RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1859: Coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident

Is preparing to watch the spirit X-ray machine armor war, when Xie Ming that eats the melon people stares slightly, somewhat bewildered looked to soldiers of colored glaze special Sir/minister side. Presents the life of princess to invite me to go to the colored glaze special Sir/minister to be a guest, for this reason is also willing to hand over this time falling treasure? It is not, after I arrive at this world, there are to display that high value? Seemingly has. But that is in the fierce magnificence kings, moreover oneself pre-battle have also confirmed, all around does not exist any contains the hostility or the malicious surveillance. That issue came, is who divulges a secret? Has the long beard, revealed the villainous smile fat face to jump in the Xie Ming mind. Prime minister Zheng Fanghe. Also only then he was competent this matter. However here still has a problem: Zheng Fanghe action whether in Dai tacitly consented certainly peacefully under conducts. Here connivance, what referred to is not Zheng Fanghe does that under the Dai peaceful suggestion certainly, but Dai knows certainly peacefully Zheng Fanghe is doing this matter, has not actually gone to manage. If that is right, then Dai peaceful deserved pondering in plan certainly. After all this sly old man every next chess, definitely saw how the following two three strategies will walk. Own choice, perhaps also already within his forecast. Right, on the Xie Ming individual, when hearing this matter the first response is the doubts, is the second response ..... complies also to might as well probably? After all fierce magnificence to present him too many values, not staying there was also the pure waste time. The background of colored glaze special Sir/minister certainly wants deeply compared with fierce magnificence many, perhaps this country can satisfy itself to vow the demand of bracelet to the knot, was appeared by own spirit X-ray machine armor. No matter how said, goes to the colored glaze special Sir/minister definitely ratio to continue to stay has many harvests in fierce magnificence. As for going to present what danger to the colored glaze special Sir/minister, answering the tuart is the affirmation. Moreover, perhaps is much more dangerous than fierce magnificence. But works had must lose, is overcautious and indecisive will only accomplish nothing. The final issue, just achieved cooperation soon week to finish. However about this point, Xie Ming thinks oneself do not need to worry about anything. If even this matter does not think clearly, his talent the reputation was also unworthy of the name. So long as went, this fellow will definitely find the way with coming. Peaceful hits anything to plan on oneself as for Dai certainly, pours is also insufficient to haggle over this. Because this is others plans, therefore I do not do that This kind of thought that making it only exist during the rebel period enough, does not need to carry world's number one, no one want to use me rack. However perhaps depending on these soldiers, no means own brought in the past. If the colored glaze special Sir/minister really has the idea, that should still have the reserve method. Thinks of here, Xie Ming restored the condition of eating the melon people. Really, after hearing colored glaze special Sir/minister soldiers' speech, solution Loutan the first response same gawked with Xie Ming actually under. But the secondary reaction, was the anger instead smiles extremely. Very good! I see such insult for the first time! In guts, I commended your one! However! You have also been ready, paid with the life for the bold behavior the price!” Then, solution Loutan vowed the bracelet to hang the knot in hand in the upper arm ruthlessly. With Machine installs to appear The column of flame that the mechanical sound and soars to the heavens, grasps red machine armor of long-handled crescent-shaped sword diamond Appears in Xie Ming again at present. Insult!? We are unable to understand your meaning, General solution Loutan. We are representing the princess the will, made the representations to you and fierce magnificence!” Negotiation? Although I am a military person, exercises statesmanship not to compare these civil officials on royal government by the knowledge. But negotiated a meaning of word, I knew.” solution Loutan gets angry: Here, is my fierce magnificence territory. Falls the treasure, has been I in and other palm the thing. The military force, thou and others before me all are the ants.” However now, can the ants negotiate by the thing of courageous tiger unexpectedly, making the courageous tiger hand over own companion?” Impudent and shameless should also have a limit!” Wha, what!? Wait! General solution Loutan, I and others .... The soldiers of colored glaze special Sir/minister withdraw one after several other steps, startled anger. But in angry degree, solution Loutan by far in them. Said uselessly, suffers to death!!” diamond Same place taking off, the long-handled crescent-shaped sword spin in hand to the fire circle, pound together loudly to spirit X-ray machine armor of soldiers. But in the meantime, in blazing sunlight towering appearance wisp of flash. Solution, careful sky.” What!?” Hears the reminder of Xie Ming, diamond However raised the head courageous. At this time, together under the hot sun shines, the whole body just like covering machine armor of golden splendor crashed from the upper air. The thin sword in hand is flashing the cold light, presses up to diamond Head. Unexpectedly sneak attacks? Shameless one!” Next the blade potential however changed into to pull up courageous, blade edge accurate cutting of long-handled crescent-shaped sword the sword blade of thin sword. Instantaneously, the strong winds howl. The soldiers hide hastily after the iron walked rides, avoids by this complementary waves blowing to fly. „The future, in the report comes!” diamond Falling to the ground, stands firm after rapidly is balanced , the weapon aims at Villain/enemy, immediately responded: Spirit X-ray machine armor that „ anything ..... unexpectedly can fly .....caught these words from the mouth of soldiers, Xie Ming selected the eyebrow slightly, looked to the golden color machine armor of float in midair in this world, spirit X-ray machine armor cannot fly. Hehe, below for just apologized to you disrespectfully, fierce magnificence invincible general.” Just like selects female knight golden color machine armor in in the air to bow high slightly, embellishes just like annotating loftily this words and expressions in the pink crystalline thing of various places. When, in the subordinate will soon encounter the mishap, below does not have ritual of means to your group knight. Also looks at the general to understand below difficulties.” „, Was disrespectful, but also please let report in advance on own given name below.” In golden color machine armor, the valiant female voice said: I am serve in Princess Furth the knight, named Prakke Conrad.” My faith is, Devotes for princess! This spirit X-ray machine armor Unusual lofty, After is this faith has present melts, my medal!” Prakke Conrad .... In earphone broadcasts the sound that the week finished: Remembers, this is of machine armor Sirs colored glaze special Sir/minister and country six big Sirs, the strength is quite good, solution.” „, For our surrendering guest official, the colored glaze special Sir/minister sent unexpectedly her.” „, What's the big deal!” solution Loutan sneers, diamond The long-handled crescent-shaped sword in hand layer on layer/heavily: Option that the fierce magnificence military officer, has not flinched.” Must fight, I then fight along with her!” General solution Loutan, but also please be calm.” Prakke in golden color machine armor shows a faint smile: At below trip, is not to fight to come.” Just General solution Loutan said for the fact. In various aspect not equal situations, negotiated a word to be equal to the joke.” But now, had below joining. Does not know the general whether, to consider representations that again just we made?” Also or .... Golden color machine armor looks at Xie Ming: Lets surrendering guest official party concerned, how do oneself decide?” 正准备观看灵光机甲战,当一个吃瓜群众的谢铭微微一愣,有些莫名其妙的看向了琉特卿一方的士兵们。奉公主之命邀请我去琉特卿做客,为此还愿意将这次的落宝拱手相让?不是,我来到这个世界后,有表现出那么高的价值吗?貌似是有。但那可是在烈华凯王都,而且自己在战斗前也确认过,四周并不存在任何包含敌意或恶意的监视。那问题来了,是谁走漏了风声呢?一张留着长胡须,露着奸笑的胖脸蹦进了谢铭的脑海里。宰相郑方和。也只有他能干出这种事了。不过这里还存在着一个问题:郑方和的行动是否是在绝岱澹默许下进行的。这里的默许,指的并不是郑方和是在绝岱澹的暗示下这么做的,而是绝岱澹知道郑方和在做这种事,却没有去管。若是如此,那么绝岱澹在其中的打算就值得深思了。毕竟这个狡猾的老头凡是下一步棋,肯定是看到了接下来的两三步棋会怎么走。自己的选择,恐怕也已经在他的预测之内了吧。没错,就谢铭个人而言,在听到这件事时第一反应是疑惑,第二个反应是.....好像答应也无妨?毕竟烈华凯对现在的他已经没有太多的价值了,留在那里也是单纯的浪费时间。琉特卿的底蕴肯定比烈华凯要深厚不少,说不定这个国家能够满足自己对结誓臂环的需求,让自己的灵光机甲显现。不管怎么说,去琉特卿肯定比继续呆在烈华凯有更多的收获。至于去到琉特卿会不会出现什么危险,答桉是肯定的。而且,说不定比烈华凯要危险得多。但做事本来就是有得必有失,瞻前顾后只会一事无成。最后的问题,就是刚达成合作关系不久的周毕。不过关于这一点,谢铭认为自己并不需要多操心什么。要是连这点事情都想不清楚,那他这个‘天才’的名头也太名不副实了。只要自己去了,这家伙肯定会想办法跟过来。至于绝岱澹在自己身上打着什么谋划,倒也不至于太计较这个。【因为这是别人计划的,所以我偏不要这么做】这类念头,让它只存在于叛逆期当中就够了,没必要端着‘老子天下第一,谁都别想利用我’的架子。不过光凭这些士兵,恐怕没有办法把自己带过去啊。如果琉特卿真的有想法,那应该还存在着后备手段。想到这里,谢铭又恢复了吃瓜群众的状态。果然,在听到琉特卿士兵们的发言后,解楼坛的第一反应倒是和谢铭一样都是愣了下。但第二反应,就是怒极反笑了。“很好!我还是第一次见到如此的侮辱!在胆量方面,我就称赞你们一声吧!但是!你们也已经做好准备,为自己胆大包天的行为付出生命的代价了吧!”说罢,解楼坛狠狠将手中的结誓臂环挂在上臂。伴随着【机装显现】的机械音和冲天的火柱,手持偃月刀的红色机甲【金刚】再次出现在了谢铭眼前。“侮辱!?我们无法理解你的意思,解楼坛将军。我们是代表着公主陛下的意志,在对您和烈华凯提出交涉!”“交涉?我虽为一介武人,论学识经纶比不上朝廷上的那些文官。但交涉一词的含义,我还是知晓的。”解楼坛怒道:“此处,乃我烈华凯的领地。落宝,也早已是我等的掌中之物。武力,在我面前汝等皆为蝼蚁。”“而如今,蝼蚁居然要以勐虎之物进行交涉,让勐虎交出出自己的同伴?”“厚颜无耻也该有个限度!”“什、什么!?等等!解楼坛将军,我等....”琉特卿的士兵们接连退后几步,惊怒不已。但在愤怒的程度上,解楼坛远胜于他们。“多说无益,受死吧!!”【金刚】原地起跳,将手中的偃月刀旋为一道火圈,轰然砸向士兵们的灵光机甲。但就在此时,炽烈的阳光中突兀的出现了一缕闪光。“解,小心天空。”“什么!?”听到谢铭的提醒,【金刚】勐然抬头。此时,一道在烈日照耀下,全身宛如镀上了金辉的机甲从高空直直坠落。手中的细剑闪着寒光,直逼【金刚】的头颅。“居然是偷袭?无耻之徒!”原本下噼的刀势勐然化为上撩,偃月刀的刀锋精准的斩开了细剑的剑刃。瞬间,狂风呼啸。士兵们连忙躲在了铁走骑后,才避免了被这道余波给吹飞。“来者何人,报上名来!”【金刚】落地,迅速稳住平衡后将武器指向敌人,随即反应过来:“什么.....”“居然是能够飞行的灵光机甲.....”从士兵们的口中捕捉到了这一句话,谢铭微微挑眉,看向了漂浮在半空中的金色机甲在这个世界,灵光机甲原来是不能飞行的啊。“呵呵呵,在下为刚刚的失礼向你道歉,烈华凯的无敌将军。”宛如高挑女骑士般的金色机甲在空中微微躬身,点缀在各处的粉色晶状物宛如在诠释着‘高雅’这个词语。“但在部下即将遭遇不测之时,在下并没有办法对您行骑士之礼。还望将军能够理解在下的苦衷。”“哦,失礼了,还请让在下先报上自己的名号。”金色机甲中,飒爽的女声如此说道:“吾乃侍奉于菲妮・富尔特公主陛下的骑士,名为普拉克・康拉德。”“吾之信念为,【为公主献身】!此灵光机甲【超凡崇高】,便是此信念具现化后的,吾之勋章!”“普拉克・康拉德....”耳机中传来了周毕的声音:“记得,这位是琉特卿和国六大卿之一的机甲卿,实力可是相当不俗的哦,解。”“没想到,为了我们的解甲客卿,琉特卿居然连她都派过来了。”“呵,那又如何!”解楼坛冷笑一声,【金刚】手中的偃月刀重重顿地:“烈华凯的将领,没有退缩的选项。”“要战,我便随她战到底!”“解楼坛将军,还请冷静一下。”金色机甲中的普拉克微微一笑:“在下此行,并不是为了战斗而来。”“刚刚解楼坛将军所说为事实。在各方面都不均等的情况下,交涉一词等同于笑话。”“但现在,有了在下的加入。不知将军可否,再考虑一下刚刚我方提出的交涉呢?”“亦或者....”金色机甲将视线投向谢铭:“让解甲客卿这位当事者,自己决定如何?”
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