Dr. Zola hid himself to shiver, with one type nearly in the panic-stricken vision looked that to that man who said as the traveller. “结誓臂环没有碎裂,召唤者也没有消失......”索拉医生藏住了自己颤抖的双手,用一种近乎于惊骇的目光看向那名自称为旅行者的男人。 This strength, even compares that man also to want .... “这种力量,甚至比那个男人还要....” Fierce! You were really fierce!” “厉害!你真是太厉害了啊!” The nameless youth arrived at the Xie Ming side excitedly: How you achieve!” 无名的青年激动的来到了谢铭的身边:“你到底是怎么做到的啊!” With pure faith energy and his spirit X-ray machine armor collision and permeating, thus attacks his energetic core directly, making his will no longer satisfy spirit X-ray machine A maintenance condition.” “用纯粹的信念能量和他的灵光机甲碰撞、渗入,从而直接冲击他的精神核心,使他的意志不再满足灵光机甲的维持条件。” Xie Ming explained that while from falling the arm of valuable hunter took down the knot to vow the bracelet, later looked to Elsa. 谢铭一边解释,一边从落宝猎人的手臂上取下结誓臂环,随后看向艾尔莎。 Miss Elsa, this falls the valuable hunter, can trouble the border people village to safeguard for me?” “艾尔莎小姐,这个落宝猎人,能麻烦边民村替我看管吗?” My something, want to chat with him.” “我有些事,想要和他聊聊。” Saying, Xie Ming referred to nearby nameless youth. 说着,谢铭指了指旁边的无名青年。
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