RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1861: Has day of the story-telling session convention of falling the youth

Newest website: „Should Sir Zhou, now what to do?” 最新网址:“周大人,现在应该怎么办?” Yes .... “是呢....” Different some in as the party concerned, actually the fellow of ideological drift off under this at daggers drawn atmosphere. Being intimate friends and week in destiny palace finish, are truly are the aspect worries. 不同于某个身为当事者,却在这剑拔弩张的氛围下思想跑偏的家伙。远在天命宫的连心和周毕,是确确实实的在为现场的局面烦恼。 But the talent such as the week finishes, how suddenly does not have the means to find out the means that this aspect reduces and solves. 可天才如周毕,一时间也没办法想出如何将这局面化解的办法。 No, accurate, reduces and solves the aspect perfectly the method. 不,准确的来说,是完美化解局面的方法。 Not can only prevent solution Loutan and Prakke's sword quarrels, and can let the Xie Ming security excessively arrives at the colored glaze special Sir/minister home. To complete these two conflicts simultaneously the things, must pay the prices in some reputations. 既能阻止解楼坛和普拉克的刀剑相向,又能让谢铭安全的过度到琉特卿国内。想要同时完成这两件冲突的事情,恐怕必须要付出一些名誉上的代价。 But the week finishes is not somewhat sure, can Xie Ming care about own reputation/honorary. 可周毕又有些吃不准,谢铭会不会在意自己的名誉。 If changes into he himself, that definitely is without hesitation at the invitation of Prakke, and will say some aggressive statement thorough being cut off solution Loutan thoughts. 如果换成他自己,那肯定是毫不犹豫的接受普拉克的邀请,并会说些狠话彻底断掉解楼坛的心思。 But the Xie Ming working style and are different, moreover can see that he is the comparison appreciates the sentiment of fierce magnificence this loyalty. Therefore, his big probability will not do that. 谢铭的做事风格和自己不同,而且可以看出他是比较欣赏烈华凯这种忠义之情的。因此,他大概率不会这么做。 Therefore before he wanted with fact persuading to quit solution Loutan, making him understand what has to be done, makes the choices. Only pitifully, he has not understood solution Loutan. 所以之前他想要用事实劝退解楼坛,让他识时务,做取舍。只可惜,他还不了解解楼坛。 Can let in the matter that this man retrocedes, is impossible to contain giving way before difficulties these four characters. Urged him to give way before difficulties, will only play the counter-effect. 能让这个男人后退的事情中,绝不可能包含‘知难而退’这四个字。劝他知难而退,只会起到反效果。 Like the present this. 就像现在这样。 Naturally, this does not finish on behalf of the week has been at wit's end. Rather, he is waiting, waits for collapsing opportunity of from day. 当然,这并不代表周毕已经无计可施。不如说,他正在等待,等待一个来自天外的破局之机。 Hehe, came.” “呵呵,来了。” How can!?” “怎么会!?” Nearby being intimate friends, Prakke in border, solution Loutan, Xie Ming as well as all soldiers, was looking up at this time simultaneously to the horizon. 一旁的连心,远在国境处的普拉克、解楼坛、谢铭以及所有的士兵,都在这时同时抬起头看向了天边。 In that rainbow bridge is connecting the day and place together slowly. 在那,一道虹桥正在缓缓的连接天与地。 „The second falling treasure!?” “第二份的落宝!?” Right , to promote with me is the same.” “没错,和我推出的一样。” The week finished the favorite fan a leaf of feather fan: This estimate place that falls the treasure country Yin of strange for border.” 周毕得意的扇了扇羽扇:“这份落宝的预计地点为边境之国尹奇。” „, Neutral country.” “啧,中立国啊。” Right, the words that therefore the soldier enters violate the contract. But ..... week finishes the corners of the mouth to curl upwards: Our surrendering guest official, are not the soldiers.” “没错,所以军人进入的话是违反合约的。但.....”周毕嘴角一翘:“我们的解甲客卿,可不是军人啊。” ..... Hehe, so that's how it is.” “.....呵呵,原来如此。” hears word, Xie Ming reconciliation building Tan understands meaning that the week finishes. 闻言,谢铭和解楼坛都明白了周毕的意思。 Now the knot vows the bracelet to be used completely, therefore Prakke conciliatory building Tan has the reason of conflict only to have Xie Ming. Such being the case, so long as Xie Ming leaves that region, then both naturally have no reason to continue to fight again. 如今结誓臂环已经被全部使用,因此普拉克和解楼坛产生冲突的原因只剩下谢铭。既然如此,只要谢铭离开那片区域,那么两者自然也就没有理由再继续战斗下去。 The truth is this truth, may be the conflict reason Xie Ming to leave the battlefield for no reason, the colored glaze special Sir/minister is fierce magnificence, even if knows the reason at heart, but the surface will not actually approve. 道理是这个道理,可作为冲突理由的谢铭无故离开战场,无论是琉特卿还是烈华凯哪怕心里知晓理由,但表面却都不会认可。 Once Xie Ming leaves, colored glaze special Sir/minister thinks that Xie Ming rejected their good intentions unilaterally, thus splits. Fierce magnificence aspect, thinks that Xie Ming is a sneaking away at a critical juncture coward. 一旦谢铭离开,琉特卿方面会认为谢铭单方面拒绝了他们的善意,从而交恶。烈华凯方面,也会认为谢铭是一个临阵脱逃的懦夫。 But now, second falls the appearance of treasure, then gave a Xie Ming best reason. 但现在,第二落宝的出现,则给予了谢铭一个最好的理由。 Which country regardless in, falls forever the event that competition of treasure places the first priority. Therefore, dispatches not to have the military appointment Xie Ming that only then enrolls goes to the neutral country, is the best method of aspect solves this to be ready to be set off. 无论在哪个国家,落宝的争夺永远都是放在第一优先级的事件。因此,派遣没有军职只有挂名的谢铭前往中立国,是解决这一触即发的局面的最佳手段。 Although as the matter stands, Xie Ming is unable to go to the colored glaze special Sir/minister to gain massive knots temporarily to vow the bracelet. But on the current form, even if Xie Ming chose the colored glaze special Sir/minister, possibly does not have the means to leave. 虽然这样一来,谢铭会暂时无法前往琉特卿获取大量的结誓臂环。但就目前的形式来看,哪怕谢铭选择了琉特卿,可能也没办法离开。 Goes, thanks.” “去吧,谢。” solution Loutan closely is staring at Prakke: Here is keeping off by us, you found second to fall the treasure, brings back to fierce magnificence it.” 解楼坛紧紧的盯着普拉克:“这边就由我们来挡着,你去找到第二份落宝,把它带回烈华凯。” Good.” “好吧。” Xie Ming shrugged, turns over/stands up to sit the iron to walk to ride, went toward the border line. 谢铭耸了耸肩,翻身坐上了铁走骑,向着边境行去。 Slow! Mr. Xie Ming!” “慢着!谢铭先生!” Prakke just wants to leave to pursue, was actually twined the blade light of raging fire to stop the way together. 普拉克刚想动身去追,却被一道缠绕着烈火的刀光阻拦了去路。 Where do you want to go to? The machine armor Sir/minister of colored glaze special Sir/minister.” diamond Brandishes the long-handled crescent-shaped sword to approach slowly: „The words that wants to pursue, first pass me.” “你想去哪里?琉特卿的机甲卿。”【金刚】挥舞着偃月刀缓缓走近:“想去追的话,就先通过我这一关吧。” ----- ----- In the evening, the iron walked to ride on the precipitous mountain road following cliff wall to arrive in the plateau of summit finally. From afar, has smoke from kitchen chimneys together slowly raising from obsolete village. 傍晚,铁走骑顺着崖壁上的险峻山路总算抵达了山顶的高原。从远处看,有一道炊烟徐徐从老旧村落中的升起。 Yin Qiguo border people village, is here.” “尹奇国的边民村,就是这里啊。” Right.” “没错。” In the earphone, the week finish said with a smile: Here is the border in forest Garlind border, should not have the habitation?” 耳机中,周毕笑道:“这里是林加林德边境中的边境,应该已经没有人烟了吧?” No, has 40-50 residents to live in this probably. And they in .... “不,大概还有着40-50口居民住在这呢。而且他们在....” Xie Ming blinks: They falling the treasure manage the kitchen, what thing probably is boiling?” 谢铭眨了眨眼睛:“他们正在把落宝当锅,好像在煮什么东西?” Falling the treasure, regarded the pot?” “把落宝,当成了锅?” Un, moreover encircles the whereabouts treasure to dance the marvelous dance.” “嗯,而且还围着落宝在跳着奇妙的舞蹈。” Looks that the villagers in distant place encircle, lifts up high both hands, neat about rocks, Xie Ming somewhat cannot help smiling: Should be the regionally specific custom.” 看着远处的村民们围成一圈,高举双手,整齐的左右晃动,谢铭有些忍俊不禁:“应该是当地特有的风俗吧。” On the other hand, falls in the treasure possibly to present food?” “话说回来,落宝里面可能会出现食物吗?” Un .... The words from probability, is actually only impossible. Until now, has never presented the touchable falling treasure.” “嗯....单从概率上来看的话,倒不是不可能。只是至今为止,从未出现过可食用的落宝。” Week complete(ly) ponders while said: In brief, you first contact to have a look. By your skill, so long as does not present spirit X-ray machine armor should not to have problems.” 周毕边思考边说道:“总而言之,你就先去接触看看吧。凭借你的身手,只要不出现灵光机甲的话应该不会出什么问题。” Right. In contact, if not has no recourse, do not expose themselves is the status of fierce magnificence guest official.” “对了。在接触的时候,若非迫不得已,还是不要暴露自己是烈华凯客卿的身份。” Good, I first shut off.” “好,我先切断了。” Takes down the earphone, Xie Ming looked that to welcomed the old person and young girl who are coming. 将耳机取下,谢铭看向了迎着自己而来的老人和少女。 Old person's top of the head has formed Mediterranean Sea, the surplus hair as well as must change into steadily completely palely. The difficulty of life, has carved the anxiety that is unable to cancel on his face. 老人的头顶已经形成了地中海,剩余的头发以及长须已经全部化为苍白。生活的艰难,已经在他的脸上刻下了无法抹去的愁苦。 The young girls seem like have actually the vigor of being this age, orange long hair until buttocks. The end matches that to have the cowboy style clothing toward two sides upwarping and head two sides vulnerable point, increased valiant for her. 少女看上去倒是拥有着属于她这个年龄的活力,橙色的长发直至臀部。尾部朝着两边的翘起以及脑袋两边的小辫子搭配那极具牛仔风格的服饰,为她又增添了一份飒爽。 Now, in that pair of emerald-green virgin hole some are vigilant. 只是现在,那双翠绿色的童孔中有的只是警惕。 That .... This Sir ..... “那个....这位大人.....” Before old person slowly trend, bows toward Xie Ming slightly: I am here the village head in people village, Bagg Lin. She is my granddaughter, Elsa Lin. Does not know that the Sir arrives in this remote small village, to make anything .... 老人缓缓走向前,朝着谢铭微微鞠躬:“我是这边民村的村长,巴格・林。她是我的孙女,艾尔莎・林。不知道大人来到这偏僻的小村子中,是为了做什么....” Was polite, Old gentleman.” “客气了,老爷子。” Xie Ming is sideways, avoided saluting of old person: I am only a traveller in travelling world. Because saw that being correct rainbow light crashes here, therefore comes to examine the situation specially.” 谢铭侧过身,避开了老人的行礼:“我只是一名游历世界的旅行者。因为看到有道虹光坠落在此处,所以特意过来查看一下情况。” Ha .... Originally is the traveller mister ..... “哈....原来是旅行者先生啊.....” Hearing Xie Ming is not the great person, old person very obvious relaxing , the attitude also no longer is so carefully cautious, becomes amiable: Your luck is really good.” 听到谢铭并不是什么大人物,老人很明显的松了口气,态度也不再那么拘谨小心,变得随和起来:“那您的运气是真好啊。” To be honest with you, this afternoon, the truly strange things fell in our village, but also destroyed in the village a house of young people.” “不瞒你说,就在今天下午,确实有一个奇怪的东西落到了我们村子里,还砸毁了村子里一个年轻人的房子。” In the view of experience broadest Dr. Zola according to the village, that should pack the falling treasure of food.” “按照村里见识最广的索拉医生的说法,那应该是装满了食物的落宝。” ..... “呃.....” Un? What's wrong?” “嗯?怎么了吗?” Village head mister I thinks that falls in the treasure to install, should not be food, but is ..... the person.” “村长先生我想,那个落宝里装的,应该不是什么食物,而是.....人。” What!?” “什么!?” The village head and Elsa have also turned the head, stared in a big way the eyes instantaneously. 村长和艾尔莎同时转过头,瞬间瞪大了双眼。 What did they see? 他们看到了什么? A body did not have piece of wisp of young people to kick also put on the youth who the cowboy took, jumped out from the boiling hot falling treasure. Afterward, in four children by village was thrown to bite, is struggling. 一名身无片缕的年轻人踢飞了同样穿着牛仔服的青年,从滚烫的落宝中跳出。随后,被村子里的四个小孩扑了上去咬住,不停的挣扎着。 That .... Is here, the food person village?” “那个....这里,是食人村?” How possibly!?” “怎么可能啊!?” Elsa has turned head courageous, the loud rebuttal said. 艾尔莎勐地回过头,大声的反驳道。
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