RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1858: Unexpected

Falls valuable one month to descend one time, will only drop one to fall the treasure each time. This is by the older generation and history through the rule that the observation post summarizes, but also merely is the rule, is not the rule. 落宝一个月会降落一次,每次只会落下一份落宝。这是由先辈和历史通过观察所总结出的规律,但也仅仅是规律,不是规则。 But because of the reason of wall belief, falls the treasure to become the person of wall the gracious gift that for forest Garlind mainland lowers. 而因为墙壁信仰的缘故,落宝又被成为墙壁为林加林德大陆的人所降下的恩赐。 When Xie Ming hears this view for the first time, asked such a question. 谢铭第一次听到这个说法的时候,就问了这么一个问题。 Falling the treasure is the view of gracious gift, where starts to disseminate?” “落宝是恩赐的说法,是从哪里开始传播的?” However the answering tuart of issue, the week finishes is not clear. 然而问题的答桉,连周毕也不清楚。 Therefore Xie Ming also asked a question. 于是谢铭又问了一个问题。 Belief wall, is who disseminates?” “信仰墙壁,是谁传播出来的?” Answered the tuart, similarly no one knew. 答桉,同样无人知晓。 Two issues have not been replied, but also showed a fact similarly: In the forest Garlind mainland, truly exists Evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 两个问题没有得到回答,但也同样彰显出了一个事实:在林加林德大陆上,确实存在着【黑手】。 Obtains this fact not to need any complex ponder, only needs from person the angle, in view of own, then can know quickly. 得出这个事实并不需要什么复杂的思考,只需要从‘人’的角度,从自身的角度出发,便能很快知晓了。 If some words that you said accidentally, by trim the person approval of mainland and whole world, and popular. You, will choose such to be obscure, looks helplessly some people do replace your given name? 如果是你偶然间说出的某句话,被整片大陆、整个世界的人认可,并脍炙人口。你,会选择就这么样默默无名下去,眼睁睁看着有人顶替你的名号吗? Is absolutely impossible. 绝对不可能。 Likewise, you choose even do not disclose, still would some people disseminating this fact, telling others these words was you says. 同理,就算你选择不声张,也总会有人将这个事实传播出去,告诉其他人‘这句话是你说的’。 No matter how you choose how think, by the world class approval, was been impossible unable to find the source. Let alone, these words are wall belief relate. 所以不管你怎么选择怎么想,一句被世界级别认可的话,绝不可能找不到出处。更别说,这句话是和‘墙壁信仰’联系起来的了。 But wall belief origin no one knows, is laughable, even was funny. 而‘墙壁信仰’的发源者无人知晓,则更是可笑,甚至是滑稽了。 This looks like the Christian not to know Jesus, the Buddhist does not know Shakya Mani, *** did not know that Muhammed is the same. 这就像是基督徒不认识耶稣,出家人不认识释迦摩尼,***不认识穆罕穆德一样。 It may be said that is odd his mother opens the door oddly, oddly to family/home. 可谓是离谱他妈给离谱开门,离谱到家了。 However such obvious matter, why does forest Garlind no one detect until now? 不过这么明显的事情,为什么林加林德至今没有人察觉到? Definitely some people detected that but detected the person who perhaps had eliminated a potential informant. It looks like at least in Xie Ming, the triumphant emperor takes seriously the great strength of cultivation and military of military certainly, having the enormous probability is related with this matter. 肯定是有人察觉的,但察觉到的人恐怕都已经被灭口了。至少在谢铭看来,绝凯帝如此重视武者的培育和军事的强大,有极大概率和这件事有关。 Hears Xie Ming to ask after these two issues, the week finishes also obviously to feel that was not right. However after he merely is the vision glittered several next, then very natural shifted other places the topic. 听到谢铭问这两个问题后,周毕也很明显感觉到了不对劲。不过他仅仅是目光闪烁了几下后,便很自然的把话题转移到了其他地方。 But every night visit banned book room time, in the material that the week finish seeks for actually had/left history religion two aspects. 但每晚‘访问’禁书室的时候,周毕找寻的资料中却多出了‘历史’‘宗教’两方面。 Therefore mediated the smart person to speak reduces effort. 所以说和聪明人讲话就是省力。 Then, Xie Ming passed in forest Garlind's fierce magnificence for ten days that most started. 就这样,谢铭在林加林德的烈华凯度过了最开始的十天。 During the daytime besides the daily training, how is ponders over the faith the operation method and to succeed to summon own spirit X-ray machine armor. Occasionally compares notes with solution Loutan who looks for on own initiative, is a sparring partner to help him train the skill in Wushu. 白天除了日常的训练外,就是琢磨信念的操纵方法和如何成功召唤自己的灵光机甲。偶尔和主动找过来的解楼坛切磋,当个陪练帮他训练武艺。 At night, finishes to touch in the banned book room with the week secretly, learn/study forest Garlind in the ancient times writing at the same time looks for secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator related information. 夜晚,就和周毕偷偷摸进禁书室中,学习林加林德古代文字的同时寻找‘幕后黑手’的相关资料。 Why as for is ten days? 至于为什么是十天? Because of 11 th day, the genuine falling treasure arrived. 因为第十一天,真正的落宝降临了。 ----- ----- „The seal of phoenix principle, this time right, should really fall the treasure.” “凤理之印,这次没错,应该是真的落宝了。” Right?” “是吗?” Drives the iron to walk to ride to lead the subordinate to shuttle back and forth in the forest, saying that solution Loutan cracks a joke: When the time comes, the space do not fall a person. You said that thanks.” 驾驶着铁走骑率领部下在森林中穿梭,解楼坛开玩笑的说道:“不要到时候,天上又掉下来一个人。你说是吧,谢。” This may not say certainly.” “这可说不准。” Drops Xie Ming of solution Loutan half berth to shrug slightly: Since can fall down I, that falls down again a person is not not possible.” 微微落下解楼坛半个车位的谢铭耸了耸肩:“既然都能掉下一个我,那再掉下一个人也不是不可能啊。” Two also please treat seriously.” In the earphone transmitted was intimate friends the serious sound: „The first duty, but also asked the surrendering guest official to obey the direction action of General solution.” “两位还请严肃对待。”耳机中传来了连心严肃的声音:“第一次的任务,还请解甲客卿务必听从解将军的指挥行动。” „Is is.” “是是是。” Xie Ming helpless returned to one: Words said that the seal of phoenix principle, does fall in the valuable type probably the most precious falling treasure?” 谢铭无奈的回了一句:“话说凤理之印,好像是落宝类型中最为珍贵的落宝?” Right.” Week complete(ly) Qing in destiny palace said with a smile: Falls the treasure also to be divided into several scales. But the day showed that for the falling treasure of seal of phoenix principle, often represents massive knots to vow the bracelet.” “没错。”在天命宫的周毕轻笑道:“落宝也是分为好几种档次的。而天相显示为凤理之印的落宝,往往代表着大量的结誓臂环。” Although for these years... the appearance of seal of phoenix principle became more and more frequent is.” “虽说这几年...凤理之印的出现变得越来越频繁了就是。” Hou ..... “嚯.....” Returns to the proper topic.” “言归正传。” The feather fan pats the palm, the expression that the week finishes is slightly proper: This time falling treasure position, by the computation should be the fierce magnificence territory, in the winter the westernmost in province, is close to the border in colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic extremely.” 羽扇轻拍手掌,周毕的表情微微正经起来:“这次的落宝位置,根据计算应该是烈华凯领地,严冬省的最西部,与琉特卿共和国的国境极为接近。” This on behalf of what meaning, General solution and Mr. Xie Ming should be able to understand.” “这代表什么意思,解将军和谢铭先生应该能明白吧。” „, Naturally.” “啊,当然。” solution Loutan cracks into a smile: Previous time within the boundaries that fell into the colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic, was brought by us. This time a falling treasure that falls into my fierce magnificence territory, naturally have no reason to be won by other country.” 解楼坛咧嘴一笑:“上次谢落入到了琉特卿共和国的境内,被我们带了回来。这次落入我烈华凯领土的落宝,自然是更没有理由被他国夺走了。” Truly.” Is intimate friends to approve the person of same belief: Sir solution for my fierce magnificence invincible general, is the best friend of Sir Zhou. The words of two cooperation, the world does not have the rival certainly.” “确实。”连心赞同道:“解大人为我烈华凯无敌的将军,更是周大人的至交好友。两位合作的话,天下绝无敌手。” Hahahaha! Very much so!” “哈哈哈哈!正是如此!” The words of being intimate friends, it may be said that are speak of understand in building Tan the heart: For I and pledge between week, this ownership that falls the treasure, is me inevitably!” 连心的一番话,可谓是说到了解楼坛的心坎里:“为了我和周之间的誓言,此次落宝的归属,必然属于我!” Saying, solution Loutan the iron walks to ride accelerates again, pulled open Xie Ming and behind soldiers distantly, takes the lead to run out of the forest. 说着,解楼坛的铁走骑再次加速,遥遥拉开了谢铭和身后的士兵们,率先冲出森林。 Young people energetic.” “年轻人就是有活力啊。” Spoke thoughtlessly to sigh, Xie Ming also increased the horsepower, leading other soldiers to run out of the forest together. In several seconds, giant shadow then passing over gently and swiftly people top of the heads, pounded to fall the wilderness in not far away. 随口感叹了一句,谢铭也加大马力,带领着其他士兵一同冲出了森林。没过几秒,一道巨大的阴影便掠过众人头顶,砸落在不远处的荒野。 That is a water-drop shape that has four golden legs carries the thing, the reason that because drops carries half body has inserted to the dry ground. 那是一个有着四条金色鼎足的水滴状载物,因为落下的缘故载物的半体已经嵌入到干涸的地面。 With being close of people, four golden legs dissipate, the top green seal also receives to the interior of red main body, inside neat is placing eight opened long boxes. 随着众人的接近,四条金色鼎足消散,顶部的绿色封口也收入到红色本体的内部,里面规规整整的摆放着八副被打开的长盒。 In each long box, is thinks of eight knots to vow the bracelet. 每幅长盒内,则是装着八只结誓臂环。 Oh oh oh oh! “噢噢噢噢! The soldiers who encircle cannot control made the pleasantly surprised sound: Is the quality superior knot vows the bracelet completely!” 围过来的士兵们控制不住的发出了惊喜的声音:“全部都是质量上等的结誓臂环!” Is the week finishes worthily, just like he calculates.” “不愧是周毕,正如他所算。” Saw that such many knots vowed the bracelet, solution Loutan also revealed the joy of the heart: Thanks, is about to look. Obtains such many knots to vow the bracelet, can perhaps your majesty the redistribution give you several to attempt to summon spirit X-ray machine armor?” 见到如此之多的结誓臂环,解楼坛也露出了发自内心的欣喜:“谢,快过来看啊。得到如此之多的结誓臂环,说不定陛下会再分配给你几只来尝试召唤灵光机甲哦?” Merely is several, definitely insufficiently I waste.” “仅仅是几只,肯定是不够我浪费的了。” By walks to ride the nearby in the iron, Xie Ming catches the eye to look to the west: Moreover, happy also too early.” 靠在铁走骑边上,谢铭抬眼看向西面:“而且,高兴的也太早了。” Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 The deep purple faith light beam shoots up to the sky in several hundred meters place, once format spirit X-ray machine armor of colored glaze special Sir/minister soldier from the light beam went out ten days ago have seen. 深紫色的信念光柱在几百米处冲天而起,曾在十天前见过的琉特卿士兵的定式灵光机甲从光柱中走出。 Near machine armor foot, then grasps the other soldiers of long spear/gun. 机甲脚边,则是手持长枪的其他士兵。 Groans, it seems like truly so.” “哼哼哼哼,看来确实如此啊。” Grasped a knot to vow the bracelet casually, solution Loutan the stride forwarded: I am fierce magnificence invincible general solution Loutan! Words that the soldiers of colored glaze special Sir/minister, retreat now, but also is bountiful your life!” 随便抓了一只结誓臂环,解楼坛大步向前:“我乃烈华凯无敌将军解楼坛!琉特卿的士兵们啊,现在退去的话,还可饶你们一命!” But, you, if to complete the consciousness of being killed, that then to coming!” “但,你们若以做好丧命的觉悟,那便向前来吧!” General solution Loutan! Please do not misunderstand, I and others are not to fall the treasure comes.” “解楼坛将军!请不要误会了,我等并不是为了落宝而来。” „?” “哦?” Ten days ago, my colored glaze special Sir/minister received beyond a day the person to arrive at the forest Garlind's report. But nine days ago , knew that fierce magnificence presented one specially is responsible for recycling to fall the treasure surrendering guest official.” “十天前,我琉特卿收到了一则天外之人降临林加林德的报告。而在九天前,又得知烈华凯出现了一名专门负责回收落宝的‘解甲客卿’。” Soldier tranquil saying of spirit X-ray machine armor: I and other time comes, then presents the command of princess, formally invited this surrendering guest official to come my colored glaze special Sir/minister to be a guest.” 灵光机甲内的士兵平静的说道:“我等此次前来,便是奉公主之令,正式邀请这位‘解甲客卿’来我琉特卿做客的。” For this reason, we are willing to give up this time competition that falls the treasure. Doesn't General solution, how know under your intent?” “为此,我们愿意放弃这次落宝的争夺。解将军,不知您意下如何?”
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