RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1862: The general knowledge 1 surely is correct

After passing through a probably funny program restlessness, the people stabilized finally lived in oneself mood, started to conduct interrogation to the youth who this dropped from the clouds. 在经过了一番像是搞笑节目般的闹腾之后,众人总算稳定住了自己的情绪,开始对这从天而降的青年进行‘审问’。 Stemming from the humanism concern, Xie Ming was this youth friendship provided one set of clothing, including underpants. Thus, avoided some females on the scene not knowing that the eye should look to where awkwardness. 出于人文主义关怀,谢铭为这名青年友情提供了一套衣物,包括底裤。这样,也避免了在场的一些女性不知道眼睛该看向何处的尴尬。 .... Then, this mister.” “咳咳....那么,这位先生。” As the village head, the old person of named Bagg Lin naturally must take the lead in provoking the topic. 作为一村之长,名为巴格・林的老人自然是要带头挑起话题。 Mister?” “先生?” Asking that the youth have doubts: Is calling me?” 青年疑惑的问道:“是在叫我吗?” Besides you also anyone.” Elsa's ill-humored saying: Not the words that likes calling, told us your name.” “除了你还有谁。”艾尔莎没好气的说道:“不喜欢这么叫的话,就告诉我们你的名字啊。” My name? Does not remember.” “我的名字?不记得了。” Doesn't remember? Lost recalls?” “不记得了?失忆了?” Probably.” “大概吧。” You why in falling treasure?” “那你为什么会在落宝里面?” Does not know.” “不知道。” After the youth pondered one next, casual saying: In head all things are fuzzy, anything records is unclear.” 青年思考了一下后,大大咧咧的说道:“脑袋里所有东西都是模模糊糊的,什么都记不清了。” But a little, I remember very clearly.” “但有一点,我记得很清楚。” Youth sincere say/way: I from wall external.” 青年正色道:“我是从墙壁外来的。” ........ “........” In this flash, in the air as if was only left over the mobile sound. Everyone in border people village looks to the expression of youth, became startled. 在这一瞬间,空气中仿佛只剩下了其本身流动的声音。边民村的所有人看向青年的表情,都变为了愕然。 Afterward, everyone's corners of the mouth gradually change into an exaggerating curve. But everyone is controlling himself diligently, is forgiving this youth who loses the memory, has not made noise. 随后,所有人的嘴角都逐渐化为一个夸张的弧度。但大家都努力的控制着自己,体谅着这位失去记忆的青年,没有出声。 Right, right! I from wall!” “对了,没错!我就是从墙壁外面来的!” Has not detected sympathizing of villagers, a youth hammer palm: Therefore excuse me, can everyone help me return to outside the wall?” 没有察觉到村民们的体贴,青年一锤手掌:“所以不好意思,大家能不能帮助我回到墙壁外面?” „...... .” “......噗。” Does not know that was which villagers could not bear, made an extremely funny air leakage sound. Takes this opportunity, almost all villagers bodies start to vibrate. 不知道是哪位村民没有忍住,发出了一声极为滑稽的漏气音。以此为契机,几乎所有的村民身体都开始抖动起来。 Some support the corners of the mouth with the thumb and index finger, some keep sauntering oneself temple to send with the finger, some are pinching oneself thigh, some covered the mouth with the palm. 有的用拇指和食指撑住嘴角,有的用手指不停转悠着自己的鬓发,有的掐着自己的大腿,有的用手掌捂住了嘴。 .... “咳....” Village head old person coughed, serious asking: What you said that outside Qiang?” 村长老人咳嗽了一声,严肃的问道:“你说的是,羌外?” „It is not outside Qiang ( qiang1 ), is outside wall ( qiang2 )!” “不是羌(qiang1)外,是墙(qiang2)外!” shouted whistling .... “噗呼呼呼....” „?” “?” Youth bewildered looks to that villagers: What do you smile?” 青年莫名其妙的看向那名村民:“你笑什么?” That .... I remembered the happy matter.” “那个....我想起了高兴的事情。” Right?” Youth flexure head: In brief, although was sorry very much destroyed your house, but I hope you can assist me, making me return to outside the wall.” “是吗?”青年挠了挠脑袋:“总而言之,虽然很抱歉毁坏了你们的房子,但我还是希望你们能够协助我,让我回到墙外。” Haha hahahaha!!!!!!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!!” Xie Ming is looks, the person in this border people village is each has a unique skill. Especially in comedy, the person in this entire village is advantageous. 谢铭算是看出来,这个边民村的人算是各个都身怀绝技。尤其是在喜剧方面,这一整村的人都算是得天独厚。 „Will wall... outside the wall possibly have the person? Ha! Even the underpants and clothes are the fellows who others give, do not boast in this!” “墙壁...墙壁外面怎么可能会有人啊?哈哈哈哈哈!连底裤和衣服都是别人给的家伙,别在这吹牛啦!” My underpants .... Perhaps outside wall.” “我的底裤....恐怕在墙壁外面。” ........ “........” After is silent, the villagers erupted a bigger laughter, nearby Xie Ming some not being able to bear pulled out the corners of the mouth. 一阵沉默后,村民们爆发出了更大的笑声,就连一旁的谢铭都有些忍不住的抽了抽嘴角。 Good, I made a mistake, this fellow is also advantageous. 好吧,我错了,这家伙也是得天独厚。 Funnily what therefore has!?” “所以说有什么好笑的!?” The youth stand up, are setting upright the brow: From wall external is so strange?” 青年站起身,竖着眉头:“从墙壁外来的就这么奇怪吗?” I said that you .... “我说啊,你....” Brings red hair youth ill-humored saying of stetson: How to possibly have wall outside world. The wall is protecting the world, the world in wall is the entirety of this world.” 带着牛仔帽的红发青年没好气的说道:“怎么可能会有墙壁外面的世界啊。墙壁保护着世界,墙壁内的世界就是这个世界的全部。” „Did your general knowledge forget?” “你连这种常识都忘了吗?” „Is your name?” “你的名字是?” Bits.” Red hair youth's reluctant reply: Bits nano Tull.” “比特。”红发青年不情不愿的回答道:“比特・纳米塔尔。” Bits. Good, I remembered.” The youth have doubts looks at Bits: Then I asked you, Bits. Why do you determine outside the wall what?” “比特。好,我记住了。”青年疑惑的看着比特:“那么我问你,比特。为什么你们都确定墙壁外面什么都没有?” „, Have you looked with own eyes?” “难道,你们亲眼去看过吗?” „!!!!” “!!!!” The smile on villagers face one stiff, Bits is inconceivable looks at the youth: What are you talking nonsense?” 村民们脸上的笑容一僵,比特更是不可思议的看着青年:“你在胡说什么啊?” That is the wall! Wall! Is protecting the wall of the world! Have we possibly looked? Is impossible to achieve?” “那可是墙壁啊!墙壁!保护着世界的墙壁!我们怎么可能看过?根本不可能做到的好吗?” Without has looked with own eyes, without has attempted, said that doesn't have?” “没有亲眼看过,也没有去尝试过,就说没有吗?” The youth frown: This is very strange! You ..... 青年皱起眉头:“这很奇怪啊!你们.....” Sufficed!” “够了!” Village head old person stands up, looks at the youth seriously: You want to make anything, is your matter , there is nothing to do with us! Please leave our village immediately, do not disturb us again!” 村长老人站起身,严肃的看着青年:“你想去做什么,都是你的事,和我们无关!请你立刻离开我们的村子,不要再来打扰我们了!” „! That, where at least did you tell me the wall to be at?” “啊是吗!那,至少你们告诉我墙壁在哪吧?” In you behind.” “就在你身后。” Elsa's light saying: Saw? The border people village is the countryside in countryside, but wants the wall also to from the border people village walk very far distance outward, can arrive in the end of land.” 艾尔莎淡淡的说道:“看到了吗?边民村已经算是乡下的乡下了,但想要去墙壁还要从边民村向外走非常远的距离,才能抵达大地的尽头。” First did not say that outside the wall has the thing, how should pass through. Only is such distance, to most people are not possible.” “先不说墙壁外面到底有没有东西,该怎么穿越。光是这样的距离,对绝大多数人来说就是不可能的了。” Time of consumption, the danger on road, needed food ..... “耗费的时间,路上的危险,需要的食物.....” Light was said words that naturally was simple, but have you considered these?” “光是说说的话,当然简单啊,但你考虑过这些吗?” No.” “没有。” Ha!?” “哈啊!?” Being overcautious and indecisive that is not my style.” The youth fork the waist to say with a smile: If works were worried that this worry that anything could not make.” “瞻前顾后那不是我的风格。”青年叉腰笑道:“要是做什么事都担心这个担心那个,那就什么都做不成了。” „When encounters the difficulty, solves again is.” “遇到困难时,再去解决就是。” ..... And you are not really able to communicate.” “.....和你真的是无法沟通。” In the eye flashes through indetectable envying, Elsa turns the head to look to another guest: That, Mr. Xie Ming? I remember that you are a traveller is right. If possible .... Mr. Xie Ming?” 眼里闪过一丝不可察觉的羡慕,艾尔莎转头看向另一名客人:“那个,谢铭先生?我记得你是旅行者对吧。如果可以的话....谢铭先生?” Elsa.” “艾尔莎。” „, Is......” “啊,是......” Hurries to inform the villagers to hide.” Xie Ming looks that the Mo pig iron of not far away walks to ride: Had others to capture to fall the treasure. Wha ..... “赶紧通知村民们躲藏。”谢铭看着不远处的陌生铁走骑:“有其他人来夺取落宝了。什.....” Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 In light beam that soars to the heavens, went out of green machine armor of long arm long leg. The whole seems like, looks like a green big crab. 冲天的光柱中,走出了一台长臂长腿的绿色机甲。整体看上去,就像是一只绿色的大螃蟹。 Ha! Really lucky! Never expected that I unexpectedly am first!” “哈哈哈哈哈!真是幸运啊!没想到我居然是第一个到的!” In machine armor transmitted laughing of man, he disregarded all buildings and villagers, stretched out the pliers to grip directly fell the treasure: „? How is spatial?” 机甲中传来了男人的大笑,他无视了所有建筑和村民,直接伸出钳子夹住了落宝:“啊?怎么是空的啊?” Hey! Your this group of country bumpkins! Falling valuable inside thing hands over! Hurry up! Otherwise ..... “喂!你们这群乡巴佬!把落宝里面的东西交出来!快点!不然的话.....” Great pliers pounding without hesitation collapsed a house, the villagers flustered unceasing retreat, is very afraid to affect itself. Before long, remains same place is only left over four people. 巨钳毫不犹豫的砸塌了一座房子,村民们慌张的不断后退,深怕殃及到自己。不一会儿,留在原地的只剩下四人。 Xie Ming, youth and Elsa, an appearance clear gentle green send the young girl. 谢铭、青年、艾尔莎,还有一名模样清纯温柔的绿发少女。 Who you and you are!?” “你、你是谁!?” Both hands get hold of the firearms in hand, rocking that the muzzle cannot stop, Elsa suppressed oneself fear: We are only a remote small village, and has no valuable thing.” 双手握紧手中的枪械,枪口止不住的晃动,艾尔莎强忍住了自己的恐惧:“我们只是一个偏僻的小村子,并没有什么值钱的东西。” „? This matter I know certainly. What I said falls the treasure, falls the treasure.” “啊?这种事情我当然知道。我说的是落宝,落宝。” Referred to being lost by oneself in the falling treasure machinery at the same time, machine armor impatient saying: I fall the treasure of treasure by the collection am the fresh falling treasure hunter, if did not see that falls the treasure to arrive at your here, who will be big evening to rush to the place that this bird does not lay an egg?” 指了指被自己丢在一边的落宝机械,机甲不耐烦的说道:“我是靠搜集落宝的宝贝为生的落宝猎人,如果不是看到落宝来到你们这里,谁会大晚上跑到这鸟不生蛋的地方啊?” I said again, a bit faster falling the treasure in treasure hands over. Otherwise ..... “我再说一遍,快点把落宝中的宝贝交出来。否则.....” Perhaps tonight you must be extinguished the village.” “今晚你们恐怕就要被灭村了。”
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