RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1860: 3 asked the manifesting a spirit light

Also wants to continue, when the little while eats the melon people, without thinking of this mentioned by name, is really regrettable. 得,本来还想继续当会儿吃瓜群众呢,没想到这就被点名了,真是遗憾。 Helpless sighing, Xie Ming is welcoming Unusual lofty Walking. He pours had not asked how Prakke recognizes oneself, after all this issue was also too stupid. 无奈的叹了口气,谢铭迎着【超凡崇高】走去。他倒也没问普拉克是怎么认出自己的,毕竟这问题也太蠢了。 Colored glaze special Sir/minister and country, Miss Prakke, right?” “琉特卿和国,普拉克小姐,对吧?” Please say that is then good because of below name, surrendering guest official, Mr. Xie Ming.” Prakke controls machine armor, to Xie Ming good knight ritual: Believes that the mister had just also heard below and General solution dialogue.” “请直称在下的名字便好,解甲客卿,谢铭先生。”普拉克操控机甲,对着谢铭行了个骑士礼:“相信先生刚刚也已经听到在下与解将军的对话了。” How doesn't know your idea?” “不知道您的想法如何?” Yes. However before then can make me ask a question?” “是呢。不过在此之前能让我问一个问题吗?” Xie Ming said with a smile: Why will sovereign female your highness in your country be interested in my such unimportant person? Also especially such big fee/spent flustered please move Prakke your machine armor Sir/minister to arrive at the territory of enemy.” 谢铭笑着说道:“为什么贵国的皇女殿下会对我这么一个小人物感兴趣?还特地这么大费周章的请动普拉克你这位机甲卿来到敌国的领土。” From my perspective, I did not think that I have such big value.” “从我的角度来看,我并不觉得我有这么大的价值。” In the lower part of the body is the knight, is carrying out the will of Your Highness merely. However, since your highness transmitted so the instruction, explained that on the mister definitely has value that can make your highness so value.” “在下身为骑士,仅仅只是在执行菲妮殿下的意志而已。不过,殿下既然传达了如此指令,说明先生身上肯定有着能让殿下如此看重的价值。” This also is really my being honored.” “这还真是我的荣幸。” But also is really a being watertight knight. Relative perfect of reply, making one unable to pick up what thorn. 得,还真是位滴水不漏的骑士。回答的相当完美,让人挑不出什么刺来。 What reason do you want to know? Ok, went back you to know with me, I was only a brutal performer. What? Don't you want? That embarrassed, I am a brutal performer, even if must come hardly must complete the task. 你想知道什么原因?行啊,跟我回去你就知道了,我只是个无情的执行者罢了。什么?你不愿意?那不好意思,我是个无情的执行者,就算是要来硬的也要完成任务。 The oil salt does not enter dies in addition loyally, this kind of person belongs most is unable to communicate, most troublesome existence. But, even troubles, oneself must brace oneself to have a look. 油盐不进加上死忠,这类人属于最无法沟通,最麻烦的存在。但,就算是麻烦,自己也要硬着头皮过去看看啊。 Oh .... “唉....” Sighed, Xie Ming looked in an instant to solution Loutan: „Does General solution, how you think?” 叹了口气,谢铭转眼看向解楼坛:“解将军,你是怎么想的?” „, That also with asking?” “呵,那还用问?” solution Loutan disdains smiles: I am the invincible general of sweeping away all obstacles, even if the opposite party is the machine armor Sir/minister of colored glaze special Sir/minister, possibly is not my opponent.” 解楼坛不屑的一笑:“我乃所向披靡的无敌将军,就算对方是琉特卿的机甲卿,也不可能是我的对手。” Un, having self-confidently is the good deed. But, she will fly.” “嗯,有自信是好事。但,她会飞啊。” ........ “........” solution Loutan does not speak. 解楼坛不说话了。 Right, first throws hard strength between both not to discuss, is only Prakke's spirit X-ray machine armor meets flying this point, occupies in the invincible position sufficiently. 没错,先抛去两者之间的硬实力不谈,光是普拉克的灵光机甲会飞这一点,就足以占据于不败之地。 But from just showed the mobility that diamond Machine armor from taking off to this period of time of landing, perhaps makes Prakke initiate 5 to 8 attacks sufficiently. 而从刚刚展现的机动性来看,【金刚】机甲从起跳到落地的这段时间,恐怕足以让普拉克发起五到八次的进攻。 In this process, solution Loutan can only the coming under attack defense of little darling, unable to counterattack. 在这个过程中,解楼坛只能乖乖的挨打防御,根本无法还击。 Will fly, really can act in a self-serving manner. Why this Xie Ming was just also entering Main God Space that little while, must first look was Equipment that made itself be able to fly. 会飞,真的就可以为所欲为。这也是为什么谢铭在刚进主神空间那会儿,第一个要去找的就是让自己能够飞行的装备 Then discussed that on hard strength, doesn't Prakke really beat solution Loutan? 然后再谈回硬实力上面,普拉克真的不敌解楼坛吗? At least from the Xie Ming perspective is not this. 至少从谢铭的角度来看可不是这样。 Light from feeling judgment, this valiant female knight strength is not inferior in solution Loutan. The strength is well-matched, in addition has the flying ability in the body. 光从感觉上来判断,这位飒爽的女骑士实力可一点都不逊色于解楼坛。实力旗鼓相当,再加上有飞行能力在身。 Words that really hits, Prakke definitely gets the advantage. 真打起来的话,普拉克肯定是占优势。 Naturally, solution Loutan is will not acknowledge this absolutely. But he in fact also understands, the situation arrives after Prakke then had been reversed. 当然,解楼坛本人是绝对不会承认这点的。但他实际上也明白,局势从普拉克到来之后便已经被逆转。 Otherwise with his staunch temper, where will listen to so many idle talk, carried the long-handled crescent-shaped sword to start early. 否则以他这刚烈的性子,哪里会听那么多废话,早扛着偃月刀上去开打了。 But then, the decision-making power also really fell in Xie Ming. Originally is thinking the route of dreadful growth gets to the bottom, finally this, gave him to put up to the fire on the course of contacts directly. 可如此一来,决定权还真就落在了谢铭手里。本来想着走猥琐发育的路线来摸清底细,结果这一来二去的,直接给他架到火上面了。 Dai is certainly peaceful, is really not a thing! 绝岱澹,真不是个玩意! Is whispering at heart, Xie Ming sighed, just prepared to turn the head to Prakke to say own reply. But at this moment, solution Loutan view. 在心里嘀咕了一句,谢铭叹息了一声,刚准备转头向普拉克说出自己的回复。但就在这时,解楼坛说法了。 Thanks, I understand that you wanted to say anything.” “谢,我明白你想要说什么。” Un?” “嗯?” Xie Ming detected that flowed is a little not as if right, looks again to solution Loutan. 谢铭察觉到了流向似乎有一点不对劲,再次看向解楼坛。 This time falling treasure will initiate such big unexpectedly the conflict, this is I have not thought. But, regardless of conflict big, Villain/enemy strong, fierce magnificence military will not submit.” “这次的落宝居然会引发如此之大的争端,这是我没有想到的。但,不论争端有多大,敌人有多强,烈华凯的武者都不会屈服。” diamond Held up the long-handled crescent-shaped sword, solution Loutan the blasting said: I acknowledged that Prakke. Present I, cannot win your strength steadily.” 【金刚】举起了偃月刀,解楼坛震声说道:“我就承认吧,普拉克。现在的我,并没有能够稳胜你的实力。” But, here is the battlefield. But in the battlefield, never having the winning percentage to be 100 fights. The victory will belong to anyone finally, what decision is the military force of fight, as well as faith!” “但,这里是战场。而在战场上,从来都没有胜率为100的战斗。胜利最终将归于谁,决定的是战斗者的武力,以及信念!” Saying, diamond The machine armor hilt pestle place, the invincible general is sending out the interrogation to his subordinate soldiers. 说着,【金刚】机甲刀柄杵地,无敌的将军对着他麾下的士兵们发出质问。 „The fierce magnificence soldiers, replied me! You, have to defeat the Villain/enemy faith!?” “烈华凯的士兵们啊,回答我!你们,有战胜敌人的信念吗!?” „The fierce magnificence unparalleled warriors, replied me! You, had the fallen consciousness!?” “烈华凯无双的勇士们啊,回答我!你们,有战死沙场的觉悟吗!?” Fierce magnificence heroes! You complete, offered the victory to prepare for your majesty with the life!?” “烈华凯的英雄们啊!你们做好,用性命为陛下献上胜利的准备了吗!?” Certainly! Certainly! Dai is certainly peaceful!!! Certainly! Certainly! Dai is certainly peaceful!!!!” “绝!绝!绝岱澹!!!绝!绝!绝岱澹!!!!” Very good!” “很好!” In spirit X-ray machine armor, listening to that less than ten people to send out, can actually turn the Tianfu sea probably the sound, solution Loutan showed the smile of wild and crazy attitude: „, In the name of my solution Loutan, ordering you to put on to belong to your knots to vow the bracelet.” 灵光机甲内,听着那不到十人发出的,却像是能翻天覆海的声音,解楼坛露出了狂气的笑容:“那么,以我解楼坛的名义,命令你们戴上属于你们的结誓臂环。” Today, makes these look down upon the colored glaze special Sir/minister soldiers of person to experience, I and other fierce magnificence military people proud!” “今天,就让这些看不起人的琉特卿士兵们见识一下,我等烈华凯武人的骄傲吧!” Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 Eight light beams shoot up to the sky, grasp sepia spirit X-ray machine armor of lance to go out. 八道光柱冲天而起,手持长矛的棕褐色灵光机甲从中走出。 If, soldier machine armor of colored glaze special Sir/minister seemed like the knight in medieval Europe. Then fierce magnificence soldier machine armor, is ancient Huaxia forms the lance infantry in battlefield in the battlefield. 如果说,琉特卿的士兵机甲像是中世纪欧洲的骑士。那么烈华凯的士兵机甲,便是古华夏在战场上结成战阵的长矛步兵。 The body rolls up in armor stomach, diminutive, but solid. Compared with colored glaze special Sir/minister, in usability even better. 身体蜷缩在甲胃之中,矮小但是坚实。和琉特卿相比,在实用性上更胜一筹。 But these had not been assigned to the knot vow the soldier of bracelet not to flinch similarly, controls the iron to walk to ride in two people one group of ways forms surrounding army toward two sides dispersing. 而那些没有被分配到结誓臂环的士兵同样也没有丝毫退缩,以两人一组的方式驾驭着铁走骑向着两边散开形成包围军阵。 Come, the machine armor Sir/minister of colored glaze special Sir/minister.” “来吧,琉特卿的机甲卿。” The knife point points to Prakke, solution Loutan fights intent abundant: Makes me experience, the world's first flight spirit X-ray machine armor, actually has what kind of strength!” 刀尖直指普拉克,解楼坛战意盎然:“就让我见识一下,世界上第一台飞行灵光机甲,究竟有何等的力量吧!” „...... Really makes one have a headache.” “......真是让人头疼啊。” In Prakke's voice obviously had/left a worry very much, but more actually excitement as meeting one's match. Sets upright the thin sword of right hand in the chest front, Unusual lofty Salutes slightly. 普拉克的声音中很明显多出了一丝苦恼,但更多的却是身为棋逢敌手的兴奋。将右手的细剑竖在胸前,【超凡崇高】微微行礼。 „, Asked for advice the excellent skill in Wushu of fierce magnificence invincible general below.” “那么,在下就领教一下烈华凯无敌将军的高超武艺吧。” ........ “........” Why will the matter develop this? Looks at the at daggers drawn two countries soldiers, Xie Ming flexure the face. 为什么事情会发展成这样呢?看着剑拔弩张的两国军人,谢铭挠了挠脸。 However, just staunch magnificence soldiers Machine installs to appear, Gave him actually very big inspiration, helping him further understand faith this thing. 不过,刚刚烈华凯士兵们的【机装显现】,倒是给了他很大的启发,帮助他更进一步的了解了‘信念’这个东西。 Mental Power of soldiers has not achieved to appear spirit X-ray machine armor obviously the degree, but actually under solution Loutan three interrogations, succeeded appeared machine armor. 明明士兵们的精神力并没有达到显现灵光机甲的程度,但却在解楼坛的三句质问下,成功的显现了机甲。 This then explained, relation between so-called faith and Mental Power actually not that close, is one type idealist strength. 这便说明,所谓的信念和精神力之间的联系其实并没有那么的紧密,是一种更加‘唯心’的力量。 It can display to have made up mind, determination, will and innermost feelings, even can be the morale of community. 其可以表现为决意、决心、意志、内心,甚至可以是群体的士气。 If is really this ..... that own may the operating space, but was quite big. 如果真的是这样.....那自己的可操作空间,可就相当大了啊。 ( (
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